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Kandalaura Fever: Book Two of the Kandalaura Chronicles
Kandalaura Fever: Book Two of the Kandalaura Chronicles
Kandalaura Fever: Book Two of the Kandalaura Chronicles
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Kandalaura Fever: Book Two of the Kandalaura Chronicles

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as you travel with Mikey to Kandalaura. Kandalaura Fever is Mikey's second trip to his friend Andron's planet. After Mikey's first adventure with Andron, a fire remains inside of him that simply won't go away. It's a deep fervor to see Jesus again. A newly found love for God resonates so deeply insid

Release dateSep 13, 2020
Kandalaura Fever: Book Two of the Kandalaura Chronicles

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    Book preview

    Kandalaura Fever - Louise Klodt


    Kandalaura Fever

    book two of the kandalaura chronicles

    Louise Klodt

    Trilogy Christian Publishers


    Trilogy Christian Publishers

    A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Trinity Broadcasting Network

    2442 Michelle Drive

    Tustin, CA 92780

    Copyright © 2020 by Louise Klodt

    All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise noted, taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

    Scripture quotations marked (KJV) taken from The Holy Bible, King James Version. Cambridge Edition: 1769.

    All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

    Illustrations by Sue Schirmer

    Portrait of Jesus, For the Joy, by Sharol Rosendahl

    Contributing artist: Laurel Uhlig, Knight Owl Design Studio

    For information, address Trilogy Christian Publishing

    Rights Department, 2442 Michelle Drive, Tustin, Ca 92780.

    Trilogy Christian Publishing/TBN and colophon are trademarks of Trinity Broadcasting Network.

    For information about special discounts for bulk purchases, please contact Trilogy Christian Publishing.

    Manufactured in the United States of America

    Trilogy Disclaimer: The views and content expressed in this book are those of the author and may not necessarily reflect the views and doctrine of Trilogy Christian Publishing or the Trinity Broadcasting Network.

    10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.

    ISBN 978-1-64773-342-1

    ISBN 978-1-64773-343-8 (ebook)


    Dedication v

    Back to Door to Kandalaura vii

    Chapter 1. Room 337 1

    Chapter 2. Star 11

    Chapter 3. What’s Going On? 19

    Chapter 4. Out of Control 27

    Chapter 5. Party! 37

    Chapter 6. Whoops! 43

    Chapter 7. Day of Reckoning 49

    Chapter 8. The Fever Hits Big-Time 57

    Chapter 9. Kandalaura, Here I Come 63

    Chapter 10. Day 1 77

    Chapter 11. The Givers 87

    Chapter 12. Music from Heaven 95

    Chapter 13. Time to Celebrate 103

    Chapter 14. The Rescue 113

    Chapter 15. Who Would’ve Thought? 119

    Chapter 16. His Favor 129

    Chapter 17. Flight Gone Wrong 135

    Chapter 18. The Glory Pond 145

    Chapter 19. Despicable and Disgusting! 155

    Chapter 20. Jesus! 165

    Chapter 21. Our Final Evening 177

    Chapter 22. Homeward Bound 185

    Chapter 23. Earth Shock! 197

    Mary’s Communion Song 205

    Notes 207

    This book is dedicated to my grandchildren:

    Reese, Savannah, Jonathan, Jarett, Lukas, and Thomas

    Back to

    Mikey has only seen Andron at his school about four times, but he invites him to his home on the last day of school. That’s when he and his mom and his neighbor, Ben, discover that Andron is from another planet called Kandalaura. It turns out that his planet is very similar to the Garden of Eden which was once on earth. On his planet they walk and talk with Jesus, just like Adam and Eve did in the Bible. Only the people on his planet have never sinned. However, they discover in talking with him that there is an evil creature lurking on Kandalaura, just as there was a serpent in the Garden of Eden. This creature looks similar to a peacock and is very beautiful. But Jesus has told them that they are not to cross over to the creature’s side of their planet. Still, the creature comes over to their side and constantly tries to lure them over.

    This concerns Mikey’s mom, so she explains what happened to Adam and Eve in the garden and how it affected the human race. Andron begins to understand how dangerous this creature is to their race. But his brother comes to pick him up in his spaceship, and he must leave immediately. Before Andron leaves, Mikey runs to his bedroom and grabs his Bible, handing it to him on his way out the door.

    A year later, Andron returns and wants Mikey to go with him to Kandalaura. It’s difficult for Mikey’s parents to let him go, but they finally concede, and Mikey finds himself on Kandalaura having all kinds of adventures with Andron—and even meeting Jesus!

    In the end, Mikey finds himself face to face with the creature in a showdown that no one on Kandalaura will ever forget. This book is a must-read, filled with descriptions of Kandalaura, its customs and worship, and the adventures of Mikey and Andron.

    Chapter 1

    Room 337

    Mary and Ben

    Mikey, Mom hollered from the top of the stairs. I need you to get the car keys, open the garage door, and start the car for me. Thanks, Bud.

    What’s up? I hollered back.

    Tell you in the car, she said. Gotta hurry.

    So I did what she said, and we took off.

    I let Mom catch her breath. Then I asked again, So what’s going on?

    It’s Ben, she said. Ben’s mom Maria just called. They took Ben to the hospital the night before last. He’s dying, Mikey, and he’s asking for you and Andron.

    Dying? I gasped. How can that be? I just saw him two days ago. He was fine.

    Mikey, he has a fast-acting form of leukemia. Doctors say he doesn’t have much time.

    I put my head down and my hands over my ears in disbelief. This couldn’t be happening. The Castillos had moved into our neighborhood when we were just toddlers. We’d been friends ever since.

    He’s too young, I blurted out. This can’t happen. God’s gotta heal him.

    We’ll pray to that end, said Mom, as we pulled into the parking lot. In the meantime, try to pull yourself together. They need us to be strong.

    Mom, really! How can I be strong when I just found out my best friend’s dying?

    I didn’t feel strong at all. I think I was more upset than I’ve ever been in my whole life. I was all choked up and fighting tears as we walked down the hall to the elevator.

    Push number three,’ said Mom.

    It’s not fair, I said.

    I wish life was fair, she said, but it isn’t.

    This was far worse than facing that hideous dragon on Kandalaura. I’d rather face a thousand dragons than face this, I said.

    You are facing a dragon, she said. And he’s the one that causes all diseases known to mankind.

    I began thinking about that and comparing the two situations. It dawned on me: I’m facing the same enemy again, only this time he’s trying to take the life of my friend. That made me mad. But it also fueled me up for a fight.

    I was praying all the way down the hall. Jesus, help me. I haven’t the slightest idea of what I’m going to do or how to act. I don’t know what to say. I need You and Your angels right beside me. You said You’d always be that close. Holy Spirit, I need You to guide me. I’ve never done anything like this before. Fighting that dragon on Kandalaura was nothing compared to this.

    Room 337. This is it, said Mom.

    I’m not anywhere near ready, I said. Mom, can you pray first?

    Sure, she said. There’s no way you could’ve been prepared for this. She put her arms around me and began to pray. She prayed for God’s peace to come over us, and we released the glory of God into that hospital room.

    Then we knocked, and the door opened. I was not prepared for what we saw.

    Ben’s dad, Benito, was holding Ben’s mom, who was crying hysterically. Mary was up on her hands and knees on Ben’s bed, shaking him and hollering, Ben, don’t leave me. You can’t leave me!

    Everything was out of control. Ben had lost consciousness, and they were afraid he was going to flatline any minute.

    There’s no code blue, said his dad. The doctors say there’s nothing they can do. I’m afraid he’s slipping away.

    There’s no way I was anywhere near ready for this. Tears gushed from my eyes. I looked to mom for direction. She went over to Ben’s parents and said, We’re here now, and we’re going to pray. She was very calm.

    That helped me. I took a deep breath. I decided that since I was facing the same enemy, I would try what had worked before. I began quoting healing scriptures in my head. I decided that I would pray scriptures and go from there. The rest was up to God.

    As Mom began praying, I walked over to Ben’s bed. Ben’s eyes were closed and very dark underneath. It didn’t look good. Gently, I asked Mary if she could move over a little. She calmed down and moved, allowing me to get close to Ben. I began speaking softly and whispering close to his ear.

    Ben, I said, It’s not your time. You’ve gotta come back. There’s so much to do. We need you here. I kept on talking to him like that, and soon he muttered one word. He said, Jesus.

    Mary, I said, I think he’s in heaven, talking to Jesus right now.

    Then that means he’s dead, said Mary, and tears fell down her face once again.

    Maybe not, I said. Let’s ask Jesus to heal him and send him back. We began praying together. Jesus, Mary and I need Ben to help us do the things You’ve asked us to do. We’re asking You to heal him and send him back to us. Please tell him he must come back, that he’s not through here yet. We’re believing You for a miracle.

    I began quoting scripture. By His stripes you are healed, I whispered in Ben’s ear.

    Mom was praying the same thing with Ben’s parents. They turned and listened as we continued to pray.

    Come on, Ben. You’re not done yet, I said again. I pulled his shoulders up a little and said it again. Then I started singing, Amazing grace/How sweet the sound. Mom started singing too. We sang all three verses. I believe he’s going to come around, I said to Mary. It’s just that heaven is so wonderful, he probably doesn’t wanna leave.

    That’s what they say, said Mary. I just hope that’s it, Mikey. I can’t lose him. He’s my twin. I’m closer to him than anyone else on this whole earth. If I lose Ben, it’ll be like half of me is gone. You have no idea what it feels like.

    I had never lost anyone close to me yet, so I just nodded and said, God knows. He cares about how you feel. Picture Ben in Jesus’ arms right now. Believe that Jesus knows what is best. I believe He’s going to heal him.

    Mary perked up. I’m gonna believe for that too, she said, and she wiped the tears from her eyes.

    Ben muttered, Jesus, once again and gave out a little moan.

    He’s still talking to Jesus, I said to his parents. He probably wants to stay, but Jesus might send him back.

    I don’t think they believed me, but great hope rose up inside of me, and an overwhelming sense of peace. I felt relieved because I knew that we were not alone. Once again I felt as close to Jesus as I did that day on the field in Kandalaura. I was sure that there were angels in the room, even if I couldn’t see them. We would wait and believe.

    Everyone was calm now. Ben’s mom came and sat down in a chair beside Ben and took his hand. Come back, Ben, she said. Then she looked at mom and said, If God is real, and He heard our prayers and sends him back, I’ll serve Him the rest of my life.

    Wow! That surprised me. They had never believed in God before. They let

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