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A London Lads Life
A London Lads Life
A London Lads Life
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A London Lads Life

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This book does exactly as it says on the can, intrigues and tantalizes. Divided into subjects, categories and issues on pretty much every damn subject. A nonstop run of verse from beginning to end. Candid verse spewed like torpedo vomit in a true word raconteur's tradition.
If you were born and grew up in a particular city, and in an ever-changing world: witnessed decades of successive governments ignoring you and failing miserably.
These poems depict those decades. In particular wasting millions in tax payer's money? Squandering billions on dumped stupid go nowhere projects. Extreme Inequality, seeing corruption, injustices, and crime rates soaring with no accountability.
less than five percent of burglary and robberies are solved in the UK. That's one in ten.
A quality of life deteriorating before your eyes? You would be joining millions of frustrated others, all over the world in thinking this. If you fall into this category, you are going to love this book. Like me, you will find yourself reminiscing, comparing and relating to what was, and what is now.
My particular city is London.
This induced me to comprise a comprehensive book of poems and comparisons depicting and voicing my opinions regarding the drastic changes in a city that I once loved. These poems speak volumes and really hit home.
Home being the operative word. Being a property entrepreneur; I have had so many. I target just a few in the nostalgia section of this book.
Many candid and personal, some jovial, some poignant, some for the good, some for the bad, and some for the ugly. As I write, the world in in the grip of an invisible enemy; a serious COVID-19 pandemic. The USA along with the rest of the world are experiencing devastation, with hundreds of thousands of jobless and homeless citizens turning to alcohol and drugs. Suffering unbearable hardships, extreme poverty and mental illness.
Before you get stuck into this book, it is essential that certain critical facts that all humans should acknowledge, accept and absorb. It is vital to go way back in time, here's the basics.
Evolution dictates our primal animal instincts, and our existence is and always will be work in progress. But we are not getting it right. Our traits, our actions and decisions we make are born of a subconscious animalistic fear. Fear being the basic primal instinct, the bedrock of life; a survival mechanism in our D N A. The entire living organisms that exist on our wonderous planet. Us humans and the animal kingdom are made up of particles of the universe. Reliant on each other and evolving into predators and prey and succumbing to vulnerability.
Certain desires embedded in our genetic makeup and DNA are fundamentally flawed. Such as curiosity, Jealousy, resentment, revenge, greed, anger, love and sexual desires in order to multiply. These human emotions can explode and create havoc. When weakness and vulnerability is shown, in anyway shape or form. Instead of empathy and aid, the exact opposite takes place.
There will always be one ruthless demonic rogue to capitalise on weakness. Whether associated with land or country. (A coup d etat) Male or female, young or old. Paedophiles are a case in point.
Given enough power arrogant individuals have evolved into Despots and dictators going to any lengths to obtain more power and kudos.
We are curious, naïve, gullible, easily led, indeed, (need to be led.) History tells us of the thousands of ancient heroic leaders battling wars over territory and distant lands.
Land being the operative word, it has always been the land owners that hold the power and wealth controlling peasants and surfs, and more poignant; in order to form armies.
We Homo Sapiens are all fundamentally flawed. Once we accept this fact, it becomes far easier to understand why inequality, division wars and conflict have raged throughout the globe for thousands of years. Going as far back as early tribal man. (Safety in numbers.) Other than giant leaps
Release dateApr 30, 2021
A London Lads Life

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    Book preview

    A London Lads Life - Patrick Nafzger


    Chapter One

    Profound Verse

    Human pandemic

    Pollution in the air we breathe, the beast of inequality is growing.

    Corrupt and dastardly deeds are committed whilst knowing.

    Social media, mis/disinformation, fake news and propaganda continue glowing.

    A tsunami of ignorance and hypocrisy begins flowing.

    The felling of trees, over fished seas; these are the seeds we are sowing.

    Mother nature has warned of a world unadorned, and hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

    I sit in bewilderment in my writer’s chair. Thinking only of disaster and despair.

    I see war and destruction lingering there.

    If fear greed and religion are the seeds we sow?

    Back to the drawing board humanity will go.

    Whistle-Blowers, the true heroes

    No guns, no knifes no punching or fighting.

    Whether revealed by speech, or revealed in writing.

    Inadvertently witnessing wicked and evil deeds.

    Greed induced Ill-gotten gains and proceeds.

    Cover-ups and corruption on a grand scale.

    Pursuance on an extremely dangerous trail.

    Trundling headlong into a nine-force gale.

    Yes, it’s on stormy seas the Whistle -Blowers sail.

    Knowing full well they could end up dead.

    Having learnt information of evil and covert things done or said.

    A serious dilemma entrenched in their brain.

    Should they speak out or silent remain?

    Battling their conscience between right and wrong.

    Questioning themselves, do I surrender to weakness, or do I remain strong.

    In the depths of their mind, righteousness they finally reach.

    Courageously defending the human right of justice and free speech.

    Classified documents in their possession, a list that can prove.

    Face recognition cameras follow a whistle blower every move.

    Family’s threatened, the ultimate dread.

    Once truth is revealed, theirs a price on their head.

    Refuge is sought, a move to the west.

    Clandestine moves in a bullet prove vest.

    One wrong move and the chance to escape could be missed.

    These unsung courageous heroes could end up on the missing list.

    This ineffable attempt is my way of portraying just this. The ultimate price can be paid in the name of Justice.

    Vital Organ

    There exists in the UK; a humongous property market bubble.

    Every conceivable counterproductive step has been taken to avoid inevitable bubble bursting trouble.

    If the UK property market was a financial organ, it would be playing out of tune.

    All the stops have been pulled out in an effort to prevent the bubble bursting soon.

    Low interest rates and incentives will not halt a market correction, where Hyperinflation’s loom.

    Sooner or later the UK property market will come crashing down.

    Causing a block of foreign Oligarchs to frown.

    Queueing up in their thousands to leave old London town.

    This is when the UK government realise, that what goes up comes crashing down.


    What goes on in investment bankers’ brains? Is a residue of cocaine running through their veins?

    A position held where sole intentions are gains. It could all become a set of dopamine, oxytocin games.

    Not a word passes their lips.

    Billions of a bank’s dollars controlled by their fingertips.

    Danger lurks when they are on a roll.

    Driven to score the ultimate bonus goal.

    Their just dealers, it’s not their assets they risk.

    When a few billion dollars go on the missing list

    Billions can be gained or billions lost?

    The bottom-line is at the banks and shareholder’s cost.

    Clandestine decisions are often made in the city.

    When it goes tits up, where’s the accountability?

    The insider’s golden rule. Hardly ever is someone made accountable.

    Antisocial media

    Propaganda and falsified polls, adding insult to injury are the shit for brains Trolls.

    Millions of people expressing their views.

    Like lemmings spreading lies and fake news.

    Quacks, self-appointed experts, and attention seekers.

    Conspiracy theorists; doom and gloom grim reapers.

    Bill Gates has a master plan, Covid 19 doesn’t exist; it’s a conspiracy.

    Silicon chips injected into you and me.

    Then there’s the patronising remarks. (just you wait and see.)

    Implanting negativity into societies minds.

    As the anxiety statistic rapidly climbs.

    Can Facebook and Twitter get any seedier?

    There is nothing social about the social media.

    UH OH! Donald

    President Trump, along with seventy-four million voters, it’s obvious you are enraged.

    It’s significant that you have gone too far, spouting your mouth off, before your brains engaged.

    It comes as no surprise, as to why the whole worlds outraged.

    You should have accepted your loss of your second-year term, and gracefully walked away.

    In doing so, it would let the democrats know, you would live to fight another day.

    The big Techs have now rendered you dumbstruck, and with frustration you are bursting.

    But your big mouth has resulted in six deaths, due to the incitement you were blurting.

    Instant reactions out of fury have been your downfall from the start, and the beginning of the end.

    Your lack of presidential finesse and etiquette led to disastrous outcomes you can’t possibly defend.

    Bye… bye the Donald

    The world feared Donald trump, which wasn’t a bad thing.

    He certainly was true to his word when making signings in the west wing.

    Joe Biden is undoing all that Donald achieved.

    Upsetting seventy-five million ordinary Americans, erasing what they believed.

    Mr. trump may not have had style.

    But he kept the world entertained for a while.

    He didn’t raise from the ranks like boring elitist politicians, what did the populous expect?

    The leftist hated him; feared him from the get go and showed no respect.

    Big Tech and back stabbers twisted the knife, and finally brought him down.

    President Biden and Vice president Kamala Harris will be left crying the tears of a clown.

    The CCP are glad to see the back of Donald trump, reason being he stood up to them and took no shit.

    Unlike Biden, Harris and Pelosi who are winging it.

    CCP Financial temptation

    Getting their foot in the door is China’s ultimate aim worldwide.

    Offering money to top officials with a life changing bribe?

    Bribing their way around the globe planting the seeds of exploitation.

    Targeting a person’s greed, in pursuance of global domination.

    This underhanded tactic is the oldest trick in the book. Crooked officials drawn in and tempted by a financial fishing hook. Those in power, the decision makers are all on the take. Global Vassal states left in the CCP’s wake. Jobless indigenous people abandoned in what once was their town. The Chinese Communist party have no qualms about kicking you when you’re down.

    Do some research, there’s plenty of proof. It’ll take a Whistle-blower to expose the truth.

    Once the bait is taken, blackmail can be the instigator.

    After all, who want’s the threat of being labelled a traitor?

    Communities undone

    Ramifications not considered when

    Working -class generations are swept aside.

    It is happening in the UK and London, and it is happening worldwide.

    People’s destinies ruled by the elitist decisions made, and by what town planners and local authorities decide.

    Thriving communities throughout cities, London’s Portobello Road being my case in point.

    Unique working-Class atmospheres under threat, and crucial communities being twisted out of joint.

    The atmosphere created in places like Brick Lane and Notting-Hill.

    Are the very special atmospheres that millions of tourists want to feel.

    Vital communities being eradicated to make way for astronomically priced abodes.

    Close knit families, lifelong friends and acquaintances driven out of their familiar roads.

    If these short-term gains continue, and emphasis put on creating spaces for the rich.

    Serious consequences and breakdowns in societies will ensue, brought about by an enormous inequality glitch.

    The general populous have had enough of being cast aside.

    Overwhelming feelings of anger and resentment will begin to override.

    The masses being, squeezed, cajoled and pushed into a Pigeonhole.

    To me, it stinks of a ruling class takeover, and a method of control.

    I see backlashes in the future, of this skewwhiff out of kilter world of greed.

    Wealthy fat cats seeking what they desire, and not what they really need.

    Once again, I convey that the best things in life are free.

    Aa the moment the elitists can rub their hands with glee.

    But there will always be a time and a place.

    When they will envy the wide smile and happiness on a poor person’s face.

    Python mode Hypocrites.

    Our names are Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey, Facebook and Twitter and we are not Lumberjacks, but we’re okay.

    We’ve got the world by the balls; so be careful what you say.

    We can block you, and disable you if you disobey.

    I’m a priest, a hypocrite and I’m ok.

    I abuse Choir boys all night and I preach all day.

    I Baptize children with water from my holy cup.

    I’m protected by God and a religious cover up.

    I’m a politician, a hypocrite and I’m ok.

    I sleep all night and I lie all day.

    I’m not worried by the ordinary people’s flack.

    I’ve got the elitist establishment to cover my back.

    I’m a Merchant banker, a hypocrite and I’m ok.

    I fail in my job for exorbitant pay.

    On you the general public I place the onus. I couldn’t give a damn as long as I get my bonus.

    I’m a Pharma CEO, a hypocrite and I’m ok.

    I count my profits at night and you buy my drugs all day.

    I can’t guarantee a cure for Cancer or flu. It’s my shareholders I need to answer to.

    I’m a dictator, a Despot, a hypocrite and I’m ok.

    My fellow countryman I will continue to slay.

    For my own kudos and to protect my status I will go to war.

    I don’t give a fuck about the oath I swore.

    As long as my money is safely hidden off shore

    I’m a Prime Minister, a President, a hypocrite and I’m ok.

    I lie and manipulate; I get my votes that way.

    I wallow in luxury in my ivory tower.

    My main priority is to retain my power.

    Empty promises

    Banknote, I promise to pay the bearer on demand is an empty promise on an IOU

    This is exactly what the banks are offering you.

    When banks lend money, you’d better beware. This is created out of thin air.

    Every penny lent, that you are spending; is created by fraction reserve lending.

    When your statement arrives, do not be fooled.

    This is just a figure created on a computer keyboard.

    Circulated paper money is just a fallacy, Google the correct terminology.

    It’s a series of digits, aptly name digital Currency.

    And here’s the twist, banks are earning money; hand over fist.

    Anxiety, palpitations, depression and fear of losing your home.

    You have been laid off, after working your fingers to the bone.

    You consider yourself a hardworking genuine fella.

    The banks offered you a financial umbrella.

    Money you can rely on for a rainy day.

    When it’s pouring down, they take the umbrella away.

    Promises of tax cuts and problem-solving movements.

    But where’s the money coming from to make these improvements?

    "Here is where I can give you politicians a hint.

    There is no fucking money because the world is fucking skint.

    Mind the gap

    There’s a gap throughout the world that continues to get wider.

    This gap derives from greed and is a rich and poor divider.

    Walls that surround luxury apartment’s one on top of the other the developers’ stack.

    While just a few feet away all the poor can display is a corrugated shack.

    Bare foot kiddies’ queue at a single water tap.

    While the fat cats look down on them from the height of their luxury lap.

    The fanatical despots and dictators don’t care about the poor.

    This is an issue that they can afford to ignore.

    It’s happening everywhere this rich and poor division.

    Yet the politicians shrug their shoulders wondering how this problem has arisen.

    Surely one of the reasons is blatant tax evasion.

    This could all be stamped out with a little rough persuasion.

    That is only going to come about when honest leaders come into the equation.

    Honest leaders are like the Do-Do and have become extinct.

    Thinking only about their investments and living in a rich precinct.

    People in power and the average CEO.

    Already have their target set and whada- ya know?

    There concentrating on their final move to Monaco.

    The answer is obvious on who is to blame.

    But you won’t see any bankers hanging their heads in shame.

    They are too preoccupied with their ill-gotten gain.

    So, until this greed and corruption is wiped out.

    The rich and poor gap will remain.

    Double bubble toil and trouble

    The Federal Reserve Manipulating the money markets, doing the work of the Devil.

    Quantitative easing (QE) Markets are like water and will find their own level.

    From a mile away you could spot the trouble.

    The world has created a humongous debt bubble.

    It will play out with an almighty global financial crash. Inducing the divided populous and police to clash.

    It’s no surprise this crisis has landed in our lap. Inequality induced by the rich and poor gap.

    Ignoring the warning signs; warning the greed and corruption has to stop.

    Covid 19 is the pin that has caused the bubble to finally pop.

    Left Right Left Right U K

    Fifty percent of the people are Left, and the fifty percent left, are Right. Have I got that right?

    In the grand scale of things, this quizzical phenomenon has happened over night.

    Now there’s a division beyond compare, no one is prepared to say You’ve got a point there.

    No Lefts will compromise and listen to the Rights point of view.

    Rights will not admit that the Lefts have an issue too.

    Two words are missing, two words I think profound.

    They are conspicuous by their absence; those two words are Common Ground.

    Immigration in my mind has brought this whole situation about, but Lefts do not agree.

    A Rightist, a Far Rightist, an Extreme Rightest, a Bigot, a Racist, an Islamophobic Nazi, is what they are now labelling me.

    Wave after wave

    Covid has mutated into a contagious nightmare with no relent.

    Spreading like wildfire by 70 percent.

    Reaching the far corners of the world to a certain extent.

    As guards have been dropped and rules have been flouted.

    Chances taken and common sense outed.

    To the hospitals the masses will funnel.

    Keep your fingers crossed that the vaccines will bring light at the end of the tunnel.

    Well Read?

    Reading a book, can you remember the last time?

    Not reading brings about a lack of a magical pastime.

    From boredom a book is a great escape.

    Off into another world it will take.

    Fact can teach you a wealth of knowledge and truth.

    Fiction can lead you to a world of no needing proof.

    Once you have made the effort to pick up a book to read.

    The first chapter will plant a page turning seed.

    Keeping the rat-race at bay, you’ll discover reading is the great getaway.

    A good novel will fill life’s empty gaps,

    steering you away from addiction traps.

    Insomnia strikes, you try counting sheep.

    Read a book at bedtime, I guarantee it will get you off to sleep.

    Man, or beast?

    We are animals as much as we deny it.

    Can we exist without sex food and water I wouldn’t Try it

    We evolved into the Human Race in order to multiply it.

    You think we were brought about by religion,

    No, Its Animalistic fear that created that decision.

    Fear is what we owe our very existence to.

    Fear of what we do and fear of what we don’t.

    Fear of what we will and fear of what we won’t.

    If there is anything I can’t perceive.

    It’s someone else telling me what I must believe.

    I believe in what’s in front of my eyes.

    Not false Angels in disguise.

    I see barbaric acts of violence,

    premeditated harmful decisions by men of power.

    World energy resources being destroyed and wasted by the hour.

    I see infant children rocking to and throw.

    Being Indoctrinated In order that they should know.

    Know all the words in a special book that’s forsaken.

    It’s obvious to me what religion has taken.

    It’s taken the innocence of a tiny infant’s brain.

    Only to fill it with confusion over and over again.

    Ask yourself is this justifiable?

    Is this what we want from a Holy Bible?

    To create a human that becomes suicidal?

    I see trouble right before it starts,

    You’re stealing their brains; you’re stealing their Hearts.

    I see hypocrites with their hands in the sanity till.

    After all the Bible says, thou shall not steal.

    I see torture, agony, famine death and disease.

    I see Suicide Bombers aiming to please.

    It is religion that brings about acts such as these.

    Stand up you hypocrites, get off of your knees.

    Reaching religious accolades with a religious rival,

    Is this religion’s answer for human survival?

    I see the truth a great wealth, if you only knew it;

    It is within yourself if you want to pursue it.

    We all know the difference between right and wrong.

    Do as you would be done by and we will all get along.

    I see the Runt wither and the strong survive.

    These natural occurrences and forces will keep us alive.

    I see all these things, the rise and fall.

    You reap what you sow it’s only natural?

    I see obesity and stress the two biggest killers in the world today.

    Do you think to stop it we must sit and pray?

    No, it’s common sense that will keep this at bay.

    Yes, I see all these things; it’s the way I think.

    Part human intuition and part animal instinct.

    Black lives matter. I see, why

    can’t you?

    Unfortunately, black and white is not black and white. Only time and patience will make this right.

    Single parenthood is the root of What’s going on. I recognise what Marvin Gaye is saying; save the children in his timeless song.

    Bro, he also sings what’s happening brother? I see turf wars and drug dealing induces you to stab and shoot each other.

    What I don’t see is why you continue in this vein, and black life’s you do shatter. Then go to town, pulling statues down while preaching black life’s matter.

    I see unequal opportunities towards people of colour and understand it really gets you down.

    But I also see highly successful people that are brown. I see chips on black youths’ shoulders, and a hooded attitude. Quit being a lazy dude.

    A BMW, and a heavy gold chain are what many black youth’s desire.

    I say get your shit together Bro, get a legal hardworking job to light your fire.

    I see defunding the police would bring about civil unrest and a complete loss of law and order. I see you standing on the side-lines, laughing out loud at the carnage, and witnessing it on your camcorder.

    While most agree along with me that Police tactics are often unfair.

    But there will always be bad apples, and those who genuinely care.

    Police are only human and statistics prove the black people commit a larger proportion of crime. Fear and inducing threats facing the police brings out knee jerk and over reactions; when on the front line.

    We are all part of the human race and should be considered equal in every way.

    But sadly, only evolution can dictate the future come what may?

    I realise being of a different skin colour, and being persecuted for this is tragic.

    But we are where we are in history, and only time can work its magic.

    I see where you’re coming from, but you can't see where you’re going.

    Can't you see the counterproductive seeds you are sowing?

    Can't you see that looting and pillaging black businesses is wrong and hypocritical?

    Can't you see that your acts of violence are being labelled typical?

    Can't you see that rioting and protesting are two totally different agendas?

    Expecting the masses to become knee benders.

    George Floyd had a list of conviction as long as your arm.

    But I personally think this has triggered an excuse, and over reacting induces harm.

    But you don’t react when black kills black, stop spinning this BLM yarn.

    Going far back into history and blaming individuals for slavery.

    Where is this going? It has now become a political global strategy. It’s divisive and negativity. For fucksake Compromise and put an end to this stupidity.

    Every other word is racist.

    One word mouthed and it creates distortion.

    It seems that every word said is taken out of proportion.

    People accused of a lack of respect.

    I think it’s just another added facet of being politically correct.

    An innocent word uttered now so easily bursts a bubble.

    Be careful what you say you’ll be accused of stirring up trouble.

    Black lives matter, something smells. Why are we all now treading on egg shells?

    A rolling stone has evolved into a boulder.

    And now everyone has a racist chip on their shoulder.

    Making mountings out of molehills and distorting what is said.

    Is it paranoia gone crazy in a person’s head?

    Certain words from a mouth are twisted and distorted into fire from a dragon.

    Everyone’s trying to jump on the bandwagon.

    People are relating and collating words spoken and chancing their arm bluffing.

    No harm meant time is spent on making something out of nothing.

    So be careful what you say because people are on the defensive.

    You could be touching on a nerve and be considered offensive.

    Clinging onto everyday gossip, and expressing our opinions are out of reach.

    Somethings brewing, stop what your doing, stop killing the freedom of speech?

    Common Sense

    Common sense is not common enough.

    Some decisions made like a miss-hit golf ball end up in the rough.

    This poem is designed to give you a nod and a wink.

    Before you make a decision, take a deep breath and think.

    Do not enter siuations with experience that you have not got.

    Think of the cosequences when you are put on the spot.

    Weigh up the situation clearly in your mind.

    Walk away if you have to, and leave potential problems behind.

    An addicts mind is confused and dense.

    It is the power of the mind, self diciplne. Refuse to indulge in wrong doing, it’s common sense.

    Down Hill.

    Of the words I write, some may disagree?

    But don’t start labelling and judging me.

    Let’s calmly discuss this over a cup of tea.

    Over population in the UK, now Churchill and Enoch are not around.

    The circus came into town.

    All that we battled for goes around and around.

    But UK’s quality of living spirals down and down.

    The first thing that occurs to me.

    Is that the UK is running on a false economy?

    Something that we UK citizens must consider.

    Is that everything has been sold off to the highest foreign bidder.

    Two thousand and nineteen and property prices sky high, and interest at an eleven-year low.

    Hot air and frustration are bound to blow.

    People are beginning to admit, and it is about bloody time.

    Immigrants are committing a larger percent of the crime.

    The European powder Keg is about to blow. Brexit is the living proof.

    All the ingredients to create an amazing film spoof.

    The political agenda is like a flying kite.

    Everybody moves to the left; everybody moves to the right.

    In Denial

    Are people prejudice? The answer’s is yes.

    Whether black white yellow dark brown light brown Nigerian.

    Indian, English, Scottish, Irish, French, Italian.

    We can all mumble words against one another;

    Does it mean we are racist to each other?

    A pride of lions wouldn’t accept a porky pine into their domain?

    This is animal instinct and naturally humans will feel the same.

    With one exception that’s the capability of our brain".

    Are we not allowed to feel resentment? And complain?

    If we come from different cultures or a different tribe.

    Intelligence tells us it takes time to live together side by side.

    This subject at first is bound to cause irritation.

    Eventually it would lead into peaceful integration.

    Have we the right to accuse each other of being racist.

    At difficult times we have to be honest and face this.

    If we were to clash with someone whatever their creed or race.

    We may not want a particular person in our private space?

    It all comes down to individuals no matter where you derive;

    Can we not express our opinions and not let the past decide?

    It is better to be positive and move on,

    Show that negativity has gone.

    Disregard the racial card.

    Welcome Pakistanis into your back yard.

    In simple terms let me explain,

    We are all different but the same

    The numbers game

    No doubt when you read my poems regarding immigration.

    I write with a great deal of frustration. Worrying about the reluctancy regarding integration.

    A sub-conscious biased does exist, it’ll be great if we humans learned to admit.

    As regards the UK and immigrants; there’s too many to quick.

    This creates fear and resentment, and an atmosphere bordering toxic.

    I know the thoughts and feelings of British citizens are sometimes misunderstood.

    But we are a very tolerant society, we fear change when integration is not happening the way it should.

    Brexit entered the

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