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Rosalyn Thompson This Is Your Life
Rosalyn Thompson This Is Your Life
Rosalyn Thompson This Is Your Life
Ebook57 pages37 minutes

Rosalyn Thompson This Is Your Life

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Rosalyn Thompson has moved to a new city and she's not happy about it. This means a new neighborhood, new school and new friends which she doesn't want. After moving, she meets a couple of new friends in Sherwood but things just aren't the same. A series of events take place only a few weeks after she moves and changes Rosalyn's life forever.
Release dateMar 13, 2017
Rosalyn Thompson This Is Your Life

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    Rosalyn Thompson This Is Your Life - Rayzelle Forrest Young

    Rosalyn Thompson This Is Your Life

    Rosalyn Thompson This Is Your Life

    Copyright © 2017

    All rights reserved.

    Published by Rayzelle Forrest Young/Onyx Publications

    ISBN 978-0-9702628-8-2

    Dedicated to all the school girls and their school girl crew

    (Episode 1)

    The Move

    Mama why do we have to move?  I don't want to go to a new school and I don't want to leave my friends.                        

    Look Rosalyn we've had this conversation more than a million times.  Your dad's promotion means more money and it also means we have to move closer to the city.  Besides, we'll only be a few minutes away from grandma and you can always make new friends.

    Rosalyn didn't say another word. Now was not a good time to get on her mother's nerves.  The last moving van had already left and she and her mother would be making the hour and half drive to Sherwood as soon as they finished locking up the old house. Rosalyn's dad had gone to the new house a few days earlier to get settled in and make sure things were comfortable for her and her mother when they arrived.

    She had been dreading this day ever since her dad came home six months ago with the news about his promotion and the big move.  There were so many didn'ts that surrounded the whole situation for Rosalyn.  She didn't want to move to a new neighborhood.  She didn't want to go to a new school and she certainly didn't want to make new friends.  She would miss her old friends especially Monica who had been her best friend since the second grade.  But it was too late now.  The day had come to move and Rosalyn felt like her world was being yanked from beneath her.

    It wasn't fair she thought.  She had lived in Caymen Point her whole life and now, the summer before her eighth-grade year, her dad gets this big promotion that's supposed to be "good for everyone in the family".

    Her parents’ arguments for moving right outside the city were there would be a lot more events which was good for her mom’s catering business.  The move would also give Rosalyn a chance to be exposed to the culture and diversity that a big city offers and her dad would finally be a Senior Advisor at the corporate office of his architect firm and making a lot more money.  The best thing about the move is that they all would be able to see grandma more.  None of these arguments comforted Rosalyn and neither did her dad's suggestion of visiting Monica whenever she wanted.

    As her mom backed the car out of the driveway, Rosalyn gazed out of the window of the passenger seat.  Her eyes began to swell and make way for the warm tears that streamed down her toffee colored cheeks.

    Listen sweetie, said Rosalyn's mom in a soft voice.  "I know this move is hard for you and it might be tough at first, but I

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