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Teenage Moments
Teenage Moments
Teenage Moments
Ebook54 pages27 minutes

Teenage Moments

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Life is a journey,

and for a teenager it seems like an
endless one. We may take a thousand
steps, with no sense of where we are headed
or what the future holds. We feel such a need to
belong that we forget who we are along the way.
We show people who we are on the outside and hide

the darkness we have trapped inside – it’s like a silent call for help. We meet new people, good and bad, and we discover things about ourselves that we never thought we knew. We learn to love and to hate while on this joyride called a teenager's life. It's filled with tears and laughter, joy and pain, yet we emerge as better people.

Release dateJul 9, 2020
Teenage Moments

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    Book preview

    Teenage Moments - Ntiyiso Talenta Baloyi



    Looking at life from a teenager’s perspective

    Ntiyiso Talenta Baloyi

    Copyright © 2020 Ntiyiso Talenta Baloyi

    Published by Ntiyiso Talenta Baloyi Publishing at Smashwords

    First edition 2020

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage or retrieval system without permission from the copyright holder.

    The Author has made every effort to trace and acknowledge sources/resources/individuals. In the event that any images/information have been incorrectly attributed or credited, the Author will be pleased to rectify these omissions at the earliest opportunity.

    Published by Ntiyiso Talenta Baloyi using Reach Publishers’ services,

    Edited by Celine and Ilse Lourens for Reach Publishers

    Cover designed by Reach Publishers

    P O Box 1384, Wandsbeck, South Africa, 3631



    Table of Contents

    About the Book


    1. First Day Fiasco

    2. One of Them

    3. Poppin’ Pimples

    4. Population: Parent-Ville

    5. Bad Hair Day

    6. Teddy Talks

    7. A Stroll Around the Hood

    8. Dare to Dream

    9. Make New Friends but Keep the Old

    10. Breaking Curfew

    11. The Outcast

    12. Rainy Days

    13. Confidence Catastrophe

    14. Money Miseries

    15. Girlin’ it Out

    16. Suicidal Thoughts

    17. Crush Moments

    18. The Guilt Train

    19. Influences of Choice

    20. Your Feelings Matter

    21. Rebelling My Report

    About the Book

    This book is a product of all my life’s work; my diary. I always wanted to write books because I always had so much to say in my school essays. It was my love of writing that got me here as well as the passion for inspiring young minds like myself. It just goes to show that you don’t have to be from a wealthy family to write a book.

    I am grateful for all the support that I received when writing this book. I am also grateful for my family, friends, church and many other people who added a thought towards this book. Teenage Moments is a life story that broaches personal and interpersonal experiences that contribute towards an individual’s habits.


    Most people never realise how being a teenager can be a full-time job. People simply think that being a teenager is a stroll in the park and they forget the daily obstacles that we come across every single day.

    This book commemorates the life of a teenager and its filled with personal life-changing stories that are like what most teenage girls undergo every day. The book basically talks about my life’s experiences and it was inspired by the good and bad days that I’ve been through as a teenager, but I’m still standing because I managed to get back up after being knocked down plenty of times. All the joy and pain I’ve been through shaped me into this unique individual.

    I wrote this book with the hope of reaching out to fellow teenage girls because, as teenage girls, we go through a lot, and knowing that someone has been in a similar situation gives you some sort of closure and the courage to tell yourself that if someone was able to go through such tragedies but lives to this day, I can also do it.


    First Day Fiasco

    Most of you might be wondering what first day I might be talking about. It might be my first day on the job, my first day of walking on the moon or my first day of trying blue cheese. To answer your question, I’m talking about my first day of school but not just any day of school; my first day of high school. A lot of teenagers don’t like talking about their first day of high school because it’s usually

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