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Between the Treatments
Between the Treatments
Between the Treatments
Ebook111 pages1 hour

Between the Treatments

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Have you or someone you love dearly been diagnosed with cancer? Did the chemotherapy or radiation treatments fail? Were you or your loved one offered hospice or end of life care? If you answered yes to one or all of the above questions, this is the book for you!

Between the Tr

Release dateSep 4, 2020
Between the Treatments

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    Book preview

    Between the Treatments - Kenneth Wade Antoine


    Between the


    Our Journey Through Cancer Treatment

    Kenneth, Ethel & Seth Antoine

    Copyright © 2020 Kenneth, Ethel, and Seth Antoine

    All rights reserved.

    Unless otherwise noted, all scriptural citations are taken

    from the Authorized (King James, and Amplified) Version of the Bible.

    All medical information was derived from Encarta.

    KESZA Publishing LLC

    P.O. Box 1295

    Marrero, La. 70073

    ISBN: 978-0-9963430-6-0


    What do you do when life throws an unexpected curve ball? What do you do when the curveball that life has just thrown you seems unhittable? How do you handle it when you’re faced with problems that seem unsolvable? How do you handle life when you’re faced with issues not caused by you? Well, just such a problem and issue happened to us. In this book, we will tell you about the year 2013 when our life was turned upside down. We will take you on the journey of the day-to-day life of our family as we dealt with our son being diagnosed with cancer. It is our desire that as you read this book you will find answers to some of these questions. It is our hopes and desires that the words on the pages of this book will leap into your heart and help you to navigate through life issues. It is the story of our precious son Zachary Isaac Antoine and the lives of three of us as we had to make quick decisions, make unwanted changes, and handle everything that was thrown at us unexpectedly. We believe that this book can help not just people dealing with cancer but any sickness and any other problems that life can throw at you. You will be able to apply the principles, the wisdom, and experiences that we share to hopefully apply them to what you are dealing with in your life. Get ready to go on a journey of the family that lived life Between the Treatments.



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    Zachary Isaac Antoine

    October 29, 2012—August 2, 2014

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    You never forget the day your child was diagnosed with Stage 4 Liver Cancer; it was October 30, 2013. Likewise, you never forget the day your child breathes his last breath and passes away; it was August 2, 2014. You never forget them because they are the days that Zackie’s life and ours were changed forever. As parents, when our children are born, it’s only natural for us to believe they’re born to become a part of the family. But, when Zackie was born, we knew early on we were chosen to be a part of his journey.

    Zackie was born on October 29, 2012. He was an amazing little boy with lots of energy and determination. There was something about Zackie that would help you to understand just how special he was. Maybe it was his big brown eyes that would radiate love and kindness. Maybe it was his long softly curled eyelashes that women would always compliment him on. Maybe it was his big cheesy smile that would instantly brighten your day. While Zackie did possess all those features; what made him special was that he didn’t let cancer beat him.

    Zackie was 12 months old when he was diagnosed and 21 months old when he passed away, but what happened within those ten months between diagnosis and death was nothing short of remarkable. Zackie displayed incredible strength and a never quit determination like you wouldn’t believe was possible in a child his age. While receiving at times the most intense chemotherapy treatment, he never stopped smiling and he never stopped fighting. There were days when he physically could not stand up, but that didn’t stop Zackie. He would spend hours holding on to furniture moving from one place to the next—this was how he moved around.

    Zackie was truly an inspiration to all who witnessed him with grace, dignity and a never quit attitude—enduring the most difficult time of his life. He lived his life full of love, laughter and happiness. His story and legacy are the message of inspiration and determination. Be inspired to live! Be determined to make it!

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    Chapter Two

    The Enemy Called Hepatoblastoma

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    I will never forget that day. It was October 30, 2013. We had just celebrated Zackie’s one year birthday the day before. We were excited to see him growing up so nicely. We had plans for him. It was our intention to get him ready to go to school with his older brother Seth. We laid our plans out nicely. First, we had to get him potty-trained, second, make sure he was able to walk securely on his own, and then off to school with his brother whom he watched exit the car every morning, and couldn’t wait to see him later that day. We took him to his one-year annual checkup on that day that would change our lives forever.

    Just like every school morning, the house was busy getting Seth ready for school, but this morning we had to make sure Zackie was presentable for his doctor’s appointment. We dropped Seth off and headed for Zackie’s appointment. We were going to enjoy the day with him. We had plans of going to lunch and maybe strolling through the shopping center or just walking in the park. We pulled up to the doctor’s office and did our usual routine. We waited in the lobby for his name to be called. There we were, just the three of us, talking and playing with our growing baby. They called his name and we went to the room after having him checked in and weighed. My wife began to take pictures like she normally did. I held him and bounced him on my knee. He was happy as usual to be with both of us. Then the doctor entered the room. She asked us the normal questions, how are we doing? How is the baby? Are there any concerns? What brings us in today? We told her that we noticed Zachary’s stomach was a little harder than usual. She asked us how long it has been that way. We then reminded her that we were just in her office two weeks ago and it wasn’t like this. She laid him down and began her examination.

    We then noticed that her expression began to change. She had this deep concern and worry that clouded her face. She turned to us and said to us to go directly to the children’s hospital! As she was examining him, she noticed that there was a mass on his stomach that concerned her. Before we left for the hospital

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