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About this ebook

A formula stolen. 
A president murdered. 
A future threatened. 

When governments and revolutionaries hold the keys to time, who is safe?

The Xi’an Liberation Society (XLS) banks on chaos. They exist to usurp the global Union government’s power. Their methods toe the line between rebellion and te

Release dateJul 19, 2019

Jay Sherer

Jay prefers the title "Chief Storyteller" to "Executive Director," but technically serves as both for the Reclamation Society, the production company behind Timeslingers, Star Wars: Rivals (the fan film), and Death of a Bounty Hunter. He's also a producer for a majority of the Reclamation Society's projects and he directed the Reclamation Society's full-cast audiobook, Death of a Bounty Hunter. When Jay's not writing, producing, or directing, he's one of the hosts of The Story Geeks podcast. In former roles, Jay has experience with tech startups, nonprofit organizations, marketing, and business strategy. He has also co-produced and co-written several short film projects and has had three short film scripts place within the Top 10 of the 168 WOP Screenwriting Competition.

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    Book preview

    Timeslingers - Jay Sherer


    Jay Sherer

    Nathan Scheck

    Reclamation Society Logo

    Produced by the Reclamation Society

    First Edition – April 2012

    Second Edition – July 2019

    Copyright © 2012–2019, Jay Sherer & Nathan Scheck

    All rights reserved.

    ISBN: 978-1-7338398-1-5

    Dedicated to my mom, Karen Sherer.

    I miss you, Mom.    – Jay

    Table of Contents



    Episode 0

    Episode 0-1: Ancient History

    Episode 0-2: Escalation

    Episode 0-3: Sending a Message

    Episode 0-4: Desperation

    Episode 0-5: The Formula

    Episode 0-6: Changing the World

    Episode 0-7: The Hero

    Episode 1

    Episode 1-1: Dallas

    Episode 1-2: Shots Fired

    Episode 1-3: Bad Tidings

    Episode 2

    Episode 2-1: Florida

    Episode 2-2: The Gambler

    Episode 2-3: Next Steps

    Episode 3

    Episode 3-1: The FBI Agent

    Episode 3-2: Hunted, Part 1

    Episode 3-3: Hunted, Part 2

    Episode 4

    Episode 4-1: Digging Deeper

    Episode 4-2: The Bounty Hunter

    Episode 4-3: Dealing with the Devil

    Episode 5

    Episode 5-1: Sabotage

    Episode 5-2: Lift-off

    Episode 5-3: Progress

    Episode 6

    Episode 6-1: Reaction

    Episode 6-2: Dealing Arms

    Episode 6-3: The Exodus Project

    Episode 7

    Episode 7-1: Possible XLS Target Identified

    Episode 7-2: The Getaway

    Episode 7-3: Trapped

    Episode 8

    Episode 8-1: Dreams

    Episode 8-2: Disaster

    Episode 8-3: The Request

    Episode 9

    Episode 9-1: Roadblock

    Episode 9-2: Mercs

    Episode 9-3: Against Protocol

    Episode 9-4: Transfer

    Episode 10

    Episode 10-1: The Cold War

    Episode 10-2: Fra Mauro

    Episode 10-3: Egorov’s Estate

    Episode 11

    Episode 11-1: The Cloaking Device

    Episode 11-2: Russian Opulence

    Episode 11-3: A Missing Piece

    Episode 12

    Episode 12-1: The Behemoth

    Episode 12-2: Convergence

    Episode 12-3: The Offer

    Episode 13

    Episode 13-1: New Management

    Episode 13-2: Escape

    Episode 13-3: Objectives

    Episode 14

    Episode 14-1: Fugitives

    Episode 14-2: Condition Red

    Episode 14-3: Tremors

    Episode 15

    Episode 15-1: The Confidence Game

    Episode 15-2: Worth dying for?

    Episode 15-3: 6.3

    Episode 16

    Episode 16-1: Snap!

    Episode 16-2: Detour

    Episode 16-3: A New Bounty

    Episode 17

    Episode 17-1: More Lies

    Episode 17-2: Exit Strategy

    Episode 17-3: Entry Point

    Episode 18

    Episode 18-1: Interrogation

    Episode 18-2: Not Again…

    Episode 18-3: Security Problems

    Episode 19

    Episode 19-1: The Truth Revealed

    Episode 19-2: Barracks

    Episode 19-3: Reviving the Dead

    Episode 20

    Episode 20-1: Five Minutes, Forty-Seven Seconds

    Episode 20-2: The Lost Sister

    Episode 20-3: …it’s too late.

    Episode 21

    Episode 21-1: Trust Issues

    Episode 21-2: Subassembly

    Episode 21-3: No Timeslinger Left Behind

    Episode 22

    Episode 22-1: One Last Obstacle

    Episode 22-2: Restricted Access

    Episode 22-3: A Bargaining Chip

    Episode 23

    Episode 23-1: Unexpected Teamwork

    Episode 23-2: Homecoming

    Episode 23-3: The Countdown Begins

    Episode 23-4: Infestation

    Episode 24

    Episode 24-1: The Explosion

    Episode 24-2: The Powers that Be

    Episode 24-3: Decommissioning

    Episode 24-4: The End of the Beginning

    About the Creators

    Author’s Appreciation


    First, I’d like to personally thank you for purchasing Timeslingers! On behalf of Nathan Scheck—my co-author and illustrator—and from me personally: we both appreciate you. There are so many stories out there, thank you for choosing ours. We hope you enjoy it!

    You’re about to read the second edition of Timeslingers. Nathan and I conceptualized Timeslingers way back in 2005. We wanted to do a serial story—just like what we used to read as kids in weekly newspapers—but apply that style of storytelling to the digital age. In 2006, we launched, and then began to release Timeslingers episode-by-episode.

    Writing for a serial story, particularly for an online audience, required us to test new ideas and learn how to deliver our story in the most compelling way possible. We cut our posts from 800 words down to 350 words per installment. The writing grew tighter, the posts shorter, we added more illustrations, and we packed every episode with as much suspense as we could. And, taking a page from the TV show 24 and those old newspaper serials, we ended each episode with a cliffhanger.

    In 2012, we complied all our online posts into a novel: Timeslingers. That’s what you’re about to read. We hope you love it, and if you do, please consider reviewing the novel on

    If you want to learn more about our upcoming projects, including our new steampunk novel, Death of a Bounty Hunter, head on over to I’m really excited about Death of a Bounty Hunter because the audiobook version is a full-cast read, meaning all the characters are brought to life by voice actors!

    Finally, if you love science fiction, fantasy, and comic books as much as we do… check out The Story Geeks podcast. I’m a host on that show, and I’d love for you to check it out. Find out more at

    Thanks again for reading, and welcome aboard, timeslinger.


    Timeslingers author, Jay Sherer

    For more stories produced by the Reclamation Society, visit:

    To join The Story Geeks community, visit:

    Episode 0

    Episode 0-1: Ancient History

    JULY 14, 2008


    Marcus Kline

    Marcus Kline leapt up the stairs. Two at a time. Black tie fluttering over his shoulder. He reached the sixth floor. Slowed to a quick stride. Stopped at the third door on the left. He pushed it open. Inside the small office, Eric Randolph hovered over a computer terminal. He threw up his hands.

    This is pointless. This stuff’s ancient. We need a different strategy.

    So far, they had managed to circumvent all of LANL’s advanced security systems while avoiding detection. The vacant office on the sixth floor of the Weapons Development Building had served as their temporary headquarters, giving them direct access to LANL’s network, but it wasn’t getting them what they needed.

    Kline nodded. And we’ve got company. Union agents are close. Let’s go.

    Eric shut the terminal down and jumped up. They exited the office. Thunderous classical music pumped through the building’s speaker system. Too loud for pleasure, the booming music proved perfect for security, keeping covert conversations protected from prying ears and sophisticated listening devices alike.

    LANL: Los Alamos National Laboratories. Birthplace of the Manhattan Project. Now, a defense and sciences mecca. Hundreds of the smartest people on earth. Scientists on the bleeding edge. Nut cases in any other setting, but heroes here. Kline and Eric were searching for information from one such scientist—Rahul Banerjee, a physicist tasked with conceptualizing secret weapons for the United States.

    They had traveled back through time to 2008. Their objective: steal all of Rahul Banerjee’s files and formulas associated with cloaking technology. After searching LANL’s network for three days they had come up empty. The clandestine approach wasn’t working.

    Time for plan B.

    As Kline neared the stairwell that would lead them down to the ground floor, Eric grabbed his arm. He grinned. A rectangular piece of clay with wires protruding from the top rested in his palm.

    Kline shoved the rudimentary explosive back at him, What’s that?

    Plan B. Forget Banerjee. Let’s send them a message!

    We’re not here to make a statement. We’re here for information. Put that away! We’re going to the source.

    Kline hustled down the staircase to the ground floor lobby and rushed to the front door. No sooner had he pulled it open–


    The alarm meant lockdown. Within a few minutes LANL’s Special Response Team would swarm the building, but they would be too late. Kline and Eric slipped outside.

    Eric stuffed his hands into his pockets. They’re trying to flush us out into the open.

    Kline squinted. And so they have. Now let’s see if they can catch up.

    Episode 0-2: Escalation

    JULY 14, 2008


    Hector Salazar and Jack Harrington

    Heavily armored Special Response Team units roared past the nondescript sports utility vehicle parked at the side of the road. Inside the SUV, Hector Salazar, Union Subdivision’s timeslinger team lead, frowned.

    If setting off the alarm doesn’t force them out into the open, the SRT should.

    Nothing yet, said Jack Harrington. His eyes monitored the stream of information flowing through his datapad. Wait–

    The Subdivision team held their breath. Xi’an Liberation Society timeslingers had been evading them for days, but this time the Subdivision agents were closing in, and not a moment too soon. The XLS wanted classified information dating back to 2008—almost two centuries ago. Union Subdivision’s best guess was that the XLS was after research gathered by a scientist named Rahul Banerjee, an Indian immigrant who had conceptualized the formula for advanced stealth technology, or cloaking.

    Introduced to the scientific community at Los Alamos in 2008, cloaking technology would become a reality about eighty years later in 2091. But ever since its inception, cloaking technology had always faced severe limitations related to the mass and size of the cloaked object. In the present time, 2147—a century and a half after the theory had been published—no one had been able to cloak anything larger than a human being.

    In July of 2008, cloaking’s pioneer, Banerjee, had claimed that his approach could cloak an entire city. However, before Banerjee had completed his theory, he had died from a drug overdose. His undocumented formulas were lost to history, and no one since had ever overcome cloaking technology’s limitations.

    XLS timeslingers had traveled back to 2008 to contact Banerjee before his impending death. Hector and his team had to stop them.

    Their network connection terminated just before the alarm went off, said Jack. They’re moving.

    Hector engaged his datapad’s communicator. Keep your eyes open, guys.

    Nothing here, Jessica Prentice reported.

    Got ‘em! said Sam. I’ve got eyes on two XLS timeslingers heading toward the Theoretical Sciences Building!

    That’s Banerjee’s current location, said Jack. You think they’re just gonna go ask him?

    Hector gunned the engine. The SUV lurched forward. Let’s go find out.

    The Theoretical Sciences Building had beige wood siding with green trim—a perfect blend of sophisticated design styles that only scientists and government officials could pull off. It looked like something out of a 1950’s sci-fi flick.

    Sam darted out from a side road and met their SUV at the front of the building.

    They just ducked into the second door. One of them pulled a gun.

    Episode 0-3: Sending a Message

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