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Genesis God Said It. . .: A Thirty-Day Journey & Conversations
Genesis God Said It. . .: A Thirty-Day Journey & Conversations
Genesis God Said It. . .: A Thirty-Day Journey & Conversations
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Genesis God Said It. . .: A Thirty-Day Journey & Conversations

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For thirty days you can journey with God from creation to the establishment of a people. The daily journey includes: suggested Bible reading, theme verse, a devotional connecting Old and New Testament Scriptures with personal experiences then and now. 

Release dateJun 25, 2020
Genesis God Said It. . .: A Thirty-Day Journey & Conversations

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    Genesis God Said It. . . - Ethel Green


    To Brenda, my extraordinary daughter, who sacrificed after work hours to help me get this book ready for publication. She said, It gives us more mother/daughter time.



    Vickie Shad, President of Maine Fellowship of Christian Writers.

    Rev. J. Grant Swank, Pastor of a home church.

    He edited for punctuation.

    Marian Veld, reference librarian,

    Comstock Township, MI

    My eldest daughter who edited for content.

    Diane Roberts an artist friend who painted the picture for the cover.


    Two Ways of Looking at Genesis

    A Thirty-Day Journey through Genesis, aka The Journey, was birthed from the study of The Daily Bible In Chronological Order 365 Daily Readings. I assigned each reading a day number. Extra days of shorter readings were added to equal thirty days. Most days the words of God are the theme of the meditation. His words encourage us, and help us to evaluate our personal walk and deal with common challenges of Christian living.

    Through these readings the Spirit of God shows us who we are, where we are, and where we are heading. God’s words are the foundation for our being and doing.

    Conversations take the form of conversational skits; an attempt to make getting acquainted with the people of Genesis entertaining. It is chronologically more inclusive. These imaginary conversations may be read in conjunction with The Journey, or separately.

    Conversations are of two types. The historical events are designated by chapter headings from Zondervan’s NIV version (Holy Bible). Conversations with the characters are shown as God Speaks with ,or Speaks with God, according to the initiator of the conversation.

    After response items for combined chapters, I have included paragraphs similar to Paul Harvey’s the Rest of the Story.





    God Spoke Light Into Existence

    Genesis 1-3

    Light and Darkness

    Genesis 1:3-5

    Mastering Sin

    Genesis 4-5


    Genesis 6-9

    God Said It…

    Grieving God

    Genesis 6:3-13

    Covenant Rainbows

    Genesis 9:8-17

    Diversity / The Good and Bad

    Genesis 11 & 10

    What To Do with God’s Blessings

    Genesis 12-14:20

    Go, Walk, Receive

    Genesis 13:4-18

    Are You Afraid?

    Genesis 15:1-ch. 17

    God Sees Me

    Genesis 16- 17: 14

    Two Circumcisions

    Genesis 17:9-14

    Responsibility In Child Raising

    Genesis 18:16-

    Too Hard

    Genesis 18:9-15

    God Said It...

    No Distress / Worry, Anxiety

    Genesis 20-22

    Obey: Go, Pray Give

    Genesis 22-23

    God Answers Prayer

    Genesis 24

    Conversations 52- 53 fit into chapter 24.

    God Said It...

    Space for Me

    Genesis 25-ch. 26:33

    Promised Home / Promised Companion

    Genesis 26:34-ch. 2

    God’s Actions

    Genesis chapters 29-30

    Release or Blessing

    Genesis chapters 31-33

    What’s In A Name?

    Genesis 34-36


    Genesis 36


    Genesis 37-38

    Rising Above Temptations

    : Genesis 39- ch.42:5


    Genesis 42:6-45:15

    God Sends Out / God Brings Back

    Genesis 45:16-47:28

    God Knows You

    Genesis 48-50

    Characters in the Genesis Account

    God and Ethel Speak of Their Relationship

    God Speaks with the People of Genesis

    The Beginning

    God Speaks with Adam and Eve about Creation and Choices

    God Speaks with Adam

    God Speaks with Adam and Eve Again about Choices

    Eve Speaks with God

    Eve & Adam Speak with Each Other and with God

    The Fall of Man / Serpent Speaks with Eve and Adam

    Satan Boasts / Adam & Eve Realize His Deception

    God’s Last Conversation with Adam and Eve

    Evil and Disobedience Punished

    Responses for conversations 1-11 (chapters 1-3)

    Cain and Abel

    God Speaks With Abel (first hero of the faith in Hebrews 11).

    Abel Speaks His Last & God Condemns Cain

    From Adam to Noah

    God Speaks with Enoch

    (second hero of the faith in Hebrews 11)

    Responses to conversations 11-16 (chapters 4-5)

    God Speaks with Noah (third hero of the faith Hebrew 11)

    God Speaks About the Wicked Conditions on Earth / the Reason for the Flood

    God Speaks to Noah about Choosing Him and assigning Him Ark Building

    God Speaks of Noah about the Building Process

    Noah and Family Talk of Experiences on the Ark

    God Speaks with Noah about Leaving the Ark

    Covenant Rainbow

    The Sons of Noah / Noah’s Indiscretion and Sons Reactions

    Table of Nations

    God Speaks with an Unknown Foreman on the Plain of Shinar

    Tower of Babel

    From Shem to Abram

    God Speaks With Abram

    (Fourth hero of the faith, Hebrews 11).

    The Call of Abram

    Abram in Egypt

    Abram & Lot Separate

    Responses to conversations 29-32 (chapters 12-13)

    Abram Rescues Lot

    Abram Speaks with God & First Covenant

    Sarai’s Plan / Hagar Conceives

    Hagar Meets God’s Angel

    Hagar Returns as Instructed/ Ishmael is Born

    The Covenant of Circumcision / Abram becomes Abraham

    The Three Visitors

    Abraham Pleads for Sodom

    Angels Speak with Lot and the Men of Sodom / Angels Protect Lot

    Angels Speak with Lot of Urgency in Fleeing Sodom

    Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed

    Lot and His Daughters

    Abraham and Abimelech King of Gerar

    The Birth of Isaac

    Hagar and Ishmael Sent Away

    Treaty at Beersheba

    Abraham Tested

    Sarah Speaks with God about her Life (the only woman mentioned in Hebrews 11 who appeared in the book of Genesis).

    The Death of Sarah

    Isaac and Rebekah

    (53) God Speaks with Isaac

    (fifth hero of the faith in Hebrews 11).

    The Death of Abraham

    Jacob and Esau *

    Brother’s Personalities

    Esau Sells His Birthright

    Isaac and Abimelech

    Jacob Gets Esau’s Blessing

    Esau Returns from the Hunt

    Jacob sent Away / Flees to Laban

    Jacob’s Dream at Bethel

    Jacob’s Arrives in Paddan Aram

    Jacob Marries Leah and Rachel

    Jacob’s First Four Children *

    Jacob Has More Children / Rivalry in Child Bearing

    Jacob’s Herds & Flocks Increase

    Jacob Flees From Laban

    Laban Pursues Jacob

    Jacob Prepares to Meet Esau

    Jacob Wrestles with God

    Jacob Meets Esau

    Dinah and the Schecemites

    Jacob Returns to Bethel

    Esau’s Descendants

    God speaks With Joseph

    (sixth and last hero of Hebrews 11)

    Joseph’s Dreams

    Joseph Sold by His Brothers

    Jacob’s Mourning

    Joseph Sold to Potiphar

    Judah and Tamar

    Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife

    The Cupbearer and the Baker

    Pharaoh’s Dreams

    Joseph in Charge of Egypt

    Jacob’s Sons Go to Egypt for Food

    The Brother’s Second Journey to Egypt

    Silver Cup in a Sack

    Joseph Makes Himself Known

    Jacob Goes to Egypt

    Settling in Goshen

    Joseph and the Famine

    Manasseh and Ephraim

    Jacob Blesses His Sons / Jacob Dies

    Joseph Mourns Jacob’s Death

    Joseph and His Brothers Bury Jacob

    Joseph Reassures His Brothers

    The Death of Joseph

    The Promised Son--Isaac


    God Said It…

    Day 1 God Spoke Light Into Existence

    Scripture Reading Of The Day: Genesis 1-3

    Conversations 1- 11 fit within chapters 1-3.

    And God said, Let there be light, and there was light(Genesis 1:3).

    There is nothing much better than a sunny day. There is nothing much better than to be up early enough to see a spectacular sunrise. I saw one in August, a precursor of Christmas. I will never forget it. It sparkled more wonderously than a Christmas tree’s clear blinking lights through the tree branches in my back yard. It seemed to be saying, You are experiencing the glory of God! I walked from window to window, from sun room to living room, in total awe. I don’t expect to see anything more awesome until I reach the gates of heaven and enter in.

    On another day, a true Maine winter day, I watched another sunrise. This time the rising sun cast its beauty, its quickly changing beauty, upon the snow. I wish I could show it to you in slow motion. The light gray background gave way in increments to purple, pink, peach, and pale yellow. Then up came the sun, lighting the rapidly bluing sky. This awesome sight reminded me that the little poem is true;

    Moment by moment, He’s changing me.

    I started a journal for the new year to record everything that God said in the Scripture. The first Divine utterance is our text for the day. There is light by which we see the world around us. There is also light to illumine our inner being.

    The New Testament tells us that Jesus is the light of the world (John 8:12). We are urged to walk in the light as He is in the light (1 John 1:7). If we pray but one prayer, may it be, Let us walk in the light of the Word of God!


    What have you seen in God’s world that is awesome?

    Do you sense a motivation to watch for more of God’s glory in nature?

    Do you see how God is changing you for the better as you age?

    Do you desire more light on a particular area of your life?

    Will you commit to search for that light until you find it? How?

    Do you see the value of keeping a journal? Are you motivated to begin now? (Procrastination is the thief of time and memories)

    Does the concluding prayer satisfy you? What would you add to it?

    God Said It...

    Day 2 Light and Darkness

    Scripture Reading Of The Day: Genesis 1:3-5

    God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light day, and the darkness he called night.(Genesis 1:4-5).

    Moses is speaking of the physical realm. Our eyes can see the difference between night and day. Our physical bodies know the difference. As much as possible we sleep during the time of darkness.

    Just as real is the realm of spiritual light and spiritual darkness.

    Spiritual light is found only in Jesus who said, I am the light of the world. (John 9:5). John the Baptist, as a witness of the light, testified of Jesus, He is the true light that gives light to every man who [is] coming into the world (John 1:9). The glory of God shines in the light of God’s Son.

    First John has a wonderful source of teaching on light. This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all. (1 John 1:5). And in 1:7 we read But if we walk in the tight, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin.

    Chapter two gives us this verse. Whoever loves his brother lives in the light, and there is nothing in Him to make him stumble. (1 John 2:10).

    John 1:5 tells us that the world has not understood the light. We know that the darkness has not been able to put it out.

    The darkness prevails in the kingdom of Satan, the prince of the power of the air.

    There is no fellowship to be had with our Lord or with other Christians if we allow darkness to overcome us. 2 Corinthians 6:14 asks what fellowship light and darkness can have. They represent two kingdoms. In verse fifteen there are three contrasts: Christ and Belial; believer and unbeliever; temple of God and idols. Which choices represent God’s kingdom of light?

    Satan would prefer that we walk in darkness. When physical darkness falls the thief may attempt to destroy Jesus’ followers, His sheep. We find this in John 10:10a. But the rest of the verse, one of my favorites, says I am come that they might have life and have it to the full. KJV says, …more abundantly. We can have more real life and be more lively to advance God’s kingdom.

    I quoted John 10:10b in a newsletter which I edited for a school in Poland, Maine in the 90s. Each month I asked a teacher for a favorite quote. One month I included my own favorite. Another teacher approached me in the teachers’ room and said she was happy to see someone quote from scripture. Thus I discovered that she was a Christian. I had gained a new friend. Light shone in Poland, Maine.

    Anyone who chooses to do so can walk in this light.

    Christians are to walk as children of light.

    We are to let our light shine.

    Lord, we love walking in your light. Grant that we may never let our light be affected by circumstances or wrong attitudes.


    As you see God’s marvelous world, do you give Him praise. For what do you praise Him right now?

    Do you know and understand the works God has for you to do? Are you willing? Are you willing to be made willing?

    Do you really let your light shine through your words, attitudes, and actions?

    Are you looking for more ways to let your light shine?

    Do you try to improve your spiritual vision by watching those whose light shines brightly (those who are shining examples of Christ-likeness)? Do you try to emulate them?

    Will you include things in your journal in praise to God for the ability to see spiritually and physically?

    Does the closing prayer help you change your view of your circumstances? What prayer are you prompted to add?

    God Said It…

    Day 3 God’s Question

    Scripture Reading Of The Day: Genesis 3:8-13

    But the Lord God called to the man, Where are you? (Genesis 3:9). And He said, Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from? (Genesis 3:11).Then the Lord God said to the woman, What is this you have done?

    (Genesis 3:13).

    Yes, God knew where Adam was. Did Adam know where he was? Did he know that he had just died spiritually and forfeited his holy relationship with his Father God? Did he know that he was to be banned from the Garden of Eden for his disobedience?

    Do we know where we are spiritually? A good Christian lady once said to her friend, It pays to check yourself once in a while. If Christ should appear would we be dressed in robes of righteousness?

    Holiness teaching says to die daily to self and live moment by moment for Christ. Then we will have assurance that we will not be strangers in that permanent dwelling place God has prepared for us. We will not be cast out, but will eat from the Tree of Life in Heaven. Adam was not allowed to eat from it on earth.

    We are naked in the sense that God sees us just as we are. We can’t hide in fine clothing, for He sees our hearts. If we think we can hide anything from Him, we should consider this question. Where would we hide it? Psalm 139 makes it clear that God is familiar with all our ways. Even darkness will not hide us from God’s night glasses. So let’s be sure we are clothed in His righteousness.

    Have you eaten what you should not? How many times do we groan and say, I shouldn’t have eaten that! A while back an advertisement proclaimed, I can’t believe I ate the whole thing! Is it a sin to eat too much? Scripture says it would be better to put a knife to your throat than to be a glutton (Proverbs 23:2).

    The point of Adam’s eating was not the amount but the violating of a direct command of God. God knew that Adam had succumbed to temptation.

    God knows where you are. He knows what you do. God is all knowing, He is omniscient.

    Eve was asked directly if she realized what she had done. I wonder if she contemplated her sin when she found he son murdered by his brother.

    Consequences! There are always consequences.

    Would you live spiritually? Will you obey God? There’s no other way. We sing this song, There’s no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.

    Lord, when we hear Your questions, help us to measure our obedience and correct our ways. Forgive us, please. We trust in Your mercy.


    What is the difference between physical and spiritual life?

    How do you check up on your spiritual whereabouts?

    In what area are you most prone to fall or plunge into temptation?

    Have you ever wished that God would show you what you are really like spiritually? Have you ever asked Him?

    Have you had to correct your ways at God’s rebuke?

    Would you have God to be less than omniscient? Would you like to hide from Him?

    Have you seen negative consequences from bad choices you have made?

    God Said It...

    Day 4 Mastering Sin

    Scripture Reading of the Day: Genesis 4-5

    Conversations 12-16 fit into chapters 4-5.

    Then the Lord said to Cain, Why are you so angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it.(Genesis 4:7).

    When sin entered the world it rapidly escalated. The sin of murder devastated the first family.

    God had given Cain a promise and a warning when he found him angry. Cain had misplaced anger displayed on his face. God asked him why.

    Well, why? Cain had misplaced his confidence; he placed it in himself rather than in God. He probably thought, My way is good enough! He would have been wrong!

    He dwelt on the injustice he felt. He was devoured by sin as he plotted against Abel.

    It’s all about attitude toward God and self. Cain let his ego and anger at God make him a murderer.

    It seems that the lesson is clear. Do things God’s way!

    Paul gave advice on the correct attitude. In 1 Corinthians 10: 31 he said, ... whatever you do, do all for the glory of God. Paul tried to please people so that they would be saved. He said we should follow his example, instead of destroying life as Cain did.

    God promised Cain that if he did right he would be accepted. He warned Cain about the opposite choice. It should have struck terror to his heart. Perhaps he did not picture sin as a wild animal that would devour him when he opened the door.

    The door was cracked open by jealousy when he realized that his brother’s offering was accepted and his was not. It was flung open when he harbored

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