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Inside and Out: The Odyssey of a Gay Conservative
Inside and Out: The Odyssey of a Gay Conservative
Inside and Out: The Odyssey of a Gay Conservative
Ebook393 pages5 hours

Inside and Out: The Odyssey of a Gay Conservative

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Millions of young men and women all over the country dream of one day walking the corridors of power in the nation's capital. Bob Kabel was one who got to live the dream when he worked on the staff of two U.S. senators and President Ronald Reagan. Some of the obstacles he faced were typical: gaining knowledge and maturity, thriving in hyper competitive arenas, and earning the favor of key mentors. But some obstacles were less common. These days, being gay or lesbian is not widely considered a hindrance to a successful career, but in the 50s, 60s, and 70s, being gay was at the very least awkward and could at times be quite dangerous. That includes Bob's experience of being kidnapped, robbed, and shot by a young hustler in Nashville, Tennessee.

Aside from the physical danger, being gay could be the equivalent of the scarlet letter for a young man with designs on making his mark in Republican politics. Somehow, Bob persevered. "Inside and Out" is his story.
Release dateSep 14, 2020
Inside and Out: The Odyssey of a Gay Conservative

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    Inside and Out - Bob Kabel

    Copyright © 2020 by Robert J. Kabel

    Print ISBN: 978-1-09831-664-8

    eBook ISBN: 978-1-09831-665-5

    This book is dedicated to my parents, whose support and encouragement have been invaluable to my growth and success over the years.


    Several individuals were helpful in conceiving and writing this book, but two stand out. Inside and Out has been the product of more than five years of work, starting with more than 50 hours of taped interviews with Michael Williams. Michael developed first drafts for most chapters of the final manuscript. He helped organize the book and kept us on track as it developed. Michael is a professional writer and long-time friend.

    More recently, Patrick Sammon has provided invaluable insights that have improved the manuscript, including extensive editing. Patrick helped pull together the final manuscript and photographs for publication. Patrick is a documentary filmmaker, former president of Log Cabin Republicans, and long-time friend.


    Trump Time

    Members Only

    Nature vs. Nurture

    And Baby Makes Three


    Coming of Age

    Approaching the Bench

    Mr. Kabel Goes to Washington

    The Price of Admission

    The Guy Behind the Guy

    Life On the Hill

    Honorable Bob

    Hollywood On the Potomac

    AIDS in America

    Inside and Out

    Building the Log Cabin

    The Good Fight

    Pink Elephants

    The Long Haul for the Freedom to Marry

    D.C. Republicans: Worth the Effort

    The Obama Years

    The View From Here

    How the Elephant Changed Its Stripes

    A More Perfect Union


    Trump Time

    My life started just after World War II as America emerged as the most dominant power in the world. I have lived during a time of unprecedented economic, social, and political change in the United States. My life has been impacted by two of our nation’s biggest post-war political movements: the push for LGBT civil rights and the political dominance of the conservative movement. Both of these battles have been integral to my life: helping define where I worked, how I lived, who I loved, and the person I became.

    As a young man, my fascination with politics and the Republican Party helped propel me toward a career in the upper echelons of American government. Over more than 40 years observing and working in national politics, I have been fortunate to have worked for some remarkable political leaders from whom I learned much about integrity, hard work, and the importance of fighting for causes greater than myself.

    One movement that has been important to me during much of my adult life is the struggle for LGBT civil rights. From 1946 when I was born through my childhood and into adulthood, gays and lesbians endured punishing laws and hostile societal attitudes. Those laws and attitudes have changed in remarkable ways. I have worked hard, doing what I can in the Republican Party to push for freedom and fairness for LGBT Americans. Some people might wonder how I could be a proud, openly gay man while also remaining a loyal and dedicated Republican. The answer is simple. The Republican Party’s basic principles have always matched mine: personal liberty, individual responsibility, economic freedom, limited government, and a strong national defense. It hasn’t always been easy walking the tightrope of life as a gay Republican, but I have tried to live with integrity and honor, standing up for my beliefs, taking arrows from some Republicans and even more from members of the LGBT community.

    In my long life, nothing has been more surprising to me than the rise of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States. Historians will write about this period for generations to come. His presidency may be the most unlikely in our nation’s history. And I’ve had a front row seat for all of it.

    As a member of the Republican National Committee (RNC), I attended the first debate for Republican Presidential candidates in Cleveland in early August of 2015. I remember entering the debate hall with anticipation and excitement. As a political junkie, I was like a kid at Christmas anxious to see what Santa left me under the tree. Candidate Trump ran an unconventional campaign from start to finish. His announcement at Trump Tower in New York City on June 16, 2015 was a harbinger of things to come. His tirade against illegal immigrants, especially undocumented Mexican immigrants, produced headlines around the world. The Guardian reported, "The 69-year-old businessman best known for his ’You’re fired’ catchphrase on The Apprentice, announced he was running for president on Tuesday with an eccentric speech attacking Mexican immigrants and promising to build a great wall along the U.S. southern border. Trump directed most of his ire at Mexico. They’re sending us not the right people, he said. The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everyone else’s problems."

    Two months later by the time he reached Cleveland for the first debate, the so-called experts, including yours truly, doubted that he would be able to continue his early momentum. I thought his inflated poll numbers in the GOP primary were based largely on his high name recognition and unconventional style. Would his momentum hold up under the hot lights when his opponents aired his dirty laundry which included a less-than-stellar business record, a closet full of personal scandals, and a list of policy positions that veered from GOP orthodoxy on a range of issues?

    On that late summer Cleveland night, candidate Trump was in attack mode from beginning to end. He didn’t care about conventional wisdom or business as usual. In one particularly memorable exchange, Megyn Kelly, then at Fox News, asked him to defend his descriptions of women he disagreed with as fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals. After interrupting with only Rosie O’Donnell, Trump offered a more detailed reply: I’ve been challenged by so many people, and I don’t frankly have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you, this country doesn’t have time either.

    To describe him as a bull in a China shop is a bit of an understatement. And that was his style in all 11 of the subsequent Republican Presidential debates. Like many other Republicans, I left the Cleveland debate hall that first night thinking that a man with his background and temperament could not become the party’s standard bearer. Much to my amazement, the polls immediately declared him the winner of the first debate. He was off and running. Still, my innate political sense and decades of experience would not allow me to believe this man could win my party’s nomination, much less be elected President of the United States. Not for the first time in my life and not for the last, I was dead wrong.

    So how did Trump do it? How did he win what may be the most surprising presidential victory in American history? I see six main reasons for Trump’s victory: his ability to garner the media spotlight, his unorthodox style, his ability to read and tap into the country’s political mood, voter fatigue with the Obama administration, the weakness of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, and the Republican Party ground game. Let’s take these in order:

    Trump was a marketing genius as a businessman and TV personality, and he used that talent to maximum effect in his presidential campaign, grabbing round-the-clock media attention. No one in the GOP field could match his aggressive take-no-prisoners approach. He regularly called into cable television news shows, in particular Morning Joe to discuss the race with Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski. Years of successfully marketing himself in his businesses and his exposure on The Apprentice paid off. The cable networks would regularly cover his speeches and news conferences. GOP voters loved how he regularly sparred with news reporters. He didn’t need to be handled. His message didn’t need to be crafted by his advisors. He didn’t need to be kept on script. That’s because he was writing the script and the American public couldn’t get enough of him. He was a ratings winner. His supporters tuned in because they loved every second of it. His opponents tuned in to see what outrageous thing he would say next. That interest translated into hundreds of millions of dollars of free publicity. The value of that spotlight can’t be understated.

    The second reason Trump won was because of his ability to read the mood of the country in 2016. He capitalized on the underlying dissatisfaction many Americans had with status quo politics and politicians from both parties who had ignored the needs of middle and lower-middle class voters. Both Trump and Bernie Sanders focused on the forgotten Americans in small towns and cities who were upset because their lives had been upended by globalization and automation that left behind a depleted manufacturing base. Trump supporters were tired of business as usual, especially the gridlock that has defined Washington for most of the past 20 years. Add to that the weariness of two long, expensive wars and the residual trauma from the 2008 financial crisis and you had a recipe for political revolution if a candidate could tap into the discontent. Voters wanted change and Trump offered it. While Trump caught many of us by surprise, his campaign succeeded because, better than any other GOP candidate, he understood the country’s mood. Trump won the presidency as a populist opposed to many of the GOP’s basic tenets such as free trade, an aggressive foreign policy, restrained federal spending, and limited government. Growing frustration by voters of all political stripes with big business, the media, and public elites opened the door in 2016 for populist candidates; Trump for the GOP and Sanders for the Democrats (though he fell just short of winning his party’s nomination).

    The third reason for Trump’s success comes down to one word: authenticity. Love him or hate him, he is who he is. American voters have become weary of blow-dried candidates who speak in perfect talking points and never veer from the script. They never say anything controversial. Trump was the opposite and voters ate it up. They had grown weary of overdone political correctness where people and groups were constantly taking offense at even the most minor slight. His controversial statements resulted in a brighter spotlight. At one point, he famously said, I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose voters. The rules of political gravity didn’t apply to him in 2016. One controversial statement after another defined his campaign. Stories that would have destroyed other presidential candidates had little if any effect on his numbers. Voters don’t always agree with him, but they appreciate that he is the real deal.

    The fourth reason for Trump’s victory boils down to one man: President Barack Obama. In hindsight, he seems more popular than he was in fact. He likely would have lost re-election in 2012 had Republicans nominated a stronger candidate. People forget that Obama’s economic recovery was quite anemic. Plus, Obamacare was incredibly unpopular. Also, for the last 75 years, American voters have almost always turned out the incumbent party after eight years in the White House. Since the Eisenhower administration, voters have been ready for change after a two-term president. Not only different policies but also different personality types. The only exception to this rule was the election of George H.W. Bush to succeed President Ronald Reagan’s two terms. The two-term rule helped elect Donald Trump as President. President Obama’s presidency had further polarized the country and many voters were ready for a change.

    The fifth reason for Trump’s victory comes down to one person: Hillary Clinton. She was a weak candidate who failed to excite her own base while energizing Trump’s base by calling them a basket of deplorables…they are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic. That comment persuaded me Trump might actually win. Clinton also had a baffling political strategy. After the Democratic Convention, she never visited Wisconsin once. She barely made it to Michigan. She and her team took Pennsylvania for granted. They assumed because voters in those states had supported every Democratic presidential candidate for six straight elections, they would do so again. She and her team had too much faith that the so-called blue wall would propel her to victory. The first rule of politics is you have to show up. Unbelievably, Clinton didn’t do that. It’s political malpractice.

    The final reason for Trump’s victory comes down to good old-fashioned campaign strategy. First, Trump’s campaign wisely invested its comparably limited resources in digital advertising. As head of the campaign’s digital strategy, Brad Parscale rolled out a sophisticated under-the-radar plan to connect online with Trump supporters. Using sophisticated data analytics and micro-targeting, Trump’s team found his supporters and motivated them to vote. Many of his supporters had never before voted for a Republican or they hadn’t voted in many years.

    The second key campaign strategy came from the Republican National Committee. After emerging as the GOP nominee, it became clear Trump didn’t have a ground game mapped out anywhere. However, to the Trump campaign’s advantage, the Republican National Committee had developed its own ground game along with strong technological capabilities. After the 2012 election defeat when candidate Mitt Romney’s election day get-out-the-vote effort flopped because of technology glitches, the RNC was determined not to allow that to happen again. The party created a nationwide infrastructure that would be turned over to the 2016 nominee at the end of the primary season.

    These initiatives were launched by then-RNC Chairman Reince Priebus who raised millions of dollars for two voter contact programs. This effort was recommended by the so-called 2012 autopsy report that was put together following Romney’s defeat. The first initiative placed full-time RNC staff on the ground earlier than ever before in target states, especially focused on diverse demographic groups including Latinos, Asians, African Americans, and others. The second part of the RNC’s plan involved developing the most sophisticated technological capability any political party had ever possessed. By 2016, the RNC’s technology capabilities far surpassed the much-touted Obama 2012 campaign in that area. The GOP’s ground game and the technology edge helped the Trump campaign enormously as it would have done to whoever the party nominated.

    On Election Day of 2016, I rose early to try to avoid the crowds at my voting precinct a few blocks from my home. The line was already long when I arrived around 8 a.m. just as the polls opened. It was a foregone conclusion that Hillary Clinton would win the District’s three electoral votes. Clinton won D.C. with 91% of the vote. Candidate Trump received just 4%, little more than half the registered Republicans in Washington. For much of the rest of the day, I checked to see how the voting was going in other parts of the city and watched the reports of turnout around the country. This wasn’t the typical election and I wouldn’t watch election results like I usually did. In the past, I attended large gatherings in hotel ballrooms hosted by one of the key GOP political organizations. In 2016, the RNC was holding its election night watch party at the W Hotel, and as a national committeeman I was invited to attend. I opted for a quieter evening than what I knew would be the raucous atmosphere at such a large event. I invited a few friends to join me watching the results from the comfort and serenity of the Metropolitan Club. I was anticipating a fairly short evening that would result in a clear victory for Hillary Clinton. As Trump began taking a lead in toss-up states and then even in states favored by Clinton, the mood in the room began to change. Ohio was called for Trump at 10:39 p.m., then Florida 15 minutes later. By that point, attendees, including me, decided to head home to watch the remaining results. At 2:30 a.m., the news outlets declared Trump the winner of Wisconsin. The state’s ten Electoral College votes pushed Trump past the 270 electoral votes required to be president-elect. Hillary Clinton called Trump at 2:35 a.m. to congratulate him. Candidate Trump was now President-Elect Trump. Even nearly four years later, the whole thing seems unbelievable.

    Love him or hate him, President Trump is a transformational political figure. Some people in the media predicted and certainly hoped that candidate Trump would give way to a different President Trump. They thought he would evolve his style and his beliefs. That was never going to happen; a fact that became clear minutes after he was inaugurated.

    On January 20, 2017, Trump’s Inaugural Address mirrored the tone of his campaign. It was the angriest presidential speech I can remember. As I sat in the section for RNC members, I was stunned by his rhetoric, especially his dark characterization of the state of the country and his pointed criticism of many current and former leaders who were seated around him. Most presidents use their inaugural address to unite the American people and bind the wounds of a nation divided by a long campaign. Not Trump. Instead, his address sounded more like a campaign speech with lots of harsh rhetoric and dark images about the state of the nation. We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies, and destroying our jobs, said Trump. Protection will lead to great prosperity and strength. I will fight for you with every breath in my body and I will never ever let you down.

    It was a cold, damp day, and I had arrived with other RNC members several hours before the swearing-in to get through security and find my seat. I was delighted when it was over, so I could go someplace warm. Since 9/11, intense security has made it difficult to enjoy Inauguration Day. I tried to take a friend to an inaugural ball that evening but gave up after discovering we had misread the ticket and were in the wrong line. I felt sorry for the many Trump supporters from out of town who didn’t know what to expect and were trying to make the most of it. Recognizing we probably had at least another hour’s wait, my friend and I gave up and had a quiet dinner before walking home.

    With Trump’s first term nearly over, here’s where I think the nation stands. Until the COVID-19 pandemic brought the U.S. and world economies to a standstill earlier this year, President Trump’s domestic policies had resulted in a dramatic economic boom. There was record low unemployment and rising wages. And the rising tide was lifting all boats as economic statistics showed unemployment rates reaching historically low rates among African Americans and Latinos. The financial markets, a reliable indicator of economic well-being and projected growth, reached record levels, and consumer confidence reached levels not seen in many years. The shutdown of the American economy and the resulting layoffs make all of that good news seem like a distant memory. The question is whether President Trump will get blamed for the sagging economy. By November, the economy may have turned a corner, providing the president with a much-needed boost. Or we may be mired in a deep recession that serves as an anchor around Trump’s re-election chances.

    During his term, President Trump’s economic policies have consisted primarily of a dramatic reduction in federal regulations especially in the area of the environment and financial services. The 2017 tax reform bill included a cut in corporate tax rates, making our country more competitive with the rest of the world. The tax cuts also brought broad-based relief to average Americans. Soon after the cuts, many big companies announced employee bonuses. The then House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi absurdly dismissed the good news by describing them as crumbs. That’s easy to say for a San Francisco millionaire. However, most average hard-working Americans appreciated the extra money in their wallet. Talk about out of touch!

    Aside from deregulation and tax cuts, President Trump renegotiated NAFTA and embarked on a painful trade war with China. A new deal with China is now in place. However, if Trump wins re-election, it seems like that war could resume in 2021. Trump has been committed to encouraging American manufacturing to return to the U.S. The COVID-19 crisis is likely to speed up the trend to return manufacturing to this country. It’s now a national security and public health imperative. The American business community has responded enthusiastically to Trump’s business friendly policies. For the first time in memory, an experienced businessman sits in the White House. He understands the needs of the business world and has acted to improve the regulatory environment for small and big businesses.

    The chaotic, tumultuous atmosphere of the 2016 Trump campaign has continued into his presidency. It became clear to American voters that candidate Trump relied primarily on his personal experiences and instincts during his campaign and it should come as no surprise that he has conducted his presidency much the same way. The first several months were especially chaotic. Symbolic of his management style, President Trump is on his fourth chief of staff, having fired or in some fashion moved on from the first three. His entire administration has been a revolving door. Frequent vacancies and firings have at times created chaos in the White House and throughout the government. Meanwhile, Trump continues to hold the spotlight daily and continues to spar with the news media. Of course, he also relentlessly tweets. Through it all, many Americans, including me, have learned to tune this out and focus on the bigger picture. We support most of President Trump’s policies even if we don’t always like his style.

    In foreign affairs, President Trump has shaken up the global establishment much like he has done on the domestic stage. The United States continues to be the major financial contributor to many international organizations. President Trump has used this as leverage to question the role and impact of many of these organizations. As a result of his consistent criticism, NATO member countries have increased their annual defense budgets and contribution to NATO’s funding. He has gotten other results including winding down our involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan and opening a dialogue with North Korea. He also took the United States out of the Iran nuclear deal and the Paris climate agreements. Both of these deals had major flaws and Trump was right to pull our nation out of these agreements, especially since neither had been approved by the U.S. Senate.

    No matter what happens in November, Trump’s presidency will leave a lasting mark on the U.S. The GOP-controlled Senate has confirmed more federal judges, including two Supreme Court justices, than any previous president. Following the lead of a previous Democratic Senate, the GOP modified the filibuster to allow a simple majority vote on Supreme Court justices. The Brett Kavanaugh confirmation was especially contentious with Judiciary Committee Democrats trying to use a decades-old sexual assault allegation to sidetrack his nomination. Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) changed the filibuster rule in 2013 to confirm Obama-nominated District and Circuit Court judges by majority vote; Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) took that one step further to Supreme Court nominees.

    Many Democrats continue to question the legitimacy of the Trump presidency and have worked tirelessly to bring him down, starting the effort even before he was inaugurated. The initial effort was a more than two-year inquiry into allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 election and collusion in the Russian effort by Trump’s campaign. The Mueller Report outlined a litany of examples of Russian interference, but it found no collusion from the Trump campaign. He made no finding on the question of whether President Trump obstructed justice in an effort to derail the inquiry. Just months after the release of the Mueller Report, in the summer of 2019, a whistle-blower allegation against President Trump regarding a phone call he had with the president of Ukraine turned into an impeachment inquiry. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) resisted calls for an impeachment inquiry but after several months caved to the most radical wing of her caucus and agreed to proceed. After the House voted in mid-December on party lines to impeach President Trump, Pelosi delayed sending the paperwork to the Senate in an effort to pressure Senate Republicans to call witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial. Republicans held firm and Trump was acquitted on February 5, 2020. Astonishingly, the evening before the impeachment vote in the Senate, Speaker Pelosi tore up President Trump’s State of the Union speech just as he finished delivering it. Publicly tearing up the president’s speech as millions of viewers watched speaks volumes about the state of partisanship in our country.

    Democrats are running former Vice President Joe Biden as their candidate against President Trump in November. After a contentious primary season with more than twenty candidates in the race, Biden won the Democratic nomination but only after he was forced to move far to the left by the progressives that have taken over the Democratic Party. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), a socialist who ran in the Democratic primary, had the most impact on the party’s dash to the left.

    As a Republican who chafed at candidate Trump during much of 2016 for his demeanor and often outrageous behavior, I have grown to admire President Trump for his policies and the results he has gotten for the country. With the Democratic Party lurching to the left and the way Democrats have treated him from Election Day 2016 to the present, I have an easy choice in 2020. It remains to be seen whether voters will agree with me and decide to give President Trump a second term. Ultimately, he’ll win or lose based on how voters judge his response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The jury is still out.

    White House Christmas reception with President and Mrs. Trump and Marya Pickering, treasurer of the DC Republican Party.


    Members Only

    Being a gay Republican, especially someone involved in politics, is a tightrope act. No event better summarizes this reality than a meeting of the Republican National Committee (RNC) in the spring of 2013. It was a defining moment in my personal and professional life.

    As the RNC meeting was getting underway, LGBT Americans had made considerable progress toward equality, in both public opinion and the law. At the end of 2010, Congress repealed the odious Clinton-era Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy; so now gay men and lesbians could serve openly in the U.S. military. Many states and localities had adopted anti-discrimination laws protecting the LGBT community. The freedom to marry was now legal in several states and the District of Columbia. Plus, the Supreme Court was considering two important cases involving marriage rights for gay and lesbian Americans.

    The RNC’s April meeting was held in the heart of Hollywood, at a hotel adjacent to the theatre that annually hosts the Academy Awards. Meeting in L.A. was part of a strategy developed after the 2012 election defeat — called the Growth and Opportunity Project and commissioned by RNC Chairman Reince Priebus — to, among a lengthy list of action items, reach out to the liberal-leaning blue states and especially to certain minority constituencies. I have enjoyed these meetings. We all share a love of our country and a desire to serve it by promoting the Republican Party’s core policies and principles. One of my

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