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Seven Deadly Sins
Seven Deadly Sins
Seven Deadly Sins
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Seven Deadly Sins

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Proverbs 6:16 "These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him." The seven deadly sins of Proverbs 6:16-19 are examined in this work by Dr. Murrell. Are you committing a deadly sin?
Release dateMay 2, 2013
Seven Deadly Sins

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    Seven Deadly Sins - Dr. Stanford E. Murrell

    Seven Deadly Sins



    Proverbs 6:16-19

    These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: 17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, 19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

    Chapter 1 Soul, Be Not Proud

    Proverbs 6:16-19

    There is one vice of which no man in the world is free; which every one in the world loathes when he sees it in someone else; and of which hardly any people, except Christians, ever imagine that they are guilty themselves.... There is no fault which makes a man more unpopular, and no fault which we are more unconscious of in ourselves. And the more we have it ourselves, the more we dislike it in others. The vice I am talking of is Pride or Self-conceit; and the virtue opposite to it, in Christian morals, is called Humility (C. S. Lewis).

    At the end of the sixth century Pope Gregory the Great divided all sins under seven heads. He said that every sin a man commits can be classified by seven words. He named the sins: Pride, Anger, Envy, Impurity, Gluttony, Slothfulness, and Avarice. They have been called down through the centuries The Seven Deadly Sins. The Bible too has a list of Seven Deadly Sins for sin is something God hates. Matthew Henry writes, "God hates sin; He hates every sin; He can never be reconciled to it; He hates nothing but sin. However, there are some sins that God hates in a very special way. These sins include pride, falsehood and fraud, cruelty and murder, subtlety in the contrivance of evil, vigor and diligence in the pursuit of iniquity, a false testimony, and the sowing of discord among others. The Church of Christ is blessed when these deadly sins are recognized and vigorously dealt with in self and in others. The Church of Jesus Christ suffers when these deadly sins are manifested. Unfortunately, many of these seven sins are manifested in the Church because they are socially acceptable and yet, like cancer cells undetected, they spread to produce sudden death.

    While spiritual death stalks the saints, many people are concerned with other things, which are not socially acceptable, such as smoking, cutting down trees, and polluting the air. Meanwhile, the sins of the mind and the tongue, which God hates so much, go almost unchallenged, and so Satan finds a way to gain an advantage over the saints.

    The Church of Christ at the end of the twentieth century must once more determine to challenge those expressions of transgressions, which the Lord Himself finds so offensive. This will not be easy to do because when certain things are so common in self and in others we do not like to talk about them. So we change our conversation and continue to grieve and quench the Holy Spirit.

    By changing our attention, the forces of evil are hidden. To make matters worse, certain philosophical systems such Communism, atheism, and secular humanism contend that sin does not even exist. Even the Christian Science religion teaches that all sin is an illusion of the mind. Other religions put a mild label on sin calling it error, negative confession, an errant fault, or low self-esteem.

    After a minister had spoken strongly against sin one morning, a member of his congregation came to visit him and said, Pastor, we do not want you to talk so plainly about sin because if our young people hear you mention it, they will more easily become sinners. Call it a mistake if you will, but do not speak so plainly about sin.

    The minister went to a room and brought back a bottle of strychnine marked POISON. He held the bottle up and said, I see what you want me to do. You want me to change the label to something such as PEPPERMINT CANDY. Can't you see the danger? The milder you make the label, the more deadly the poison.

    The Bible teaches that every person is born with a deadly poison in the soul that will ultimately lead it to physical and eternal death if an antidote is not found. The antidote for sin is the Saviour of the world, Jesus Christ. Christ died to take away the power and the effect of sin.

    The first sin that God declares to be an abomination is that of pride. Pride may take various forms, but they all emanate from the haughty human heart. Some people take excessive pride in their looks. God has blessed some men and women with unusual beauty and attractiveness. The vanity of actors and actresses is legendary. Athletes are susceptible to this sin.

    Perhaps the most blatant expressions of physical pride is manifested by the body builders who pose and strut about before others barely clothed while looking for the eye of the camera and the adulation of others.

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