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Leadership Interview Questions You'll Most Likely Be Asked
Leadership Interview Questions You'll Most Likely Be Asked
Leadership Interview Questions You'll Most Likely Be Asked
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Leadership Interview Questions You'll Most Likely Be Asked

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  • A perfect companion to stand ahead of the rest in today's competitive job market. 
  • 250 Leadership Interview Questions
Release dateMay 8, 2020
Leadership Interview Questions You'll Most Likely Be Asked

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    Leadership Interview Questions You'll Most Likely Be Asked - Vibrant Publishers

    Chapter 1: Competency

    1: Was there a time where you were called upon to reorganize your department? If so, what steps did you take to ensure the reorganization was successful?


    The candidate should be able to relate a verifiable time when she was asked to reorganize her department. The correct answer should say something like, just last year my company decided there should be reorganization program because the internet had significantly changed the way we were doing business.

    As an example:

    My first step was to identify the exact business functions that were driving the need for change. Secondly, I identified the functions that were working properly and should not be changed. Thirdly, I made a determination of how the people in the department needed to be reassigned to best accomplish the reorganization. In the end, the reorganization was successful, and the company’s profits where increased.

    2: Please tell me about a time when you led a team to successfully complete a project.


    The correct answer should describe a real situation in which the candidate led his team to complete a project.

    As an example:

    Last year my management team was assigned the task of finding a way to improve our company’s overall customer service rating. We were having trouble finding and retaining customer service representatives that were responsive to the needs of our customers. Through customer service surveys and close observation of customer service interactions, we were able to identify several customer service representatives that were providing outstanding service to our customers. We assigned these people as trainers and mentors for the purpose of motivating the entire staff to provide a high level of service to our customers.

    3: Please describe the most significant challenge you have faced in a leadership position.


    The candidate must have leadership experience to answer this question correctly. The interviewer will be able to discern right away if the candidate is trying to bluff his way through the question. The only way to answer the question correctly is to have handled a real situation as a leader.

    As an example:

    When I was serving as the senior accounting manager at my last employer, we had an incident involving the misappropriation of funds by a member of the accounting staff. This person had been quietly transferring money from the company to a secret checking account for a period of two years. When I discovered the loss, I had to alert both company leadership and law enforcement. I also had to find a way to mitigate the financial harm that had been done to the company. It will take a long time for the legal process to prosecute this man, and a long time before the company recovers the stolen money.

    4: How do you think you will be able to help this company produce a product a consumer will buy?


    This is a question that is best answered by a candidate who has experience in a manufacturing environment. The candidate may have experience in research and development, or in the actual production of manufactured goods. Of course, people who develop software are producing a product for consumers. So, the question has broad application to many industries in which something valuable is being produced.

    As an example:

    As a member of my last employer’s research and development team, I led the process to develop an educational software package that will help kindergarten children to improve their reading speed and comprehension. I will bring this same level of leadership to this company if I am hired for this position.

    5: How do you think you will be able to help this company improve customer service?


    This is a basic leadership question. Many of the jobs in our country are found in the customer service profession. As a customer service leader, the candidate should be able to provide some verifiable evidence that he knows how to lead the company’s customer service efforts.

    As an example:

    I have several years of experience leading customer service departments to meet the needs of customers. In my last job, I was able to lead our customer service department to receive a satisfaction rating of 95%. This was the highest customer service rating the company had received in its 20-year history.

    6: Are there particular steps that a company should take to develop the leadership skills of its people?


    I believe there are a number of steps that can be taken. Companies should be interested in the advancement of the qualified people who work for the business.

    As an example:

    The first step is to identify employees who seem to have a natural affinity for leadership. Additionally, there are probably other people in the company who could be a good leader if they were mentored by someone in the company who had already been proven to be a good leader. Secondly, human resources need to identify educational or training programs the potential leaders could be enrolled in to help them develop their leadership skills. Finally, the best school is experience. The new leaders should be assigned positions that allow them to hone their skills. These steps can be used by any company to help their employees grow professionally.

    7: Are you satisfied with your personal leadership style and skills? If not, what are your plans to improve your style or skills?


    When answering this question, the candidate will provide one of two answers. If the candidate is satisfied with his leadership style and skills, he may need to provide a compelling answer that supports that viewpoint. If the candidate is not satisfied with his leadership style and skills, he will need to explain his plans for improvement.

    As an example:

    I know I need to develop my leadership skills. I have developed a list of books on leadership that I am working my way though. Additionally, I am attending as many seminars on leadership that I can. Finally, every time I make a decision that does not go to well, I search out someone in the office who can provide me some insight as to why I may have made an incorrect decision. 

    8: Please describe what you think are the proper steps to take when disciplining an employee.


    Determine the circumstances surrounding the incident, respond patiently, talk to the employee in business-like manner and complete the session.

    As an example:

    The last time I disciplined an employee I used the steps I just outlined in my initial answer. I think the key to success in the process is ensuring the entire transaction is conducted in a business-like manner. If the counsellor allows the conversation to get overly emotional, the employee will leave the meeting very bitter without encouragement to improve his duty performance. 

    9: How do you set up priorities for the work you are facing each day?


    My daily work scheduled must be prioritized so that the most essential responsibilities of the day are taken care of first. Of course, I must respond to any emergencies as they occur. I have learned how to set aside non-essential tasks until a later time. I do not allow non-essential tasks to side track me from the tasks that must be accomplished to keep the business moving forward.

    As an example:

    Every morning when I come in, I try to determine which tasks or responsibilities must be accomplished to ensure the continued operation of the company. I then make sure I am able to make all of the essential meetings on my schedule. I also must make sure I have time to meet the needs of the people who work in my department. Since good people are the key to any company’s success, managers must make sure there is time to respond to their needs.

    10: What you do if you became aware that your company’s leadership was not enforcing employee safety standards?


    The candidate should show a proper regard for the enforcement of safety standards in the answer that is provided to the interviewer. This is a serious subject because employees should not fear being harmed at work. The candidate should indicate to the interviewer that he would take action to ensure safety standards were being enforced.

    As an example:

    If I learned safety standards were not being enforced, the first step is to go approach the person in charge of safety and find out if the accusations are true. Since my job is important to me, I must proceed carefully. If the company will not enforce safety standards, the only option that may be open to me is to file a report with OSHA. I believe that every person in a leadership position must ensure that all workplace safety regulations are enforced.

    11: Are you good at delegating responsibility?


    For most organizations, the answer to this question must be yes. In the modern fast paced business environment, no leader can keep up without the ability to delegate responsibility.

    As an example:

    When I was hired for my last position, I was overwhelmed by the workload. I soon learned that I couldn’t fulfill all the responsibilities by myself. I quickly established a plan to spread my work to others in the division who had the appropriate level of professional responsibility to be trusted with essential duties. Now more work is being accomplished than one person was doing in the past.

    12: How do you create an environment of respect within your organization?


    The correct answer is, in today’s business environment, respect is an essential element of an organization’s efforts to treat its customers and employees fairly and justly. The creation of an environment of respect must start at the highest level of the organization. Senior leadership must set an example of respect and must set an expectation that anyone in the organization who cannot show respect to other people will not have a place in the organization.

    As an example:

    The last company I worked for made sure that respect for other people is part of the company’s statement of core values. Senior leadership has made it clear to employees at every level that any disrespectful attitudes or actions will not be tolerated.

    13: How do you define personnel management?


    The correct answer to this question should include a statement such as, personnel management includes all the actions to recruit, retain, support and make sure an organization’s employees are satisfied with their job.

    As an example:

    When I was an assistant department manager for human resources, I was responsible for keeping the company benefit plan competitive with the other companies that had the capability of luring our best employees away. I spent many hours talking to our people, to company leadership and to the companies that we contracted with for benefits such as health insurance. I had to maintain a system of benefits that were attractive to our people.

    14: How do you keep external forces from negatively impacting an organization’s core values?


    A company’s core values are principles a company stands for such as honestly, equity and outstanding customer service. External forces such as pressure from competitors can push a company away from its core values.

    As an example:

    The primary way that a company resists external forces is the commitment of senior company leadership to maintain absolute adherence to its core values. Senior leadership must insist that at no point would the company move away from treating its customer’s honestly, fairly and with respect. The pressure to maintain the largest market share cannot be allowed to move a company away from its core values.

    15: What evaluation tools do you use to set your personal goals?


    The evaluation tools I use are designed

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