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One Moon for All. Book 1. Kittens of Magical St.Petersburg
One Moon for All. Book 1. Kittens of Magical St.Petersburg
One Moon for All. Book 1. Kittens of Magical St.Petersburg
Ebook49 pages16 minutes

One Moon for All. Book 1. Kittens of Magical St.Petersburg

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These are three fascinating, colorful books for children. Each of them is a continuation of the previous one.One Moon for All. Book 1. Kittens of Magical St.etersburg; One Moon for All. Book 2. Tosha's Vacation; One Moon for All. Book 3. Friendship of Tosha and Break.
The first book of the trilogy about the kittens of the magical, Russian city of St. Petersburg. It gives brief information about the embankments of St. Petersburg, where cats live and have fun. This is the story of the birth of the kitten Tosha, about his friends who lived under the bridges of the magical city on the Neva. Cats tend to be like their distant relatives - lions. Many sculptures of lions are everywhere on the promenades. The cat Vasily told legends about the sphinx and griffins. On fun summer days,cat mother Murka dressed everyone well and put on bow ties on her children. And their dad - the cat Vasily takes the whole family out for a walk in the Summer Garden.Just in case, the prudent Pope Vasily, knowing about the variability of the weather in St. Petersburg, carries with him a huge umbrella. On such a wonderful day, the older brother brings an interesting book to everyone out loud in the park. Little kittens have their favorite toys. This is the time for business. And it's an hour for fun. Cat mother Murky told the kittens that they should be attentive to what is happening around them and remember what they see around them when they walk.

PublisherElena Bulat
Release dateMar 13, 2020
One Moon for All. Book 1. Kittens of Magical St.Petersburg

Elena Bulat

The author is a world traveler with huge life and job experiences. She has written many compelling books on different subjects, about her favorite Tango Argentine, art and history, entertaining children's books, and others.Aвтор имеет огромный жизненный опыт, путешествовала и жила в нескольких странах мира. Её стаж работы более сорока лет во многих областях искусства, культуры, литературы, кино и театра. Во время "перестройки" Елена имела свой успешный бизнес. Позже, выдя замуж, она переехала к мужу в Калифорнию, где открыла свою школу танцев, создавала концерты, и занималась благотворительностью. Елена - Мастер Аргентинского Танго, хореограф и продюссер. Она много пишет и издает книги в разных странах на нескольких языках. У неё опубликованы книги о её любимом Аргентиском танго, о приключениях кота и собаки, о памятниках котам, сказки и рассказы для детей, и на многие другие темы.

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    Book preview

    One Moon for All. Book 1. Kittens of Magical St.Petersburg - Elena Bulat

    One Moon for All

    Book 1

    Kittens of Magical St. Petersburg

    Elena Pankey

    ISBN: 9780463691151


    No copyright infringement is intended


    Cat Murka and cat Vasily are on the Palace Square of St. Petersburg


    About Trilogy


    Magical city


    Сat Vasily’s Tale




    Good girl Lila

    New house



    About the author

    New Books

    All rights reserved



    About Trilogy

    These are three fascinating, colorful books for children. Each of them is a continuation of the previous one. 1. One Moon For All. Kittens of Magical St. Petersburg. 2. One Moon For All. Tosha's Vacation. 3. "One Moon for All. Friendship of Tosha and Break

    The first book of the trilogy about the kittens of the magical, Russian city of St. Petersburg.

    It gives brief information about the embankments of St. Petersburg, where cats live and have fun. This is the story of the birth of the kitten Tosha, about his friends who lived under the bridges of the magical city on the Neva. Cats tend to be like their distant relatives -

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