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A Social Media Mess of a Summer
A Social Media Mess of a Summer
A Social Media Mess of a Summer
Ebook47 pages38 minutes

A Social Media Mess of a Summer

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After surviving a dreadful sixth-grade year of bullies, homework, teachers, and the death of a parent, Jacob, a middle school teenager, looks forward to his summer break. But before he can even unload his backpack, one of his least favorite family members moves in. Even worse, a betrayal on social media turns his life upside down. He's facing serious consequences from the school and from his dad for a mean-spirited prank that wasn't his fault. Soon, he's working to solve the mystery of who shared something that wasn't meant to go viral—and who his real friends are. Luckily, support from the unlikeliest ally helps when he finally learns the truth. Now that he knows how the past can haunt you in this social media world, will Jacob be able to make the hard choices and right the wrongs?

PublisherBree Lane
Release dateNov 11, 2020
A Social Media Mess of a Summer

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    A Social Media Mess of a Summer - B.T. Smith

    A Social Media Mess of a Summer


    B.T. Smith

    A Social Media Mess of a Summer Copyright © 2020 by B.T. Smith. All Rights Reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

    Cover designed by Dee J Holmes, Bad Unicorn Design

    Editing and Layout by Self-Publishing Services

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Printed in the United States of America

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020915385

    ISBN-978-1-7355641-0-4 paperback

    ISBN-978-1-7355641-1-1 epub

    ISBN-978-1-7355641-2-8 mobi



    1 Fresh Out the Joint

    2 A Bad Start to the Summer

    3 Forget Santa, The Grinch Is Coming to Town

    4 When You Think You Know Someone

    5 With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies?

    6 Duck...Duck...Liar

    7 A Total Mess

    8 I Told You So

    9 Will the Truth Set Me Free?

    10 Time to Face the Music



    I want to first thank God for all of His many blessings. I want to thank my loving husband, my two sons, parents, siblings, nephews, and all of my other family members and close friends who have become family. Also, I would like to thank Melanie Calahan and SPS for helping make this dream come true, and the process toward it so easy and fun.


    Fresh Out the Joint


    As I watched the last few minutes tick away, my classmates all gossiped about their summer plans.

    We’re going on our first family cruise, announced Logan.

    I’ll be with my dad all summer, cried Lonnie.

    Hey, Jacob, do you have any fun plans with your dad this summer? inquired Logan.

    I subtly shrugged my shoulders and nonchalantly said, Not really, but seeing how terrible this school year has been for me, I’d actually rather relax at home. I will be glad when the bell rings and I can break out of here.

    I hope everyone has a safe and happy summer. Don’t forget to complete your summer reading of The Giver before it’s over, chimed in Mr. Smith, quieting all side conversations amongst my classmates.

    Yes, sir, we all shouted in unison.

    Mr. Smith, my sixth-grade English teacher, had been my third-grade teacher years ago before making a move this past year to sixth grade. Every student at Broadway Elementary Middle School either loved or hated Mr. Smith. Personally, I was very fond of him. He had what some would describe as a rude and sarcastic tone, but I always thought he was hilarious. I must admit that despite him being on my list of my all-time favorite teachers, I couldn’t resist the urge to imitate him to a few of my friends just to get a laugh. However, I hadn’t done that in a while.

    As the clock struck 2:55 p.m., the bell rang, and the halls were filled with

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