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Feel Good and Watch What Happens
Feel Good and Watch What Happens
Feel Good and Watch What Happens
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Feel Good and Watch What Happens

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"Say Bye to the past life of what you don't want and say Hi to your newfound life of what you do want." This is the take-home message of this self-help, semi-biography by Anthea Morphitis. In it, she explains how having a positive outlook on life generates positive events, through the Law of Attractio

Release dateAug 13, 2014
Feel Good and Watch What Happens

Anthea Morphitis

Hi, I'm Anthea Morphitis, and I have an overall set of things that I'm passionate about, firstly I'm passionate about helping and I love nothing more than assisting people in making progressive movements towards the things they want in life. I love to indulge in Self Development. I have a couple of critical jobs; I'm a mother of two and somebody who has experienced turbulence in my life, that has acquired me to have something that could help me to be able to see myself through it. I am a personal development coach and a published author. I have a great deal of experience in helping people and helping myself predominantly. I guess the main requirement that you need to know is that I was able to help myself successfully; after I helped myself, I am now able to teach others and help them succeed in all areas of life. I got started in the Coaching and Personal Development industry through a certain specific set of events that lead to a crystallization of a thought process that I had already been practising however it was never crystal and never transparent. After experiencing trial and tribulation, resulting in homelessness with my children, on more than one occasion, being exposed to the book 'The Secret' and Law of Attraction crystalized the way I was thinking and made it much more of a reoccurring positive approach to handling things rather than accepting defeat. This gave me, more convection and more power, it pretty much upped my energy in my ability to make things happen because I was thinking them! This lead to thinking "If I am getting results like this, then I want to share it" I was inspired and felt compelled to write a book titled 'Feel Good And Watch What Happens" which is about my personal life experiences, Law of Attraction and how having a positive mental attitude actually generates positive emotions, thoughts and experiences. As a result of writing Feel Good, people were inspired and motivated by what they read. I believe without those experiences I would never of know I was able to make the strides that I have made-leading me to want to write this book, as I didn't want anybody else to waste time not knowing how to apply The Law of Attraction. I hold several values, and one of those values is Love, and it's not any kind of Love, because there are multiple types of Love, I am talking about self-love and self-respect because they lead you in my process to some essential things. So being put on my own, if I didn't maintain one of my values of 'Love' for myself or 'Respect' for myself, I would have fallen from the middle of the earth. I am now excited to get Urlaw out into the world and share what has been working for me, and now can work for you!

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    Book preview

    Feel Good and Watch What Happens - Anthea Morphitis



    Author Bio

    1986-1996: Break up of our family

    1996-1999: Teenage Pregnancy

    1999-2004: Pregnant again

    2004–2005: Feeling Lonely as a Single Parent

    2005-2008: ‘In Love’

    2009 Jan- June: The Secret Step in the Right Direction

    2009–July: Expecting the Worst

    2010–May: Mind, Body & Soul Clearance

    Court Cases

    Two Steps Forward, One Step Back


    Enough is Enough — Turning Point

    The Law of Attraction

    The Power of Now

    How You Feel Determines How Well Life Works Out for You

    Meditation and Creative Visualisation

    Setting a New Point of Attraction

    Limiting Beliefs

    So What Exactly Can I Ask For/Manifest?

    Breaking Free of Negative Thoughts/Believing

    Manifestation of YOUR Thoughts from UNREAL to the…REAL!

    Believing In My Ideas

    The main DO’S to instantly help you feel good




    Feel Good And Watch What Happens

    By Anthea Morphitis

    An Imprint of YUSA LTD -

    609 Quayside Tower 252-260 Broad Street, Second Floor, Birmingham, United Kingdom, B1 2HF

    Feel Good And Watch What Happens

    By Anthea Morphitis

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be duplicated or replicated in any manner whatsoever physically, digitally or by any other means nor stored in any information storage system without prior written consent from the publisher or Author directly, except in the case of quotations with proper reference embodied in critical articles or reviews. All quotations and references remain the intellectual property of the respective originators. All quotations and references are done under fair use copyright principle. Interior Images & artwork referenced accordingly throughout the book.

    Cover Art & Illustration provided by Wesley Arch

    Published In England

    ISBN - 978-0-9930859-9-4

    Copyright © 2014 YUSALIFE


    I write this under the influence of pride for a friend above all and a client, let me start by saying that before my full awareness of Anthea's intention to embark on a journey to write this book detailing her personal life and realisations I've always been conscious from our first contact of the natural ability Anthea possess to positivity inspire the people she encounters and for that I have an unconditional respect for wherever present.

    I'm sure the general response given to so called coincidences is globally known an you probably say it yourself everything happens for a reason now I personally don't give thought to coincidence only synchronicities and that we live in a reality malleable by the dominant thoughts generated by the self-pulling into your reality scenarios and people that match your thoughts. Having said that it’s hard to determine who attracted who into who's life when I think about it. I met Anthea through someone who I was sharing some of my research with he suggested I speak with Anthea as we were both showing symptoms of socially abnormal happiness and positivity. From our first conversation I had a feeling that I'd met someone who was switched on in a similar way to myself. After many months of conversations on Skype Anthea got involved with one of our early ventures and prepared some content around the law of attraction which was received very well by our small community at the time. Unfortunately the contact between me and Anthea had petered out and we lost touch.

    Come the start of Summer 2014 I, was working on publishing the YUSA Guide to Balance and was posting the progress on social media and getting great feedback and interest from all over the world, My business partner let me know that he had heard from Anthea and that she was in the final stages of completing her book, instantly at that point before even reconnecting with Anthea I knew what was coming and exactly what was going to unfold.

    It brings me to this point now where I am honoured with the task of presenting this semi-biographic depiction of a true awakening to the power of the universe. This book is not only a very personal insight to the hardships that can be experienced in life but also empirical evidence of the law of attractions existence. I find myself like many others to be somewhat of an advocate of the law of attraction and would recommend this title to people of all backgrounds wanting to understand and see how this universal law can be used in times where there really does not seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel. The book will serve as a handy companion and motivational tool for those directly experiencing the problems one can encounter as a single parent and how to overcome feeling segregated a powerlessness to create a brighter outcome

    Conclusively I welcome you to the debut title written by Anthea Morphitis: Feel Good And Watch What Happens, I only hope you enjoy reading it as much I have working on it.

    Axsal Johnson


    I would like to first thank to you, my reader, for picking up this book and wanting to know what will happen when we feel good. I, as the author, am happy as this means you are ready to live the best feeling life in each living moment, experiencing the best of life.

    Always remember: Life is a gift.

    I thank my parents for bringing me into this world, for giving me the opportunity to live this precious life. Mum, you have been an angel; thank you for being there every step of the way, for believing in me when others didn’t, for sticking up for me when people were putting me down and for being a rock for myself and my children when I felt I couldn’t do it anymore. You have been the greatest. Love you Mum.

    I thank Abraham Hicks (Ester). Words can’t describe how much I appreciate all Abraham and her team’s material, listening, watching and reading all has changed my life, given me all the hope, belief and expectations that everybody deserves to have, and now having the opportunity to share my knowledge and understanding and to give my readers an insight into a journey to feeling good.

    I would also like to express my deepest appreciation to Axsal from the YUSALIFE Team for being a great friend to Me for his willingness to give his time so generously and having the faith and belief in my work, for without his input I would not be here presenting this information to you today and his work has been very much appreciated. I would also like to say a big thank you to Wesley Arch for his time, energy and understanding into creating my book cover and my fantastic Logo your work is phenomenal and again very much appreciated. Also a massive thank you to all my amazing friends who have been through my journey with me words can't describe how much I appreciate you all.

    Last but not least, I want to thank my two amazing children for being who they are, for supporting me through everything and loving me no matter what others see to be my mistakes in my life and showing me what unconditional love is. You two are my rocks and I love you both so much and am very proud of you both. You have given me the strength and courage to go on when I felt I could no longer live another day. You have brightened my days and nights by just being who you are. You have inspired me to take control, to love, to live life to the fullest and to follow my bliss. You are my angels. I am so proud to have you both as my children. Thank you for choosing me to be your mother. Love you always xxx.


    Anthea Morphitis is passionate about life and is dedicated to helping people feel as good as they can in each living moment. She believes we are the creators of our lives and we attract to us what we are thinking and feeling 24/7.

    She loves nothing more than to inspire and support people through the clarity of her own example as a mother, friend, coach, writer and inspirational speaker, guiding each individual to connect with the ‘Higher self’ within. She shows people how to follow their intuition, by helping them to harness the power of their thoughts and most importantly, their emotions, so that they reach their full potential, creating lives they love and developing an enthusiasm for learning how to create what they would like to experience. She provides lessons that replace doubt and worry with expectation and knowledge of how to be happy and satisfied with where they stand in life right now, knowing that they will receive everything they want—and more. Her passion for helping others has guided her to her own happiness as she now lives her dreams.

    Anthea looks for the uplift point in the people with whom she interacts by shining a light on their wellbeing and she loves nothing more than to meet all individuals at their most allowing state and inspiring them to reach their greater heights.

    Her passion for helping others has served her well and she absolutely loves being part of others’ growth—this is her personal purpose in this lifetime.

    Anthea is a single mother of two. Her bloodline is Greek Cypriot in origin; she was born and raised in north London. She now lives in Hertfordshire, where she runs her coaching practice that offers private consultation. Anthea is a Law of Attraction Specialist coach and offers her clients a life-changing breakthrough to happiness. Anthea views everyone as having a purpose in life and having the potential to attract everything they have asked for. She has confidence that anyone can live their dreams and she stands by the motto, You can be do or have anything. She holds that life is a true blessing and knows everyone has the potential to realise this blessing and live the life they have always dreamt of. She believes the BASIS of life is FREEDOM and the PURPOSE of life is JOY!

    Chapter 1

    1986-1996: Break-up of the Family

    Feel good and watch what happens! Ha ha. If you had said that to me six years ago, I would have looked at you first, ready to beat you up and secondly, I would have said, "What!! Can you not see what is happening in my life right now? My life is crap! How could you expect me to feel good?’’


    Me, when I was 2 years old.

    Well, anything is possible, as I have found out first-hand. My life always appeared to be full of negative situations and when I was growing up, I never understood why, especially as I was known as happy go lucky. I have always gone through life with a smile, but hurting deep within. Not wanting to show anyone, I used to just gracefully smile!!

    My family and I lived in a nice comfortable three-bedroom house in North London, surrounded by everything a child would want. We had a beautiful park at the back of the garden and we were friends with all our neighbours. It was, and still is, a mini Cyprus in Palmer’s Green, North London. All the neighbours would come round to each other’s houses. We would have friends and family around on weekends, or there would be some kind of family event like a birthday, wedding or christening taking place. It was nice to be surrounded by so many loved ones, as this is where, as children; we found comfort and contentment, as it was a whole different story behind closed doors!

    My mum was in an unhappy relationship with my dad due to their own personal issues and I believe she was unhappy throughout their marriage. It affected my brother and me as children and created an unbearable atmosphere. We all wanted out, as not one of us enjoyed being at home. Even as beautiful as our surroundings were, we didn’t want to be there. I remember Mum going on driving lessons and I would sit by the front door for the whole duration, crying my eyes out until she got home. I never really had a positive relationship and a bond with my dad.

    Mum owned her own factory and we would love going there on the weekends. My godmother and other family members also worked there; it was a fun place to be. Whilst Mum was there, she fell in love with another man who was also in an unhappy marriage, and so they found comfort in each other. However, a huge problem stood in the way—the man she had fallen in love with was Turkish!

    This was a problem because, in 1974, Turkey and Cyprus went to war and Turkey took over the north side of Cyprus. This obviously caused huge conflict between the Greek and Turkish Cypriot people, to the point that it was completely unacceptable to be seen with a Turkish person, never mind leaving your Greek Cypriot husband for one! However my mum had become so tired of being in an unhappy marriage and fearing her every move that she was willing to lose everything just to find happiness for us all.

    This led to Mum and dad divorcing and our entire family disowning us! We were followed every day, to and from school (I was age 7 at the time), photographed and filmed by people who would send evidence to our family in Cyprus that my mum was with a ‘Turk’!! Crazy, but true. This was a crazy time for me: adults seemed really weird, and I just thought everyone was mad.

    Most of the people I went to school with were Greek Cypriots, so there were no others that I knew of who had experienced their parents splitting up, as divorce was just not an option in the Greek community back then. You were just expected to get on with it, whether you were happy in your marriage or not (well, that was the belief back then).

    So, with the impression that our lives were now going to be filled with new, exciting and happy experiences, we left the family home behind.

    Then, at the tender age of 7, my whole world changed! The excitement very quickly turned to despair—my life was about to become a roller coaster of emotions.


    This is a picture of me and brother aged around 6 and 9 years old.

    From the split onwards, we moved from one place to another, the first place being a one-room hostel with my mum, brother and now stepdad. I remember arriving, looking around in despair and not understanding what was happening. I still remember the damp smell and the feeling of confusion being so strong within me. Where were my dolls? Where were my clothes? Where was my nice comfortable bedroom?

    We’d had to leave the family home so suddenly that we left with just the clothes on our backs. All of a sudden, I felt so alone. My mum had become so involved with this new man that my brother and I felt we were just left on the side-lines. I had so many questions about what I was experiencing but had no one to ask. I found this very difficult to deal with, both mentally and emotionally, especially as I was only 7. My mum thought she had left behind her unhappy marriage, but little did she know, as time unfolded, she had just walked straight into another one!

    Following my parents’ divorce, we had to go to court and I remember a lady asking me to draw a picture, one of myself with my mum, brother and stepdad and another of me, my brother and dad. The one I drew of myself with my mum and co. was with smiles and the one with my dad was with sad faces. The reason for this was that every time I went to my dad’s, he would shout and call my mum every name under the sun. Therefore, I would often dread going to see him, as I knew what I would hear and it would hurt hearing such negative words about my mum, despite what was going on in our ‘new lives’. As I got older, contact with my dad became less and by the time I reached 11, I chose not to go and see him anymore due to the constant negative attitude

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