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Not Quite Changed
Not Quite Changed
Not Quite Changed
Ebook64 pages50 minutes

Not Quite Changed

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About this ebook

Lucy has to keep on dating loads of guys to keep the curse from getting her, but she doesn't want a bunch of guys. She just wants Pablo.

Even if she ignores the danger of choosing a boyfriend, there are a few small hurdles blocking the path to a real relationship.

She hasn't told him just how much she loves him.

She hasn't told him that her power makes him love her.

She hasn't told him that the curse is going to kill her soon.

He hasn't told her he has a secret, too.

(A clean YA fantasy romance.)

Release dateMar 31, 2020
Not Quite Changed

Emily Martha Sorensen

Books were my first love and best friends growing up, which I did in five states and four countries. My love of storytelling has never waned, and I've always wanted to write -- and share -- my own stories. I love fantasy, especially fairy tale retellings, fascinating magic systems, humor, and clean paranormal romance. I like science fiction too, but the more magic in a story, the more pleased I'm likely to be. I have two comics, the first of them complete, the second ongoing. I enjoy reading, writing, drawing, crafts, editing, and I occasionally play videogames.

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    Not Quite Changed - Emily Martha Sorensen

    Chapter 1: Not Quite Fine

    Q ueen Lucy’s adding to her harem again, I see, Carrie said snidely.

    Lucy glanced uncomfortably over to the side.  Was Tom . . .?  Yep.  Natasia’s older brother was watching her from behind the grill with an admiring look on his face.  She’d always vaguely thought he was cute, and apparently her power had activated on him.

    Lucy can’t help it if she’s hotter than the food he’s cooking, Pablo teased, plopping his arm around her shoulders.

    Ouch! Lucy mock-squealed, jumping away.  You’re even hotter than I am!

    If you want to make a date with him, I can take a turn at the grill so you can talk to him, George said seriously.

    No! Carrie snapped.  This is Natasia’s birthday party!  Don’t you dare make it all about you, Lucy.  You already have two dates going on right now!

    Lucy laughed sheepishly.  Yeahhh, she’d sort of brought two dates to Natasia’s backyard birthday barbecue.  But there was a reason for it!

    Not that she could tell anyone that reason.

    The reason was that, wellllllll, she’d made a rule that she couldn’t go out with the same guy more often than once every third date.  That was because she didn’t dare start going out with any one guy exclusively.  It was what the curse wanted her to do.

    And, meanwhile, she’d had a date with Pablo only last night.  But Natasia had invited Pablo to the party herself because he got along so well with all of their group, and Pablo was so fun that Lucy knew it would turn into a date if she didn’t bring somebody else to be her technical date for the event, sooooooooo . . . she’d invited George.

    The other options would have been Jonas or Billy, guys she liked almost as much as George.  But both of them got annoyed whenever she flirted with other guys while on dates with them, and she couldn’t not flirt with Pablo when he was nearby, so yeah, she’d brought George.

    Don’t go to the grill, Lucy told George with a teasing smile.  I like where you are right now.

    George smiled and stroked her hand that was near him.

    Pablo’s arm around Lucy’s shoulder tightened, and he scooted possessively closer.  It seemed that while George was perfectly comfortable sharing her with Pablo, the reverse was not true.

    Now taking bets on who Lucy picks as a steady boyfriend! Matilda stage-whispered from the other end of the table.  Ten bucks on George because he’s the cutest!

    Fifteen on Jonas because she’s known him the longest, Jezza shot back.

    Twenty on Pablo because I think she likes him the best, Natasia grinned.

    Thirty on no one, Carrie smirked.  Queen Lucy is incapable of monogamy.

    You guyyyyyyys! Lucy exclaimed.

    I’ll place a bet on myself, if that’s allowed! Pablo called.

    Oooooh! Jezza and Matilda giggled.

    I’m going to chop vegetables for the veggie platter! Lucy informed them, shoving back her chair.  Nobody follow me!

    Laughter rolled across the group as she stormed off.

    It’s not that I’m incapable of monogamy! Lucy thought angrily, stomping up the stairs of the deck in order to reach the kitchen.  In fact, if I could pick Pab— one of the guys I like best, I would.  But I can’t!  It would make the curse kill me faster!

    If she picked Billy because they had the exact same taste in movies, or Jonas because she’d had a crush on him as a kid and he still had the same wickedly sarcastic sense of humor, or George because he was the nicest guy she’d ever met, or Pablo because he was, well, duh, Pablo, it would mean letting the curse win.  And she didn’t want to give the curse any victories.

    It wasn’t like any of those guys were perfect, either.  She’d only met Billy two weeks ago, so even though they got along great, she didn’t know him that well.  Jonas’s jokes could be cruel and cutting.  George’s complete lack of jealousy got on her nerves.  And Pablo . . .

    Well, okay, Pablo was pretty much perfect.  But his family was annoying.

    Just last night, his unbelievable aunt had followed them to a restaurant to take pictures of one of their dates to

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