HLP, New Hijama System, Modern Therapy Guide
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HLP, New Hijama System, Modern Therapy Guide - Bassam Klink, MD
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AlhamdAllah, I dedicate this book to my late mother, Intisar, and my father, Ahmad, for the education they gave me and my wife who supported me in the 3 years spent to prepare this book.
With special thanks to:All who supported me directly or indirectly in this book and to All who are dedicating their efforts and time to make hijama a modern practice and spread its use, especially the Govermental Health Regulators, Hijama Associations and the Hijama Specialists Worldwide.
Hijama is an interventional tool, means it can be used in the treatment and therapeutic phase of a disease.
Hijama does not have any diagnostic tool. Hijama cannot be used to make diagnosis, because it does not possess the tools to make diagnosis.
Consequently, hijamai nterviene after the patient has been diagnosed by a licensed medical doctor (any type of medicine).
What types of intervention are used in hijama?
3 types of Intervention, treatment and therapy phases which include:
- Sunnah
- Prevention (primary and tertiary)
- Therapy for a diagnosed disease
As first edition, this book covers the most frequent diseases (466 +).
Hlp, The New Hijama System
Many of the complementary medicine today around the world use the meridian system for treatment.
The tools used in the therapy to treat the meridian system make the difference between the different schools using this system as way of treatment.
Hijama use the wet cupping approach, in the therapy, on the meridian system.
Till today, hijama practice uses partially the meridian system, more orless points.
Aim of Hlp
HLP: H: Hijama -L: Lines -P: Points.
The available hijama points for treatment are limited. This limitation in the number of points is making hijama limited in the therapy field.
This limitation gave rise to HLP, New Hijama Systemin order to expand hijama, and put hijama at a higher level where it deserves to be, to help many patients suffering where hijama can help.
This book proposes a new hijama system for hijama points and new protocols for therapy:
HLP, New Hijama System, Modern Therapy Guide.
HLP is a new hijama system with hijama lines and hijama points and names and theurapeutic protocols, in order to align hijama with modern medicine, unify the hijama protocols and guidlines between all hijama specialists worldwide and expand hijama research based on unified new language.
What is HLP, New Hijama System?
This book proposes to use the whole meridian system in hijama as base of reference for the points and protocols in the therapeutic approach.
In order to give a separate identity for hijama, this book propose new terminology to be specific for hijama, which allows hijama to navigate independent side by side with the other modern complementary medicine disciplines, and better relate to the modern medicine and traditional and complementary medicine.
HLP, New Hijama System allows hijama points to be described based on anatomical landmarks references as new modern scientifical approach.
HLP, New Hijama System allows hijama to perform scientific, medical research in the therapeutic treatment field.
HLP, New Hijama System allows hijama to be aligned and integrated with the modern conventional medicine, traditional and complementary medicine.
HLP, New Hijama Systemgives the hijama specialists simple, unified, names of the meridian system allowing them clearly and easly communicate between all hijama specialists.
At the same time HLP, New Hijama System allows hijama to relate to the rest of meridian system branches, allowing for mutual translation from one system to the other and interchange the knowledge and latest updates and new discoveries in the treatment and the therapy protocols.
Last but not least, thisnewhijama system allowshijama to release its full potential for the best care of patients.
Description of Hlp, New Hijama System
As mentioned previously, HLP, New Hijama System will follow the meridian system.
The HLP, new hijama system will be a Numeric System (the Arabic Numeral System), relating each meridianto a number.
The meridian will be called HIJAMA LINE (HL) and its points are called HIJAMA POINTS (HP).
ConsequentlyHLP, New Hijama Systemis made ofhijama lines and its related hijama points, distribuited over the whole human body; they will be described based on anatomical landmarks references.
These hijama lines will be designed in mumbers, for example hijama line 1, hijama line 2, etc.
Each hijama line number correspond to a specific meridian (as shown later), for example hijama line 1 correspond to the lung meridian, hijama line 2 correspond to pericardium meridian, etc.(later it is mentioned the wholeHLPhijama lines, hijama points and each related meridian).
Because each meridian is made of different points in numeric sequence, this type of numeration for the hijama points will be maintened in HLP, New Hijama System.
Consequently, HLP, New Hijama System will be totally numeric, made of 2 numeric sequences separated between them by a dash.
The first number before the dash is thehijama line which corresponds to the meridian, while the number after the dash is the hijama point inside the hijama line which corresponds to the point in the meridian.
For example the point 1 of the lung meridian will be in HLP, New Hijama System like this: 1-1 (the 1 before the dash correspond to the hijama line 1 which correspond to the lung meridian, while the 1 after the dash correspond to the first hijama pointof the hijama line 1 which correspond to point 1 in lung meridian). Another example, the point 1 of the pericardium meridian will be in HLP, New Hijama System like this: 2-1 (2before the dash is the hijama line 2 corresponding to the pericardium meridian, and 1after the dash is the first hijama pointof the hijama line 2 which correspond to point 1 in pericardium meridian).
The lung meridian has 11 points, consequently the correspondin ghijama line 1 will have 11 hijama points written in the following way: 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-6, 1-7, 1-8, 1-9, 1-10, 1-11.
The pericardium meridian has 9 points;consequently the corresponding hijama line 2 will have 9 hijama points written in the following way: 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 2-6, 2-7, 2-8,2-9.
All these hijama points have a specific anatomical location which can be located and described easly, unifying the locations of hijama points between all the hijama specialists worldwide (a description of each hijama point will be mentioned in each following corresponding section).
All hijama lines have a symmetrical location on right and left side, means for each hijama line there are 2 identical, mirroring lines, one on the right side of the body and the second is on the left side of the body; except for the hijama lines 13 and 14 which are located on the centre of the body.
Benefits andAdvantages of Hlp, New Hijama System
The benefit of HLP, New Hijama System is to facilitate and exactly locate the hijama points based on the superficial anatomy, in order to get the most of the benefits of treating the exact location of the hijama points and have a vast number of hijama points to amplify the spectrum of therapy, and easly teaching the hijama lines and hijama points.
-HLP, New Hijama System allows maintaining the traditional approach of hijama and connecting it to the modern medicine in order to be better integrated with the modern medicine and its challenges.
-HLP, New Hijama System gives hijama the flexibility to be always up to date based on the latest discoveries and therapeutic protocols in the medicine which can easly applied in hijama treatment using the wet cupping approach to all these new protocols.
-The number of diseases that can be treated with hijama through HLP, New Hijama System will be hugely amplified, covering all types of diseases in all the specialities.
-With HLP, New HijamaSystem, hijama will be easly integrated in the clinical setting as team approach between the different specialities to treat a specific disease.
-The confidence and trust in hijama will be raised because of the methodological approach used with HLP, New Hijama System.
-Because all these benefits, the patient who is at the centre of any concern will be the most beneficiary of HLP, New Hijama System.
HijamaPointsSelectionMethods, Prescription of Hijama Points
In HLP, New Hijama System there are different methods to prescribe hijama points to treat any disease. Thisgive the flexibility to the hijama specialist to use different methods to treat a diseased area, choosing between prescribed combinations of hijama points, and the freedom to choose selective hijama points from the hijama lines based on personal response and needs of the patient.
With HLP, New Hijama System, there are14 methods to choose the hijama points.
It can be a common practice to combine some or all the selection methods together for best results. Uni- or Bi- lateral.
1-Sunnah Hijama Points
2- Local Hijama Points
Local hijama points are those which lied over, on or in close proximity to the diseased area.
3- Adjacent Hijama Points
Adjacent hijama points are points located near the diseased area.
4- Distal Hijama Points
Selecting hijama points below to treat above. The primary principle of selecting distal hijama points is to choose a hijama point from the involved hijama line. The book includes a list of some distal hijamapointsand their therapy indications.
5- Proximal Hijama Points
Selecting hijama points above to treat below. In disorders of the extremities, in such cases some proximal hijama points may be used. Also hijama points from the centre can be selected to treat extremities.
Hijama points from the front to treat the back and vice-versa: Selecting hijama points from the front to treat the back and vice-versa; for this reason, one method of hijama points selection emphasizes combining hijama points of the front and back.
6- Hijama Points from The Same Hijama LineTo Treat The Related Hijama Line
Chosse some or all hijama points of that hijama line. Uni- or Bi- lateral.
7- Cross Hijama Points
Generally speaking, hijama points are selected unilaterally from the affected side of the body, or else hijama bilaterally. However, since the hijama lines run bilaterally it is not uncommon to select hijama points from one side of the body to treat disorders on the opposite side. This is the principle of contralateral hijama. That is if the left is affected, the right is treated, and if the right is affected, the left is treated.
For example, hemiplegia can be treated by first on the healthy side, followed by the affected side.
Contralateral hijama is also used either when the affected side is too painful to treat.
Another form of cross-hijama emphasized in acute painful disorders, especially sprain.
8- Empirical Hijama Points
The selection of empirical hijama pointsis determined by their historically established benefits. Examples of empirical hijama points application include:
5-13, 1-3, 4-14: are all used in the treatment of goiter and scrofula.
10-38: is an important distal point in the treatment of shoulder pain.
14-10: effective point in the treatment of carbuncles, furuncles and clove sores.
1-7: traditionally emphasized for the treatment of headache.
6-4: traditionally indicated for jaundice.
9- Chain and LockHijama Points Association Method
The chain and lock hijama points association method refer to the selection of hijama points from the shoulder, elbow and hand or wrist to treat disorders of the upper limb; andthe selection of hijama points from the hip, knee and ankle to treat disorders of the lower limb.
10- Alternating Hijama Points
When hijama is given frequently, for example in the treatment of hemiplegia, or for any chronic disease, it is common practice to alternate hijama points or hijama points prescriptions to avoid over-stimuation of or damage to hijama points.
Similarly suitable hijama points may be divided into two alternating prescriptions, one from the front and one from the back.
11- Pain Hijama Points
Hijama points of local tenderness found on palpation which may, or may not, be regular hijama points. They are performed hijama according to the concept that where there is pain, there is a hijama point.
12- Polar Hijama Points
This is a new method specific for HLP, New HijamaSystem. It is a two dimentional system. It resembles the polar regions of earth. When a hijama point is choosed for treatment, the corresponding polar point is also choosed for hijama at the same time. It is north-sud poles, east-west poles and all the associated combinationhijama points. It is in armony with thePolar Regions and the magnetic field of the earth with all the functional and enegetic relashioships and benefits.
13- Hijama Points Combinations
These combinations of hijama points are pre-formulated prescription of points from classical texts. Much space has been given in this book to hijama points combinations. It is the intentionof this book to provide the hijama specialist with the maximum amount of information on the hijama points in order to facilitate the best possible hijama points prescription.
These are ready combinations of hijama points for specific diseases. A powerful tool for the hijama specialist to start with, when dealing with a specific disease. These combinations are found in the chapter: THERAPY HIJAMA POINTS in HLP, New Hijama System Per alphabetic order (A-Z) ;Protocols of Hijama Points in HLP, New Hijama System for Each Disease.
All the other 13 methods to choose hijama points can be added to this method of combinations of hijama points in this section.
14- Hijama Points of Patient Response
There are no hard and fast rules in the making of a hijama points prescription. The response of the patient to the hijama points selection prescribed by the hijama specialist is a main criterion of point prescription and the flexibility to change prescription. Sometimes a subtle change of hijama points prescription will bring about a significant change or improvement. In hijama practice, when treating a long-standing disease, a patient may report that one hijama pointprescription seems to have a better effect than other hijama points.
Finally, if there is no, or little, response to the hijama points prescription prescribed by the hijama specialist, don’t consider as no response to hijama, just make change adjustment to the hijama points prescription based on what has been mentiond previously in this section, till clinical response is achieved.
Site of Hijama Incisions
Because nowwith HLP, New Hijama System, we have specific hijamapoints with exact location, I would raccomendto start the incision process on the exact site of the hijama point and proceed at 360 grades, in centrifugal direction (from centre to periphery) around the specific hijama point.
It can proceed in Horizontal way (horizontal lines incisions) around the specific hijama point, or Circular way (circles of incisions) around the specific hijama point, but the most importantis to start incisions from the specific hijama point.
The number of incisions depend on the size of the cup used, but the highest number of incisions is on the specific hijama point and in its proximity.
Close Versus Open System
HLP, New Hijama System
As mentioned previously, as first edition with HLP, New Hijama System, this book covers the most frequent diseases, but not all the diseases.
New diseases, treatment protocols and therapy hijama points combinations will be added inshaAllah in the coming editions. Other Hijama Lines and its Hijama Points can be added.
HLP, New Hijama System is an OPEN SYSTEM; it gives hijama theflexibility to be updated based on the new discoveries in the general field of medicine.
This open system of the HLP, New Hijama System allows hijama to be alwaysup-to-date.
Any update or a new study with the references can be forwarded to me on social media: HLP, New Hijama System. It will be mentioned with the name of the author.
The Hijama Lines for Hlp, New Hijama System
Total of 19 Hijama Lines
LUNG Meridian - LU: Hijama Line1
PERICARDIUM Meridian – P:Hijama Line2
HEART Meridian – H: Hijama Line3
LARGE INTESTINE Meridian – L.I.:Hijama Line4
SANJIAO Meridian – SJ (Triple Energizer: TE): Hijama Line5
SMALL INTESTINE Meridian – SI:Hijama Line6
SPLEEN Meridian – SP:Hijama Line7
LIVER Meridian – LIV: Hijama Line8
KIDNEY Meridian - K: Hijama Line9
STOMACH Meridian –ST: Hijama Line10
GALL BLADDER Meridian – GB: Hijama Line11
URINARY BLADDER Meridian – UB:Hijama Line12
CONCEPTION Meridian – REN: Hijama Line13
GOVERNING Meridian – DU: Hijama Line14
EXTRAORDINARY (EX) HEAD (H) & NECK (N) Meridian: EX-HN: Hijama Line15
EXTRAORDINARY (EX) CHEST (C) & ABDOMEN (A) Meridian: EX-CA:Hijama Line16
EXTRAORDINARY (EX) BACK (B)& WAIST (W) Meridian: EX-BW: Hijama Line17
Hijama Line1
Hijama%20Line%201.jpgHijama Line 1
Number of Hijama points: 11 points.
1-1, 1-2, 1- 3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-6, 1-7, 1-8, 1-9, 1-10, 1-11.
Location: Chest: 1-1,1-2 –Upper limb: 1- 3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-6, 1-7, 1-8, 1-9, 1-10, 1-11.
Commonly used Hijamapoints:1-1, 1-5, 1-6, 1-7, 1-9, 1-11.
(Further explanations in each Hijama point paragraph).
General Rule: All Hijama points treat disorders along the Hijama Line itself, related sense organ (e.g., Hijama Line 1: the nose), and related tissue (e.g., Hijama Line 1: the skin)
1-1:Alarm point of the lung.
1-5: Sedation point (Reducing) – for skin disorders – very effective for psoriasis and for eczema, especially with pruritis.
1-6:Acute disorders point of the lung: In each Hijama Line there is a Hijama point for treating acute disorders of the pertaining organ.
1-7: One of the six important distal points.
1-9: Influential point for vascular disorders –Tonification point (Reinforcing).
Hijama Lines interconnection:TheHijama Lines 1 and 4 are interconnected through specific points, which can be used to treat the diseases related to the otherHijama Line; these points are: 1-9, 1-7, 4-4, 4-6 (called Connecting Hijama points).
1-11:One of The Resuscitation hijama points: the distal-most point of each of the first 12 Hijama Lines is known as a first-last Hijama point (Because each of these points represents the first or the last point of itsHijama Line). They are located on the fingers and toes of the four extremities. The following are the first-last Hijama points:
1-11, 2-9, 3-9, 4-1, 5-1, 6-1, 7-1, 8-1, 9-1, 10-45, 11-44, 12-67.
These points are used to treat Acute Emergencies such as coma, severe pain, high fever and shock. The Hijama point 9-1 is considered the most responsive point. However, the Hijama point 14-26 is used more often in practice due to its easier accessibility (and its responsiveness even to finger-pressure or dry hijama).
Functions of Hijama Line 1:
Disorders along the Hijama Line 1.
Disorders of the respiratory system.
Skin disorders.
Vascular disorders.
Disorders of the large intestine.
Neck disorders.
Treating nasal disorders, including nosebleed and nasal obstruction.
Treating disorders of the throat such as dryness, soreness, congestion, swelling and pain.
Treatingoedema and obstructed urination
Treating vomiting.
HijamaPointslocationsforHijama Line 1:
Anterior thoracic region, between the first and second ribs (first intercostals space), 6 thumbslateral to the midline.
This point is the Front Alarm point of the lung. In disorder of the lung this point becomes tender (painful to pressure). (An Alarm point is a specific Hijama point which becomes tender when there is disease of the related organ).
Pain in the chest and shoulder area, diseases of the lung, bronchial asthma, bronchitis.
Cough, coughing turbid phlegm, coughing blood and pus, dyspnoea, wheezing, asthma, chest pain, breathing with raised shoulders, oppression of the chest and difficulty in breathing, inability to lie down.
Heat in the chest, aversion to cold, chills and fever, sweating.
Throat painful obstruction, nasal congestion, swelling of the face.
Difficult ingestion, vomiting, retching, abdominal distention.
Skin pain, lumbar pain, goitre, pain of the upper back and shoulder.
Anterior thoracic region, 1 thumb above 1-1, 6 thumblateral to the midline.
Cough, wheezing, asthma, dyspnoea with inability to lie down, shortness of breath, oppressive and agitated sensation in the chest, heat in the chest, oppression and pain in the chest, sudden pain of the Heart and abdomen.
Pain of the lateral costal region and back, pain of the back and shoulders, pain of the shoulder with inability to raise the arm, pain of the supraclavicular fossa.
Throat painful obstruction, goitre, injury by cold giving rise to persistent heat in the limbs.
1- 3:
On the antero-lateral aspect of the arm, just lateral to the biceps brachii muscle in the depression between the biceps brachii muscle and the shaft of the humerus, 3 thumb inferior to the anterior axillary fold.
Wheezing, dyspnoea, cough, asthma, nosebleed, spitting blood, coughing blood, much spittle.
Somnolence, insomnia, sadness, weeping, disorientation and forgetfulness, floating corpse ghost-talk, melancholy crying ghost talk.
Goitre, swelling of the throat, pain of the inner (antero-lateral) aspect of the upper arm, dizziness, swelling and distention of the body, malaria, purple-white wind blotches (pityriasis versicolor), visual dizziness, short-sightedness.
1- 4:
One thumb below 1- 3, on the antero-lateral aspect of the arm, just lateral to the biceps brachii muscle in the depression between the muscle and the shaft of the humerus, 4 thumb inferior to the anterior axillary fold.
Cough, coughing phlegm, asthma, wheezing, dyspnoea, shortness of breath, agitation and fullness of the chest.
Tidal fever, fever, shivering, malaria, dry mouth and tongue, throat painful obstruction, tendency to sneeze.
Spitting blood, coughing blood, nosebleed, vomiting blood.
Vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal distention.
Swelling of the four limbs, enuresis, frequent urination.
Pain of the lateral costal region, Heart pain, agitation of the Heart, sobbing with grief, acute and chronic childhood fright wind, epilepsy, clonic spasm.
Coldness of the shoulder, pain of the upper arm and shoulder,
inability to raise the arm to the head, wandering painful obstruction of the elbow and upper arm, restricted movement of the elbow, elbow pain, difficulty in opening and extending the hand, the five types of lumbar pain, crane’s knee swelling and pain.
1- 5:
On the anterior aspect of the elbow, at the level if the cubital crease, in the depression lateral (radial side) to the biceps brachii tendon.
Activates the Hijama Line 1.
Relaxes the sinews and alleviates pain.
Pain and swelling of the elbow, arthritis of the elbow.
Skin diseases.
Cough, coughing phlegm, asthma, wheezing, dyspnoea, shortness of breath, agitation and fullness of the chest.
Fever, shivering, malaria, dry mouth and tongue, throat painful obstruction, tendency to sneeze.
Spitting blood, coughing blood, nosebleed, vomiting blood.
Vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal distention.
Swelling of the four limbs, enuresis, frequent urination.
Pain of the lateral costal region, Heart pain, agitation of the Heart, sobbing with grief, acute and chronic childhood fright, epilepsy, clonic spasm.
Coldness of the shoulder, pain of the upper arm and shoulder,
Inability to raise the arm to the head, wandering painful obstruction of the elbow and upper arm, restricted