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In the ice house
In the ice house
In the ice house
Ebook80 pages15 minutes

In the ice house

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Genevieve Kaplan’s In the ice house offers an innovative meditation on domestic life and the physical world that surrounds it, chronicling “at least the beginnings of some disaster” taking place in a landscape that “had no symmetry.” Deftly channeling poets like Wallace Stevens and John Ashbery, as well as invoking Kaplan’s own distinct poetic sensibility, these poems reveal an atmospheric and wondrous world filled with odd and compelling images. Readers confront the menace of the ordinary, “the whale-faced spout of the drainpipe, the cluck / of the chicken-bird” and how “the light attacks / the window and the stress of the shining / does not ease.” The poet’s insistent evocation of elemental images—the birds, the ice, the water—becomes almost incantatory, as the speaker seeks escape from “the frantic outside” she’s trapped within. Kaplan’s sky “has the depth / of an ocean,” and this book deeply articulates how “silence is the only word that can replace loss.” Moving artfully between internal desires and incisive observations of the external, these stunning poems radiate with both heat and ice.

PublisherRed Hen Press
Release dateJan 1, 2012
In the ice house

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    Book preview

    In the ice house - Genevieve Kaplan

    In the ice house

    In the ice house

    poems by

    Genevieve Kaplan

     Red Hen Press | Pasadena, California 

    In the ice house

    Copyright © 2011 by Genevieve Kaplan

    All rights reserved

    No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the prior written permission of both the publisher and the copyright owner.

    Book design and layout by Kathrine Davidson

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Kaplan, Genevieve.

    In the ice house : poems / by Genevieve Kaplan. —1st ed.

    p. cm.

    ISBN 978-1-59709-462-7

    I. Title.

    PS3611.A649I5 2011



    The Los Angeles County Arts Commission, the California Arts Council, the National Endowment for the Arts, and Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs partially support Red Hen Press.

    Published by Red Hen Press

    First Edition


    Some of these poems were first published in the following journals and anthologies: Alba: A Journal of Short Poetry, Cimarron Review, Copper Nickel, Dorado, Front Porch,The Loudest Voice: Volume 1, Mrs. Maybe, The Northwest Review, The One Three Eight, West Wind Review, Word for/Word, and Zoland Poetry. My sincere thanks to the editors.

    The publication of this book was made possible by A Room of Her Own Foundation’s To the

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