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Healthy Path
Healthy Path
Healthy Path
Ebook51 pages22 minutes

Healthy Path

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About this ebook

Healthy Path

This e- book gives all the author's secrets to being health conscious and smart, rather than being controlled by lame diet fads that does not work.

We've all heard that health and clean eating is "a lifestyle" rather than a quick fix. This is completely true and nowhere close to a cliché.

Think of health and fitness like learning a language, if you practice every day, learn more each day, and incorporate it into your life, you'll naturally get the hang of it.

However, if you fall off and start skipping days, you'll lose the skills you learned fairly quickly.

This is how health works as well, and why a quick 2- week diet won't change your health in the long run, and may even hurt it.

what are you waiting for? check it out!!

Whether you've been working on your health journey or are looking to start, this e-book will guide you in your process and make you a version of yourself that you can be proud of. Why not start today?

PublisherJ. N. O
Release dateMay 1, 2021
Healthy Path

J. N. O

Hello! My name is Josephine O and I am infatuated with teaching and learning about eating healthy and blogging how to have a healthy lifestyle. I enjoy hiking whenever the weather permits.

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    Book preview

    Healthy Path - J. N. O


    All information in this book is based on my experience, what’s worked for me, and what I feel is the best for my body. These tips may or may not work with you. It’s best to check in with your doctor or physician before starting a new diet plan of any kind.


    Weight loss and staying healthy can at times feel like a chore we can never fully manage. There are major ups and downs and fluctuations in weight your entire life. Throughout my experience, I’ve found that fad diets are nothing more than a cash grab for the company advertising it. Weight loss and health truly start when you begin to not diet or exercise 3 hours a day, but instead when you make health and wellness a priority in your life.

    We’ve all heard that health and clean eating is a lifestyle rather than a quick fix. This is completely true and nowhere close to a cliché. Think of health and fitness like learning a language, if you practice every day, learn more each day, and incorporate it into your life, you’ll naturally get the hang of it. However, if you fall off and start skipping days, you’ll lose the skills you learned fairly quickly. This is how health works as well, and why a quick 2- week diet won’t change your health in the long run and may even hurt it.

    This book is packed with all the essential information that you need to kick-start your weight loss lifestyle and never look back. Trust me, I’ve tried the diets, the strict exercise routines, and more, but they all eventually failed. With this lifestyle, failure is not a part of the game.

    Healthy Eating for All Diets

    Vegan, gluten-free, paleo, keto, pescatarian- the list never ends. Today there are a ton of diets that have become lifestyles for people

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