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Gridless: Living Off-The-Grid In A Post-Pandemic World
Gridless: Living Off-The-Grid In A Post-Pandemic World
Gridless: Living Off-The-Grid In A Post-Pandemic World
Ebook34 pages21 minutes

Gridless: Living Off-The-Grid In A Post-Pandemic World

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About this ebook

Struggling to find inner peace in a pandemic world fueled by turmoil? A downsized lifestyle of "living off-the-grid" may be exactly what you're looking for. Social issues, political motivations, and consumerist attitudes all just seem to fall away once you're able to unplug and reconnect with the natural wor

Release dateJul 8, 2020
Gridless: Living Off-The-Grid In A Post-Pandemic World

Mathew Boyer

Mathew Boyer is the man behind Frontier Gear, the premier outdoor, prepper and survivalist gear review blog. He spent his 20's traveling the United States, Canada and Central America getting in touch with the natural world. An early interest in camping and hiking blossomed and grew into a passion for homesteading, survivalism and prepping.

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    Book preview

    Gridless - Mathew Boyer




    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1: Introduction To Off-The-Grid Living

    Types of Off-the-Grid-Living

    Chapter 2: The Benefits of Off-Grid Living

    Chapter 3: How to Plan For an Off-Grid Lifestyle Change

    Chapter 4: How to Scout For Potential Locations For Off-Grid Living

    Chapter 5: How to Decide Which Shelter Suits Your Off-Grid Lifestyle

    Examples of Off-grid Homes

    Chapter 6: Off-Grid Water Harvesting Strategies

    Simple But Effective Methods Of Off-The-Grid Water Treatment

    Chapter 7: Off-the-Grid Energy Harnessing

    Chapter 8: Off-the-Grid Food Strategies

    Methods Of Food Preservation In An Off-The-Grid Home



    With the lockdown, curfews, and other travel restrictions precipitated by the current pandemic, many people have had no choice but to stay and work at home every day for the foreseeable future.

    To keep ourselves going, we have watched plenty of television shows, played endless games, been on the phone forever, and ate almost every kind of industrially-processed food, etc.

    Given such restrictions, it’s only a matter of time until many of us yearn to break free from this reality and endeavor to experience life outside the confines of the virtual world that has become our primary means of connection. A time shall come when many of us shall go to great lengths to experience a moment of technological detox and natural life.

    Have you have been searching for a way to break free from the ‘normal and modern’ kind of living so that you can experience a life that’s not dependent on conventional utilities we have at our disposal today?

    If you have, read along to find out exactly how you can achieve this desire with off-the-grid living:

    Chapter 1: Introduction To Off-The-Grid Living

    Living off-the-grid is a way of living that involves total disconnection from publicly

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