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Horary Astrology
Horary Astrology
Horary Astrology
Ebook99 pages46 minutes

Horary Astrology

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Horary astrology is a branch of astrology that responds to precise questions in a quick, simple, trustable manner. Horary astrology is becoming increasingly appreciated by those who are passionate for the sector and causes curiosity in the lovers of card-reading because of the numerous questions that it can answer. The author makes the text very original, exposing his own believes and rules for reading with clarity and synthesis, mentioning only those that, in his experience, are valid, thereby making it easy the learning process for the reader, who very frequently gets confused among the various notions dictated in the manuals of more than three hundred pages. The text was written very carefully even in the aspect related to the people with very few bases of astrology. In 119 pages, the lector will learn the rules to practice with horary astrology and more than fifteen actual illustrative examples.

Author’s biography:
Giampiero in art Antares Stanislas born in Rome in 1973, he practices astrology and card-reading for more than twenty years. He has written ten publications that have been translated in several languages. In the area, he publishes videos in YouTube and articles in his Facebook profile. WebSite:
Release dateOct 3, 2016
Horary Astrology

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    Book preview

    Horary Astrology - Antares Stanislas

    Antares Stanislas

    Horary Astrology

    Antares Stanislas productions

    Date and time of starting this book:

    on July 19th. 2016 at 10.27 in Rome


    Book title: Horary Astrology

    Author: Giampiero Tirelli in art Antares Stanislas

    © 2016, Giampiero Tirelli

    ALL RIGHTS RESREVED. The reproduction, even partial and by any means, is not allowed without the previous authorization in written by the author.


    This is my tenth publication. My other books, related to the area of astrology and tarots, are known for their practical teachings through the use of an easy-to-understand language, accessible to many.

    Speaking with inquirers and acquaintances I understands their necessities when they wish to approach this art. I have written this book to respond to the people that wanted to learn the horary astrology, a branch of astrology, that gets very close to card-reading because of the way it answers to specific questions that require the readings of details and to which the analysis of the astrological transits or of the solar revolutions can only answer in part.

    The books about horary astrology in Italy are few, and those that have been published frequently include concepts of renown authors from the past like: Frawley, Lilly, Bonatti, etc. I, too, in my personal library have tests about horary astrology of more than three hundred pages but a big number of pages is not a real indicator of a good book.

    In fact, some authors, include correctly many notions of the ancient authors and add their own personal observations casting, however, doubts in the way that the reader has to interpret the method by suggesting several, and sometimes, too many articulated methods to choose a meaning about a person or an object, or to calculate the timing of the event, etc.

    I will try, therefore, to give precise indications about the reading method, given by my experience. This book can be read by whoever knows the basics of astrology. I have not written a book of over three hundred pages because my job of trimming wants to be the strength and the originality useful for the reader.

    I have only included what I consider is essential to achieve a prediction using horary astrology. I, for sure, will have forgotten to specify some concepts but that may be corrected in future editions. Whoever wishes to make suggestions and constructive observations or receive explanations about a step that I have included can reach me on Skype, nick/id: Antares.Stanislas, so that we can exchange opinions.

    In the illustrative examples I have willingly taken the opportunity to add or specify concepts not included in the rest of the book.

    It is natural that my goal is to give the reader an optimal introduction to the horary astrology, explaining all the essential concepts to practice. This book is not the end-game for the reader but a starting point.

    To become an optimal astrologist in horary, the reader will have to practice and buy other texts to research deeper about the concepts that I have omitted or not specified and that will complete your practice.

    I specify that I have omitted, and not specified, willingly, some concepts, to maintain the main goal of this book, give the reader the fundamental basic tools to enter the world of the horary astrology and practice it! You read it correctly, after having read this book you’ll be able to try to do your first astrological prediction with the horary astrology.

    Always remember that you are astrologist and not magicians. The horary astrology answers all the questions but this does not mean that we have to answer unethical or impossible questions. In theory, you can research about any and everything but bear in mind that in astrology there are not foolproof rules! To calculate the year of your death, and I add, luckily.

    Carry, therefore, your readings with a calm soul, don’t feel rushed or forced to give precise answers because there is nothing certain in this sector, starting with what the ancient authors of astrology have written. If you try reading them, you’ll find that among them they had several disagreeing ideas about the reading methods. Understand well that the truth does not belong to anybody.

    There are certain, safe, bases upon which even the different authors agree, and it is right from here that I wanted to start. I have added my own beliefs, my subjective experience just as any legitimate author/astrologist would do.

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