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Your Antidote for Depression, Anxiety, or Fear
Your Antidote for Depression, Anxiety, or Fear
Your Antidote for Depression, Anxiety, or Fear
Ebook95 pages1 hour

Your Antidote for Depression, Anxiety, or Fear

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About this ebook

◆ Do you ever wonder, "Where is God" when going through challenging times? Does He seem distant, or even non-existent? What is the biggest crisis you are experiencing right now?


◆ We are currently living in extraordinary times, causing much anxiety even for the strongest temperament. There are many reasons individuals experience fear, anxiety, and even depression, and our world seems to be growing more and more fearful every day. If we ever lived in an uncertain time with an unclear future and reason to fear it is now.


◆ If you are experiencing any form of anxiety, fear, depression, uncertainty, or dread, please realize that you are not alone. This is a normal phenomenon that everyone experiences, to some extent, at some point in their life.


◆ Fear is a natural response for humans and has its place to help keep us safe. However, living in fear is counter-productive and is not an option if we are going to get through any difficult circumstances. We cannot allow ourselves to get stuck there and dwell on these negative issues.


◆ Believe it or not, there is a way to experience peace in the midst of all of this and that is what I will be unpacking in this book. We have many choices in life. Every day we're making more choices than we realize. Peace is another choice that we can make over fear and anxiety. It takes recognizing where our mind is going and living with the intention to make a U-turn and choosing peace.


◆ In this book, Debby takes a hard look at fear, anxiety, and depression. She defines them, discusses the symptoms and causes of each, and how to overcome them. One cannot read this book without being changed from the inside out if the shared truths are taken seriously, acted upon, and allowed to permeate and become a reality in the reader's heart and mind.


◆ Unfortunately, not knowing how to respond often causes one to react to their depression, anxieties, fears, etc. in ways that promote more of the same. Some are plagued a lot more than others, and some have learned to cope better than others, but there is relief for all of us if we know where to look for it. That is what she hopes to accomplish through this short book. It is a quick, easy read and well worth your time.


◆ "I have learned the antidote to the fear and uncertainty that often leads to anxiety and depression. I want more than anything to share it with you because I am confident you can find relief for your souls through the message I believe the Lord has given me to share with you." ---Debby Sibert

PublisherDebby Sibert
Release dateJul 22, 2020
Your Antidote for Depression, Anxiety, or Fear

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    Book preview

    Your Antidote for Depression, Anxiety, or Fear - Debby Sibert



    For Depression,

    Anxiety, or Fear

    Learn How To

    Experience Peace and Joy

    During Adversity and

    Uncertain Times


    Debby Sibert

    ©2020 by Debby Sibert

    2nd Edition

    All Rights Reserved

    Printed in the United States of America

    Published by Ultimately Essential, Oak Hill, VA

    All Scripture is from the Holy Bible, English Standard Version. ESV® Text Edition: 2016. Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.


    It is my heart’s desire that everyone would have an opportunity to meet Jesus – to experience Him intimately, to have their hearts transformed by His love and grace, and to learn the peace, joy, and victory that comes from a sold-out life of surrender and obedience. Do you know Him?

    Running theme of this book is found in Philippians 4

    Key verses: 4:11, "Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content."

    4:13, I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

    4:19, And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus


    To my wonderful husband, who has sacrificed many days and nights of solitude while I worked tirelessly on this manuscript. Thank you also for your prayers, proofreading, editing, and valuable feedback along the way. God has used you mightily to help me become the wife, mother, friend, and Christ-follower I am today. You inspire me with your life of honesty, integrity, and servant leadership, as well as your love and devotion. This just scratches the surface of your many qualities I hope have rubbed off on me over these forty years of sharing life. You are my rock. Thank you for believing in me and supporting me to fulfill God’s purpose in getting this book out of my head and heart and into print.

    To my pastor of almost thirty years, Lon Solomon, who unknowingly consistently mentored me from the pulpit, inspiring me to speak the truth about the gospel boldly, I thank you. My current pastor, David Platt, I thank you for the continuing challenge to deepen my faith and live it out daily with a mission mindset. Both of you have significantly contributed to my understanding of the importance of total surrender and obedience.

    In addition to my pastors I have had the privilege of hearing in person on Sundays, I have been blessed to find the Chip Ingram app which I have on my phone and listen to pretty much every weekday as I take my morning walks. This is a pastor who loves God and the Scriptures and teaches with great passion what he understands from God’s Word. He is a great communicator. Besides what I have learned from the Scriptures themselves and my own personal experience, most of the information I gathered for this book has been absorbed into my life over a couple years of listening to these podcasts. He also has a website, likewise full of great resources:

    I want to give him credit and a shout-out because he and his messages truly have encouraged me and been instrumental to the maturity of my faith and inspired me to apply what I have learned, especially in preparation for writing this book.

    He has repurpose his sermons and turned them into daily podcasts that are life-changing. I cannot recommend this app enough. It is free as well as all the messages, and are available for any device.

    Most of all, I want to thank my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who is always with me to help me get through anything. I know Him to be sovereign, in control, full of love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness, always looking out for my best interests.

    He is faithful to His Word and His promises, for which I am truly grateful. While I occasionally experience some adversity and uncertainties, I know I can count on Him to give me that inner strength and incomprehensible peace and joy to get me through it. I pray you will read this to the end, so you too can learn to experience that inner peace that is possible when you know what to do.Most of all, I want to thank my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who is always with me to help me get through anything. I know Him to be sovereign, in control, full of love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness, always looking out for my best interests.

    He is faithful to His Word and His promises, for which I am truly grateful. While I may, and I do, occasionally experience some adversity and uncertainties, I know I can count on Him to give me that inner strength and incomprehensible peace and joy to get me through it. I pray you will read this to the end, so you too can learn to experience that inner peace that is possible when you know what to do.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1

    What is Adversity?

    Chapter 2

    What is Discouragement?

    Chapter 3

    What is Fear?

    Chapter 4

    What is Depression?

    Chapter 5

    What is Anxiety?

    Chapter 6

    What is God’s Agenda for Us?

    Chapter 7

    How Should We Deal With Fear and Anxiety?

    Chapter 8

    What I Learned about Fear

    Chapter 9

    Where is God During Challenging Times?

    Chapter 10

    Are You Fearful of Your Future?

    Chapter 11

    What Now?

    Promises of God

    Bible Verses to Remind Us We Do Not Have to Fear:

    About the Author:



    At the time of this writing, our world is experiencing a global crisis—a worldwide pandemic of a new coronavirus (COVID-19). There is no cure, and any hope for a vaccine is in the distant future. At the time of this writing, there have been many millions of cases globally, with including over five million cases in the United States alone, and well over 175,000 deaths, also in the US. Those numbers continue to climb. Travel has been restricted, and people have been ordered to stay home unless they have to go out for medical reasons, groceries, or to work.

    Most people, if they can, work from home. If we go anywhere, we are expected to wear a face mask and keep a physical distance of at least six feet. Many commodities we usually take for granted have become scarce. Schools and businesses have shut down. Unemployment has hit an all-time high, and the

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