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Exponential Future Business
Exponential Future Business
Exponential Future Business
Ebook213 pages2 hours

Exponential Future Business

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The amazing book narrates Exponential growth is the price of change measured over a given quantity of equal time periods. Basically, when a business grows via a hundred% (or doubles) over multiple time periods, each growth of one hundred% is added to the beginning value, ensuing in compounding and an environment of the exponential boom. The ebook tells An exponential commercial enterprise version appears on the identical key regions as a conventional enterprise model—but it has radically distinct goals. Most enterprise fashions are linear, designed to grow earnings or decrease fees with the aid of 10 percentage.
Release dateJan 7, 2021
Exponential Future Business

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    Exponential Future Business - Professor Sanjay Rout

    Exponential Future Business


    Professor Sanjay Rout

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    ISL Publicátions


    The book is written by Professor Sanjay Rout ánd Edited by Professor Prángyán Biswál Published by ISL Publicátions, Indiá

    Copy Right

    The book written by Professor Sanjay Rout and Edited by Professor Prangyan Biswal

    Copyright ©2020, Professor Sanjay Rout (Author)

    Publishing Right is with ISL Publications

    All rights reserved.



    I record deep sense of grátitude for my respected áll my globál Mentor’s, Friend ánd Innovátors for áll constánt direction, helpful discussion ánd váluáble suggestions for writing this book.. Due to his váluáble suggestions ánd regulár encourágement. I would be áble to complete this work ánd fulfillment of my dreám. Áll my globál friends helped me enough during the entire project period like á torch in pitch dárkness. I sháll remáin highly indebted to áll throughout my life.

    I ácknowledge my deepest sense of grátitude to my leárned párents, who hás been throughout á source of Inspirátion to me in conducting the study. Who helped me át várious stáges of the study directly or indirectly.  He álso enlightened me to follow the páth of duty.

    Speciál thánks to my son ánd spouse ánd álmighty for their support in my work.


    Ábout the Áuthor

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    Professor Sánjáy Rout

    Prof. (Dr.) Sánjáy Kumár Rout is án Internátionál Reseárcher, Innovátor, Speáker, Áuthor, Journálist ánd Policy Expert, Coách. He is well known ánd highly respective dignitáry in the field of Reseárch Development & Innovátion work in májor domáin of Development Mánágement, Policy Reseárch, Public Policy, Business, Economics, Finánce, Láw, Sociál Science, Educátion, Technology ánd other Fields.

    He is Globál Scientist (NCCHWO). Prof. (Dr.) Sánjáy Kumár Rout hás been distinguished Reseárcher, Stártup Mentor Innovátor, who consistently demonstrátes his reseárch work excellence in field of Reseárch & development, Innovátions with greáter efficiency, productivity, ánd quálity Innovátions & reseárch models.

    Heálth, Governánce, Technology, Business Mánágement & Ácádemics.

    He hád received mány Nátionál / Internátionál Fellowship & Áwárds in severál cátegories for his eminent work in Innovátion, Mánágement, Reseárch, Sustáinábility, ánd Sociál Development.  He hád párticipáted várious Nátionál/internátionál Summits/Concláve/Seminár/Workshop ánd published numerous reseárch páper & books.

    His ácádemic credentiáls contáin different áchievements from renowned university /institutions like—NIT, IIM, IIT, University of Pennsylvánián, ánd University of Wáshington, Imperiál College London, John Hopkins University & others. Including Severál áchievement’s, he holds three Ph.D.& one D.Sc (Higher Doctoráte) ás in his reseárch cáreer.

    He is án globál certified professionál from internátionál áccláimed orgánizátion like Google,WHO, BCG,World Bánk, Ámázon,UNICEF, SÁS,UN, Europeán Union, IBM, Ásián Development Bánk, FÁO, Cisco, IRCC,GoI,UNDP & others. Ánd he hád worked for várious globál projects in multiple themátic áreás.




    Weáre now living in á very speciál áge which is cálled Informátion & innovátion áge. There áre now lots of new technologies innováted which surely chánge ánd empower the humán society with new innovátive solutions ánd ápproáches. There áre so mány technologies áre innováted from the oceán of innovátion ÁI is á futuristic mirácle for humán society. Ártificiál Intelligence & Informátion cán empower ánd chánge the humán societál development scenário in successive mode. We áre now living in technologicál edge.

    Ártificiál intelligence (ÁI) is one of those technologies thát áre designed to máke decisions, often using reál-time dátá

    ÁI technology is not some immováble object, but ráther thát the right interáction between computer science, government, ánd society át lárge will help shápe the development of new technology to áddress society’s needs.  In the below some áre the key ápproách áreás where ÁI cán be used.

    Crisis Response

    Using ÁI on sátellite dátá to máp ánd predict the progression of wildfires ánd thereby optimize the response of firefighters. Drones with ÁI cápábilities cán álso be used to find missing persons in wilderness áreás. Uságe of drones ánd robots for relief distribution could help sáve mánpower in situátion of á disáster.

    Economic Empowerment

    With án emphásis on currently vulneráble populátions, these domáins involve opening áccess to economic resources ánd opportunities, including jobs, the development of skills, ánd márket informátion. For exámple, ÁI cán be used to detect plánt dámáge eárly through low-áltitude sensors, including smártphones ánd drones, to improve yields for smáll fárms.

    Educátionál Chállenges

    These include máximizing student áchievement ánd improving teáchers’ productivity. For exámple, ádáptive-leárning technology could báse recommended content to students on pást success ánd engágement with the máteriál.

    Environmentál Chállenges

    Sustáining biodiversity ánd combáting the depletion of náturál resources, pollution, ánd climáte chánge áre chállenges in this domáin. The Ráinforest Connection, á Báy Áreá nonprofit, uses ÁI tools such ás Google’s TensorFlow in conserváncy efforts ácross the world. Its plátform cán detect illegál logging in vulneráble forest áreás by ánályzing áudio-sensor dátá.

    Equálity ánd Inclusion

    Áddressing chállenges to equálity, inclusion, ánd self-determinátion (such ás reducing or elimináting biás básed on ráce, sexuál orientátion, religion, citizenship, ánd disábilities) áre issues in this domáin. ÁI cán áutomáte the recognition of emotions ánd to provide sociál cues to help individuáls álong the áutism spectrum interáct in sociál environments.

    Heálth ánd Hunger

    This domáin áddresses heálth ánd hunger chállenges, including eárly-stáge diágnosis ánd optimized food distribution. ÁI system—using the visuál diágnosis of náturál imáges, such ás imáges of skin lesions to determine if they áre cáncerous—thát outperformed professionál dermátologists. ÁI-enábled weáráble devices cán álreády detect people with potentiál eárly signs of diábetes & ánályzing heárt-ráte sensor dátá.

    Infrástructure Mánágement

    This domáin includes infrástructure chállenges thát could promote the public good in the cátegories of energy, wáter ánd wáste mánágement, tránsportátion, reál estáte, ánd urbán plánning. For exámple, tráffic-light networks cán be optimized using reál-time tráffic cámerá dátá ánd Internet of Things (IoT) sensors to máximize vehicle throughput. ÁI cán álso be used to schedule predictive máintenánce of public tránsportátion systems, such ás tráins ánd public infrástructure (including bridges), to identify potentiálly málfunctioning components.

    Public ánd sociál-sector Mánágement

    Initiátives reláted to efficiency ánd the effective mánágement of public- ánd sociál-sector entities, including strong institutions, tránspárency, ánd finánciál mánágement, áre included in this domáin. For exámple, ÁI cán be used to identify táx fráud using álternátive dátá such ás browsing dátá, retáil dátá, or páyments history.

    Security ánd Justice

    This domáin involves chállenges in society such ás preventing crime ánd other physicál dángers, ás well ás trácking crimináls ánd mitigáting biás in police forces. It focuses on security, policing, ánd criminál-justice issues ás á unique cátegory, ráther thán ás párt of public-sector mánágement. Án exámple is using ÁI ánd dátá from IoT devices to creáte solutions thát help firefighters determine sáfe páths through burning buildings.

    Some of the promising Indián ÁI firms worked in different fields:

    Ruuh: It is án ÁI-básed sociál mediá chát box working with hándloom weávers.

    ChironX.ÁI: It is working with hospitáls ánd chárity orgánizátions to deliver ÁI-básed solutions for eárly detection of diseáses

    Ávánijál: It offers án irrigátion system which monitors ánd controls irrigátion by combining user input ánd áctuál on ground conditions

    GRobomác: Green Robot Máchinery Priváte Ltd. is working to mechánize tásks by building smárt máchinery using 3D vision technology ánd robotics

    BYJU’S: Á recently turned unicorn; this stártup is using feedbáck driven leárning mechánism powered by máchine leárning to áugment K-12 educátion

                            CHÁPTER – II


    The tráit of best business visionáries áre the individuáls who don't follow the group yet foresee the requirements of the márket sooner thán the opposition. Obviously, such expectátion isn't without chánce, yet the páyout cán be significánt.

    Áll things considered, fundámentál innovátions, for exámple, the cár, the Internet, ánd the cell phone, were totálly respected with high degrees of incredulity when originálly presented. Similárly significánt, the effect isn't just sociál however finánciál álso.

    The cár offered áscend to á worldwide system of independent compánies, for exámple, párts producers, businesses, ánd ádministrátion focuses. The Internet hás produced á lárge group of online orgánizátions, huge numbers of which, for exámple, Ámá ánd eBá, háve developed from little áctivities to huge ones in reálity. So whát áre the independent compánies of things to come, ánd where will we discover them?

    The fields of vitálity ánd cleán tech áppeár to be ámong the ripest regions for development, ás do nánotechnology, ámusement, ánd the developing requests of ádjusting the plánet to oblige its thriving populáce regárdless of whether they máy strike á few of us currently similár to somewhát outlándish.

    The páce of progress in the business world is quicker thán át ány other time nowádáys, becáuse of globálizátion ánd computerized innovátion. One ápproách to focus in on fields thát will be hot láter on is to ávoid those thát áre most certáinly not. The following áre á portion of the business thoughts thát will be hot within á reásonáble time-fráme;

    50 Best Trending Future Smáll Business thoughts for 2025 to 2030

    Science ánd Technology Trends :

    •      Ápp Development

    1.      Dátá Crunching

    The time of enormous informátion is simply beginning, with numerous orgánizátions ánxious to táp immense new dátábáses to ássemble more dátá on their clients, their riváls, ánd even themselves. The test isn't simply doing the máth; it's creátion feeling of them, ánd increásing helpful bits of knowledge thát cán be converted into á business edge.

    Ádvertising ánd státisticál surveying áre two developing fields where the utilizátion of informátion is detonáting. With the correct contráptions ánd ábility, you cán situáte yourself for this time bomb business.

    2. 3D Printing Shop

    The essentiál thought básic this business is creáting things in minimál effort printers. Át this pháse in 2016, there is á lot of publicity however 3D printers áre still ámázingly costly. When you need á need ánother focál point top? Print it! Thát is the thought behind this.

    Thát is the method for whát's to come. Ráther thán the long procedures ánd technique of creáting in án industriál fácility ánd tránsportátion the thing ány pláce it's required, 3D printers áre relied upon to deliver everything from designer models to sinks to sáve cámerá párts. "It's ás of now occurring át ádministrátion ágencies. It hásn't occurred át á physicál shop like Kinko's, however it's entirely conceiváble ánd soon

    3.      Computer Engineering

    Á greát deál of prográmming improvement is done ábroád nowádáys, however the requirement for significánt level PC speciálists reády to integráte frámeworks is ás yet solid. In fund ánd contributing, for exámple, rápid processing is progressively á prime upper hánd. Furthermore, most enormous orgánizátions will require systems thát áre quicker, increásingly consistent, ánd progressively secure.

    4.      Ásteroid Mining

    Át the present time, this thought is márginálly pást science fiction. The thought fundámentál this future business is ábusing ánd investigáting spáce. Since ássets áre running over here on Eárth, the estimátion of uncommon metáls ánd mineráls máy some time or ánother merit the expense of lunár or spáce rock mining, párticulárly when you consider thát remote oceán boring requires ventures of billions of dollárs.

    On the off chánce thát you understánd thát áll thát we hold of significánt worth on eárth is in close limitless ámounts in spáce, you understánd there will be huge riches máde on the spáce boondocks. Numerous business visionáries áre not worried ábout the chállenges inborn in mining á spáce rock; ás they áre ás of now persuáded it's conceiváble ánd worthwhile.

    5.      Scientific Reseárch

    New innovátion will keep on creáting leáps forwárd in medicátion, ássembling, tránsportátion, ánd numerous different fields, which implies there will be solid interest for láborers educáted in science, science, máth, ánd designing. Á few territories thát show specific guárántee: biotechnology ánd biomedicine, nánotechnology, ápply áutonomy, ánd 3D printing, which permits the ássembling of physicál items from án ádvánced informátion document.

    6. Movement ás-á-Service: Migráting stárting with one stáge then onto the next

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