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A Program for a Modern Communist Party
A Program for a Modern Communist Party
A Program for a Modern Communist Party
Ebook48 pages41 minutes

A Program for a Modern Communist Party

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About this ebook

It's the 21st century. With the USSR dead and buried, China transformed into a exploitative dictatorship of the rich, and capitalism worldwide teetering on the brink of collapse, what is to be done? How can a modern communist party be organized in this day and age? The program for a militant movement contained here could animate a proletarian organization to shake society to its very foundations and lead to a world of freedom and abundance.

Release dateSep 17, 2020
A Program for a Modern Communist Party

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    A Program for a Modern Communist Party - Ricardo Santiago


    Regroup, reforge the international revolutionary movement!

    Brothers, sisters, comrades:

    The revolution is what matters. All of the old questions over which we have become so divided must take a back seat to the question of how to make revolution today – not in the interests of unity for unity’s sake, but in the interests of eliminating the scourge of capitalism once and for all.

    No one would deny – and in fact we are the first to point out – that all sorts of traitors, sell-outs, reformists and misleaders – conscious or not – have risen among the ranks of those calling themselves revolutionaries over the years, especially with our increased fractionalization. Rather than include such undesirable comrades in any reorganization of forces, we must expose and exclude them, for rather than strengthen our forces, they can only serve to confuse, misdirect and weaken them.

    On this, all genuine revolutionaries can agree: we must liquidate the capitalists as a class, thus paving the way for the working class to take over and transform society. It is around this that we must unite.

    We must organize ourselves as an international body, capable of attacking the global capitalist system at its weakest points, thus weakening its strongest points at the same time. It is with this in mind that a modern communist party must be formed. We urge you to engage our politics, look over our organizational, political and theoretical documents, and ultimately, to join us.

    The modern communist party

    The modern communist party is not yet another sect declaring allegiance to this or that doctrine, but rather a force which bases itself on the living—and constantly developing—scientific communist theory first developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. The party’s theoretical roots lie in our synthesis of the world communist movement, from its origins to today, formulated through a thorough analysis of its failures and successes.

    The modern communist party’s outlook is summed up by a statement made by Thomas Sankara, a leader of the 1983 revolution in Burkino Faso, who, along with Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, V.I. Lenin, Rosa Luxemburg and Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara stands among the party’s political forebears:

    We are open to all the winds of the will of the peoples and their revolutions, and we   study some of the terrible failures that have   given rise to tragic violations of human   rights. We take from each revolution only its kernel of purity, which forbids us to become   slaves to the reality of others.

    The primary reason for the existence of the modern communist party is to facilitate, as The Communist Manifesto put it, the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions, by acting as the most advanced and resolute part of the working class. The organization of our party, and indeed our methods of work, are completely subordinated to this historic task.

    Organization, Guidelines, and Methods of Work of the Modern Communist Party


    1. Since the development of agriculture brought about an end to thousands of years of primitive society all of human history has been marked by the struggle between the classes that rule and the classes they rule over.

    2. The means by which one class maintains its rule over the other classes is through the state–the organized forces of repression (military, police, courts, prisons, etc.).

    3. All progressive leaps from one form of society to another have come as the result of the victory of one

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