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What is a High-Fat Low Carb Diet?
What is a High-Fat Low Carb Diet?
What is a High-Fat Low Carb Diet?
Ebook19 pages10 minutes

What is a High-Fat Low Carb Diet?

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Let us get something straight first.


Frankly, it is the opposite.

Now that we got that out of the way let us continue.

This way of eating has been around for over 2000 years. Our founding fathers of medicine have used it to treat their patients.

It was also used to treat the young and old in ancient days who had a medical condition known as seizures, epilepsy.

This diet is nothing new, scientists, doctors, health professionals, nutritious, dieticians, etc., realize now that this is a great way to eat. Because of all the health benefits for so many disease models.

Obviously, this is not a fat diet.

They also now know that the Standard Western American diet, high carbs low fat, and the calorie in and calorie out diet, do not work. They never have and they never will for long-term health.

If they did work, why is 2/3 of our country dealing with obesity, it has now become an epidemic in the young and old. Why are there so many young kids that are overweight, and why is type 2 diabetes on the rise with the young and old, it also is now an epidemic.

The high-fat meals consist of, high good dietary fats, a moderate amount of protein, low carbohydrates (starchy carbs), most all carbs are coming from organic veggies. Like I said above, this is not your standard American fad diet.

This diet forces the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates. Therefore, our founding fathers used this diet, getting away from burning carbs as the body's primary energy source to burning fats as its primary energy source proved to help with many disease models.

Then they figured out this is a great way to help reverse obesity, type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease, and now cancer.

Most all of you are not seeing the health benefits of burning fat for energy because your primary energy source is coming from all the carbohydrates you are eating multiple times per day.

How does the dictionary define a high-fat low-carb diet?

A diet that tends to promote the metabolic formation of ketone bodies by causing the body to use fat (rather than carbohydrates) as its principal energy source?

Remember the low-fat diet craze?

Back in the 1990s, we were told that swapping regular cookies and chips for those labeled "Low Fat" would be the ticket to easy weight loss and better health. Today, we know the push toward fat-free actually made us fatter.

The diet pendulum has swung in the other direction.

Research has shown weight loss is more effectively achieved through a high-fat, low-carb eating plan. Health-conscious folks have fully embraced fat.

PublisherBill Mabry
Release dateMar 29, 2021
What is a High-Fat Low Carb Diet?

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    Book preview

    What is a High-Fat Low Carb Diet? - Bill Mabry

    What is a High Good Fat Low Carb Meal?

    Let us Talk a little History.

    Let us get something straight first.


    Frankly, it is the opposite.

    Now that we got that out of the way let us continue.

    This way of eating has been around for over 2000 years. Our founding fathers of medicine have used it to treat their patients.

    It was also used to treat the young and old in ancient days who had a medical condition known as seizures, epilepsy.

    This diet is nothing new, scientists, doctors, health professionals, nutritious, dieticians, etc., realize now that this is a great way to eat. Because of

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