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About this ebook

Abby Young is a troubled woman. She is gifted with the ability to conceal her dark side and deceive those around her. When she falls in love with Brad Desmond, she embraces the opportunity to start a new life in which to hide from her previous one. But the real Abby is still there. Her jealousy of Brad's happy family creates problems that Brad is unable to see. When her troubled past is discovered she must take action to hide it.

Threatened by someone who knows her past, Abby begins a blackmail campaign. "Entitlement" will take the reader through the messy mind of psychotic behavior and the desperate need for the past to stay buried.
Release dateNov 19, 2020

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    Entitlement - Leslee McCall




    Dr. Robert Knight should have ended the session some time ago, but Kathleen was having a breakthrough and he did not want to interrupt her. Since her father’s recent and sudden death, she had met with him twice in the past week. She was sad and angry because he was gone, but today, she was out for revenge. He listened to her every word with growing concern.

    He had believed she was beginning to accept Joseph’s death and was working through the emotions that follow. Until now, she had been somewhat quiet and reserved, but today she was talkative, and he encouraged her to continue. She was planning to return to work soon, but he wasn’t convinced she was ready.

    She had not mentioned her feelings toward her older sister before today. Joseph’s will was read this morning. The reading took place after the funeral, and Kathleen was clearly devastated. She had called and asked if she could come in, and Dr. Knight made time for her without hesitation.

    Growing up, I always thought he loved her in a way that he couldn’t love me, she said. When my mother died, I was convinced he blamed me. She was on her way to pick me up when the accident happened. I was only eleven. I spent years trying to get his attention and craved emotional support from him. Karen knew it and took full advantage of the situation. She did everything she could to get me in trouble when we were kids, to turn him against me. She was evil and a liar, and he ate it up. Karen manipulated us both, but he was in too much pain to see it.

    Over the years, my relationship with Pop changed dramatically for the better. I will always believe that it is because Karen moved away. We became remarkably close, and I will never forget the time we spent together. We did not see or hear much from Karen. She had married Eddie, who is a partner in a large investment company, moved from Florida to California, and has been living in the lap of luxury for several years.

    I was surprised to see Karen at the funeral just before it started. When I spoke to her after his heart attack, she did not indicate if she was coming or not. I gave her the details and left it at that. It was the first time I had spoken to her in months. I was too upset to try and figure out what her intentions were.

    After the service, we met with Pop’s attorney as previously planned. Karen and I always knew that Pop’s wishes were to sell his house and divide everything equally. I was so surprised to hear that he wanted me to have Mama’s box of cherished possessions and he asked that Karen understand and honor the request. I was so touched by the gesture that I stopped listening and did not hear anything else. When I got up to leave, Karen was already gone.

    I went to the house before coming here and found a letter from Karen on the dining room table. Dr. Knight handed her a box of Kleenex. It appears she didn’t appreciate the close relationship that had developed between me and our father.

    It’s okay, Kathleen. Tell me what it said.

    Kathleen took a deep breath. She wanted me to know that she had taken the box, and I would never see it or her again. She handed the letter to him so he could finish reading it for himself.

    He was horrified at what he had just read, and at a loss for words as Kathleen left his office for the last time. She had a look of determination he had never seen before.


    April 1976


    It was late in the afternoon, and Lauren was enjoying the breeze coming through her windows. She was folding her laundry as she thought about the memories that the small house held. Her two brothers, Brad and Adam, and her sister Allison, all older, had moved out, and all but Brad had families of their own. Thankfully, they all lived nearby, and family gatherings were frequent. Lauren loved and adored her nieces and nephew, and had a mutually strong and solid relationship with her siblings and their spouses. Their parents had raised them in this house. The entire family, including numerous extended members, were always close over the years. Lauren recalled Christmas parties when a hall had to be rented to accommodate all of the family members. Many had moved away over the years, and sadly some had passed away. It wasn’t the same, but the memories would live on.

    Lauren was looking forward to meeting Brad’s new girlfriend Abby. He was bringing her over for dinner to meet her and their parents. She really needed to get moving so she could help their mother finish the elaborate meal she was planning. Lauren was worried about Brad. He was the youngest of her brothers and was ten years older. He had moved back home last year for a brief time after his divorce from Jackie. The family was shocked at their split and never inquired about the details, but both were clearly heartbroken. Brad and Lauren spent many nights talking in the basement about life in general. Having the ability to be there for him meant a lot to both of them. Lauren was only sixteen, but she was a good listener. She was happy for him when he moved into his own apartment after four months, but she missed him.

    Brad worked long hours and traveled frequently to New York where his employer was headquartered. Lauren was thrilled that Brad was dating again. She figured it was serious if he was bringing her home to meet their parents. This was a customary move on all their parts, but only if it was serious enough to endure Eva and Jake’s endless questions and scrutiny. Lauren had to give them credit, though. If there was ever a problem in a relationship, they stayed out of it. They never took sides, and Lauren had never heard either one of them interfere in the raising of their grandchildren.

    It was obvious from the beginning that Abby was highly intelligent. She and Brad had that in common. They met at work and had known each other for a few weeks now. Abby was new to the company and worked in the same building as Brad. Lauren noted how different Abby was from Jackie. Jackie was remarkably quiet, soft-spoken, and kind. Abby was very talkative and had an opinion about everything. Still, she seemed to be treating Brad very well, and he looked happier than she had seen him in several months. That was all that mattered to Lauren.

    Abby and Jake had a spirited debate about politics, and everyone had a big laugh over it. Jake was a comedian at heart, and he and Abby hit it off right away. Eva was fascinated to learn that Abby had spent time in the Army. She also explained that her father was killed serving in Korea, and her mother had died from cancer just a few years ago. It was sad for everyone to hear that she only had a distant aunt and uncle, whom she really did not know that well, in her family circle.

    The evening flew by in a flash. Lauren helped her parents straighten the house before she called her sister to check in. Allison had not met Abby yet, but was looking forward to their parents’ annual Memorial Day barbeque when the entire family would be together. Lauren shared that she thought the night went very well. Remembering how much he was hurting just recently, they were both cautiously optimistic for Brad.


    May 1976


    Matt McDonald sat at his desk killing time before his next meeting. BTJ Computers and Software was breaking ground and growing rapidly. As a group, they were making a name for themselves, landing large contracts and enjoying a stellar reputation. Recently married, he could not remember a time in his life that he was happier. As the president and executive director, he prided himself in choosing employees that not only had the knowledge and experience needed, but partners he could trust. It wasn’t an easy task, but he was happy with the team he had built.

    Matt was thinking about his relationship with Brad Desmond. Brad wasn’t much older than Matt, so he was pleasantly surprised when Brad was his teacher at the local community college when he took his first computer software class. Until then, he had only been taking the class out of necessity. What developed was a love for the field and a mutual friendship that continued to thrive. Brad’s brother Adam, also in the field, had lunch with them frequently. The three of them were young and starting to build a future for themselves. Matt would always be grateful for their encouragement and advice when he was offered an executive position at BTJ. Without them, he may have never taken the chance.

    Now, just over two years later, Matt had worked his way to the top and had controlling interest in the company. Nancy was not happy with the hours and hard work he was putting in, but she was content and a superstar in Matt’s eyes. She was back in school and hoped to make a difference one day in the medical field. They were hoping to buy a house in the near future, and had talked about starting a family as well. Their current situation was a dream come true for them both.

    Brad had finally left his previous employer and joined BTJ after months of persuasion from Matt and his peers. He continued to teach two nights a week, but because of his dedication and hours he was working at BTJ, he would soon close that chapter in his career as well. After a year with BTJ, he had become an essential and key employee of the company.

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