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Unexplained: Exploring the Mysterious
Unexplained: Exploring the Mysterious
Unexplained: Exploring the Mysterious
Ebook98 pages2 hours

Unexplained: Exploring the Mysterious

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Are you intrigued by the unexplained? Then look no further. This book is a compilation of mysterious topics that will open your eyes and expand your mind. For example, did you know there is evidence that man might actually be millions of years older than what is currently taught? Or that ancient cultures knew of, and possibly utilized, aviation? Or that there is evidence giants may have literally once inhabited the earth? This book covers all that is mentioned, and more!
Release dateMar 29, 2012
Unexplained: Exploring the Mysterious

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    Unexplained - Sarah A. Shepherd



    © 2012 Sarah A. Shepherd.  All rights reserved.

    ISBN 978-1-105-63080-4

    Cover image courtesy of and created by NASA and ESA





    The Ancient Astronaut Theory

    The UFO Crash of 1897 in Aurora, Texas

    The Mysterious Dyatlov Pass Incident

    UFO Landing in Rendlesham Forest Leads to Deciphering of Binary Code

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    Impossible Man-Made Discoveries North America

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    The Mysterious Lovelock Cave Mummies

    The North American Mound Builders

    Ancient European Races

    China’s Ancient Fair-Haired Mummies

    Impossible Human Skeleton Discoveries

    Did Man Walk with the Dinosaurs?

    Accurate Ancient Calendars



    Gobekli Tepi

    Armenia’s Stonehenge

    Australia’s Black Mountain

    Florida’s Coral Castle

    The Mohenjo-Daro Radioactive Skeletons

    Lost Cities Beneath Our Oceans?

    The Ancient Maya Disappearance


    Legends of Resurrection throughout History

    The Horus-Mithra-Jesus Connection

    Not all Myths and Legends are Fanciful Stories

    Do Plesiosaurs Still Exist?

    Megalodon: Still Haunting Our Oceans?

    A Psychic View on Atlantis

    Who Wrote Shakespeare’s Poems and Plays?





    Just want to say a quick Thank you to every author who has written and published their books on alternative theories.  Your knowledge and insight has led me down paths in my mind I never knew existed. 


    I have always been fascinated by the unknown.  For as long as I can remember I have questioned the dogma of the traditional teachings of, say for instance, the Creation of man as taught in popular holy books.

    As a child I loved learning about dinosaurs.  But when I would go to church with friends, I listened to the story of our creation and was more than aware that nowhere in that story was there any mention of the dinosaurs.  Confused, I asked what I thought was an obvious question: What about the dinosaurs?

    Over time I found that some individuals interpreted Holy Scripture allegorically, meaning that what was long ago transcribed should not always be taken literally.  I also found those individuals who read what is written and believe it word for word.  As for the latter, their answer to my dinosaur inquiry was that God had purposefully placed these often giant bones on our planet to be unearthed as a test to someone’s true faith in Him. 

    In other words, dinosaurs did not exist, and therefore if an individual has the correct faith in Him, they would know the finds were simply a test.

    I wholeheartedly respect anyone’s belief, in any aspect of life, but this experience just happened to be my first encounter where an interpretation of a similar source led to two very different conclusions.

    As I got older, my interest in the unexplainable expanded as I began to read highly controversial books.  These books covered alternative theories on how the pyramids, Stonehenge, and other awesome sites were created.  They posited eye-opening ideas on how we as modern humans truly became what we are today.  I was floored that these authors, individuals in various fields of scientific study, people who had serious credentials to their name, were publishing these astounding theories that clearly threatened the mind-set of mainstream science and history as it is taught in our schools today.  Again, I was confronted with the issue that individuals studying the same source were coming to very different conclusions.

    I have compiled a very condensed book highlighting subjects that I personally find intriguing.  I have tried to remain neutral by only revealing what my research into these subjects has uncovered.  My hope for the reader is that an open mind is utilized; I hope there is a spark of interest somewhere that compels you to conduct your own research.

    In conclusion, I want to open eyes and get the mind thinking.  Simply read, absorb, believe whatever you choose to, and, above all else, enjoy.


    Aliens, extraterrestrials, and unidentified flying objects manned by intelligent life, all of which may, or may not, reside outside our own galaxy; is any of it real?  Does any of this actually exist?

    Some individuals would say that the evidence in support of the existence of aliens is overwhelming, and they would suggest there is, indeed, intelligent life out there.  These individuals might also argue that of the billions of stars, or suns, that are scattered throughout the known universe, the probability of just one of these celestial bodies being orbited by a planet like our own, is more than possible, it is probable.

    However, a lot of the purported evidence for aliens and UFO’s has been readily debunked, or explained as a clever hoax.  In addition, say there is a hospitable planet, which is circling some distant sun at just the right distance and rotation to generate life, who is to say these life forms are intelligent?  Who is to say this theoretical life has the capabilities to evolve, or even grow, into an intellectual species that is smart enough to produce technology so advanced it would stump our modern minds?

    Having stated that, one might want to take into account the evidence which cannot be explained away by science.  Granted, these numbers may be minuscule, but they are there. If just one out of the many thousands of reports recorded each year remains unexplained, should there be a spark of interest in the scientific community to research and investigate its source?

    Moreover, one should truly examine the possibility of life flourishing on a planet located in a distant galaxy.  Could it be

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