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Vb Net Programming
Vb Net Programming
Vb Net Programming
Ebook587 pages1 hour

Vb Net Programming

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About this ebook

VB.Net Programming teaches the application development concepts from the scratch using Microsoft .Net Framework Technology in an easy-to-follow style, without assuming previous experience in any other language. This book starts with developing windows application using VB.NET. A variety of examples make learning these Concepts with VB.NET both fun and practical. This book is organized in such a manner that students and programmers can find it easy, crisp and readable.
VB.Net Programming without requiring previous experience in another language
Simple language has been adopted to make the topics easy and clear to the readers
Topics have been covered with numerous examples in VB.NET and ADO.NET.
Most of the programs are executed and presented with Screen display so as to enable the readers to learn the logic of programming
Provides exercises, review questions and programming exercises at the end of each chapter.
Release dateSep 22, 2014
Vb Net Programming

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    Book preview

    Vb Net Programming - Martin Booch

    Vb Net Programming

    Vb Net Programming

    By Martin Booch


    ISBN: 978-1-312-54139-9


    VB.Net Programming: This book is specially written for the students of Computer engineering and Information Technology

    VB.Net Programming teaches the application development concepts from the scratch using Microsoft .Net Framework Technology in an easy-to-follow style, without assuming previous experience in any other language. This book starts with developing windows application using VB.NET. A variety of examples make learning these Concepts with VB.NET both fun and practical. This book is organized in such a manner that students and programmers can find it easy, crisp and readable. Each Chapter contains many example programs within the book, along with additional examples for further practice.


    Step-Wise approach throughout the book

    VB.Net Programming  without requiring previous experience in another language

    Simple language has been adopted to make the topics easy and clear to the readers

    Topics have been covered with numerous examples in VB.NET and ADO.NET.

    Most of the programs are executed and presented with Screen display so as to enable the readers to learn the logic of programming

    Provides exercises, review questions and programming exercises at the end of each chapter.


    VB.Net Programming

    Copyright © 2014 Reserved by Gayatri Patel

    Warning and Disclaimer

    Every effort has been made to make this book as complete and as accurate as possible, but no warranty or fitness is implied. The information provided is on an as is basis. The authors and the publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damages arising from the information contained in this book.


    A variable is a data name that may be used to store a data value. A variable may take different value at different times during execution. As variable is an identifier, all the rules for naming an identifier applies to variables also.

    Rules for Variable Naming

    First character must be an alphabet or underscore.

    Must consist of only letters, digits, or underscore.

    Only first 1023 characters are significant.

    Cannot use a keyword.

    Must not contain white space.

    Variable Declaration


    Modifier Dim Variablename as Datatype

    Here, Modifier can be Public, Protected, Friend, Protected Friend, Private or Static. Dim (which originally stood for dimension, as when you set the dimensions of an array) is the required keyword. Variablename is the name of variable.


    Dim a As Integer

    Dim b As Double

    Dim c As Char

    Dim d As String

    Multiple variables with same datatype can be declared in single line.


    Dim a, e As Integer

    Multiple variables with different datatypes also can be declared in single line.


    Dim a, e As Integer, b As Double, c As Char, d As String

    Variable Initialization

    Variable can be initialized at a time of declaration or after declaration.


    Initialization at a time of Declaration

    Dim a As Integer = 10

    Dim b As Double = 23.78

    Dim c As Char = v

    Dim d As String = Hello

    Initialization after Declaration

    Dim a As Integer

    a = 10

    Dim b As Double

    Dim c As Char

    b = 23.78

    c = v

    Dim d As String

    d = Hello


    Constant is a variable, refers to a fix value that do not change during the execution of program.


    Const variablename as datatype = value


    Const pi As Double = 3.1416

    Const a As String = A

    Const temp As Integer = -1

    Here, the value of variables pi, a and temp will never change during the execution.

    Type Conversion

    If any expression involves two different types of operands, then to evaluate expression properly, both operands are converted into same type. Such conversion is called Type Conversion. There are two ways of Type Conversion:

    Implicit Type Conversion

    Explicit Type Conversion (Type casting)

    Implicit Type Conversion

    Whenever as expression involves two different types of operands, VB.Net automatically converts any intermediate values to the proper type so that the expression can be evaluated without losing any significance. This automatic conversion is known as Implicit Type Conversion. If the operands are of different types, then the operand with a lower type is upgraded to the higher type and then the operation is performed.

    Implicit Type Conversion can be classified as Widening Conversion and Narrowing Conversion. When the value of operand with lower type is assigned to the operand with higher type then there is not any loss of accuracy, and this conversion is called Widening Conversion. When the value of operand with higher type is assigned to the operand with lower type then there may be loss of accuracy (resultant value may not be accurate), and this conversion is called Narrowing Conversion. When Option Strict is On, Narrowing Conversion cannot be done. Narrowing Conversion can be done only when Option Strict is Off.


    Imports System.Console

    Module Module1

    Public Sub Main()

    Dim a As Integer = 3

    Dim b As Integer

    Dim c As Double = 5.5

    b = a + c

    WriteLine(b = {0}, b)

    c = a

    WriteLine(c = {0}, c)


    End Sub

    End Module


    b = 8

    c = 3

    Here, the operand a is of type Integer and c is of type Double. a will be upgraded to type Double and a + c will be evaluated to 8.5 and assigned to b, which is of type Integer, so truncated value of 8.5 will be the value of b. So, 8 will be assigned to b. Here, operand with higher type (Double) is assigned to the operand with lower type (Integer), which is called Narrowing Conversion. In next statement a is assigned to c, means operand with lower type (Integer) is assigned to the operand with higher type (Double), which is called Widening Conversion.

    Explicit Type Conversion (Type Casting)

    Type casting is explicitly specified by the programmer in the program. There are following methods used for Explicit Type Conversion:


    Imports System.Console

    Module Module1

    Public Sub Main()

    WriteLine(CBool(1) : {0}, CBool(1))

    WriteLine(CSByte(123) : {0}, CSByte(123))

    WriteLine(CByte(34) : {0}, CByte(34))

    WriteLine(CChar(a) : {0}, CChar(a))

    WriteLine(CDate(1/1/2012) : {0}, CDate(1/1/2012))

    WriteLine(CShort(14) : {0}, CShort(14))

    WriteLine(CUShort(2341) : {0}, CUShort(2341))

    WriteLine(CInt(145) : {0}, CInt(145))

    WriteLine(CUInt(11234) : {0}, CUInt(11234))

    WriteLine(CLng(1.23) : {0}, CLng(1.23))

    WriteLine(CULng(1.56545) : {0}, CULng(1.56545))

    WriteLine(CSng(1.342) : {0}, CSng(1.342))

    WriteLine(CDbl(1.12323) : {0}, CDbl(1.12323))

    WriteLine(CDec(1123) : {0}, CDec(1123))

    WriteLine(CObj(aadsd) : {0}, CObj(aadsd))

    WriteLine(CStr(12) : {0}, CStr(12))


    End Sub

    End Module


    CBool(1) : True

    CSByte(123) : 123

    CByte(34) : 34

    CChar(a) : a

    CDate(1/1/2012) : 1/1/2012

    CShort(14) : 14

    CUShort(2341) : 2341

    CInt(145) : 145

    CUInt(11234) : 11234

    CLng(1.23) : 1

    CULng(1.56545) : 2

    CSng(1.342) : 1.342

    CDbl(1.12323) : 1.12323

    CDec(1123) : 1123

    CObj(aadsd) : aadsd

    CStr(12) : 12

    Scope of Variables

    The scope of a variable, sometimes referred to as accessibility of a variable, refers to where the variable can be read from and/or written to. The lifetime of variable, referred to how long variable stays in memory. There are many different ways you can declare variables. How you make these declarations controls the scope of variables.

    Block Level Scope

    If a variable declared within a block (If Statement or Loop), that variable's scope is only until the end of the block. The lifetime is until the block ends.


    Imports System.Console

    Module Module1

    Sub Main()

    If True Then

    Dim b As Integer = 10


    End If


    End Sub

    End Module



    Here, the variable b is declared in If statement. So the scope of variable is until the end of If statement.

    Procedure Level Scope

    If a variable declared within a procedure, but outside of any (If Statement or Loop), the scope is until the end of procedure (End Sub or End Function). The lifetime of the variable is until the procedures ends.


    Imports System.Console

    Module Module1

    Sub Main()

    Dim a As Boolean = True

    If a = True Then

    Dim b As Integer = 10


    End If


    End Sub

    End Module



    Here, the variable a is declared in Sub procedure Main(). So the scope of variable is until the end of Main(), means upto End Sub.

    Module Level Scope

    A variable can be declared outside of any procedure, but it must be within a Class....…End Class or Module....…End Module statement. The scope is any procedure within this module (until the end of the module). The lifetime for a variable defined within a class is until the object is cleaned up by the garbage collector. The lifetime for a variable defined within a module is until the program ends.


    Imports System.Console

    Module Module1

    Dim a As Integer = 10

    Sub Main()



    End Sub

    End Module



    Here, the variable a is declared in Module1, but outside Sub procedure Main(). So the scope of variable is until the end of Moduel1, means variable a can be accessed in any procedure within Module1.

    Global Level Scope

    A Public variable can be declared within a Module…....End Module statement, and that variable's scope will be any procedure or method within the project. The lifetime of the variable will be until the program ends.


    Imports System.Console

    Module Module1

    Public a As Integer = 10

    Sub Main()



    End Sub

    End Module



    Here, the variable a is declared as Public and in Module1. So the scope of variable is throughout Application, means variable a can be accessed in any module within same Application.

    Methods used in VB.Net

    Methods used to Identify Variable Type

    GetType() and GetTypeCode(). GetType() returns Variable DataType as string value. GetTypeCode() returns Variable DataType Code as integer value. Every DataType has any unique identification Code that is an integer number.


    Dim b As Boolean

    Dim c As Char

    Dim d As Date

    Dim i As Integer

    Dim u As Ulong

    Dim s As String =

    Validation Methods


    Dim a As Integer = 12.67

    Dim b As String = 3

    Dim c As String = a23

    Dim d As Object

    Dim e As Date = 1/1/2012

    Dim f As String = 1/1/2012

    1.7Operators and Expressions

    VB.Net provides the following types of Operators:

    1.7.1Arithmetic Operators

    Arithmetic Operators are used to perform familiar calculations on numeric values, including shifting their bit patterns. Arithmetic operators are:


    Dim a As Integer = 10

    Dim x As Double = 5, y As Double = 3

    Dim s As String = Hello

    1.7.2Comparison Operators

    Comparison Operators are used to compare two expressions and return a Boolean value representing the result of the comparison. Comparison operators are:


    Dim a As Integer = 10, b As Integer = 2

    Dim s As String = Hello

    Dim x As New DataTable

    x = Nothing

    Dim y As New DataTable

    y = Nothing

    1.7.3Concatenation Operators

    Concatenation Operators are used to join multiple

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