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The Wisdom of Fulton Sheen: 365 Days of Inspiration
The Wisdom of Fulton Sheen: 365 Days of Inspiration
The Wisdom of Fulton Sheen: 365 Days of Inspiration
Ebook389 pages2 hours

The Wisdom of Fulton Sheen: 365 Days of Inspiration

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Fulton Sheen was one of the greatest communicators to ever live. He is famous for reminding millions of television viewers each week that, "Life is worth living!" and was literally the face of Catholicism in the United States for forty years.

In this beautiful collection of inspiring quotes from Sheen's life and works, we are given a unique glimpse into the heart, mind, and soul of this incredible man. With each turn of the page, it is easy to see why his inspiring and practical messages inspired so many during his lifetime and continue to inspire so many people today.

"The Wisdom of Fulton Sheen," is a powerful collection of writings that will encourage you to think differently about who you are, how your life is unfolding, what God is calling you to next, and what priorities will lead you to the peace and purpose you desire.

Sooner or later we all rise or fall to the level of our friendships. Invite Fulton Sheen deep into your life, make him one of your trusted friends, and he will elevate many aspects of your life.
Release dateDec 15, 2020
The Wisdom of Fulton Sheen: 365 Days of Inspiration

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    The Wisdom of Fulton Sheen - Fulton Sheen


    Copyright © 2019

    Kakadu, LLC

    Published by BLUE SPARROW

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission except in the case of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.

    The quotes in this book have been drawn from dozens of sources. They are assumed to be accurate as quoted in their previously published forms. Although every effort has been made to verify the quotes and sources, the Publisher cannot guarantee their perfect accuracy.

    Cover Art by Cameron Smith.

    Venerable Fulton Sheen, 2020.

    Cover Design by Madeline Harris

    Typeset by Ashley Wirfel

    ISBN: 978-1-63582-166-6 (hardcover)

    ISBN: 978-1-63582-167-3 (e-Book)


    Printed in the United States of America

















    IN EVERY PLACE AND TIME, God raises up men and women to meet the specific needs of his people. Fulton Sheen is a perfect example.

    Sheen was a visionary in every sense of the word. What were the qualities that made him a visionary? He was bold. He was an innovator. He was a disruptor. He was not afraid to fail. He had contagious enthusiasm. He was a man of action. He was a strategic thinker. Beyond his towering intellect, he possessed the much rarer emotional intelligence. He was willing to take risks. He was inspirational. And he was a dreamer. He was able to look into the future, imagine something bigger and better in the future, and then return to the present and work tirelessly to make that envisioned future a reality.

    There is a lot of talk these days about game-changers. Fulton Sheen was the living embodiment of a game-changer.

    These qualities could have been applied with great success to any area of life, but Fulton Sheen courageously accepted God’s invitation to serve his people.

    It was Fulton Sheen’s visionary spirit that led him to prophetically recognize the central place television would play in every American home, and the role it would play to influence and form society in decades to come. That insight led him to grasp a central place for our faith on prime-time television. It was a monumental accomplishment. If we truly wish to understand how significant this feat was, we only need to consider that fifty years ago he placed Catholic communications fifty years ahead of the mass-media efforts of other Christians and indeed all other faiths. Today, Catholic communications are fifty years behind the efforts of our non-Catholic Christian brothers and sisters. With the passing of fifty years, we have lost one hundred years of ground that needs to be made up if we are to effectively communicate with the people of our own times.

    The idea of an Archbishop on television was and remains perplexing to people. But it should not be. Sheen was intimately connected to the ways of Jesus, and he knew that Jesus’ model of reaching people was to go to the people. Television provided him with a way to go to millions of people in every city across the United States every night.

    Jesus went to the people. He didn’t stand in a synagogue or church and expect the people to come to him. He met them where they were and led them, little by little, to where he was calling them to be. Sheen did the same thing. He based his ministry on Jesus’ model. He went to the people in many ways, but primarily by leveraging the power of television.

    Television would quickly become the primary medium for influencing public opinion, and therefore a powerful tool to educate and evangelize. Fulton Sheen saw that long before it happened and harnessed it for the life-giving message of the Gospel. He saw what television was going to be and how important it was to harness it for good, to share a message of hope and inspiration with as many people as possible. I was born too late to witness the Fulton Sheen phenomenon, but I wish I had. It was boldness itself.

    From the early 1950s to the late 1960s, Archbishop Fulton Sheen dominated the airways. He was a man so captivating, intelligent, and humorous that with his simple chalkboard he could outperform I Love Lucy and The Ed Sullivan Show night after night.

    In order to truly understand it, you need to consider the idea of a Catholic bishop being allowed to teach and preach and laugh and joke on mainstream television during evening prime time. We live in an age where that would never happen. Sadly.

    It was genius. Television allowed the beloved Fulton Sheen to meet people where they were literally, figuratively, and spiritually . . . and to inspire them to take one step closer to God with each encounter.

    What was his message? Life is worth living! he proclaimed over and over again. At a time warped by the confusion of war and communism, the onset of new plagues of hedonism and materialism, he provided piercing clarity on matters large and small. Helping millions of people make the journey from confusion to clarity is an extraordinary contribution unto itself. He taught in ways that were practical and hopeful, and we all need a little practical advice from time to time that fills our hearts with the hope we need to walk

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