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I Can Do This and So Much More!
I Can Do This and So Much More!
I Can Do This and So Much More!
Ebook80 pages15 minutes

I Can Do This and So Much More!

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About this ebook

I Can Do This and So Much More is an interactive children's book filled with inspiration and messages of positivity to help foster and develop a positive and growth mindset in children.

Release dateSep 7, 2020
I Can Do This and So Much More!

Katherine A Reuter

Katherine Reuter is a wife to Nick and a mom to Landon, Kiersten, and Keegan. Prior to having children, Katherine taught first and second grade for ten years. She holds a bachelor's degree in elementary education and a masters degree in special education. For the last six years, Katherine has built a multiple six-figure business where she has mentored thousands of people with their health, fitness, and mindset goals. She is passionate about teaching children the importance of developing a positive growth mindset, so they are set up to live their best life possible! As a former educator, she knows how so much of the focus in the educational system is on hard skills and "teaching to the tests", but what our children need more than anything are the soft skills to be a good person, and on life skills like building resiliency, emotional intelligence, understanding that sometimes things in life are difficult and require determination, and building a growth mindset. These skills help children grow up to be well-adjusted adults that can adapt to new situations and understand how to approach challenges in a way that is positive. Katherine grew up in Massachusetts but currently resides in Gulf Coast Florida with her family and rescue lab, Kali. She ran the Boston Marathon in 2009. For more information about the book and to download extra copies of the activity sheets, visit: HTTP://ICANDOTHISBOOK.COM/

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    Book preview

    I Can Do This and So Much More! - Katherine A Reuter

    Maybe you want to be really great at sports, or you want to be in a ballet. Whatever it is your heart desires, just go for it. If you want to be really great at something, you’ll have to work at it and practice. The more you practice, the better you’ll become. Don’t be afraid to work for something you really want. You may get discouraged, and you might think it’s hard, but it’s only hard because it’s something new. The beginning is never easy , but it becomes easier if you practice. You’ll get there as long as you don’t stop or

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