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Servant Leadership Now: “Stepping - Up Your Leadership Call”
Servant Leadership Now: “Stepping - Up Your Leadership Call”
Servant Leadership Now: “Stepping - Up Your Leadership Call”
Ebook231 pages2 hours

Servant Leadership Now: “Stepping - Up Your Leadership Call”

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About this ebook

From the beginning, Church leadership has played a significant role in furthering the kingdom of God. It was through the Church that God revealed the gospel message of Jesus Christ. God's plan includes men and women inspired by the Holy Spirirt to share in the message of The Cross. The leadership plan was developed by God. Thus, as servant-leaders, we are called to implement and share in His plan-His agenda.

Whether seasoned or new to leadership, it is an exciting time to be engaged in activities of research and personal learninbg for ministry. The activities in this workbook were designed to engage leaders in focused work dedicated to the Word of God by reading, researching and working with scriptures. This will make individualized learning more meaningful.
Release dateOct 19, 2019
Servant Leadership Now: “Stepping - Up Your Leadership Call”

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    Servant Leadership Now - Gardenia T. Bulluck ACS BCH.M. M.S. ED.S.


    Stepping-Up Your Leadership Call

    Gardenia T. Bulluck, ACS, BCH.M., M.S. ED.S.

    Copyright © 2019 Gardenia T. Bulluck/Better Angels, LLC.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted by any means—whether auditory, graphic, mechanical, or electronic—without written permission of the author, except in the case of brief excerpts used in critical articles and reviews. Unauthorized reproduction of any part of this work is illegal and is punishable by law.

    ISBN: 978-1-7330-4730-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7330473-1-9 (e)

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models,

    and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Getty Images.

    Scripture quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®

    Copyright © 1973 1978 1984 2011 by Biblica, Inc. TM. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

    Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Lulu Publishing Services rev. date:  10/03/2019


    I dedicate this book to Our Lord, Jesus the Christ, who is Saviour and Son to The Father.

    To my biggest earthly cheerleaders, my husband, Sylvester, my godmother Ernestine, my adult children (birthed and God-sent), and of course, my maturing, everyday grandchildren, I am grateful for your supportive ways. Special thanks goes to my brother, Rev. Roderick L. Tillery, Sr., and to a son in the ministry to me, Rev. Keith Butler, who has continued to be encouragers through my ministry endeavors; Special gratitude to Drs. L. Beverly Corridon and Marie Louis who have always been there as prayer warriors; to my faithful early morning prayer partners, for over a decade now, who have continued to be a blessing in my life. Reflectively, I am grateful for those special people who were instrumental in my life and have left their earthly home for a heavenly home: my Soldier Sally, the quiet storm Bea, Mom Mary (the compassionate one) and my strong siblings. I miss you all. I salute Pastor and Lady McRae and the disciples of Abundant Life Ministries of South Florida, who will endure in spite of. Stand on faith! Finally, to Kendra and Courtney - words cannot express how I feel about you. You are rock-solid in Him. You show how a continued stand on His Word to serve others will bring abundance. This is a testament to Servant-Leadership NOW and God’s gifting.



    Ministry leadership is unique. The primary purpose of this workbook is to support ministry leaders as servant-leaders.

    Beginning with the Early Church, church leadership has played a significant role in furthering the kingdom of God. It was through the Church that God revealed the gospel message of Jesus Christ. God’s plan includes men and women inspired by the Holy Spirt to share in the message of The Cross. The leadership plan was developed by God. Thus, as servant-leaders, we are called to implement and share in His plan – His agenda.

    Whether seasoned or new to leadership, it is an exciting time to be engaged in the work of research and personal learning for ministry. With this awareness, the activities were designed for you.

    The activities are designed to work in teams or as individuals. Research shows that leaders learn by doing (experiential learning). The Harvard Business Review (HBR) reported that although organizations spend more than $24 billion annually on leadership development, many leaders who have attended leadership programs struggle to implement what they’ve learned. It’s not because the programs are bad but because leadership is best learned from experience. When leaders put knowledge, understanding and experience together, change can be most effective.

    In this text, leaders will engage in focused work dedicated to the Word of God by reading and researching scriptures. This will make learning more inspirational and meaningful.

    Most of the work activities will highlight leaders in the Biblical text; however, characters from modern time (today) are mentioned as part of reflective study. The intent is to give servant-leaders an exploration of various aspects of leadership at work in behalf of God’s Agenda.

    For your convenience, in the Appendix section, you will find many of the scriptures for quick study. Several resources are provided in the Attachment section, i.e., Individual, Pastor and Church assessments for summarizing data. A suggestive schedule is also provided for implementing personal and ministry goals.



    To engage, equip, encourage, evangelize and inspire servant-leaders in the ministry for God’s Agenda.

    1. Engage

    2. Equip

    3. Encourage

    4. Evangelize &

    5. Inspire

    The Servant-Leader NOW

    For God’s Agenda



    Knowing who you are and where you are will help you move forward. Assessments in this working text are meant to be supportive and thoughtful tools for spiritual growth. They are not meant to be penalizing. The information gained from the assessments are useful as a summary for sharing with the pastor and church body. The numerical rating forms can be used for summarizing the results to confirm specific affirmations and define areas of growth. As a recommendation, there are some types of individual assessments which should not be shared. We do this to help distinguish a difference between church growth and spiritual growth, and to promote the usefulness of assessments as tools to gather truth, integrity, and accountability. For example, which of the questions are useful for areas of growth for the ministry of the church. Which of the questions are useful for determining spiritual growth as an individual? Although modified, we compared several available assessments and found that the examples presented in this text (from the Northern Plains Region Baptist Conference) could be useful in moving toward ministry objectives.

    How often should assessments be taken? At least annually. Pre/post assessments are recommended for comparison and measuring growth.

    Should the respondents sign the assessments? Yes. Again, responses are not meant to be penalizing. The pastor should receive a summary without signatures (to reduce the risk of harm) for dialoguing and clarifying issues for resolving.

    Guidelines for Assessments

    Assessments should be given to persons who work closely with the pastor and who will have leadership roles in the church. Use the assessment summary for further dialoguing and analyzing church needs for spiritual growth. It is recommended that such dialogues take place only after seeking God in prayer.

    What is the role of the entire church body? It is important that the entire church body be a part of the process. Inform the body that the pastor and church leaders will be involved in leadership development for the purpose of growing church discipleship; ask the body to pray for the wisdom, grace, and fellowship that will be needed in this process. Praying for the process should not be neglected - for the church is accountable for God’s kingdom work.

    Individual Assessment of the Pastoral Ministry

    Page 1 of 4

    The purpose of this assessment is to provide the pastor with an overview of ministry. The review is meant to be used constructively to facilitate the pastor’s ongoing growth. Keep in mind that the assessment should be prayerfully completed. The results should be summarized and shared with the pastor; however, Individual Comments (page 2 of this assessment) ARE NOT shared with the pastor.

    1. How well do you know the pastor? Circle your choice.

    2. Is that important to you? Circle your choice.

    3. What is your level of involvement in the life of the church at present.

    4. What limits your involvement?

    5. Circle one of the following. I have been with this ministry

    6.Finally, sign your name to this assessment. Why should you add your name? The answer is Integrity.

    Individual Assessment of the Pastoral Ministry

    Page 2 of 4

    Effective leaders are honest and open for growing and reflecting. Leaders who possess integrity gain the trust of team members because he/she does what he/she says he will do and treats others the same way as he/she wants to be treated.

    Reminder, this page is NOT shared with the pastor. It will be used for growth development and reflection. This is your reflection.


    1. Our pastor does well in the following areas of ministry:

    2. The pastor should give more attention to:

    3. What do you consider to be the church’s responsibilities to the pastor?

    4. How have you shown your support to the pastor?

    5. If you could say anything you liked to the pastor, what would you say?


    Individual Assessment of the Pastoral Ministry

    Page 3 of 4

    7. Answer the following questions about the pastoral ministry using the numeric scale.

    Numeric Scale:

    NOTE: Leave blank if not applicable


    Individual Assessment of the Pastoral Ministry

    Page 4 of 4

    Numeric Scale:

    NOTE: Leave blank if not applicable

    Continued from previous page


    Pastoral Self-Assessment

    Page 1 of 3

    To the Pastor: This self-assessment is designed to enhance personal growth. It will help you reflect on your ministry and personal life as well as give direction for goal setting.

    1. What has been some of your significant accomplishments this year (ministry and personal)?

    2. Are there any aspects of your ministry you would assess as discouraging?

    3. What are the strengths of your ministry on which you want to build?

    4. What is one key aspect of your ministry you would like to change?

    5. How have you worked at developing and mentoring leaders?

    6. In what ways have you encouraged and supported other members of your pastoral team?

    7. Have you fulfilled the expectations of your job description?

    Pastoral Self-Assessment

    Page 2 of 3

    8. What changes would reflect more accurately your giftedness and ministry?

    9. Use the Numeric Scale to answer the questions

    Numeric Scale: Pastor Self-Assessment

    NOTE: Leave blank if not applicable.


    Pastoral Self-Assessment Future Goals

    Page 3 of 3

    1. In the coming year, I would like to capitalize on the following trend and/or new opportunities:

    2. Three goals that I would like to achieve in the next year:

    3. Three goals that I would like to achieve with the church leadership team:

    4. What are three goals I would like to see the church body achieve?

    How will they be measured?

    Additional Comments:

    Sign ____________________ Date

    Individual Church Ministry Assessment

    Page 1

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