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Blue Planet Mission
Blue Planet Mission
Blue Planet Mission
Ebook115 pages1 hour

Blue Planet Mission

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This fiction novel describes the extraterrestrial aid mission to Earth. It is a fantasy book containing 134 pages, showing the vision of our society from an extraterrestrial point of view that came to Earth in a mission to wake up one of his colleagues, Zendor, that has lost all of his memories about his original purpose.

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Release dateMay 20, 2021
Blue Planet Mission

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    Blue Planet Mission - Francisco Villate


    By reading Blue Planet Mission we’ll learn to look beyond appearances, to embrace life in all its manifestations, and we’ll approach our existence from a different perspective, in this transit in which we, all human beings, are immersed now.

    We pass through a threshold of light, and reading this book invites us to wake up, to remember who we are and our purpose in life, and to recognize the presence of other beings who lovingly accompany us, revealing majestic mysteries of the universe within this silent energy which profoundly moves our planet.

    To open our hearts and remember is the central message in this book, which tells a story that could well be going on at this very moment, in any of our cities, with characters we come across every day without even noticing them.

    Maria Clara Gonzalez De Urbina

    October, 2012


    Several months have passed since I left the blue planet and the people I dearly love. My being has grown enormously thanks to my experiences there. I am writing this report today, not for my superiors, but for myself or for someone who may read it one day on Earth. I have learned a lot about the fate of the planet, and I know that few humans know what is ahead and the reason behind it.

    With the story I am telling here, I seek to remember everything that happened to me. Should the laws of Creation allow it, perhaps a sleeping human being will awaken and recall his or her true mission on the planet.

    Who am I? Well, let’s say that I am an inhabitant of the cosmos. I am not like the humans. Few have had the experiences I have gone through. Or, if they have, have forgotten about them. To some, I am an extraterrestrial. This term, however, makes me feel like a stranger. I understand that I am part of everything and of all beings. Today, I feel more human than ever.

    In the beginning, I was there, in the big city. My appearance was that of a poorly clothed youth. I was very lonely despite being surrounded by millions of people who hurriedly drove their cars or walked the streets towards their place of work or study. At all times, I remembered Zitnia, the place where I come from, and the contrast between the two worlds affected me deeply.

    Jendua, you must understand that every world has what it needs, my guide used to tell me before I came down to this planet. You will see great contrasts on Earth, and you must not think that the terrestrials are unfortunate; they are simply in an environment where they still have learning to do. In spite of material difficulties, in some worlds like this one, the heart may begin to awaken to spiritual riches.

    Some terrestrials, surrounded by great luxury, mistakenly feel powerful. Others, lacking the material comforts that few possess, mistakenly feel weak. What affected me most was seeing that, in many of them, the loving light of their inner being did not shine on their chest. Their aura mildly radiated a grayish color, and they had highly conflicting thoughts. Very few understood the true meaning of existence.

    They could not understand the purpose of their passage through Earth nor could they imagine what was to come as a consequence of their irresponsible actions. In case they had some insight, they refused to face it and devoted themselves completely to their daily routines. Many did not even look for their guide in their inner being or feel the presence of Creation in every leaf, every tree, every raindrop, every atom of air they breathed, or in the beings that surrounded them. Amid millions of brothers, they felt isolated, separated, lonely… They had a long way to go before expanding their loving light and becoming one with the Universe.

    This is the way it is meant to be, my guide explained. Learning takes place like this on Earth and similar planets. When you are down there, you might see them as imperfect and unaware of reality and the purpose of their existence. All the same, you should feel their inner being—perfect and pure—radiate love to them, and encourage them to go on. You must look beyond what the third dimension shows you.

    And my guide was right. If I observed in the same way as they did, I would only see injustice, pain, selfishness, anxiety, and loneliness. I would suffer depression and be ashamed of it, since depression is a crime in the place where I come from because it only succeeds in radiating conflicting thoughts that prevent aiding other beings and one’s self.

    And there I was, on that planet, on my new mission.

    Earth is close to a large cosmic change, the mission commander had told me. My guide had said the same to me.

    I knew that the change would come very soon, and that beings like me, coming from various planets, were arriving on Earth to help our cosmic brothers. Change is not easy; not all are prepared to face it. The guides said that the time for harvest was near, the point of convergence of many forces from different dimensions, in the same place in the Universe and at the same moment in evolution. Though several beings who had been sent previously remained asleep. It seems incredible that someone who has been traveling across countless worlds, learning and helping, would forget everything upon arriving on Earth.

    Part of your mission is to wake up Zendor, thus helping to awaken others like him, my guide had made it clear. He was sent many centuries ago and forgot the true purpose of his mission over time. When he awakes, he will help others open their hearts and remember their true identity.

    Water dripped down the walls. A few rats walked on the ground. The tunnel was almost completely dark. However, I was not afraid at all. Mentally, I radiated light to the sewer, imagining a ray beaming from my forehead and filling everything with light. As I did so, it actually happened. There were many sad energies and thoughts there. The children, youths, and adults who lived in the sewers flooded the place with them. By radiating a violet energy around myself, I was able to purify the rarefied air and breathe pure air.

    I walked stealthily and felt the presence of three people just around the tunnel ahead: a woman, a boy, and a baby. I only hoped that my disguise would fulfill its purpose.

    They observed me fearfully from the moment I arrived. Their aura immediately changed color, and I perceived in their thoughts a memory of The Rat, the name given to the assassin who roamed the place. These young people of the sewers normally maintain a brotherhood among them. At these depths, under this big city, they feel protected from the cold and the scorn of its inhabitants. But lately, there had been a madman who wandered the sewers, murdering whoever crossed his path. And these three beings thought that I could be that deranged being.

    To calm them, I concentrated my mind on thoughts of love and used sound to give this energy more power. I whistled a soft sequence of notes that resonated inside the sewer. The walls began to radiate a pink light, and the air filled with a pleasant aroma of flowers. Though the beings were incapable of perceiving this beautiful concert of lights and vibrations, they did feel this energy of peace and love and calmed down. Their aura turned more stable and harmonious.

    I approached and greeted them. I noticed that the baby the lady was cuddling in her arms had a very shiny aura. On his chest, I clearly saw a large radiation and, when I observed his aura, there appeared in my mind images of a beautiful planet full of loving beings near the Pleiades. I understood instantly that he was a very courageous being who had chosen to be born in that hostile environment. Surely, he had a very special mission to accomplish in future years on a renewed Earth.

    Who are you? asked the woman, still a little concerned about my presence.

    My name is Toto, I said. I haven't eaten anything today and I'm hungry. Can you give me something to eat?

    She observed me carefully and decided she liked me, so she asked the young friend who accompanied her to give me something from what they had just collected from the garbage above.

    I immediately regretted my attempt to seem so natural while asking for something to eat. The young man removed a big piece of foul-smelling fish from a dirty plastic bag and offered it to me. I took only a very small portion and radiated lots of light on it until the bad scent disappeared and its molecular structure changed. Never had I eaten anything like this! After just one bite, and without their noticing, I discarded the rest as fast as I could.

    After a brief conversation, I thanked them and went on my way. I felt something of

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