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Ebook26 pages22 minutes


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A 15-year-old boy sleeps with a married teacher's aide at his high school. When her husband finds out, all manners of Hell break loose.
Release dateJun 7, 2016

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    Harm - James Ferace



    By James Ferace

    I guess you could say that I brought out the insanity in all of us.  Some would argue that it had always been there and I merely shone a fraction of a light on it, like a hidden image painting.  Either way, the beast was loose now.  There was dementia seeping from every pore around me.  Everything I attempted to do to escape it only seemed to widen the chasm.  Throwing wet blankets on the fire only managed to broaden the blaze.  I was powerless.  Yet, on some level, I was enjoying myself.  I'd breached the mundane, that was for certain...and I couldn't help but snicker just a tiny bit at the whole thing.  Watching these once civilized people behaving at their most animalistic.  It was all quite amusing.  Sure, I wanted to end it all on one level, but on another...  On another, I was almost curious on some vile plain as to where it was all going and how it was all going to end.  I could feel the urgency of everything starting to quicken.  The frenzy I'd stirred up starting to swirl faster and faster into some type of exit wound crescendo.  I was overwhelmed with the urgency of desire to escape, but also bitten by the enticement to stick around just long enough to see all the pieces falling into place.  I knew that soon I would have my answer.  Whatever it may be.

    She continued slapping me, harder and harder, until I'd become convinced that it was now hurting her wrist and hand more than it could ever have been hurting me.  The words from her mouth had ceased by this point, but I knew she was still thinking them.  I could see them burning just behind her eyes.  Those eyes which gazed down at me in some

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