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Salmon Chinook Fishing 2016
Salmon Chinook Fishing 2016
Salmon Chinook Fishing 2016
Ebook174 pages2 hours

Salmon Chinook Fishing 2016

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About this ebook

Salmon Chinook Fishing with angler Alexander Gurman 2013
1. Where to fish, GPS locations where to fish for salmon
2. Equipment for salmon fishing
3. Cloth for salmon fishing
4 Bait for salmon
5 What to bring with you check list
6 Salmon Behavior
8. Angling Definitions
9 How to fish, general information
10. How to choice a fishing spot
11. How to store and transport fish
12 Care for the Fish Mount Taxidermy
13 Field care for the trophy fish
14. How to make affordable fishing sets to give away
15. Fishing with disable person
16. How to clean filet your fish
17. Salmon Guide services
18. Smoke Salmon cooking preparations
19. How to make salmon caviar at home
20. Preface to the Second Edition.
21. Salmon fishing Dedications
Release dateDec 17, 2012
Salmon Chinook Fishing 2016

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    Book preview

    Salmon Chinook Fishing 2016 - Alexander Gurman

    Salmon Chinook Fishing 2016

    Chinook Salmon Fishing By Alexander Gurman 2013

    1. Where to fish, GPS locations where to fish for salmon

    2.  Equipment for salmon fishing

    3. Cloth for salmon fishing

    4 Bait for salmon

    5 What to bring with you check list

    6 Salmon Behavior

    7. Packing your vest

    8. Angling Definitions

    9 How to fish, general information

    10. How to choice a fishing spot

    11. How to store and transport fish

    12 Care for the Fish Mount Taxidermy

    13 Field care for the trophy fish

    14. How to make affordable fishing sets to give away

    15. Fishing with disable person

    16.  How to clean filet your fish

    17. Salmon Guide services

    18. Smoke Salmon cooking preparations

    19. How to make salmon caviar at home

    20. Preface to the Second Edition.

    21. Salmon fishing Dedications


    Preface to the Second Edition.

    Thanks to my fishing buddies I was able to improve the second edition. I have added more pictures and illustrations, new GPS locations; new fish species fishing techniques and almost every chapter have been improved.

    Few new chapters became alive, such as bonus chapters on archery and hunting, it seems that my fellow angler readers also like to hunt like me and some are also passionate about bows and arrows. This edition has more on the regulations as well as pictures are edited in more orderly fashion. Additions on what to take for ice fishing, off shore fishing or fresh water fishing added. DVD would be added to the next book with lectures and practical examples how to fish. 

    To order book you can call 917-825-8225

    Write to Alexander Gurman 2704 Batchelder Street 2nd fl, Brooklyn, NY, 11235, USA

    Advice how to improve my book and what to add or alter are always welcome.

    Book manufactured and printed in the USA

    Salmon fishing Dedication

    Author Captain/Guide Alexander Gurman

    Contributors (Krzystof Jendryka and his family and staff from Krys Electronics, Svitlana Holovko, Efroim Gurman, Gennady Gurman, Alex Stealhead, Leonid, Mark, Mark Lost, Valera, Mark Cherkov, Sasha ice, Yasha Ice, Vania Mezhensky, Slavik salmon, Rafik, Boris, Pasha, Boris E, Joe Bass Pro, Carl the Teacher, Igor Samokatov, Leonid Hunter, Vania, Boris from PA, Bernie from bait and tackle and his son, and his staff)

    This book is dedicated to my family, mostly to my wife who let me fish as much as I want to. My wife Lana who allow me to write this book, is the most important person in my life, who laugh with me on my fishing adventures and support me in this angler process.

    I would like to thank specifically my father Efroim for all conversations with me that lead to the path of the writer. Efroim Gurman is the writer whose footsteps I would be honor to follow.

    Igor Samokatov thank you for the carp bait receipt, conversations with you regarding Fishing Kike Ship – GurmanA are most helpful.

    Special thanks are in order for my brother Gennady and his wife Rebecca and her family, for their company and kind support. Thank you.

    I would like to thank all the fellow fisherman who took me fishing and show me new places where to fish. Thank you for your patience. Thank you for waiting for me when I fall asleep and forget to go get ready for fishing trip. Imagine at 3 AM waiting for me rather than being next to your beloved wife. Thank you Alex, who I met at the Krys store for your patience.

    Dear Leonid S, thank you for your stories about fishing that let me fall in love with angling. I am grateful for the introduction to the ice fishing to my winter hobbies to group of loyal friends Misha and Mark. Thank you Mark, for showing me what the endurance can do, I am grateful.

    Leonid the hunter, who I met at the Bernie’s Fishing store, thank you for your friendship.

    I am grateful for the Mark that I met at the Big Brown Fish pay lakes. That is awesome place to teach kids to catch trout.  Big Brown Fish is really cool place to fish. Thank you Mark for all the times when we went fishing and did not catch anything but you still kept me company. Thank you, Mark Ribak, for your attempts to catch a fish in those early trips.

    I want to also honor Slavik from Alex steelhead, Pavel from Odnoklasniki and Boris from NJ for the advice and your experience.

    Thank you Edik for your neighbor shoulder in fishing and hunting trips.

    Thank you Captain Dave and Poly for the Sheepshead bay party boat experience.

    Thank you Bernie for the tackle that you advice to buy. Let me mention folks from, quite a knowledgeable place.

    Special thanks goes to all my suppliers, thank you for the timely fashion of your orders and thank you for the great prices that you provide.

    Mark from Oswigo, thank you for the advice on salmon fishing.

    Krys from fishing store, thank you for all your advice, tackle, discounts, you are true gift for the fishermen community in NY.

    Ruslan, great to fish with you, thank you for the advice. Gennady Tennenbaum, thank you for the advice. Kevin from Rochester, great to fish with by the waterfall, Kirk from Erie fishing store, thank you for all your tackle advice. Nikolay from Ukraine, Lviv thank you for the tackle and equipment order. Slavik it is great to go fishing with you. Thank you for taking me to new locations. Swan Hunter lake Jake and Bill, thank you for your company and fishing advice. Valera Steelhead, it is a pleasure to know you. Alex stealhead thank you for all your advice on carp. Yasha and Sasha thank you for the ice fishing advice. Kostia thank you for taking me fish at the new locations.

    Special thanks to Sergey and Boris friends of Ruslan. It is my honor to fish with Sergey Z, how is not only my doctor, friend and fellow Angler.Thank you Sergey Gusev for the videography advice for the fishing trips and for the program, thank you again for your company and friendship.

    My Ebay and Amazon community buddies, thank you for your positive comments and valuable feedback. 

    Salmon Behavior

    When Chinook is going to spawning Chinook does not eat normal food but Chinook would sack eggs of other Chinook in order to give winning chance to his own eggs. That is why Chinook caviar is one of the best bait that you can use, Chinook also reacts to anything red, and yellow in the water and bellow are the best patterns that I would recommend.

    When to fish: dust and dawn, after and before rain, when the water is clear so you can see fish.

    How to set hook: your hooks have to be very sharp, that way any little move gets fish hooked. Carry with you hooks sharpener and use if after every four casts. Stones in the water make hooks dull quite fast.

    How to pull: let fish to play a bit; do not pull to hard that way you may lose your fish. Apply strength but let your reel to come off so fish would get some game to it. Pull up and on the side that way it is easier to bring fish up in the water, try not to take fish out of the water other wise it can unhook. When you pull fish try to move fish in the way that fish is sides way to the current that way fish gets tired faster and it would be easier to bring fish to your net.

    How to take from water: when you take fish out of the water, place net first downstream and bring fish in the net, not the other way around. Bring fish to the net, not the net to the fish. Leave yourself space to maneuver with the net and rod. The moment fish his the net it start to feel the net and will try to get out that your time to pull the net around the fish. For the best results do that process as two people.

    What rig to use

    What bait: red, yellow and orange eggs patters are the best for me.

    Leader strength: I try 20-25 pound strength with 3 feet length. That way I lose less leaders.

    What hook size 3 to 5 are appropriate. Your hooks have to be small but tough.

    What sinker: the weight of the sinker depends how strong the current is. If you want your sinker to travel with the current, one peace is enough, if you want it to fall on the bottom and stay their add a few more sinkers until that you produce the effect. Your sinkers will most likely be lost under the rock in the water so be ready to change your sinkers as well as hooks quite often. I bring with me 20 sinkers for the trip and about 50 hooks for the three day trip with the leader attached already, that way I spend maximum time on the river fishing rather than doing knots on the spot. Your home made knots are always more stronger and more accurate than rush knots at the river.

    Time during the day: when the weather is changing. Early morning, and late night are the best. Salmon lives deep down in the ocean or in the lakes so it despites bright light, Salmon has to deal with the light when its travel up the river

    Season dates: there are spring and fall runs, the best is too call local bait and tackle stores and ask also ask around your trusted fishermen. Stores may lie just to get you to come to them, but other anglers may tell the truth and advice you when to fish. Usually after the rain, a day later fish gets in the river from lake and than once the water is clear enough to see is the best time to fish.

    Limits: in the state on NY the limit is 3 fish per day, you may own up to two day catch in the car with you, you may also want to have your hotel and bait receipts with you to prove that is the catch from the other day. Because during salmon run there are plenty DEC police offices that watch salmon fishing frenzy.


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