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The Midas King Chronicles Vol. I "An Interview With God"
The Midas King Chronicles Vol. I "An Interview With God"
The Midas King Chronicles Vol. I "An Interview With God"
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The Midas King Chronicles Vol. I "An Interview With God"

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Is an extraordinary, spell-bounding action-packed adventure story buttressed by suspense, romance, mystery and intrigue. Incorporating a classic cast of historical, biblical and modern figures, It tells the amazingly entertaining and fast-paced story of Midas King; a modern man whose destiny is the fulfillment of an ancient prophesy. His soul divided and haunted by personal tragedies and secret shames, He encounters a mysterious angelic-like figure known to him only as “David” whom together, they embark on superluminal travel back in time where long buried family and religious secrets threaten to upset the balance of good and evil in the world as we know it today.
Release dateMar 4, 2020
The Midas King Chronicles Vol. I "An Interview With God"

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    The Midas King Chronicles Vol. I "An Interview With God" - Alton One Jenkins


    Chapter I

    Who are you?

    I AM God was the question and answer that began the dialogue between me and the stranger that appeared in my bedroom that crisp December night. He sat poised, comfortable and calm in the Victorian side chair situated in the corner of the room. How did you get in here, and what do you want? You called out for me, and you let me in. What I want is to offer you salvation…Life. I sat up a bit with the pillows to my back and the blankets pulled nearly to my chest as if to protect myself, and also that I may have a better view of the intruder. With my body half-hidden beneath the covers, my head and shoulders were the only parts of me exposed; revealing the shaken countenance of my face along with my birthmark, a black mole on my left shoulder that was the size of a nickel. I reached for the cell-phone resting on my night stand to dial 911, the city is so full of lunatics and crazies. I don’t believe in firearms but for a moment I wished I had one tucked beneath my pillow. But somehow, for some odd reason I didn’t feel threatened…no not really, not at all. It was then that I noticed the strange glow that illuminated the room; a soft, gentle, but brilliant glow. I know my description sounds contradictory, but there is no other way to describe it. The ceiling light was not turned on, nor was the lamp on top of my night stand. But the glow lit up the entire room, now I kinda began freakin’ out a little bit more.

    The stranger said to me in a strong, commanding, but very soothing and assuring voice Relax and be still before the presence of God. Me, being a religious person (I consider myself a devout Christian, but by no means a perfect man), found this statement to be terribly offensive. I opened my mouth to utter out obscenities at this blasphemous individual, but none of those words came forward. My tongue, lips and vocal cords all followed proper procedure to form words, but no sounds issued forth. When each curse word attempted to leave my mouth, it was like the editing or bleeping out of certain words that is done to a recording in a studio.

    Now the glow in the room became more intense. Then the word "SILENCE" appeared to issue forth from the stranger, but not in audible sound. The actual visible word stood before me in tangible, suspended animation. It gave off energy so intense I could hear it with my eyes, for it produced no sound waves. The word slowly moved in closer to me, floating in mid air. The letters in the word started off very small, then they became larger until they were directly in front of me. The size of each letter was now about one foot in height. And the letters themselves seemed to be ablaze with a fiery light as well. Now I was scared. I began to tremble, I trembled out of control and then I stopped trembling. My heart seemed to have stopped beating, even my lungs seemed to have stopped breathing. My limbs stiffened, I couldn’t move…I was petrified - frozen still. I passively acquiesced. I was obedient.

    I woke up the next morning feeling disoriented and exhausted as opposed to clear and rested. I didn’t know if what I experienced during the night before was an apparition, a nightmare or a dream. I don’t believe in ghosts. Yet, I’ve never experienced a dream so real, so vivid, so lucid before. But it just doesn’t seem right to include God in the scenario of a possible nightmare either. Was it real (I questioned myself)? Was it an angel? But why would God send an angel to me? In this world, all alone, I feel about as significant to God as a cup of water is to the ocean. Well, enough time has been wasted on vagary. I decided to spring out of bed before I digressed and got too deep into delusion. I accepted the experience as a chimera; a mere figment of my imagination, and moved on.

    It was already 9:40 a.m. and I had to be downtown for a job interview by 11:00 o’clock. So I hurried to the bathroom for my toilet, shower and shave – all the while hoping that my twenty year old, half broken down hoopty would start up just fine and not give me any trouble today. It would take about twenty five minutes to get downtown and by that time the heat should be just starting to warm up and circulate in my car. I hoped that the fresh snowfall wouldn’t be a major hindrance today. With bald tires and windshield wipers that worked only on good days, my old Chevy was indeed my favorite fair weather friend. At least it’s paid for was the usual consolation.

    I’ve been looking forward to this interview all week. God knows that I really need the job. I’m behind on all my bills, my utilities are on shut off status and my rent is over due. Indigent; I live on the third floor of a squalid, cock-roach infested six unit apartment house. I’m the only single man living in the building. In fact, I’m the only man living in the building. Oh, but believe me there are plenty of men coming in and out of the flat at all times of the day and night. Besides the one vacant unit across the hall from mine, the other apartments are occupied by all women. On the second floor lived the haggard Velma Jones; she’s an old drunk, well actually she’s only about 42 years old, she just looks a lot older than she really is. That’s what a hard, self destructive lifestyle will do for you. Across the hall from Ms. Jones abided Tammy; the jaded young drunk. Tammy shared the apartment with her eleven year old son Ronald, whom she affectionately called Lil’ Ronnie. I feel sorry for Ron. He’s a sweet and intelligent kid. But unfortunately, with a mom like Tammy, I fear he’ll never reach his full potential. He’s very thin and malnourished because his mom never cooks. She usually drinks up all of her welfare check hangin’ out with Velma. Then there’s Tonya Renee Lewis. She has to be no more than twenty three years old. She has four kids and four baby-daddies (all of whom were behind on their child support payments).

    The first floor tenant was an aloof elderly lady named Ms. Reynolds. No one ever sees much of her though; she usually stays locked inside her apartment all the time. Sometimes she would crack open her door to see who was going in and out of Kelly-Faye’s apartment. All of us neighbors wondered how and when Ms. Reynolds got food or took care of any of her business. She never left, never ventured out, she apparently had no loved ones, no children, no one to see after her and no one ever visited her at all. Sometimes while I was either coming or going she would crack open her door and peek out at me over the security chain latched to the door. Any time I happened to catch a glimpse of her, I’d ask if she needed anything from the store or anything while I was out. Her response was always the same…SLAMM! the door shut. Kelly-Faye was a woman of about thirty one years old and physically very attractive, that is if you were inclined to be attracted to a prostitute. I hate it here, but it’s all I can afford…the best I can do for now.

    I finished getting dressed and reached in the fridge for some cold stale pizza for breakfast on the go again. I put on my overcoat, grabbed my briefcase and keys. I wondered if, and hoped that I had enough gas in my tank to actually make it downtown…seems like I’m always riding on fumes. I opened up the front door and snatched off the eviction notice that the landlord had taped to it earlier that morning, I didn’t even bother to read it, I barely even glanced at it. I was already too familiar with the often repeated procedure. I just crumpled up the pink colored paper and tossed it over my left shoulder. Today would be a good day I thought to myself as I trotted down the dirty stairway.

    Chapter II

    I went to bed that night fairly tired and disappointed. The job interview didn’t go as well as I hoped it would. My hoopty barely made it back home on fumes and prayer. My stomach growled like a hungry animal as I walked into a cold, dark, apartment (the power company had apparently shut off my electricity while I was out). Well, there’s always tomorrow, was the usual consolation as I blew out the candle on my nightstand. I laid back and pulled the blanket over my head to keep warm. I recited The Lord’s Prayer in a whispered tone inside my flannel cocoon. I spoke softly as to not allow much heat to escape my body through the mouth. I began to shiver as the cold air quickly overtook the remaining amount of warmth in the room, like light that overtakes darkness. I blew into my hands and rubbed them together to generate heat from the friction. My fingers glided over a visible stigma - the healed wounds on my wrist. Aahhh yes… my wrist, my scars, my constant reminder of my life’s ennui (as I began to recollect my sorrows).

    It was almost two years ago to the date. Right before Christmas when I decided that life was no longer worth living…that the afterlife MUST be better than the present. And now, two years later I recall the words of the therapist/minister in my counseling group. I can still picture the scene as if it took place only moments ago. Reverend Hendrix was a six foot tall, clean shaven late middle aged slightly athletic-built fellow with taupe colored skin and dark hair that was peppered grey. He always spoke of how the sheep recognizes the voice of their Shepard and how when the Lord comes we would hear his voice. At his side, he was holding in his left hand a black leather-bound bible with gold script lettering. A book that was as simple, yet as distinguished as himself. A book that was given to him as a gift from his adoptive mother when he graduated from college with a degree in psychology. A book that inspired him to study theology and become an ordained minister. He stretched out his right arm and placed that hand on my left shoulder and looked me square in the eyes, Son, you have been brought forth by God for a reason. Do not feel that God has failed you, or that you have failed God…stay faithful. That was the last thing he said to me at the end of the five week program. Then I lowered my head, turned away and walked out of the building that served as a shelter and makeshift clinic.

    Even though I made the promise at each therapy session, I never did visit his church to fellowship and worship. And I did feel let down by God. I remember as a child my Aunt Debbie would always sing to me the song ‘Jesus Loves Me’. But as a man I felt irrelevant, overlooked and forgotten. I never experienced the love of an earthly father, and I questioned the love of a heavenly father. God’s love for me was about as distinct as a shadow in the dark, and my soul ached.

    I walked back into the world that crisp December night, ARMED…or damned, with a broken heart, a half cup of faith and a full measure of shattered dreams. Now, tonight, all alone, I bore an intense feeling of misery and angst. Tears began to well up in my eyes. I took a deep sigh, then a gasp of air. I began to cry as I spoke to a God that wasn’t there. "It’s not fair Lord…it’s not fair (I sobbed). I’ve been faithful and I’ve been true. Why do I suffer always? Please intervene, correct me if necessary, and have Your way! Rescue me Father, save me, guide me, direct me, show me the way. Take control of my life. Let Your will be done! I need You and I need You NOW! Where are You? Please come to me, come to me, come to me!"

    I AM with you always said the voice. The shivering and sobbing ceased immediately as I pulled the blanket down slightly from over my face. Peeking out of my cocoon, I tilted my head up just enough to look out into the dark room. I saw no one, but I know I heard a voice present and this time I couldn’t possibly be dreaming. There was an intruder in my home. Who is it, who’s here with me? I demanded. In the corner of my bedroom was a nebulous figure: I AM GOD the voice replied. Gradually the room began to become brightly illuminated and comfortably warm. At that moment I was able to make out His silhouette, someone (He) was sitting in the chair. At first I could see right through him. The figure became more and more discernible as his transparent presence materialized into a solid form. The light and warmth were somehow being generated from him. I sat up fully erect now. I took note of the stranger, the intruder, this man who invaded my home claiming to be God.

    Other than his radiance and commanding presence, there was nothing remarkable about his appearance, not physically at least. He looked about as ordinary as any other average man in the city. The one feature that did seem to stand out was his eyes. They were benign. They expressed a gentleness, a purity, a sincerity beholding a loving kindness in them that I never saw in any person. These were eyes you could trust, eyes you could believe in, eyes that imbued life and dignity. Is He God? (I considered for a moment), or is this some demon I’ve summoned from the desperate depths of my misery, despair and desires. Of course not, he’s just a man - but who? Who are you? again, I asked. I AM GOD again was his response. Okay then God (I played along), what took you so long. My life is a mess, heck, the whole world is a mess (I complained)…what are You gonna do about it? "The question is, what are you going to do about it? (was his response) My Father, The Omnipotent One gave you dominion, authority and power. You chose lack and limitation. You perceived and believed in those things, and those thoughts manifested themselves in your life. They are effects, not causes, and My Father is not to be blamed or held responsible."

    "Your Father? (I retorted quickly with a look of confusion, skepticism and disgust). So, are you claiming to be Jesus the Son of God? (as detestation and anger began to rise in me). I AM The Illumination and The Light, I AM The Light that shines as bright as The Sun (Son). My name is David; The Divine Child of God. Brother Jesus…Jesus of what is today known as Nazareth, Jesus The Christ was and is a very close and dear friend of mine. We, as well as you are perfect Sons of God, He stated, and at that very moment hundreds of melodic voices rang out in a beautiful soft chorus of Hal-le-lu-jah!" accompanied by the sweetest sounding music I had ever heard. But no one else was in the room with us. I looked around in every direction…no visible choir, no symphony…no orchestra, no one…just me and David.

    Chapter III

    Days later, in what was the final hours of the year and the fourth visit that I had received from David, we sat on the rooftop of my tenement in heavy coats with our legs dangling over the eaves engaged in deep, scintillating conversation. A conversation that was as much lecture and debate as it was open dialogue. The air was bone-chilling cold and the sky was crisp and clear. City sounds rose up from below our feet and from far off distances as well. People were hurrying about in vehicles and on foot coming and going to parties, churches, and other gatherings. It would be a peculiar sight if we had been seen by anyone. Two grown men sitting on a cold roof top on New Years Eve chatting away the remaining minutes of another bygone year of hardship. A peculiar sight indeed, if not a dangerous one, since it was now about half hour before midnight and the people of my town were already engaged in the long held tradition of shooting off firearms into the air to welcome in baby new year. The tracer rounds looked like shooting stars as they soared through the night sky and disappeared.

    At first I didn’t think it was a good idea to come up here, but I had nothing else to do and no one else to do it with. David appeared in my home again only hours earlier and said follow me. Let us build a temple…a place where God may dwell. Those were his exact words. Curious and without hesitation, I came along easily. During our third and prior communion I learned to lower my guard a bit as he gained my trust. I still wasn’t totally convinced of his Divinity, nor was I quite sure even if he were actually claiming that. But instead, I thought of this mysterious stranger as merely an interesting philosopher; knowledgeable, and non-threatening to say the least. He was someone in whom I could engage in stimulating, thought provoking conversation; conversation that was turning out to be more of an interview than just mere, casual chatter. So yes, I followed. Maybe because he never reciprocated to me with any real questions of his own. He never had any (questions, that is), only answers, answers and commentary. On the rare occasion that he did ask a question, he wasn’t really looking for an answer from me. He occasionally formatted a statement to me in the form of a question just to make a point or make me consider something

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