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Wrath 7 Deadly Sins Vol. 5
Wrath 7 Deadly Sins Vol. 5
Wrath 7 Deadly Sins Vol. 5
Ebook162 pages1 hour

Wrath 7 Deadly Sins Vol. 5

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70 writers get wrathful! Poems, essays & stories by AR Abbott, S Abend-Sims, E Ahern, M Allen, J Allison, S Aveningo-Sanders, E Barnard, P Beckman, J Bell, R Beveridge, R Blum, H Brown, E Buttimer, S Cameron-McKee, S Carr, G Castillo Oriard, M Christmas, J Chronister, R Cooperman, Mark Crimmins, T Daly, S DiFalco, J Eli, M Estabrook, W Falo, G Garfunkel, F Gaugg, N Ghosh, G Gjomakaj, K Gosse, R Gould, A Grenfell, S Guthrie, J Hocking, M Horsfall, M Hudson, M Kelly, J Khan, R. Lavalette, L Lefkowitz, C Leslie-Bole, P Lingard, P Mackarness, G Maclean, K Mahony, J Maurer, KL Merrifield, C Mesler, P Michal, M Mittman, C Moyne, P Nieuwland, E O’Dwyer, E O’Sullivan, C ‘P’ Palmer, B Pitts, M Quigley, C Rammelkamp, L Rhodes-Ryabchich, RS Rosenthal, E Ruzicka, J Santosuosso, G Sarnat, PD Shea, C Stagg, L Tyrrell, A Walowitz, M Webb, J Weisman & G Yatchisin
Release dateJan 30, 2019
Wrath 7 Deadly Sins Vol. 5

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    Wrath 7 Deadly Sins Vol. 5 - Pure Slush

    Wrath 7 Deadly Sins Vol. 5

    Wrath: 7 Deadly Sins Vol. 5

    stories, poems and essays


    A Pure Slush E-book

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    First published as an eBook collection and in paperback January 2019

    Content copyright © Pure Slush Books and individual authors

    Edited by Matt Potter

    All rights reserved by the author and publisher. Except for brief excerpts used for review or scholarly purposes, no part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without express written consent of the publisher or the author/s.

    Pure Slush Books

    32 Meredith Street

    Sefton Park SA 5083




    Pure Slush Store:

    Cover design copyright © Matt Potter

    Original fountain image copyright © Sarah Benton

    ISBN: 978-1-925536-69-0

    Also available in paperback / ISBN: 978-1-925536-68-3

    A note on differences in punctuation and spelling

    Pure Slush Books proudly features writers from all over the English-speaking world. Some speak and write English as their first language, while for others, it’s their second or third or even fourth language. Naturally, across all versions of English, there are differences in punctuation and spelling, and even in meaning. These differences are reflected in the work Pure Slush Books publishes, and they account for any differences in punctuation, spelling and meaning found within these pages.

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    Pure Slush Books is a member of the Bequem Publishing collective


    Greek Coffee

    by Ed Ruzicka


    Have you ever wanted to strangle a friend,

    no matter how much he would thrash and push?

    Nick and I had been up past moon-set to whoop,

    and stomp from camp fire to camp fire

    at a party in New South Goat-sack Mississippi

    on the ten acre grounds of a potter who threw

    gigantic Raku pieces and also hosted annual

    bashes under the autumnal sparks of Orion’s belt.

    He invited the entire Art and Classics departments

    along with reprobates, half-bakes, and stray debutantes

    out of the city to camp, imbibe, hoot, dance

    as if there was no end to it while hills rolled

    off in every direction, darkly secret and with

    Mississippi’s grim resolve. Disturbed

    from their rounds, coyotes glared, lit irises

    reflected at the edge of the woods.

    Field mice nudged along their customary

    paths under blown weed and thistle.

    We reveled. That night some bearded satyr

    grabbed my lapels and shouted into my face

    I see you at every weird party I go to

    at which I blinked, smiled. Beyond provocation

    I shook my head and sauntered off. Found

    a twisty little grad student’s wife to get to know

    in the biblical way in the cab of Nick’s Silverado.

    Eventually some forty of us bivouacked on slopes and knolls.

    Woke to dew. My Greek friend Nick had a little blaze going.

    Was rubbing his hands to warm them as kettle water boiled.

    That is when it started. Nick had a metal cup,

    a spoon with a ceramic design in its bowl. Nick stirred

    his coffee with the spoon till it went from thin to thick,

    from thick to gluck. Nick stirred and stirred. A crow

    perched at the forest’s edge cawing as the spoon scrapped

    along cup metal. Nick hunched. The crow cawed.

    There is only so much that a hung-over man

    by a campfire in Mississippi can be asked to endure.

    The Stern Wind

    by Edward Ahern


    gusts and surges

    like an unchained guard dog,

    strewing dust and pollen,

    flashing the naked underside

    of leaves,

    and tossing meadow grass

    like ruffled bear fur,

    spinning from side to side

    in drunken dance,

    a rioting brawl that cannot last,

    and ends

    with a watery flourish of thunder.

    Beach Confession

    by Jan Chronister


    Forgive me Mother for I have sinned. . .

    I come now, repentant, listening:

    clinking of stone currency

    offered up for collection,

    familiar rustle of hymnal waves.

    Beer bottles once broken on deck

    are forgiven, worn smooth

    like rosary beads between your fingers.

    I find teacup handles, plate edges,

    washed up on shore,

    remnants of some ship’s

    civilization heaved and cracked

    by your wrath.

    We forget what water can do

    until brought to our knees by

    a hurricane, baptized by flood.

    Do As I Say

    by Howard Brown


    Wrath, the outward manifestation of that

    anger which has been smoldering within,

    the moment when, at long last, one erupts

    and begins to seek retribution for whatever

    wrongs they’ve suffered.

    But, didn’t Jesus, in a fit of righteous

    indignation, overturn the tables of the money

    changers and drive them from the temple?

    And exactly what sort of celestial tit-for-tat

    was God meting out when he changed Lot’s

    disobedient wife into a pillar of salt?

    So, at the risk of blasphemy, tell me: doesn’t

    this fifth of the so-called 7 Deadly Sins begin

    to remind you of nothing so much as the old,

    self-serving do as I say, not as I do spiel we

    got from our parents back when we were kids?  

    The Incident

    by Matthew Horsfall


    boxed anger is released

    shifting loyalties in all directions

    the weather reports from poor southern suburbs:

    tension risen on hot rumours of defection

    sliding, a living serpent

    writhing in the wrath of ugly girls

    sidewind and baying

    bloodthirsty students learning

    that violence is indeed prince of this world.

    a white-hot minute

    of four straight and five kicks crooked

    her violent heart throbbing

    with nothing left to lose once first fist hits

    strips of mascara in child’s socket eye

    screaming for help drowning

    in a sea of schadenfreude

    smart phones filming

    as ones and zeroes spread throughout the world.

    child sacrifice,

    rain in the desert.

    After Wrath Of Storm

    by Lucy Tyrrell



    at dawn

    after wind,

    incessant rain—

    washout of asphalt

    roads with yellow striping.

    Trees that once towered tall, brave,

    gently swayed with singing bird nests,

    wore quivers of green, held their ground—now

    toppled with frayed limbs, fallen warriors.



    on Squirrel

    Hill, they gathered

    there in sacred space,

    wearing nests of black cloth.

    Storm of hatred toppled frayed

    Tree of Life—incessant shooting,

    rain of bullets. Lips quiver for brave,

    fallen yellow stars, hold their ground, singing.

    Eternal Recurrence And So On And So Forth

    by Michaeleen Kelly


    Many short-change Nietzsche’s idea of eternal recurrence,

    that whatever happens will happen again and again.

    They want to make it reasonable, useful, upbeat.

    More like what Kant and Confucius were saying

    Only doing what you could want everyone else to be doing.

    Would you like it?

    Somebody crapping on your shoes?

    Running off with your girlfriend?

    Nietzsche was never that accommodating.

    Every cheek turned away from a slap

    gets to be slapped again,

    followed automatically by a duck or another cheek twist.

    Speed up the tape

    and it resembles the movements of a Rock-’em Sock-’em toy.

    What Nietzsche didn’t notice

    was the infinite number of differences

    among these inveterate sluggers

    carrying out their dismal destinies as enemies,

    each of their hardened faces

    awaiting grace through transformation.

    Perhaps a moment of redemption

    at the penultimate clarifying moment.

    Like when Nietzsche having just witnessed

    the beating of a horse,

    fell to the ground heartbroken,

    his psyche permanently damaged,

    his arms wrapped tenderly around the neck of the horse.


    by John Maurer


    What have I fallen into?

    Another truth that isn’t true

    Another lie I prefer for the sake of my sleep schedule

    Another grave under a grave where my ancestors

    are buried standing; holding rosary beads or whiskey bottles

    like they know conviction without being imprisoned

    What is falling out of me?

    Another tooth that won’t turn gold

    Another miscarried fetus looking like two

    white pills in a white paper cup

    Blood of spectrums from my septum every time I see the future

    is so much further away for I squandered it

    wandering in the past

    Who am I falling for?

    Not someone who doesn’t call anymore

    For I have a different number on a different phone

    I walked deep enough into hell that I realized it was heaven

    So I eat my bananas at the table with my bandana angel

    Who am I relying on?

    Another magazine that says my poetry just doesn’t fit

    Like no woman has ever said to me after four days of foreplay

    Another magazine that will fuck me for free

    but won’t buy me dinner at a diner

    Smearing my line breaks like red lipstick on a cigarette filter

    Lip Service

    by Marsha Mittman


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