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A Flourishing Mind: Who Are You Not To Flourish
A Flourishing Mind: Who Are You Not To Flourish
A Flourishing Mind: Who Are You Not To Flourish
Ebook197 pages3 hours

A Flourishing Mind: Who Are You Not To Flourish

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To flourish or not to flourish? That is the question. Are you flourishing enough to know that when your time on earth is finished it has all been worthwhile? Maximising your existence will seem incredibly appealing by the time you've finished reading. You will find yourself in this book, you will recognise the everyday human struggle. It wil

Release dateOct 14, 2015
A Flourishing Mind: Who Are You Not To Flourish

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    A Flourishing Mind - Suzanne Waldron

    book cover

    A Flourishing Mind

    Who are you not to flourish?

    Suzanne Waldron


    A Flourishing Mind: Who are you not to flourish? © Suzanne Waldron 2014

    The moral rights of Suzanne Waldron to be identified as the author of this work have been asserted in accordance with the Copyright Act 1968.

    First published in Australia 2014 by Gowor International Publishing

    Any opinions expressed in this work are exclusively those of the author and are not necessarily the views held or endorsed by Gowor International Publishing.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, electronic, photocopying or otherwise, without prior written permission of the author.


    All the information, techniques, skills and concepts contained within this publication are of the nature of general comment only, and are not in any way recommended as individual advice. The intent is to offer a variety of information to provide a wider range of choices now and in the future, recognising that we all have widely diverse circumstances and viewpoints. Should any reader choose to make use of the information herein, this is their decision, and the author and publisher/s do not assume any responsibilities whatsoever under any conditions or circumstances. The author does not take responsibility for the business, financial, personal or other success, results or fulfilment upon the reader’s decision to use this information. It is recommended that the reader obtain their own independent advice.

    Dedicated to...

    My mother-in-law Rosalie

    My friend and mentor Fran

    My surrogate family members Suzanne, Carol, and Robyn

    My exceptional husband Phil, whom I love and always will.

    Thank you for being you and for supporting me in being who I am.

    A Personal Note From The Publisher

    To the reader,

    As the Founder of Gowor International Publishing, I make it part of my practice to offer a personal review of each of my authors’ books. The reason I do this is so that you, the reader, can glean a further understanding of why this book is so valuable to you in your life.

    The spirit within Suzanne is extraordinary. It’s not very often that I come across people who are truly alive from a place very deep inside – and Suzanne is one of these. Ever since I first connected with Suzanne a year before this book was published, she has infused her enthusiasm and spark into my life. And what I love just as much as her dynamic presence and intoxicating charisma is just how deeply she bares her soul in the pages of this book.

    I was moved to tears more than once reading A Flourishing Mind, and I was humbled, in awe of Suzanne’s willingness to share the good, the bad, and the ugly with you, the reader – all so that you, too, may flourish. You will discover parts of yourself as you take a journey through Suzanne’s life. You will liberate yourself from fear. You will feel that no matter what has happened to you, you can put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forwards.

    Suzanne believes in your capacity to overcome the darkness and step into the light more than you may comprehend. But by the time you turn the last page of this book, it will be reverberating through every cell in your body. This is Suzanne’s gift to you, and it’s my every wish for you to receive it.

    Enjoy the book.

    With inspiration,

    Emily Gowor

    Founder of Gowor International Publishing


    A Personal Note From The Publisher



    Chapter 1 - Poison or Purpose?

    Chapter 2 - In Kind

    Chapter 3 - Beyond You

    Chapter 4 - Rampage Returns

    Chapter 5 - The Wonderful World of Aus

    Chapter 6 - To Evolve or Revolve?

    Chapter 7 - Alive & Kicking

    Chapter 8 - The Beauty in Death

    Chapter 9 - One Life Stand


    Working with Suzanne

    About The Author



    I find that today, more than ever before, people are longing for something more. People seem to want something more out of the time they spend at work, something more out of the time they spend with family, something more from their leisure time, and something more than they’ve ever had before.

    If, as you read the passage above, you find yourself saying, ‘No, that is not true for me. I am completely content. I am happy with myself just as I am now. I am fulfilled in all that I do, and in all of my relationships. I am satisfied with exactly what I have now and I do not long for more in any respect’, then I suspect you are among a very special group of people.

    In my thirty years in the people development industry and my thirty years in my own personal development journey, it is my experience that most people have a continued sense of longing. It is also my experience that there is a division between those people who achieve what they want to achieve in their adventures toward attaining that ‘something more’ and those who have an experience of escalating discontent and dissatisfaction as they fail to obtain that elusive ‘something more’. I have spent the better part of thirty years wanting more myself, and also exploring the ‘how’. I’ve read thousands of books, attended dozens of seminars, watched countless videos, and tried hundreds of methods in my own personal journey of growth, attainment, and achievement. I am fortunate to have experienced a great deal of the ‘something more’ and I’ve had some amazing mentors along the way.

    Of all the books I’ve ever read about personal development journeys, A Flourishing Mind is one of the most compelling and transformational. My experience of this book was an awesome ride on the emotional roller coaster! I laughed, I cried, I felt anger and hurt, and I was lifted to great heights of joy, wonderment, and an abiding feeling of hope for the future. In this autobiography, Suzanne exposes her life in an open, honest, and direct way that had me captivated and frequently nodding in agreement saying ‘Yes! Me too!’

    I believe this book can and will reach the hearts and minds of all those who are fortunate enough to read it. It has answers to the ‘how’. How do we survive the challenges that life presents? How do we continue to dream when dreams have been shattered? How do we pick ourselves up and keep going? How do we continue to grow and truly experience the real meaning of what it is to flourish? The stories and adventures shared in A Flourishing Mind culminate in messages of inspiration, hope, opportunity, abundance, joy, love, forgiveness and freedom.

    Do read this book. Do give it to those you care for. Do share Suzanne’s inspirational messages and guiding lights with everyone you know. In reading this book, I have been touched deeply, I have learned more about myself, I have grown and expanded my thinking, I am changed, and I am grateful.

    Fran Berry

    Director - Alive & Kicking Solutions



    Truly, this book has been written for you.

    I believe I can do anything. I wasn’t born that way; I learned to think that way. I also believe that because you were born in the same way (a clean slate, a few basic instincts, and some genetics in tow) that you also can do anything. This may sound strange, and you may want to quite rightly question my belief. I have learned over recent years that we have control over our innermost feelings and thoughts, and the more we are consciously aware, the more we can actively change anything we want. It’s all a state of mind, and I’ve learned this. The amazing news is that because I’ve learned this, it means that you can learn it too.

    This book is incredibly personal. There are no holds barred, no secrets, and no half-truths. I am laying myself bare to you. I choose to do this because what I have to say can be life changing, and I certainly changed my life for the better now that I know what I know. Seeing this story through my eyes will, I hope, open you up to a world of possibility, of what can be achieved in life.

    Whilst reading this book you will discover more about yourself. While I recognise that a great deal of this story is mine, I guarantee you will find yourself in here somewhere. Even though you may not have experienced exactly the same events in life as me, I am certain you will identify with the raw emotions and feelings of hard times, both personally and professionally. I decided to write this story because I now have a beautiful life despite living through adversity, terror and hardship. I have undoubtedly worked hard for this. I believe in myself now more than ever, and if allowing you to experience my story through the pages of this book creates even one moment of change for you, or if it enhances your existence in even the smallest of ways, I feel that my mission in life is complete.

    What I intend is for you to experience a mindset shift, a physical change, any sort of movement if you are stuck or feeling average – yes, I have high expectations! I believe you will be completely connected to this story when you read about how heart-wrenching life can be, as I am sure you too have had hard times. I am also certain that when you read about the kindness that comes with such heart-wrenching experiences, you will feel as I do: grateful to be included in humanity.

    This book has been written to uplift you and inspire you to reach all that you are meant for, in whatever context: life, work, relationships or spirituality. Whether you are a leader, a businessperson, a parent, a family member, or a friend, I already know what you are capable of, and this book will support you in uncovering more of what you already know about yourself and expand your belief in yourself so much that when you’re at the end of the book you will be raring to do, be, and act to achieve all that you desire. You are incredible, and anything you want to have, achieve, think or feel is possible.

    Forgive me ahead of time, as I tend to get to the heart and core of deep and meaningful conversations very quickly. I don’t generally take part in small talk! If you’re a bit wary that perhaps I’m wearing rose-coloured glasses or I’m a fluffy ‘rah rah’ idealist and you don’t believe that you are indeed this incredible, keep on reading and let me know on which page you finally realise you are capable and worthwhile – seriously, email me (my contact details are at the end of the book). If you already know what’s possible and that you as a human being have all the potential in the world, then I welcome you to enjoy the story and reap the rewards of thinking in a way that expands and grows your life and to join me and the other readers in continuing to fuel the world with self-belief, kindness, and choice in life.

    This is written solely from my perspective, my learning, and my memory. I am deeply appreciative of all the people who contributed to the difficult times in my life – as without them I wouldn’t be as strong and resilient as I am today and in the fortunate position to share my learning with the world. I love, forgive, and cherish every moment of my life. I am equally grateful to those who have shown me the lighter side of life and given of themselves selflessly to help me overcome internal mental and external environmental challenges. I continue to learn from them, and it never ceases to amaze me how the right people come into our lives at the right time, giving us the right message. The trick is to be open to those messages and to see beyond ourselves. First, we need to get a clear view, and that’s what this book will help you achieve.

    I was recently lying in bed, simply reflecting on my day, and as I lay there I suddenly got excited and a deep inner sense of loving myself occurred and I shouted out to my husband, ‘I love who I am, I bloody love my life!’ What a moment to behold! This is the whole reason behind the book, as I want more and more people to feel great about themselves and their accomplishments (both externally with material things and internally with feelings and emotions, self-esteem and confidence). The reason I chose the title A Flourishing Mind is that human flourishing is so incredibly wonderful to watch and experience. I absolutely believe I have flourished and continue to flourish. In fact, when I was thinking of the title for this book, the word ‘flourish’ popped up, completely unprompted, in so many conversations about me with other people. Isn’t it awesome when the world is telling you something?

    As you read this book I ask you to hold yourself, take care of yourself, allow yourself to feel and be absorbed but not to be carried away by the sadness or negative emotions the story may trigger. It’s important that you focus on the parts that show hope and determination – the sadder parts of the story are simply there to include fact and provide depth to the reality of what I personally experienced. I hope the story is received with the intention of assisting and supporting generative thinking and giving hope to those who need it, and that it is enjoyed along the way. Take what you need, disregard the rest, and generate your own momentum in such a way that you will never leave this world with a doubt or regret.

    ‘This is the great joy of life: to be used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a great one; to be a force of nature and not some sniveling clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy. I believe that my life belongs to the whole community and while I live it, I will give it as much as I can. I intend to be thoroughly used up when I die because I find the harder I work the better I live. For me life is no brief candle but some sort of splendid torch that I’ve got hold of for the moment and I intend to make it burn as brightly as I can before passing it on the next generation.’

    George Bernard Shaw


    ‘If you’re going through hell, keep going.’

    Winston Churchill


    Chapter 1

    Poison or Purpose?

    ‘Mummy, Daddy was with a lady in bed this morning.’

    These are some of the most damaging words I remember uttering as a small child. It seems this was the turning point in my life, this revelation to my mother. Before this, the world seemed so normal, so everyday and average. As

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