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Muhnochwa (The Face Scratcher)
Muhnochwa (The Face Scratcher)
Muhnochwa (The Face Scratcher)
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Muhnochwa (The Face Scratcher)

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This book is collection of 5 short stories. They are unique, thriller and exciting. Those stories can be addressed as Science Fiction for teens, Story of Rebels, Supernatural interactions, mental emergence, paranormal activities etc.

MUHNOCHWA The Face Scratcher: The Story of kids’ fight with the mysterious killer creature

Shivanand: A rebel who wanted to awaken the hero within the common man.

The Truth: The story of a victim of black magic, who mastered Tantra.

Antas: The story of a psychologist who was able to transform baddies into good people and whom all the villains wanted to kill at any cost.

U R Mine! The story of the lizard-fearing boy Joy, who battles the dreaded ghost Buka and the super-powerful monk Chen for his love.


Namaskar! I am Anurag Pandey (since 1978). I am writer, author, poet, lyricist and computer programmer. My poems have been published in national newspapers and magazines of India like Navbharat Times, Kadambini etc. I have written Story/ Dialogues/ Screenplay for various TV Shows like Lady Inspector, Shaka Laka Boom Boom, Indonesian TV shows etc. At present I live in Bhubaneswar, India. Meditation, yoga, mystery, paranormal, supernatural, love, relationships are some of my favorite topics to read and write.

PublisherAnurag Pandey
Release dateAug 1, 2020
Muhnochwa (The Face Scratcher)

Anurag Pandey

Anurag S Pandey is a writer, poet and computer programmer. His poems have been published in national newspapers and magazines of India like Navbharat Times, Kadambini etc. He has written Story/ Screenplay/ Dialogues for various TV Shows like Lady Inspector, Shaka Laka Boom Boom, Indonesian TV shows etc. At present he lives in Bhubaneswar, India. Meditation, yoga, mystery, paranormal & supernatural activities are some of his favorite topics to read and write.

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    Muhnochwa (The Face Scratcher) - Anurag Pandey


    (The face scratcher)



    Table of Contents

    MUHNOCHWA (The Face Scratcher)




    U R MINE…!

    About the Author

    MUHNOCHWA… (The face scratcher)

    Surajpur village… neither big nor modern. Except a few houses not TV but radio is their family member. A village of farmers and laborers, out of main stream. Their disputes are solved by village head Kamta Prasad. They get their daily needs and loan on interest from village’s moneylender & shop owner Dukhiram. Their religious needs are fulfilled by village’s Pandit-cum-astrologer Sahiram. Dukhiram’s name is according to his character as he gives only pain to villagers. But Sahiram’s name is against his character because whatever he does in the name of religion that is always wrong… Village’s Tantrik Bhola is official exorcist of village. Mad old woman Shugna and drinker Sadanand’s funny activities make villagers to laugh. They use to tease both for fun. When they meet in village’s choupal (village meeting place), center of their talking is rumors related to area’s police station in-charge Sherkhan and his constable Madhaw. Sherkhan is a gutless person who always tells false stories about his bravery, but in fact he makes his brave constable to work. Beside this; stories related to local thug Gulathi and Lukathi give excitement to villagers. Gulathi and Lukathi are too comical. They find strange ways to befool and plunder peoples.

    Here; I would like to introduce two more characters; Science teacher Mahapatro and his servant Dillu. Mahapatro is an ambitious scientist. He has a small lab in his house. He is trying to invent a super medicine which would all alone cure each and every disease from human body. He is reserve in nature. His servant Dillu is very jovial, talkative and coward lad. Mahapatro is always angry with him because Mahapatro pays him while he works more for villagers. Dillu can never deny a beautiful girl’s request.

    Group of four mischievous teens is headache for villagers. They are Chandan, Mangla, Shiva and Sanjana. Chandan is group leader. They for joy troubles peoples. Sometimes they tie crackers in ass’ tail and fire it; sometimes they make some animal to enter someone’s field etc. But to villagers’ relief there is a group of four good teens too, who use to save them from bad teens’ pranks. Good teens are Birju, Gullan, Radha and Pintu. Birju is group leader. All teens are of age group 15 to 17. Only Gullan is a 23 years old guy who is a mental retarded kid. Villagers like and praise Birju and group. This makes Chandan and group jealous and angry. Chandan and group always try to endanger and defame Birju and group. But Birju and group always win because they have power of truth and goodness, while Chandan and group have power of badness and money. After all Chandan is son of moneylender Dukhiram. Birju and group prevent Dukhiram too to take benefit from illiterate villagers. So Dukhiram hates them. Also Pandit Sahiram hates Birju and group because they expose his tricks.

    Nowadays terror of Muhnochwa is spread in the village and area around. Muhnochwa – a strange horrible entity! Who in night appears out of nowhere and attacks on someone, scratches their face, kills them and disappear to nowhere.

    Many rumors are spread in the area about Muhnochwa. Someone says Muhnochwa is a human-eater animal. Someone says Muhnochwa is a ghost or monster. Someone says he has seen Muhnochwa. Someone says he has fought with Muhnochwa. But none knows the truth that who the hell is Muhnochwa? From where does he come? And where does he go? Due to Muhnochwa, air of fear and suspiciousness is there in the village. Villagers avoid going out after Sunset. They doubt on each other whether he is Muhnochwa? Police is helpless

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