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Shenanigans Bank
Shenanigans Bank
Shenanigans Bank
Ebook71 pages1 hour

Shenanigans Bank

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Developed countries are working their way into poverty due to central banking. This short book describes how Central Banks exchange the real wealth of nations, as created by their populations, for worthless currency which they print from thin air. This process robs countries, their peoples and the future generations. Since the Global Financial Crisis, Central Banks and their compliant national governments have kicked the can down the road culminating in the fiscal scorched earth policy of the Covid scare of 2020.
Release dateDec 25, 2020
Shenanigans Bank

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    Book preview

    Shenanigans Bank - Seamus bin Shylockeen


    This book is dedicated to those who took on the money-power: the researchers who had their lives ridiculed or ruined, to the few politicians who had their family members or themselves assassinated; to the conscientious insiders who revealed the secrets of that criminal enterprise to which they could no longer bear to be associated.

    History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.

    James Madison


    The purpose of this concise precis is to introduce young adults to the main themes behind the money they work for. It is expected to be read by those that already feel something is not right but are looking for confirmation of their suspicions.

    It is by no means a comprehensive study, as that would introduce volumes of literature, too grand a scale for the target reader audience.

    Instead, with the plethora of internet pages dedicated to exposing in greater detail the creation of money out of nothing, this book is hoped to act as a catalyst and spring-board for their own research.

    To assist, a bibliography of the texts that were used in the creation of this summary essay is presented at the rear.

    With the vast international crime against humanity that is the printing of currency of no intrinsic value in exchange for your life’s work, the student, reader, researcher has nothing to lose in these brief 70 pages but their enslavement.


    Each country has a monetary authority which prints their currency. As notes become worn and old, they are burned and replaced by freshly printed notes.

    This beneficial and superficial role hides a more sinister role – the real purpose.

    These nation-based authorities are usually generally referred to as the innocuous term CENTRAL BANKS; also often referred to as Reserve Banks or the Lender of Last Resort.

    Central Banks in reality are an exchange mechanism. All human effort and endeavor whether it is the farmer in the field sweating as he toils his land, to the scientific endeavor of planning a Mars mission have one thing in common: the reward for their labour and time is the currency printed by their country’s Central Bank.  Central Banks exchange all human endeavour for a currency that it prints out of thin air.

    The inherent value of the currency itself is almost zero – it is the cost of the printed paper and the human effort of printing that paper. The difference between a $1 and $100 note is nothing, although the relative purchasing power but more importantly the psychology behind the numbers is great. The psychology matters because the public think of printed currency as having real value. It does not. Its value depends on the whims of the Central Bank as determined by the Bank of International Settlements.

    The relative value of currencies between nations is caused by Imports & Exports.  Japan has no energy and buys gas, coal, oil and uranium. In order to import energy, Japan must buy the currency of the exporter to purchase their goods. This pushes the relative value of the exporter country upward relative to Japan’s currency. However, when a country buys Japans products, the Japanese currency rises in relative value. In order to ensure Japans products are competitive compared to the cars manufactured by Korea and increasingly China, the Central Bank of Japan prints more currency, making it relatively cheaper (a process called Beggar Thy Neighbour). This printing of additional currency makes the work of the Japanese labour force (its sweaters & thinkers) cheaper – it essentially reduces their effort to nothing. All they receive for their long hours is a currency their Central Bank prints from nothing. It makes them slaves working towards nothing. Japan has been steadily printing its currency since 1991. 

    Therefore, the worth and value of humanity is both controlled and consumed by Central Banks as they exchange human effort for worthless paper printed from thin air.

    How did we get here?

    This concise book attempts to explain simply and will act as a record for future young generations so they may understand the exchange mechanism that has reduced them to a controlled and impoverished battery chicken existence.


    Fractional Reserve Loans

    Fractional Reserves is the amount of real money an institution must keep as a fraction of its lending. Usually the fraction is 10%. Therefore, if an institution has $100 it can lend out $1,000. The 10% of the $1,000 is real wealth that exists usually as physical gold, but the other $900 has been printed out of thin air. However, of great importance is the usury associated with the loan. Interest is paid not only on the $100 but on the entire $1,000. Therefore, the interest accrued on the $900 which is the responsibility of the debtor to re-pay is based on nothing, as it never existed in the first place.

    Many believe that when you get a loan from a bank, they take out the cash from a vault held as savings and hand it over to you at interest. That is not

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