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Lottery Guidebook: A Roadmap for Players, New Insights
Lottery Guidebook: A Roadmap for Players, New Insights
Lottery Guidebook: A Roadmap for Players, New Insights
Ebook156 pages46 minutes

Lottery Guidebook: A Roadmap for Players, New Insights

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Have you ever wanted to win the lottery? What if you could increase your odds by 11,300% by using a different methodology than you are now? What if you could eliminate 99% of all possible
outcomes in the next lotto drawing? This book gives you the way to do it in state lotteries such as New York Lotto, and multistate lotteries such as Mega Millions and Powerball. It helps you find the numbers that have a high probability of dropping on the next drawing. It will give you the edge in playing any lottery. The methods in this book are guaranteed to improve the probability of your lottery picks. Discover how to beat the odds today.
Release dateSep 4, 2013
Lottery Guidebook: A Roadmap for Players, New Insights

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    Lottery Guidebook - H.W. Brown

    Lottery Guidebook: a Roadmap for Players

    New Insights, Second Edition

    H.W. Brown

    Cover Artwork Moving Target by H.W. Brown

    Lottery Guidebook: A Roadmap for Players.  New Insights.

    Copyright © 2009-2013 by H.W. Brown

    All rights reserved.  Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior permission of the publisher.

    Disclaimer.  Lottery Guidebook: A Roadmap for Players is not associated with any lottery.  See Appendix: Notes.

    Published in the United States of America by Lulu Press

    Raleigh, North Carolina

    Library of Congress Catalog-in-Publication Data available upon request

    ISBN 978-1-304-36093-9

    Designed by H.W. Brown

    Second Edition: September 2013


    Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting the same results.

    - ALBERT EINSTEIN (circa 1930 b.c.)

    In this second edition of Lottery Guidebook: A Roadmap for Players, we embark on a new journey.  With the natural progression of time, new insights into the original book published in 2009 have surfaced.  I introduced the first edition by comparing us to Christopher Columbus; that we are essentially counterparts, as adventurers who cast sail from safe harbors into the palpable maelstrom of the Seven Seas.  This book can be seen as the second voyage to the New World.   We have a better understanding of where we are going, and how to get there.

    This book contains much, if not all of the original with additions and a few minor changes, expanding the original book.  It is longer with the addition of new insights which was not included in the original.  The second edition comes roughly five years since the original.

    The goals of this edition remains the same as the original: to help increase the chances of winning the lottery through logical methods that give us a high probability of winning, rather than using random numbers.  At best, the methodology shaves off as much as 99 percent of all possible outcomes for the upcoming lottery drawing.  This book’s primary purpose is intended to provide better means for you to win the lottery.

    The calculations in this book are straight forward and anyone with a high school degree or with a basic understanding of algebra should be able to understand and use the formulas effectively.  And, I recommend spending some free time, in a space where you can think, to do the work necessary for the upcoming lottery drawing.  Treat this as a hobby that you can spend a few weekends on, that may pay off in a big way.  

    Here are my findings, and by the end of the book, I hope you’ll discover a way to win.  After applying what’s in this book—where you will mostly find seminal intersections of mathematics, statistical analysis and cognitive science—and with a little work, you will certainly win more often; and ultimately, you will win the jackpot.

    Warmest Regards,


    September 2013

    Part I. Overview

    "In fourteen hundred ninety-two

    Columbus sailed the ocean blue…

    He sailed by night; he sailed by day;

    He used the stars to find his way.

    A compass also helped him know

    How to find the way to go…

    Day after day they looked for land;

    They dreamed of trees and rocks and sand.

    October 12 their dream came true,

    You never saw a happier crew!

    Indians!  Indians!  Columbus cried;

    His heart was filled with joyful pride…

    The first American?  No, not quite.

    But Columbus was brave, and he was bright."


    If you have ever played the lottery, you know how hard it is to pick numbers.  Who’s birthday should you use?  What are your lucky numbers? Maybe the numbers on the fortune cookie?  Or the numbers of an important day?

    I remember buying my first lottery ticket—I thought about winning and what I would do with all that money, millions upon millions of dollars.  I wanted to buy a big house for everyone in my family; I wanted to buy fancy cars, and most of all I wanted to travel around the world.  The problem was always finding the right numbers.  No matter how much I tried, I just couldn’t find the right numbers.  I tried everything, from birthdays to numbers corresponding to the letters in the names of my pets.  I was barking up the wrong tree and this is what many of us experience.  We have no idea what numbers to pick.

    In this book, we will change all of that.  We will look at the lottery from a logical and

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