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Build 6 Games In Unreal
Build 6 Games In Unreal
Build 6 Games In Unreal
Ebook342 pages1 hour

Build 6 Games In Unreal

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About this ebook

In this book, you learn how to navigate the Unreal editor while building 6 basic games. This book is an extension of Mammoth Interactive's "Introduction to Unreal" book. You set up each game's design, thus learning to create video game levels. Then you learn how to use C++ scripts to give your game custom functionality.

By the end of this book, you know how to create games that respond to user input through keyboard controls. This book makes creating your own game easy and efficient. You understand the different skills needed to make a game. You are familiar with both the coding and artistic sides to game development. Therefore, you have a unique perspective.

We make the following games:

• Coin Collector Game
• Shooter Game
• Platform Switcher Game
• First Person Shooter Game
• Turret Game
• Runner Switcher Game
Release dateMay 12, 2017
Build 6 Games In Unreal

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    Book preview

    Build 6 Games In Unreal - John Bura

    Build 6 Games In Unreal

    Build 6 Games In Unreal

    by John Bura, Alexandra Kropova, and Glauco Pires


    © 2017 Mammoth Interactive, Inc. All rights reserved.

    ISBN 978-1-365-96028-4

    Published by Mammoth Interactive, Inc., 218 – 111 West Broadway, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V5Y 1P4.

    Mammoth Interactive books may be purchased for educational, business, or sales promotional use.

    Content Creators: John Bura and Glauco Pires

    Transcriber/Editor: Alexandra Kropova

    May 2017: First Edition

    About the Author

    When game enthusiast John Bura wanted to learn game development back in 2009, he could not find any classes to take. So he purchased a DVD set and learned that way. He learned how to build a game with an efficiency he had never seen in any of his university classes.

    John felt compelled to share his new-found enthusiasm for this self-guided approach to learning. He founded Mammoth Interactive with the goal that he would take online education to the next level. And thus evolved Mammoth Interactive's holistic approach to teaching that did not just aim at someone who wanted to fine-tune their skills.

    John's goal was to teach everyone, from your eight-year-old cousin to your eighty-year-old grandparent. Anyone can be a game developer. All that jargon can be replaced with practical, useful projects that students create alongside the instructor.

    Since 2009, over 300,000 students have enrolled in Mammoth Interactive. And they love it. Go to to get free stuff, courses, books, apps, games, t-shirts, daily deals, and more!


    In this book, you will learn how to navigate the Unreal editor while building 6 functioning games. The Unreal Engine is a powerful program for building games. With Unreal, you can use templates to make games like first-person shooters, release your creativity by designing characters, and even build your own video game levels from scratch.

    In each chapter, you will build a practical example game. You will set up the game's design, thus learning to create video game levels.

    Then you will learn how to use C++ scripts to give your game custom functionality. By the end of this book, you will know how to create a game that responds to user input through keyboard controls. You will be able to build upon the common base games we build in this book to make your own games.

    This book makes creating your own game easy and efficient. You will learn both the coding and artistic sides to game development. As such, you will have a unique perspective that is familiar with the different skills needed to make a game.

    CHAPTER 1: Coin Collector Game

    In this first chapter, we will learn about Unreal by making the game shown in the next image, in which a player will collect the coins in a game. We will cover collisions, player input, interface.

    To download the Unreal Engine, visit Make an account, and download the Epic Games Launcher. Then download the Unreal Editor.

    Creating a Project

    We will set up our first project. Open Unreal. The Unreal Project Browser window will open, as in the following image.

    Here we can create a new project. In Unreal, every game you make needs to be in a separate project. It is a separate folder and code base. There are several templates in the New Project tab that Unreal provides.

    For our example, create a Blank project. We will build our game from scratch. Below the New Project tab, you can choose some settings for your project. For instance, you can select the target hardware: Desktop / Console or Mobile / Tablet. We will use the Desktop / Console.

    As well, you can select Quality settings. Unreal provides the option of using Scalable 3D or 2D. We will leave the quality at maximum.

    There is also the option to include Starter Content. When you create a project with starter content, the project will contain elements that you can drag into the game. We do not need starter content. Our game will contain basic 3D primitives.

    Below the settings options is a Folder option where you can set the location of your project. It is good practice to create a Projects folder to contain your projects. Name the folder CoinCollector. We will make a coin collector game. In the Name field, name the project CoinCollector.

    Press Create Project, and wait for Unreal to create the project. Your screen will look like the following.

    Navigating the Editor

    The left window in the Unreal editor is the Modes window. The Modes window contains a list of elements that you can drag into the game. Click and drag the right side of the window to increase the window's width.

    One object you can add to your game is a cube. Drag and drop Cube from the Modes window to the Viewport, which is the window in the center of the screen.

    The Viewport shows the game from the developer's point of view. In the Viewport, you can click and drag the cube to move it.

    If you right-click and drag your mouse in the Viewport, you can look around the game's world. You can also hit the W, A, S, and D buttons while holding Right Mouse Button (RMB) to move around.

    The default tool selected in Unreal is the Translation tool, whose icon is pointed at in the next image.

    Click on the icon to the right of the Translation tool to select the Rotation tool. Your Viewport will look like the following image. You can click and drag the wheel that appears on Floor to rotate the object.

    Click on the icon to the right of the Rotation tool to select the Resizing tool. Your Viewport will look like the following image. You can drag the handles to change the size of Floor.

    Delete Cube from the Viewport by hitting Delete on your keyboard when Cube is selected. Another mode you can add is Empty Actor. Drag and drop Empty Actor from the Modes list to the Viewport.

    An empty actor contains a position. It is something that you can place in a level and that you can dynamically spawn. Every object in your game needs to be an actor so that the object has a position.

    In the Viewport, Empty Actor looks like a sphere. However, Empty Actor is not a 3D object. The game's player would not see the sphere. The sphere is just there to inform you the developer that the empty actor is in the scene.

    Delete Empty Actor. Another mode is Empty Pawn. Pawns are actors that can receive player input. Pawns can jump or move when the player presses a button or hits a key. Empty Character is a pawn that contains a mesh (3D mesh) that can look and move like a human.

    Below the Modes window and Viewport is the Content Browser window. The Content Browser contains the files that you drag into the game. Here you can have Materials, 3D models, textures, scripts, and audio, among other assets.

    The top right window is the World Outliner. The World Outliner lists the items in the game. Select the floor of the game in the Viewport by clicking on it. World Outliner will highlight its Floor line.

    In the Viewport, you can click and drag the arrows in the center of Floor to move the object.

    The bottom right window is the Details window. This window contains details about the item currently selected. Details contains a list of components of the selected item. With these components, you can change the properties of objects.

    For instance, in the Transform component, change Floor's X Location value to 500. Floor will move in the Viewport to the position you set without your having to recompile the code. Unreal is useful in this sense because you can see changes automatically.

    Set Floor's location back to the center of the scene: at the position 0 0 0.

    Adding a Camera

    In this section, we will change the way the game is rendered. We will create a camera that looks at Floor from the top.

    In the Modes window, type Camera to search for a camera mode. Drag and drop Camera to the Viewport. A camera object will appear in the Viewport. The object will not appear. It is an abstract representation of the camera.

    The bottom right of the Viewport will contain a CameraActor preview panel. An object named CameraActor will appear in the World Outliner.

    In the Details window, set CameraActor's location to 0 0 1000. The camera will move to the position above the center of Floor. To make CameraActor look down at the floor, set CameraActor's Y Rotation value to -90.

    Zoom in on

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