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The Ozone Layer: From Discovery to Recovery
The Ozone Layer: From Discovery to Recovery
The Ozone Layer: From Discovery to Recovery
Ebook427 pages4 hours

The Ozone Layer: From Discovery to Recovery

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From the discovery of ozone in the eighteenth century, through the late twentieth-century international agreements to protect humanity from the destruction of ozone in the stratosphere, Guy P. Brasseur traces the evolution of our scientific knowledge on air quality issues and stratospheric chemistry and dynamics. The history of ozone research is marked by typical examples of the scientific method at work, perfectly illustrating how knowledge progresses. Hypotheses are contested and then eventually accepted or rejected; truths once believed to be universal and permanent can be called into question; and debates and disagreements between scientists are settled by information from laboratory and field experiments. Of course, the scientific method can also lead to new observations—in this case, the discovery of the ozone hole. This finding took researchers by surprise, leading to new investigations and research programs.

This first complete study of ozone research demonstrates the key role fundamental research plays in solving global environmental, climate, and human health problems. More importantly, it shows that the scientific method works. Convincing decision makers of research results that do not correspond to their values, or to the interests of certain business groups, stands to be the highest hurdle in using science to benefit humanity. Students, early-career scientists, and even specialists who do not know much about the history of their field will benefit from this big picture view, offered by a researcher who has played leadership roles in stewarding this science through decades of discovery.
Release dateFeb 15, 2020
The Ozone Layer: From Discovery to Recovery

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    The Ozone Layer - Guy P. Brasseur





    The Ozone Layer: From Discovery to Recovery © 2019 by Guy P. Brasseur. All rights reserved. Permission to use figures, tables, and brief excerpts from this book in scientific and educational works is hereby granted provided the source is acknowledged.

    Cover image: The Great Electriser of Martinus van Marum in the Oval Hall of Teylers Museum (Teylers Museum). This large electrostatic machine was developed circa 1785 by Dutch physicist Martinus van Marum to produce electric arcs. The peculiar odor of electrical matter produced by this electrical generator was later identified as the odor of ozone.

    Published by the American Meteorological Society

    45 Beacon Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02108

    The mission of the American Meteorological Society is to advance the atmospheric and related sciences, technologies, applications, and services for the benefit of society. Founded in 1919, the AMS has a membership of more than 13,000 and represents the premier scientific and professional society serving the atmospheric and related sciences. Additional information regarding society activities and membership can be found at

    Print ISBN: 978-1-944970-54-3

    eISBN: 978-1-944970-55-0

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019920299





    1. The First Steps

    The Discovery of Ozone

    Identification of the Ozone Molecule

    The Chemical and Optical Properties of Ozone

    2. The Presence of Ozone in the Atmosphere

    Early Measurements of Ozone in Air

    Systematic Surface Ozone Measurements

    Ozone and Health

    Attempts to Detect Antozone in the Atmosphere

    3. Spectroscopic Determinations of Ozone

    Spectroscopic Properties of Ozone

    The Discovery of Ozone in the Stratosphere

    Optical Measurements of Surface Ozone

    4. The First Theoretical Studies

    The First International Ozone Conference

    The First Photochemical Theory of Ozone

    The Following International Ozone Conferences

    5. Determination of the Vertical Distribution of Ozone

    The Umkehreffekt

    The Pioneering Balloon Measurements

    Balloon Flights with Manned Gondolas

    Ozone Measurements from Rockets

    Satellite Measurements

    6. Advances in Theory

    The First Mathematical Model of Stratospheric Ozone

    Ozone Production in the Stratosphere

    The Inadequacies of Theory

    Ozone Destruction by Hydrogenated Compounds

    Ozone Destruction by Nitrogen Compounds

    Ozone Destruction by Chlorinated and Brominated Compounds

    The Role of Atmospheric Dynamics and Ozone Transport

    Advanced Mathematical Models of Ozone

    7. Ozone and Supersonic Aircraft

    The Effect of Water Released by Aircraft Engines

    The Effect of Nitrogen Oxides Released by Aircraft Engines

    8. Ozone and Chlorofluorocarbons

    Ozone, Chlorine, Bromine, and the Cold War

    Effect of Chlorofluorocarbons

    9. The Antarctic Ozone Hole

    The Discovery of the Ozone Hole

    Space Observations of Ozone Depletion

    Three Hypotheses to Explain the Formation of the Ozone Hole

    Explanation of the Causes of the Ozone Hole

    An Ozone Hole in the Arctic?

    10. Ozone in the Troposphere

    Air Pollution

    Ozone Pollution

    Global Tropospheric Chemistry

    11. A Success Story

    Selected Bibliography



    Without the existence of the protective atmospheric ozone layer that shields the biosphere from harmful solar ultraviolet radiation, life on Earth, as we know it, would not be sustainable. The high economic growth during the golden 1950s and 1960s gave little incentive to think about the consequences of the expanding industrial activities on the global environment, and to imagine a possible erosion of the ozone layer in response to the human enterprise. This optimistic view changed in the 1980s when the first signs of ozone depletion, following the release in the atmosphere of manufactured chemical products, were reported, particularly over the Antarctic continent. The public got alerted for the first time when, on November 7, 1985, the prominent science editor of the New York Times, Walter Sullivan, announced in his newspaper that "each October a hole appears in the ozone layer." By adopting this terminology suggested to him by atmospheric chemist Sherwood Rowland who was deeply concerned by the depletion of the ozone layer, Sullivan introduced a powerful environmental metaphor that translated the satellite images produced by NASA into a threatening reality and an influential message for the public and for the policy makers. The image was not entirely new. Already in 1934, the eminent British geophysicist Sydney Chapman in his presidential address to the Royal Meteorological Society had suggested that, by injecting chemical agents in the atmosphere, an artificial ozone hole could be produced, which would allow astronomers to conduct optical observations of the Sun and the stars in a spectral range normally blocked by the atmosphere. But in the 1980s, the hole was not the result of a limited and deliberate action taken to satisfy the needs of a few astronomers. It was a continental-scale disturbance and an inadvertent consequence of our way of life. It required immediate action by all nations. The era of environmental diplomacy had begun.

    The story of ozone started in 1839 as a mystery that lasted for almost 30 years. It was the detection of a pungent odor produced by the electrolysis of acidulated water in a laboratory of the University of Basel that triggered speculations about the nature of an unknown chemical compound released during the experiment. This gas repeatedly generated by electric discharges in air and called ozone as a reference to the Greek word ozein (to smell) was soon believed to be a modified form of oxygen with enhanced chemical affinities. In 1858, this odorous oxygen was found to be a permanent gas of the atmosphere, but it took almost ten additional years to unambiguously establish that ozone is a molecule composed of three oxygen atoms: OOO. Systematic investigations of the chemical and absorption properties of this gas attracted the attention of the best chemists and atmospheric scientists of the late nineteenth and the early twentieth centuries.

    The history of the ozone research is fascinating. This book attempts to describe the evolution of knowledge during almost two centuries following the discovery of 1839. Written for a nonspecialized audience interested in the steady progress made by science, this volume is articulated around eleven chapters, which allows us to follow step by step the progress in the knowledge and the challenges encountered by the researchers of the time. The history of ozone research illustrates in many ways the methodologies adopted for scientific investigations in other fields of research with the intuition and doubts of individual scientists, their certainties sometimes denied a few years later, the vivid debates of ideas between scientific personalities and sometimes the disagreements and even severe conflicts between different protagonists. Research has always been a human endeavor influenced by the social and cultural environment in which scientists and engineers live and work. This volume shows that scientific breakthroughs by bright individuals, even if they were spectacular, were in most cases the result of small incremental steps based on earlier results. Early research was innovative probably because it was driven primarily by the curiosity of a few individual scholars (who did not have to justify their curiosity) rather than by large teams asked to develop goal-oriented and relevant projects with widespread appeal to funding agencies or review panels.

    The first chapter highlights how early laboratory investigations led to the discovery of ozone in the middle of the nineteenth century, while Chapter 2 describes the first methods adopted to measure ozone in the atmosphere. Chapter 3 summarizes progress made on the determination of the spectroscopic properties of ozone and on the related instrumental development that led to the first detection of stratospheric ozone in 1912. Chapter 4 presents the first theoretical studies conducted around 1930 to explain the mechanisms that are responsible for the photochemical production and destruction of the molecule in the atmosphere. Chapter 5 discusses the first observational methods implemented to determine the vertical distribution of ozone in the upper atmosphere. The successive updates proposed after 1950 to complement the original ozone theory are the focus of Chapter 6. The questions related to the impact of human activities on the ozone layer are addressed in Chapters 7 and 8, and more specifically the expected effects of a planned fleet of supersonic aircraft in the 1970s, and of industrially manufactured chlorofluorocarbons emitted in the atmosphere since the 1950s. Chapter 9 highlights how the Antarctic ozone hole was discovered in the 1980s, and shows how this discovery led to intense discussions and even controversies. Finally, chapter 10 briefly reviews the processes identified in the second half of the twentieth century that are responsible for the formation of ozone pollution near the surface, particularly in urban areas. Chapter 11 presents some conclusions and highlights that the research that led to the protection of the ozone layer was indeed a successful story.


    I would like to express my gratitude to several colleagues who have provided support to the production of this volume by reading the manuscript, providing material, and suggesting some changes or additions in the text. In particular, I would like to thank Rumen Bojkov, James Rodger Fleming, Idir Bouarar, Ian Galbally, Claire Granier, Daniel Marsh, Paul Newman, Brian Ridley, Ruan Xiao-xia, Susan Solomon, Johannes Staehelin, David Tarasick, Hans Volkert, Ying Xie and Christos Zerefos. Alexej Dobrynin, Ina Döge, Yong-Feng Ma and Yuting Wang are gratefully acknowledged for providing technical assistance. Thanks also to Sarah Jane Shangraw, managing editor at the American Meteorological Society, for her encouragements and support. Much of the book was written while working part-time at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg, Germany, at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, USA, and at the Polytechnic University in Hong Kong. The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the US National Science Foundation.


    On May 16, 1985, the scientific journal Nature published a surprising article. The authors, Joseph C. Farman, Brian G. Gardiner, and Jonathan D. Shanklin of the British Antarctic Survey in Cambridge, UK, indicated that above the scientific base of Halley Bay in Antarctica, the amount of atmospheric ozone, measured systematically since the 1958 International Geophysical Year (see Box 0.1), began to decline dramatically during the southern spring. The effect had been particularly marked since the late 1970s.

    This article produced a real shock among the members of the international scientific community. None of the mathematical models that calculate changes in the ozone layer had predicted such a trend. In addition, NASA, which is permanently monitoring the atmosphere through its satellites, had not announced any spectacular decrease in the amount of ozone in the southern polar regions. Only a researcher from Japan’s meteorological services, Shigeru Chubachi, had indicated on a poster presented at the 1984 Quadrennial Ozone Conference in Halkidiki, Greece, that ozone levels measured at the Japanese base in Syowa, Antarctica, had been abnormally low in September 1982 and 1983. Interestingly, no similar ozone layer disturbance had been reported anywhere else in the world.

    Box 0.1. The International Geophysical Year 1957 to 1958

    On April 5, 1950, during a dinner hosted by James Van Allen, a professor at The John Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, and by his wife Abigail, a few prominent scientists (Lloyd Berkner, Sydney Chapman, S. Fred Singer, and Harry Vestine) suggested that the time was ripe to organize a Geophysical Year with strong international participation in order to investigate the complex and interrelated processes that affect planet Earth. This audacious idea was presented in different circles a few weeks later: first at a meeting held at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena, California, on the upper atmosphere with the presence of about 20 geophysicists (including Belgian aeronomer Marcel Nicolet), and then in July 1950 at a conference on the physics of the ionosphere held at The Pennsylvania State University. With the strong support of American scientists, the project was then submitted to the International Council of Scientific Unions and was adopted in 1952 by this organization. A steering committee, established under the French name of Comité Spécial de l’Année Géophysique Internationale (CSAGI) (see the figure below), was charged to implement the activities of what became The 1957–1958 International Geophysical Year (IGY).

    Figure 0.1. Meeting of the Comité Spécial de l’Année Géophysique Internationale (CSAGI) (Special Committee of the International Geophysical Year [IGY]) in Brussels, Belgium, with left to right Vladimir Belousov (Soviet Union), Lloyd V. Berkner (United States, vice chair), Marcel Nicolet (Belgium, secretary general), Jean Coulomb (France), and Sydney Chapman (United Kingdom, chair). Photograph from Life Magazine.

    Twenty-six countries initially decided to join the program and to conduct coordinated observations. However, with the political tensions produced by the Cold War, scientific communication between the western and the eastern blocs had been almost entirely interrupted, and hence the Soviet Union postponed its participation. It decided to join the program only in October 1954 after the death of Joseph Stalin in the previous year. China refused to participate as long as the Republic of China (Taiwan) remained a member of the IGY.

    Several interesting initiatives were undertaken. New ozone stations, for example, were installed in different parts of the world including Antarctica. World Data Centers providing geophysical information, including measured ozone concentrations, were established. The space race between the Soviet Union and the United States started: the first artificial Earth-orbiting satellite Sputnik 1 was launched on October 4, 1957 by the Soviet Union and the first US satellite Explorer 1 was put in the orbit on January 31, 1958. Continuous monitoring of carbon dioxide (CO2) was initiated at the station of Mauna Loa in Hawaii, and the famous Van Allen radiation belts were discovered by Explorer 1.

    The IGY can be viewed as the largest coordinated geophysical research program ever implemented by the international community.

    The announcement of the formation of a real hole in the ozone layer was propagated by the press of all the countries. For many people, this represented a real ecological disaster whose magnitude and future consequences for life on Earth were apprehended.

    The ozone layer, located mainly in the stratosphere, the region of the atmosphere extending from approximately 10 to 50 km altitude (see Box 0.2), is known to protect living beings from ultraviolet radiation emitted by the sun. This radiation has harmful effects on living cells and in particular destroys DNA. Without the presence of ozone in the atmosphere, which acts as a protective shield against ultraviolet radiation, radiation, life in its present form would not have been possible. In particular, it is known that even a partial destruction of the ozone layer would lead to a considerable increase in the number of skin cancers among the human population.

    Two questions therefore immediately arose: What are the mechanisms responsible for the formation in Antarctica—and only in this region—of a hole in the ozone layer whose size (30 million km²) corresponds to nearly 50 times the surface area of France? Is it a natural disturbance that has repeated itself several times in the past, or is it a new phenomenon that has resulted from human activity? The answers to these questions were rapidly provided by the scientific community. It is indeed a disturbance resulting from human activities, it results from the emission in the atmosphere of products called chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and generated by industry and by a large number of domestic and industrial applications.

    Box 0.2. The stratosphere

    Exploring the upper layers of the atmosphere was made possible at the end of the nineteenth century with the advent of balloons and the existence of devices capable of measuring air temperature and pressure. These investigative techniques enabled Léon Philippe Teisserenc de Bort (1855–1913), who worked at the Trappes Meteorological Observatory, and Richard Assmann (1845–1918), who became Director of the Royal Aeronautical Observatory of Prussia at Lindenberg (Figure 0.1) in 1905, to show for the first time that the decrease in temperature with altitude stopped at around 11 km. Above this level, the temperature is first constant with altitude and then rises to a maximum at 50 km above sea level. This region of the atmosphere is characterized by vertical air movements of low amplitude, isolating the different levels of altitude from each other. This layer, vertically stratified, was called stratosphere by Teisserenc de Bort, from the Latin stratum. It extends up to 50 km in altitude (the upper limit of the stratosphere called the stratopause).

    Figure 0.2. (Left) French Meteorologist Léon Teisserenc de Bort. Source: (Right) Prussian scientist Richard Assmann. Source: Stadtarchiv Magdeburg (Fotographie); Meteorologisches Observatorium Lindenberg (Ölgemälde); Das Wetter. Sonderheft für R. A., 1915. Both scientists discovered the stratosphere almost simultaneously and independently.

    The history of ozone began in a university laboratory in Basel, Switzerland, where a chemistry professor, Christian Friedrich Schönbein, detected a peculiar odor while conducting an experiment on water electrolysis. The cause of this smell was not identified until about 20 years later, when it was established that ozone is an allotrope¹ form of oxygen. The chemical symbol of this molecule is O3. The discovery of this substance caught the attention of the scientists of the time and, in a letter to Schönbein on March 12, 1847, chemist J. Berzelius wrote that this was one of the most beautiful discoveries ever made.² A few years later, it was noticed that the ozone molecule absorbs ultraviolet radiation very effectively, and that its presence in the atmosphere is therefore an essential element for the maintenance of life on Earth.

    The discovery in 1858 by the French agronomist Jean-Auguste Houzeau that ozone is a permanent gas of the atmosphere opened up a new field of research. The first step was to establish accurate techniques for measuring the concentration of this gas in the air. In the early part of the 20th century, the vertical distribution of this gas was determined after it was recognized that ozone had to be more abundant in the upper atmosphere than near the Earth’s surface. In the 1920s and 1930s, prominent scientists including Charles Fabry in France, Gordon Dobson in the United Kingdom, Paul Götz in Switzerland, and Erich and Victor Regener in Germany played a key role in observing ozone and, after developing sophisticated techniques, discovered the presence of an ozone layer in the stratosphere, that is, in the region of the atmosphere extending between 15 and 50 km above sea level (see Box 0.2). This ozone layer, whose essential property is to absorb a large fraction of ultraviolet solar radiation, is characterized by a maximum concentration located at an altitude of about 25 km (Figure 0.3). Ozone is also present, but in smaller amounts, in the troposphere,³ the atmospheric layer that extends from the Earth’s surface to the tropopause,⁴ the boundary with the lower stratosphere. Tropospheric ozone, through a series of complex chemical reactions, determines the oxidizing potential of the atmosphere, that is, its ability to oxidize and thus destroy certain chemical species emitted at the Earth’s surface, including most chemical pollutants. Finally, near urban centers and in industrial areas, ground-level ozone can be produced in large quantities by complex chemical processes that involve air pollutants, including nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons. Ozone pollution, observed mainly during the summer in stagnant air exposed to intense sunlight, produces harmful effects on human health and, in particular, causes respiratory diseases and cardiac problems. Ozone is a powerful oxidant that irritates the respiratory tract. It also inhibits plant growth and therefore reduces the yield of agricultural crops with large economic consequences.

    Figure 0.3. Mean vertical mean distribution of ozone partial pressure expressed here in milli-Pascals (mPa), which shows the maximum concentration in the stratosphere at about 25 km altitude and the lowest abundance of ozone in the troposphere with higher amounts due to pollutant emissions at the Earth’s surface. Source: Fahey, D. W. and M. I. Hegglin (coordinating lead authors). Twenty Questions and Answers About the Ozone Layer: 2010 Update, Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion (Geneva, Switzerland: World Meteorological Organization, 2011), 72 pp.

    The first atmospheric measurements of ozone were complemented by theoretical studies that attempted to explain the origin and fate of this chemical species. The first theory, proposed in 1929 by the British geophysicist Sydney Chapman, describes the processes of ozone formation and destruction by invoking only five chemical reactions involving only oxygen species. It was completed in the 1950s by adding the effects of water vapor and hydrogenated radicals, and in the 1970s by recognizing the important role of nitrogen and halogenated compounds (chlorine and bromine). The latter work highlighted the vulnerability of ozone to atmospheric releases of chemicals produced by human activity. The formation of the ozone hole at the end of the twentieth century demonstrated the urgent need to safeguard the global environment by removing from the atmosphere industrially manufactured products that are likely to alter the ozone layer. From that moment onwards, the ozone issue was no longer only seen as a purely academic problem, but became a societal issue in the same way as global warming.

    In this book, we describe, sometimes with interesting anecdotes and often through the discovery of key personalities, the development of new scientific concepts that have shaped ozone research since the discovery of this gas in the mid-nineteenth century. The results of this research provided the knowledge at the end of the twentieth century that led to international agreements to protect humanity from the destruction of this gas in the stratosphere. This historical journey will allow us to follow the evolution of our scientific knowledge on stratospheric chemistry and dynamics, and more recently on air quality issues, for nearly two centuries. In particular, we will demonstrate the important role of fundamental research in solving a global problem affecting the earth’s environment, climate, and human health. The history of ozone research is marked by events that are typical of the scientific method and is a perfect illustration of how knowledge is progressing. We will present hypotheses that were often contested and then eventually accepted or rejected. We will show how intense debates and disagreements between scientists were settled by the information brought by laboratory or field experiments. We will also show how truths that were believed to be universal and permanent were sometimes called into question. We will highlight how new observations took researchers by surprise and led to new investigations and new research programs. And finally, we will point the reader to the difficulty of convincing decision makers of research results that do not necessarily correspond to their views or to their interests.

    1. Term proposed by the Swedish chemist Jöns Jacob Berzelius to define several forms of the same chemical element within the same phase.

    2. Ihre Endeckung von Ozon ist aus diesen Gesichtpunkte eine der schönster die je gemacht worden sind.

    3. The troposphere is the layer of the atmosphere that extends from the ground up to altitudes of about 18 km in the tropics, 12 km at mid-latitudes and 6 to 8 km in the polar regions. It contains 75% of the air mass and is subject to weather disturbances.

    4. According to the World Meteorological Organization, the tropopause is defined as the lowest level at which the lapse rate decreases to 2 °C/km or less, provided that the average lapse rate between this level and all higher levels within 2 km does not exceed 2 °C/km. Other definitions, often preferred by atmospheric chemists, are based on the rapid change with height (discontinuities)

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