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The Way Out
The Way Out
The Way Out
Ebook78 pages2 hours

The Way Out

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  • Self-Discovery

  • Mentorship

  • Divine Intervention

  • Spiritual Journey

  • Inner Struggle

  • Prison Escape

  • Importance of Humility

  • Hope Springs Eternal

  • Desperate Situation

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Experience the life-changing power of Joseph Benner with this unforgettable book.
Release dateNov 12, 2020
The Way Out

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    The Way Out - Joseph Benner

    The Way Out

    Joseph Benner

    Christ should learn the law which if obeyed will enable them to rise out of all conditions of lack, limitation, inharmony, disease and unhappiness that may manifest.

    You ask if this is really possible, and if there is a law which if obeyed will enable one to accomplish all that.

    We say emphatically, there is such a law, and that you can be free from the fear and dominance of money, that you can have an abundance of all good things, that you can be well and happy, and can bring about an adjustment into perfect harmony of all departments of your life—if you want these things enough to train yourself to obey this law.

    You say that you would do anything to obtain such wonderful blessings, if it is humanly possible.

    It is not only possible, but everyone who is filled with such a desire can do it. For know a great truth,–that you are permitted to be in such unhappy conditions by your Higher Self—solely in order that you may seek and gain the knowledge, the power and the ability to control them, in order to free yourself forever from them and to assume your true place in life, and therein receive the heritage of good that is here for you, whenever you become wise and strong enough to claim it and use it for the good of others and not for selfish ends.

    First know that it is all a matter of consciousness, and that you, yourself alone, are to blame for these conditions: for you alone created them and are firmly holding them in your consciousness—or they would not be so plainly manifesting. All this we are taught in those great words, As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.

    We know that you have heard this stated perhaps many times before, and so often that it may have become an old story. Some of you have tried to prove it and to rid your consciousness of all your negative thoughts: but because it took determined and persistent effort you soon grew tired, on account of the strong opposition met with, and you then dropped back into the current of the old conditions and if anything became more helpless than you were before.

    Others may have heard of the saying, but it did not impress them; for they could not accept the assertion that all of the inharmonies in their lives are the result of their own beliefs, or of their past thinking crystallized into beliefs. They preferred to blame it all on someone else, and even God came in for a share of the blame.

    The main trouble with almost everyone is that they do not realize how many negative and destructive beliefs they are carrying around with them in the subconscious realms of mind and which creep through into the conscious mind whenever it is free from interest in other things.

    Until you can begin to study your mind and watch for and note these negative beliefs when they come—and you will find that they are actually beliefs—and refuse them further support, there is not much hope for you.

    In fact it is the first thing you must learn to do. Those who are too mentally lazy to do such watching and controlling of their thoughts, are usually the ones who will not accept that their own thinking and beliefs create for them all of the conditions now manifesting in their lives.

    But it makes no difference whether you accept it as being true or not—it is the law.


    Now if you are ready to hear the law, we will state it in words that everyone can understand.

    Note these words, and let them impress themselves on you, so that from this moment ever afterward they will live in your mind as a guiding influence.


    Whether you accept this as yet or not, consider for a while the truth that every thought you think, especially those relating in any way to self, hovers around in your mental atmosphere, just as a child stays close to its parent. These thoughts being about yourself receive the life that maintains them from the feeling that you put into them.

    In other words, the thoughts themselves are but mental forms, but when you think them with feeling of any kind you fill these forms with life and they become as living things which ever return to you, their parent, to be fed with more living power. For all feeling expressed is life, is vital power, and if you only knew it, all the thoughts which persistently influence your mind and harass you, are only your mental children clamoring for food and attention, and compelling more worrying, anxiety, or fear from you; all of which are excellent food containing rich vital power, and which makes them grow rapidly, until they become so powerful that in time they dominate your mind so that you can scarcely think of anything else.

    When the fact is, these thoughts exist to you only when you let them into your mind—that is, they are of importance to you only when you give them attention and recognition. But on the other hand, their power over you and their life can quickly be nullified by simply knowing the law, and refusing to feed them longer with life power by giving them further attention or interest.

    And it should not be necessary to state that voicing such thoughts definitely and speedily out-manifests them, for the spoken word is far more potent than the thought. Above all else you should guard carefully your speech, voicing nothing you do not want to see manifest. Always remember, however, that by preventing such thoughts entering the mind there will be no impulse to voice them.

    So that you can see now that it is all a matter of consciousness, of thinking and harboring the right kind of thoughts—those you wish to out-manifest, and of letting into your mind no thoughts you do not want to manifest in your body or affairs.

    And perhaps you can also see that what is ordinarily called thinking is only the admitting into your mind of thoughts that originated chiefly in other minds and which you of course attracted to you. This is also true of all negative, inharmonious and destructive thoughts—there must be something in you that attracts them or they would not come.

    Many will still permit them to come, for only by the suffering, hardship and struggle to escape from their influence that you undergo, will you learn how to free yourself and gain the power to control and consciously direct your life to constructive ends.

    That is the hard way, but we are now going to show you the true way to free yourself forever from fear and worry about finances, and from all other destructive forces.

    We are assuming that all who read are students and followers of Christ’s teachings. You remember those significant words of His in the

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