By Marty Rider
About this ebook
A PHANTASMAGORICAL ENCOUNTER - Seven Lives of the SCENTRY is a fictitious tale inspired by a vivid dream first described by Marty Rider in his bittersweet memoir, The Searcher. Come take a leap, stretch and hop across space with the Searcher, on an odyssey of an unconventional kind.
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Book preview
And we begin …
had a dream. He saw a colossal ship in the skies moving at great velocity towards him. He ran fast, but it was soon upon him—he was being chased by alien beings.
One left the ship and advanced towards him in a peculiar motion that he had never seen before. He knew he could not escape, so he turned and readied himself to fight for his life. The alien being, who appeared somewhat humanoid, remained nonchalant, unperturbed, peaceful almost.
Searcher fought, doing all the things Master-Pete had taught him in martial arts, but the being was too elusive, grinning all the while. Suddenly, two more extra-terrestrials joined in, forming a triangular pattern between the three. Searcher fought even harder. The beings defended evasively and without any real effort.
Finally, as Searcher’s efforts mounted, two more beings entered the scene. There were now five alien beings from the colossal, seamless, silvery ship circling above. Searcher was in for the fight of his life. He kicked and punched and yelled and spun, but all his efforts were in vain.
The beings were too fluid, moving like water, just as Bruce¹ had advised all students of martial arts to move. As Panicked-Searcher continued fighting, the first being spoke to him through his mind and said, ‘Try as you may, Sounje, you cannot escape. We honour your courage, but we have not come to harm you. Please relax. We have come for you. We will take you away and instruct you. Please do not fight us.’
Whilst the beings appeared to admire Searcher’s valour, they remained determined, nonetheless. Ultimately, after giving his all, Searcher realised he could not win; it was a futile affair. When he finally relented, exhausted and resigned to his fate, something peculiar occurred.
Gravity appeared to completely reverse, and Searcher floated upwards. Steadily he glided, flanked by two alien beings, towards the silvery ship now hovering closer to the ground. He entered through what seemed like a portal and, with a whoosh, was gone!
They advanced through and beyond the solar system effortlessly. Not by propulsion; nor by pushing molecules apart and creating friction. Utilising natural technologies unknown on Earth, they leapt across the galaxy in no-time. On Earth, the idea of interstellar travel was ‘traversing through space’ in a linear fashion, from zone to zone. Earth’s attempts at space voyages were seen at best as elementary, infantile and crude—at least compared to the more sophisticated, highly developed systems of travel that the Searcher was about to witness.
It was a fluid, noiseless journey he found himself on. He felt no motion sickness, as he usually did on Earth, even though there was obvious travel occurring, and wondered why he didn’t feel dizzy as the ship ascended. He deduced it was because there was no sense of motion, either of acceleration or deacceleration. It seemed like space was drawing the ship gently towards it, rather than the ship ploughing through space—it was as though they were in a vacuum.
There was a holographic screen in front, just above the pilots’ heads. The screen appeared to have space-time coordinates and interstellar trajectories. It seemed to Searcher that the pilots were somehow integrated with the ship, as if of one mind. He later learned that he was spot-on. Searcher was informed they had merged their consciousness with that of the ship, called Cron. Time here was of the essence, he was told, for it was a combination of a bending of ‘time and space’ collectively.
The craft itself was simple, of curved design and without angles or seams. It appeared strong but lightweight and was made of a silvery-whitish material that felt altogether foreign to Searcher. Somewhat like carbon fibre, the substance appeared as a soft, metallic material.
Searcher was told it was impossible for a human to penetrate the substance and was invited to see for himself. He carefully touched it and was surprised to find that, despite looking soft, it was unyielding.
At times, Searcher experienced a strange sensation as though he was phasing out. He was reassured that there was nothing to worry about; that they were folding space through wormholes in order to accelerate the rate of travel in giant leaps through the continuum.
The crew understood that humans had postulated the existence of wormholes mathematically; however, they advised him that this was not an accurate term. They preferred the term loop, junction or fold. Fold was indeed the most accurate term, because that was how extensive travel was enacted.
Searcher looked at them dumbly, so they tried to explain by employing a human concept. They asked Searcher to visualise a sheet of paper with an ‘A’ marked at one end and a ‘B’ marked at the other. Rather than travelling from coordinate A to B in a linear fashion, which would take time, the sheet was folded across, as in halved, so that coordinate A touched coordinate B. Hence, a folding of space was employed.
This was achieved by simply using the curved forces (more accurately termed spiral forces) of space created by massive gravitational constants. In fact, linear space travel was considered entirely impossible, one conceived only by third-dimensional humans.
The sensation Searcher experienced as they entered and thrust through these space folds was one of weightlessness, dreamy and still; as if in the eye of a storm. It was like his brainwaves had slowed to such a degree that he was almost unconscious—and yet superconscious, alert and aware. G-forces were totally absent! His perceptions were altered, similar to the effect of a psychotropic drug, he imagined, which alters both the mind and the emotions.
The space beings seemed well aware of Searcher’s rudimentary knowledge of the anatomy of human energy due to his interest in mind–body medicine. By way of analogy, they advised him that the craft, which was created by the mind as much as from materials, functioned very similarly to humans, who are surrounded and absorbed by a bio-field.
At the base of the spine lies the raw energy called kundalini. This is symbolically depicted as a snake or serpent. Once activated, the kundalini power ascends through the etheric spine, activating the chakras. The chakras are energy oscillators that exist closely to nerve plexuses and endocrine glands, which both transmit and receive energy, distributed throughout the bio-field and, hence, throughout the body organism.
Similarly, the craft at its core had magnetic polar coils surrounded by liquid mercury. This was seen as the kundalini of the ship. When the magnetic fields were created by reversed polarity, the mercury activated light fields both ascending and descending in counter-rotating forces through unifying vortices similar to chakric generators.
Once the light fields had ascended to the highest point, as if to the crown chakra, the entire frequency configuration encompassing the craft became phase-locked, creating a space-time oscillation of atomic-nucleic conductance. The ship folded in on itself, on an expanded, signature tonal registration, for it was no longer bound by stable atomic equipoise.
Just as Earth and humans both possess telluric energy field oscillations, or fountain-like energy currents, the ship’s energy field created spiralled counter-rotating double tetrahedral forces.
Put simply, the craft’s physical shape was secondary to its energy field, which was activated by both a downward clockwise spiral thrust against an upward anti-clockwise spiral thrust, creating an ultra-powerful electromagnetic field. The charged particles caused a morphic-plasmic field, which folded space-time into gravitational singularity. The spectral colours of the now activated craft would vacillate and flux, just as the human aura does to a trained eye.
Curiously to an onlooker, the ship would rapidly appear and disappear out of reality, because the light-field fluctuations permeated matter and anti-matter alike. Hence, whilst within an atmospheric climate, the craft was frequency modulated with dimensional, angular velocities by the pilot’s consciousness and intentions.
Beyond the stratosphere, however, the craft trekked through space by homing in on various solar bodies and worm-folds, utilising their immense gravitational influence. This was a more stable and undeviating modus operandi.
The stars dazzled and thrilled Searcher as he watched in awe through the ship’s portals. They were so magnificent and expanded, he at times thought he had died on Earth and was in another realm altogether. The colours were vibrant and exquisite and even distant galaxies could be seen with the naked eye because of the absence of the visible Earth-created light interference he was used to.
However, whilst travelling at superluminal speeds—that is, beyond the speed of light—Searcher’s optical functioning was completely distorted and could almost be described as inactive or dreamy, as were his normal perceptions of reality. He wondered what Einstein would have deduced, had he been privy to such velocities. ‘Surely Albert would make sense of all this,’ he thought.
He knew he had not spoken aloud but one of the space beings responded, ‘Your wonderful Einstein did indeed propose certain astonishing concepts regarding how space and time are irrevocably entangled. His theory of relativity expressed the equivalence of mass and energy, that is: E=mc², or put simply, energy equals mass times velocity squared. Here, velocity or c
represents the speed of light, which is almost 300,000 kilometres (186,000 miles) per second. This simple equation turned out to be the most famous ever formulated on Earth. A calculation that we consider both eloquent and stirring.’
Searcher, troubled by the mind-reading, struggled to pay attention. The space being continued, unperturbed by Searcher’s silence.
‘In your journey with us, you will notice that the departure and destination segments take up the vast majority of the space-time period of our travels. This is because, whilst we are synchronising and orchestrating our coordinates, both of the primary and concluding sectors, we are not travelling at or above the speed of light, but below it. Hence, you may observe various star systems and so forth from our craft with great clarity.
‘However, once we set forth in hyper-space travel, way beyond the speed of light, you will then be unable to see physical images in any comprehendible form. This is because we are leaping through time–space folds at a rate that you cannot imagine. Your visual cortex will become so distorted that at best you will see only streaks of light before you. Your reality will seem dreamy and contorted. What Earthlings have yet to consider is that we are travelling interdimensionally. That is, by frequency modulation in contrast to simple, linear, speed travel.’
The space being looked kindly at a perplexed Searcher and clarified what he was saying.
‘In third-dimensional terms, it’s as if we are phantoms passing right through objects. We are amused that humans believe that, if it were at all possible to travel at the speed of light in a vacuum or even faster—interstellar space is a vacuum, by the way—we might ‘run into’ other celestial bodies like planets, stars or space junk. Travelling by our means, that is impossible, for we traverse by frequency acceleration and not by molecular thrust or propulsion. This mode, of course, also avoids friction and therefore heat. Understand further that there are countless forms of space and hyper-space travel utilised by many races, and we have only described one.’
Searcher still did not fully grasp what he was being told, but he at least intuited the implications. For when he did experience the alleged leaps through space, experientially, he felt various pulsations of expansion and contraction. Sometimes, he felt like he was disappearing down a bathtub and at other times as if he was being turned up by a dimmer light switch to blinding intensities. It was alarming at first but scintillating thereafter.
Searcher had never taken acid trips on Earth but had hallucinated once. This was the only similarity he could draw, based on his experience. It was a mesmerising, almost hypnotic, feeling, intangible and incomprehensible, yet at the same time illuminating and revealing. He wondered if what he was experiencing was what people who took hallucinogens like LCD, ayahuasca, or magic mushrooms experienced, being how ‘trippy’ his trip seemed.
It was a humbling and shocking experience for Searcher. He had lived his whole life knowing only one reality, conditioned to believe that humankind was the only intelligent life in the cosmos, and now in an instant he was learning just how limited Earth knowledge really was.
Despite all the information his captors (which was how he saw them for they had taken him from his Earth home without permission, or so it seemed to him) seemed happy to give him about the craft and how it flew through space, why they had abducted him was still shrouded in mystery.
He turned his attention to studying them.
There were five in number, and they did not seem to sleep or exhibit signs of fatigue, unlike Searcher who, without the Earthly sun cycle of night and day, felt confused regarding the time. His body would become tired due to his pre-conditioned biorhythmic sleep patterns on Earth, yet the usual fatigue he was accustomed to was absent. He could rest in silence and relaxation for what felt like a short time, such as a catnap, but then would wake up feeling clear and energised as if he’d had the perfect eight-hour beauty sleep.
He wondered if the space beings were also taking catnaps; if so, they were so fleeting as to be imperceptible to Searcher.
The space beings seemed entirely focussed on the task at hand, as if in an alert state somewhere between intensity and relaxation.
Their bodies were strange in so many ways. Whilst they did look familiar and humanoid—bipedal, two arms and legs and a head on a torso with two eyes and ears and a slight nose—there were obvious and not so obvious differences. Their skin seemed opaque, smooth and softer than humans.
One of the space beings, noticing his scrutiny, gave him further information. Searcher was told that their skin was actually a seamless suit that allowed them to experience varying environmental temperaments and atmospheric gases that would normally be harmful to their bodies. Nonetheless, their skin, he was told, looked almost the same as the suits.
Embedded into their suits were language convertors, which enabled them to communicate with beings such as Earthlings, or in any language required. They simply utilised their non-verbal telepathic thought-coherence, which was instantly converted to the language that the species understood, and perfectly well.
Also embedded within their skin suits were intrinsic protective devices. Such apparatuses were worn to protect them from the potential negativity of other races. Designed from decelerated plasmic light, the device would for all intents and purposes shield them from negative or fearful energy. These highly sensitive beings were of a predominantly positive vibration and were simply not used to fearful thought waves, which would greatly harm them if they were not protected.
Searcher assumed some of his own thoughts had probably been deflected by this protective device.
Earth felt like a long way away now for Searcher and, in fact, the entire Milky Way galaxy seemed like a faint dream, such was the distance these beings had covered. From time to time, a feeling of panic would threaten to overwhelm him when he realised just how far away he was from home, at which point one of the space beings would simply place her right hand on Searcher’s heart and stare intently into his eyes in a hypnotic manner until the sense of panic passed. They may have neglected to advise him of any specifics of this trip and were annoyingly dispassionate, but they at least seemed sensitive to his confusion and panic, which was just as well because he was about to encounter even more mystery.
This particular space being—the one who sought to calm him—told him her name was Eylseea. She gently instructed him to breathe and relax—which is exactly how any professional on Earth would attempt to calm an anxious patient—and proceeded to assure him that his sojourn from Earth would be of great value and that he would most certainly return.
Searcher had not noticed at first but was now keenly aware how a kind of music was playing. Oddly, it was not coming from any contraption within the craft; rather, the craft itself seemed to be playing soft and gentle music. Eylseea perceived Searcher’s inquisitiveness and began to explain the nature and origin of the music.
She said that they would soon be arriving at their destination. The craft had started receiving celestial sound signals from their mother planet ever since it had ‘slowed down’ upon entering their sector. The music was not actually music per se, but sound frequencies designed to prepare their heart bio-rhythms to again fall into synchronisation with their own stars. The idea of utilising music for medical or scientific benefit intrigued Searcher immensely.
Eylseea remarked, ‘Your ancient ones once believed celestial bodies made music. They called it, The Music of the Spheres or, if you will, Musica Universalis.’
The team’s home planet was one of 220 planets within their system, Eylseea told him, 73 of which had intelligent, sentient life. However, elementary life existed on all of their planets. Theirs was a ternary sun system, which included multi, complex planetary orbital patterns depending on size, density and orbital range. The system had finally come into view and Searcher was astonished to see how radiant and magnificent it was.
The golden ambient light with streams of violet, jade, azure, crimson and myriad shades created great blazing rays across the entire system and beyond. Searcher had seen the Milky Way’s galactical band of concentrated stars back on Earth on clear nights from high vantage points; however, these colossal colour bands were rich beyond anything he had ever seen.
Certainly, the craft had slowed down and its occupants seemed more animated and excited now that they had returned. Searcher enquired as to how long they had been gone for, but they were unable to precisely answer him, for they did not measure time in any way he could understand, if indeed, at all.
The space beings told him that they were docking at headquarters—on the mother planet OReA due to protocol; however, it was not the actual planet where they each resided when not on mission. They assured him his questions would be answered in no-time and that he need not worry about his absence from Earth, for he would be redeposited in no-time.
As they descended into the mother planet’s atmosphere, Searcher was surprised to see that the visible light was entirely unusual to his eyes. The three suns of equal density and illumination appeared to cascade their multi-focal kaleidoscopic light on the entire planetary systems, creating a colossal fusion of hues beyond his current comprehension.
The generic light appeared softer, and more golden in nature, unlike the intense light he was accustomed to on Earth, where he was often easily sunburnt. Eylseea, who had appeared to be the leader throughout, spoke.
‘This is our home star centre called the SCENTRY. Notwithstanding our use of language convertors for your benefit, we do not commonly use verbal language or voice syntax as you do for communicating, but we have approximated her name for your benefit based on her vibrational signature. You can call her what you will.’
Searcher somehow managed to find his voice and interrupted to say, ‘Who are you?’
Eylseea smiled at Searcher. She seemed pleased that he had asked a question and proceeded to answer him at length. Searcher was learning that these space beings liked to talk.
‘Our species are many,’ she said. ‘However, this craft’s occupants share a common heritage, so you may address us as the Alosceen, from the planet AloS. This is the ninth planet from our innermost, though being a ternary sun system, our planets do not follow orbital patterns anything like your own solar system. To be more concise, there is no actual centre in relative terms, but we shall use the term occasionally to define our centralised power structures.
‘Our three suns are equivalent in mass and size and travel in a figure of eight pattern—that is, in an infinity configuration. However, what makes the SCENTRIAN system so uncommon is that our three suns do not travel upon an ecliptic flat plane, as do Earth’s solar system and most others, but in a three-dimensional figure-of-eight pattern.
‘Thus, there is no linear ecliptic section but three interlocking infinity solar orbit shells at an angular differential of 120⁰. Numerologically speaking, by breaking down the 120⁰ digits thusly: 1 + 2 + 0 = 3: × 3 for each sun equals 9
, which is the number for completion, resolution and responsibility. This, in fact, is a succinct summation of our beloved system, the SCENTRY.
‘The tri-solar suns are locked into an extremely stable equipoise; based on comparable mass, velocity, and gravitational thrust. Whilst each planet is influenced by all three stars to varying degrees, it is nonetheless predominately impelled by its own parent sun. As incomprehensible as it seems, our ternary system is the closest example in existence of what man calls perpetual motion; as each star unendingly pushes and pulls upon its counterpart.
‘Total solar eclipses in our SCENTRY, where all three suns line up, are exceptionally rare and have only occurred on several occasions during the entire existence of your galaxy, which is considerably older than your scientists’ guesstimated calculations.
‘AloS is quite large in comparison to most of our planets and you will be pleased to find it has oceans on its surface. Do not expect that is a normal criterion for planetary life. You will journey there soon following your debriefing with the Council of Seven.’
Searcher wanted to ask what the Council of Seven was, but there was another more pressing question he had to get out before his courage failed him: ‘Why have you taken me against my will?’
Eylseea for the first time looked sad, although Searcher was relieved to see that she did not look angry. After a short pause, she said, ‘Our function, or what you would term career description
, is to scout for possible representatives from countless planetary systems and expose them to alternative life-stream existences.
‘We can do this through dream contact, telepathic connection or, as in your case, total relocation of the body–mind construct via our advanced space–light travel technologies. There are, of course, numerous other forms of contact at our disposal, which are adopted depending on each representative’s capacity, personal paradigm and creative potentialities.
‘It is true that, consciously, you greatly resisted your journey with us to our home system. However, subconsciously and even unconsciously, you have previously, during astral travelling ventures, given total consent, without which we would never have abducted you. Other races from other systems have indeed enacted this crime against your human race.
‘We, the Alosceen, would never consider taking away anyone’s own autonomy and, furthermore, consider this as the greatest violation against the Creator of All Creations.
‘Prepare yourself! We do not share your Earth people’s philosophies, ideologies, religiosities or destructive scientific bent. We are a peaceful people who only work for the good of all, with some exceptions, as you will soon discover.
‘We have not always been this way, but the slowly turning wheels of evolution eventually bring all races to their knees, humbly begging for a better way to exist. When one becomes sick to the core of war and violence—war and violence that we have partaken of on such a grand scale you could not possibly imagine—then, and only then, is one ready to embrace a higher level of existence.’
Emboldened by the fact that Eylseea had not struck him down, Searcher asked another question. ‘What do you want of me?’
Eylseea smiled. This question was more pleasing to her. ‘You are here to learn from us of another way—to learn to live in harmony with the forces of nature and creation. We shall not force you to learn. You will be influenced only to the degree that you accept and see a benefit. To force another towards growth is not a productive strategy for it always results in a compromise. To influence another by inspiration alone, we have found, is the most effective strategy for producing the greatest reward for both