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Pen Art: Poems of Life
Pen Art: Poems of Life
Pen Art: Poems of Life
Ebook310 pages1 hour

Pen Art: Poems of Life

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These are a collection of poems I have written over the last ten years that are about the conditions of my life.
Release dateNov 11, 2020
Pen Art: Poems of Life

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    Pen Art - Kenneth Knox


    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except where permitted by law.


    ISBN (Print Edition): 978-1-09833-740-7

    ISBN (eBook Edition): 978-1-09833-741-4

    Printed in the United States

    First Edition


    I started writing poetry back in 2009. I was inspired by my older sister Miriam who also wrote poetry so I figured it was in my DANA(D.N.A) also to write. My first attempt was a book called OBKNOXIOUSLY YOURS TRULY Poems of Life I illustrated the cover for, wrote and had printed in six months to see if I could do it. Since then I have been writing and collecting poems. These are 120 of the more palatable ones I have written over the last ten years that might keep me off of the No Fly List and out of an asylum. If some of my poetry’s themes seem to reiterate themselves, it’s only because life itself is reiterating.

    K.D. KNOX


    Chawn Mr. Magic Paige----Computer Tech Advisor

    Angela Tweedle Tyson----Photography


    To my three children Karin, Majul and Keenan. My seven grandkids, The Knox Klan and all of my friends that inspired me and pushed my pen to create these eclectic writings over the last ten years.

    Table of Contents

    Pen Art

    At The Day’s End


    The Eyes Of A Child

    The Closet Tailor

    Confused And Black

    Rap On Brother

    Hyde’s Pride

    My Brother, My Brother

    My Dreams

    The Privilege

    Drilling For Dinosaurs

    Pick Up The Soap

    When Wry Goes Awry

    Who Are You?????

    The Great Lie


    Why Can’t We All Get Together

    Then And Now

    3 Wheels 3 Women 3 Wishes

    A Doggone Shame

    The Perplexing Paradox Of Love

    Upside Down

    Mrs Fountain

    The Love Blender

    Helter Skelter

    All About Nothing

    My Three Loves

    Trash Talking Ways

    God’s Math

    The Itis Boys & Dr. C.

    Gardenias And Gladiolus

    Ya Done Real Good

    True Friendship Prologue

    True Friendship

    Dark Ages

    Now I See The God In Me

    Just Thoughts

    Don’t Tell Don’t Ask

    Bridging The Gap

    Learning vs Earning

    Our Creations

    Watch Out For Cars Dummy

    Friend, Project Or Foe

    Forward To The Good Old Days

    O Where O Where!!!!


    For Money Do We Part

    The Journey

    The Garden Tool

    Hear Me Out!!!!!

    Lottery Player’s Blues

    A Final Lament


    Trying To Change

    Why I Write

    Bestest Of Friends

    Doubting And Doing

    Let’s Come Together

    My Wish

    The Give And Take Of It All

    The Cup

    Neighbor 911

    On A Zoom

    The Family Tree

    At Sea

    The Book Of KD

    The Dust

    Open Up

    KD’s Knew Rules

    Serenity Plea For Purpose

    The Creator’s Love

    The Lies About Truth

    The Human Struggle



    Put It In The Wind

    Q & A


    Debbie Doo

    Dear Weez

    Living To Die For



    We Still Rise

    Once Again

    To Bi Or Not To Bi

    From Peter To Paul


    Mother Nature’s Dance

    Coming Up In The A.T.L.

    God’s Gift

    Family Upbringin

    Love From Within

    Driving Me Insane

    Happy New Day

    Entertainer’s Lament

    Female Math

    Stature Or Status???


    Proactive Or Reactive

    The Big Show

    Life’s Mountains

    Staying Clean In 2016



    My Idols

    Lessie’s Report

    Yah Mon, Respect

    Jammed In Jamaica


    Dichotomy Of A Species


    True First Love



    Good Neighbors, Bad Knees

    En Garde Ennui

    America’s Lawlessness

    Pen Art

    If I could write a Rembrandt

    What words would I choose

    If I could pen a Picasso

    Which pens would I use

    To portray such beauty

    Of purple, rose and gold

    Into expressive words

    For the mind’s eyes to behold

    Words that stir imagination

    And make emotions flare

    To make you feel weightless

    Like floating on thin air

    How can I write the ruby reds

    And the ice-cool blues

    Mixed with the emerald greens

    With a hint of yellowish hues

    A giant reddish-orange sun

    Setting into a blue ocean

    Behind a sailboat clipping the water

    In an easy, effortless motion

    How can I wield my pen

    Like an extension of my eyes

    To make you feel a breeze

    Under the clear blue skies

    With words from my soul

    Flowing to the tip of my pen

    Arriving spiritually painted

    Written from deep within

    If I could write a Rembrandt

    It would be words from my heart

    To bring color to the world

    By sharing my pen’s art

    At The Day’s End

    At the end of the day when the dust settles

    Did you make someone smile

    Or leave someone alone and sad

    Did you sleep with a song in your heart

    Or toss and turn angry and mad

    At the end of the day when the dust settles

    Did you have a wonderful day

    Getting things done

    In a productive way

    Or did all your plans go sour

    With grief hour to hour

    Now you are probably thinking

    If I had more money

    My life wouldn’t be as funny

    Bad outcomes come from poor incomes

    It’s hard to produce good outcomes

    From bad incomes

    But money doesn’t make you happy

    While a lack thereof makes you sad

    Learn to live in the happy medium

    Between the two

    Whereas a little of both

    Will suffice and do

    The outcome that will be

    Derive from the dreams you foresee

    Think it twice and do it once

    For a better outcome and response


    (I think therefore I am)


    (Pronounced LOOK AT YOU NOW

    Pacino style from Scarface)

    If I show you the good in me

    Then tell you the bad in me

    What do you see???

    If I shared my innermost feelings

    Then you saw my wheelings and dealings

    Did you see what you wanted to see

    Or who you thought I should be

    Most people have something to hide

    When revealing scars from inside

    Buried deep by errors and trials

    Covered up by years of denials

    Lurking behind the curtain of the wizard

    Could be a man eating lizard

    Or a cute little kitten

    Playing with your lost mitten

    What we see in others

    Is based on expectations of our own

    To reshape another as we see

    Into a mirrored flawless clone

    When unexpected results

    Produce an unexplained reality

    Then you have a problem digesting

    Who you see as me

    Why can’t you see

    That regardless of what you see

    You are still just like me

    Whether a religious wrongdoing sinner

    Or an agnostic good-doing saint

    You ain’t what you see you are

    And you might be what you see you ain’t

    The Eyes Of A Child

    If we could travel back in time

    To be a child for one day

    Live without a care in the world

    With all day long to play

    To lie in a field of flowers

    Staring blankly into space

    While imagining we are on Mars

    Or some other faraway place

    We could turn clouds in the sky

    Into fire-breathing dragons

    Imagine driving race cars

    While sitting in our wagons

    Envision Santa and Rudolph

    Perched upon our roof

    Believe that the Tooth Fairy

    Brought us money for a tooth

    Children view this world through innocent eyes

    With its faults all mired in sin

    They have yet to experience life

    As a game to lose or win

    A child sees only people

    There is no black or white

    Until they are taught by someone

    To alter and ruin their sight

    A child should stay a child

    As long

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