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Was the JFK assassination the result of a random crime or a politically motivated conspiracy? Perhaps it was a legitimate covert intelligence operation of the US government. Could it be that JFK wasn't murdered and his death was staged to appear to be a homicide? The author outlines a moral motive for the assassination and an explanatio

PublisherGo To Publish
Release dateMar 3, 2021


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    Probable Cause Re-Thinking The JFK Plot

    Copyright © 2020 by Robin Haines

    ISBN: 978-1-64749-387-5

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher or author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Although every precaution has been taken to verify the accuracy of the information contained herein, the author and publisher assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions.No liability is assumed for damages that may result from the use of information contained within.

    Printed in the United States of America

    GoToPublish LLC




    Why They Thought the JFK Assassination Was Necessary

    How They Might Have Done It, Basically

    The Bishop controversy, Hunt’s Libel Lawsuits, and Evidence of JFK’s Own Involvement

    More Evidence to Support My Case

    My Efforts to Expose This

    My Phone Conversation with Buell Wesley Frazier

    Roscow White, the Badge Man, and the I Was Mandarin Article


    About the Author


    Was the JFK assassination the result of a random crime or a politically motivated conspiracy?

    Perhaps it was a legitimate covert intelligence operation of the US government. Could it be that JFK wasn’t murdered and his death was staged to appear to be a homicide?

    The author outlines a moral motive for the assassination and an explanation in the way the assassination was staged. The focus of this alternative theory revolves primarily around three men, whom she claims are the most important figures involved in planning and executing the death of JFK. There apparently were many other people linked to this, but she discusses these three people—the main man who ran the operation and the other two who basically planned it. Before their deaths, they both confessed to their involvement and that they planned the assassination. At the time when this theory was first written during the early 1980s, most of these people were still living; however, by now they are deceased.

    The author claims the president voluntarily cooperated with his senior intelligence officers in a massive deception, which was carried out as a means of civil defense.

    The possibility does exist that JFK had to die in order to save America. The Deception in Dallas may have been the only alternative to nuclear war.

    In this book, the author challenges both the Warren Commission findings as well as some ideas which have been presented by the criminal conspiracy theorists.

    Chapter One

    Why They Thought the JFK Assassination Was Necessary

    This book is intended to send a powerful message to the American people, providing an alternative theory about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

    On November 29, 1963, just one week after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, President Lyndon Johnson appointed a seven-member panel called the Warren Commission to investigate the Kennedy assassination. It was headed by Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Earl Warren. In September of 1964, this panel released its findings.

    They concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. They claimed he fired three shots from a sixth-floor window of a book depository (source: Wikipedia, public domain).

    In 1991, Oliver Stone’s film, JFK: The Story That Won’t Go Away, lead to an act of Congress, which was passed in 1992, called the President John F. Kennedy Records Collection Act. By now, it has resulted in the declassification of many of the files and documents of this era.

    As of this writing, the controversy still lies between the Warren Report and the various conspiracy theories. Books have been written defending the Warren Report such as Reclaiming History by Vincent Bugliosi and Case Closed by Gerald Posner. While there are numerous conspiracy theories, the most commonly believed are those presented in the Oliver Stone movie and the book Blood, Money, & Power by Barr McClellan.

    President Clinton appointed a five-member panel called the Federal Assassinations Records Review Board to study these files and documents. In 1998, the member of this panel stated that they couldn’t find any evidence to indicate a conspiracy had taken place.

    Most people are still unconvinced. They believe our government is still being dishonest with them about the circumstances that surround this president’s death.

    The majority of the American people believe that there was a politically motivated criminal conspiracy within the United States government to murder JFK in Dallas. Only a small minority believe the Warren Commission Report.

    It can be very frightening to an average person to have something like this happen and have so much information withheld from them by their government.

    It can be even more disturbing to have other evidence surface at a later time, with the more recently disclosed evidence being deliberately slanted, distorted, and misrepresented in such a manner as to give the impression that this was done with corrupt and malicious intent.

    There is an overwhelming amount of evidence which has been brought forth over the decades, making intelligence involvement in this matter apparent to the average person. On the other hand, it is my position that the criminal conspiracy theorists have been distorting, misconstruing, misrepresenting, and politicizing this information pertaining to these tragic events. Without a doubt, this assassination was the main event of a series of events which were orchestrated and manipulated from within the US government.

    I want to prove that the Kennedy assassination was not the result of a criminal conspiracy by the result of a massive intelligence deception that was staged from within the United States government. It is the first time in modern history that a political assassination has ever been successfully carried out as an act of civil defense. I have evidence that can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the whole government is behind this and that it was done for a good reason.

    The purpose of writing this book is to convince people that this assassination was a responsible action based on sound judgment. Just because evidence has surfaced making intelligence involvement apparent to the average person does not mean their intentions were criminal. There were some serious problems with this president’s behavior and conduct, which would have given these intelligence officers of the era what they considered to be a just provocation for an action of this nature.

    They have been calling this a conspiracy. I find that word inappropriate, since a conspiracy is a plot consisting of more than one person to do something evil, treacherous, or sinister. Believe it or not, that is not what we are dealing with here.

    Political assassination is, for the most part, a terrible thing. It is usually carried out with corrupt and malicious intent. It is certainly not something people should resort to as a means of solving problems.

    However, there are circumstances, which may arise, where it can be an effective means of civil defense. This is the only instance in which would ever justify an assassination when it is the only alternative to war. Even then, it should be used as a last resort.

    Dan Rather was the first to link E. Howard Hunt with the assassination of the CBS Radio Broadcast called Thinking the Unthinkable. This was in 1973.

    There was enough evidence,

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