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Urban Development: The Logic Of Making Plans
Urban Development: The Logic Of Making Plans
Urban Development: The Logic Of Making Plans
Ebook511 pages6 hours

Urban Development: The Logic Of Making Plans

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With increased awareness of the role of plans in shaping urban and suburban landscapes has come increased criticism of planners and the planning profession. Developers, politicians, and citizens alike blame "poor planning" for a host of community ills. But what are plans really supposed to do? How do they work? What problems can they successfully address, and what is beyond their scope? In Urban Development, leading planning scholar Lewis Hopkins tackles these thorny issues as he explains the logic of plans for urban development and justifies prescriptions about when and how to make them. He explores the concepts behind plans, some that are widely accepted but seldom examined, and others that modify conventional wisdom about the use and usefulness of plans. The book:

  • places the role of plans and planners within the complex system of urban development
  • offers examples from the history of plans and planning
  • discusses when plans should be made (and when they should not be made)
  • gives a realistic idea of what can be expected from plans
  • examines ways of gauging the success or failure of plans

The author supports his explanations with graphics, case examples, and hypothetical illustrations that enliven, clarify, and make concrete the discussions of how decisions about plans are and should be made.

Urban Development will give all those involved with planning human settlements a more thorough understanding of why and how plans are made, enabling them to make better choices about using and making plans. It is an important contribution that will be essential for students and faculty in planning theory, land use planning, and planning project courses.

PublisherIsland Press
Release dateJun 22, 2012
Urban Development: The Logic Of Making Plans

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    Urban Development - Lewis D. Hopkins



    Urban planning is used loosely to refer to intentional interventions in the urban development process, usually by local government. The term planning thus subsumes a variety of mechanisms that are in fact quite distinct: regulation, collective choice, organizational design, market correction, citizen participation, and public sector action. Plans, more narrowly defined, have logic and functions that are distinct from each of these other mechanisms, but related to each of them. The objective of this book is to set out the logic of how plans work and how they relate to other types of intentional actions in urban development. Clarity about how plans work leads to more reasonable expectations of what plans can accomplish and more careful choices about when to make plans, about what, for whom, and how.

    I have been trying for a long time to figure out how plans for urban development work and how to make them. My parents encouraged this interest so that I am one of those unusual persons who was interested in planning by junior high school and even had some clue what it was. I grew up in Lakewood, Ohio, in a neighborhood built about 1905 in the style of Riverside, Illinois, with a public access footpath through our block and recreation areas owned in common by a homeowners’ association. Within a few short years I saw the end of streetcars, the shift from taking the bus to downtown Cleveland to shop and see baseball games or to downtown Lakewood for music lessons, to taking a car in the opposite direction to suburban shopping malls and outlying services. I wrote junior high civics papers, about the Erieview redevelopment proposal and a letter in opposition to the new highway that cut our neighborhood in half.

    These ideas were further shaped by the full breadth of the University of Pennsylvania of the late 1960s, where I was enrolled at various stages in architecture, landscape architecture, and planning programs. As dissertation adviser and through twenty-five years of continuing discussion, Brit Harris has developed and defended the argument that despite complexity, indeed because of it, plans are worth making. Bruce MacDougall, Ian McHarg, Russell Ackoff, Klaus Krippendorf, Seymour Mandelbaum, Tom Reiner, Ann Strong, and other faculty and students at the University of Pennsylvania influenced my thinking.

    One of my criteria for assessing potential faculty colleagues has been: Could we reach a productive disagreement and a focused idea of how to investigate it? Over my twenty-eight years at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, this criterion yielded substantial collaborations on ideas related to this book with Downey Brill, Peter Schaeffer, Doug Johnston, Alex Anas, Kieran Donaghy, Gerrit Knaap, and Varkki George. The University of Illinois Research Board provided small grants over the years at key points that enabled these collaborations before they could attract outside funds. Ten years of work with Gerrit Knaap on the question, Does planning matter? have been particularly pertinent to my arguments here. I have discussed plans with colleagues Len Heumann, Andy Isserman, John Kim, Ken Reardon, and Louis Wetmore in working on curriculum and co-teaching courses. Al Guttenberg engaged in many discussions and read an early version of the entire manuscript, and Clyde Forrest and Daniel Schneider kept me from at least some errors in their specialties. Dick Klosterman, Jon Liebman, Zorica Nedovic-Budic, Rob Olshansky, Eliza Steelwater, and Bruce Williams helped create the intellectual environment of a department in which I could thrive. Bob Riley brought me to Illinois originally in landscape architecture and helped me learn how to take advantage of the full scope of this university.

    Students in my classes and former students have read evolving versions and engaged these ideas critically. Shih-Kung Lai has commented extensively on successive versions and tried them in his courses at National Chung Hsing University in Taiwan. Alexandra Ortiz helped in working out many numerical examples of planning situations involving uncertainty. Several student teams worked with Illinois towns on planning-assistance projects, which also served as tests of some of these ideas. I thank the City of Taylorville for letting me use graphics from a recent such project by Matthew Gebhardt, Allison Laff, and Sathya Ponnuswamy. Paul Hanley provided useful information and feedback on wastewater treatment examples. I also benefited from being an outside reader of Emily Talen’s dissertation on the effectiveness of plans.

    Ernest Alexander read thoroughly and thoughtfully an earlier version and provided specific suggestions for focusing, abandoning, or improving particular arguments. Island Press editor Heather Boyer pinpointed opportunities to frame the arguments and make them more accessible to a broader readership.

    Local examples from Champaign and Urbana result from conversations with Lachlan Blair, April Getchius, Bruce Knight, Dennis Schmidt, Libby Tyler, and Steven Wegman. Phoenix examples result from many presentations by and discussions with Joy Mee and John McNamara; Cassandra Ecker provided the issues and forces sketch from a Phoenix community meeting. The Lexington examples derive from the excellent resources of the library at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dijon Duncan created the final graphics so that despite diverse sources they all communicate specific ideas effectively when fitted to a page in a book.

    I wrote some of this book while teaching geographic information systems in the Central Department of Geography at Tribhuvan University as a Fulbright Senior Scholar, which explains the examples from Nepal. I thank Professor Mangal Siddhi Manandhar for the invitation that made it possible, and Professor Sudarshan Tiwari for inviting me to work with the new planning program. Don Miller and Tim Nyerges arranged a visiting scholar stopover at the University of Washington where I wrote and went through demountainization from 28,000-foot to 14,000-foot peaks before returning to central Illinois.

    After a major canoeing mishap early in our relationship, my wife Susan and I spent many weekends with the Buck Ridge Ski Club learning whitewater canoeing from excellent teachers, which explains my use and elaboration for twenty-five years of the whitewater canoeing metaphor in chapter 2. Susan’s thoughtful willingness to consider living in Philadelphia, Urbana, Sheffield (England), and Kathmandu and her creativity in making a life in each place for herself and us has enabled me to pursue this work. She also made sure that our sons survived my preoccupation with plans, though Joshua’s current work as rocket engineer and Nathaniel’s in counseling psychology have more to do with the ideas presented here than might first seem evident. Examples and ideas from many discussions with my family, including my siblings and their spouses, about group processes, decision making, environmental policy, law, and Lexington, Kentucky, can be found woven into the text.

    In thanking others for their contributions, I am not claiming that any of these people agree with what I say here. Indeed, they are noted in part because they disagreed productively as these ideas were emerging. I am confident that each will continue to disagree with some of it. This only means that there is more to be done to figure out how plans work. I hope what follows at least makes clear the many opportunities for continuing, productive disagreements.


    Plans for Urban Development: Why and How?

    Making most development decisions one by one—with the focus on process, without benefit of something called a plan—is to forget why the field exists.

    —Allan B. Jacobs (2000), Notes on Planning Practice and Education

    To the northwest of Champaign, Illinois, Interstate 74 leads to the small town of Mahomet ten miles away. The city of Champaign, the village of Mahomet, Champaign County, and private landowners recognize opportunities for urban development in this corridor. Each knows that the results of the decisions it makes will depend on what others do and when. A private landowner wants to develop a parcel as low-density residential halfway between Champaign and Mahomet now, but this would preclude a future interstate highway interchange and the industrial and commercial uses that could be associated with it. If Mahomet zones for industrial along its end of the corridor and Champaign zones for residential, the results may not be what either intended. If developers can bargain to annex either to Champaign or to Mahomet, the municipalities will have less leverage than if they agreed to annexation boundaries so that a developer can bargain with only one municipality.

    All these actors were making plans and trying to learn about each other’s plans. The city of Champaign, the village of Mahomet, and the county jointly hired a planning consultant (Chicago Associates Architects and Planners) to work with the three governments, the current residents of the corridor, and some developers in the area. The focus of this plan was on general patterns of expected land use, potential for major infrastructure such as a new interstate interchange, and agreement on which areas would be annexed eventually to which municipality. Is such joint planning in these circumstances, by these parties, for these aspects of urban development typical or surprising? Should it have been done differently?

    The purpose of this book is to present a coherent set of explanations that make sense of the planning we observe and justifications for prescriptions about when and how to make plans. Under what circumstances should plans be made, by whom, and about what aspects of urban development? How should such plans be made? These fundamental questions are answered implicitly every day in the practice of planning.

    Why was the Mahomet Corridor Plan made by these participants in this situation? Three public jurisdictions formed a voluntary group to make a plan that was useful to them jointly. Resistance to and costs of forming such groups can be overcome if one of the members is significantly larger than the others and able to cover a large share of the costs of the joint activity. The city of Champaign played this leader role. This leader-follower behavior is one explanation that makes sense of when such groups are likely to form. The members of the group agreed on a joint planning effort, but each still had distinct interests and goals and each retained authority over its own decisions. They could share professional planning services because much of what each wanted to know was based on the same information, and each benefited from this information without decreasing its value to the others.

    Why did this plan address just the Mahomet Corridor as its geographic scope? The plan addressed one chunk of potential urban development, a corridor along an interstate highway connecting two communities that were gradually growing together. Rather than addressing all of any one jurisdiction, all of the growth areas of the three jurisdictions, or all of one function such as transportation or water supply, it addressed one geographic area in which several interdependent decisions were about to be made that would have strategic consequences for later decisions. Plans are likely to be made and likely to be worth making when the first of a set of interdependent decisions is about to be made, especially if these are major decisions, such as an interchange location, and will be hard to reverse later. In this case the key interdependent decisions were all in the Mahomet Corridor and were especially important to these three actors. This scope for this plan makes sense not only because it encompasses these interdependent decisions, but also because each of these actors had already made and was continuing to make other plans of other scopes for other sets of interdependent decisions involving other key actors.

    How was the Mahomet Corridor Plan developed? Planners considered land capabilities for agriculture and urban development, feasibility of transportation and sewer infrastructure, current residential patterns, financial implications for the various communities, available regulatory authority, scenarios of infrastructure expansion, and questions of timing and sequence of development. Advisory groups of professionals and citizens participated. Formal decisions, based on the corridor plan, were made by the respective governments. Much of the effort focused on the eventual pattern of land use and on achieving a boundary agreement about which areas should be annexed into which municipality.

    None of this is surprising. People have limited attention and they focus on aspects immediately pertinent to the decisions at hand. Processes for accomplishing tasks rely on established routines. The plan presents arguments sufficient for decision makers with authority to make choices and for their constituencies to consent to these choices. Most plans for urban development focus on regulations and on investments in infrastructure and buildings. The annexation agreement was perhaps the most available and immediate action that could be taken now in light of the future actions that had been considered. Strategically, it determined who would have regulatory jurisdiction and who would provide infrastructure. To yield benefits, plans should help make decisions about such current actions that are interdependent with other actions, which may be taken elsewhere, in the future, and by others.

    Ideas About Plans

    The Mahomet Corridor Plan is in many ways typical of everyday practice. It makes sense in terms of the explanations developed in this book about why and how plans are made. It is not typical, however, of conventional ideas about plans. The planning literature either describes ideal plans and processes that seldom happen and seldom affect decisions, or uses the infeasibility of these ideal plans and processes to argue that plans are never useful in real urban development situations. Citizens tend to think of plans as all-controlling, comprehensive solutions or all-controlling disruptions of individual decision making. Real plans are big and little, support private and public decisions, and affect decisions through information, not directly through authority. Explanations of how plans work are, therefore, tremendously important because they help planners and citizens understand when plans are worth making.

    The most persistent image of a plan for urban development is a comprehensive plan—comprehensive spatially by encompassing an entire community or an entire metropolitan area, comprehensive functionally in addressing all aspects of government activity, and comprehensive in time by focusing on a long time period. The Mahomet Corridor Plan focused on one area that was not currently part of any one municipality. A voluntary group hired the planning services, not one jurisdiction alone and not a metropolitan government or formal organization. The plan largely ignored questions of social services, school locations, and relationships to alternative areas of growth available to any of the participating governments. Private developers were simultaneously making other plans for their actions. To explain such observed plans, we cannot rely on ideal reference points of a comprehensive plan or no plans. These reference points do not explain why plans are made but are not comprehensive. To explain what we see, we need a more explicit logic of what plans are, how they work, what they can do in what situations, and how they can be made. Such logic ought to make sense of the Mahomet Corridor Plan as well as plans apparently closer to the comprehensive ideal, such as the Portland 2040 Plan by the metropolitan regional government in Oregon (Metro 2000).

    Much of the recent planning literature focuses on processes of interaction, implying that plans are too simple and rigid to be useful in the interactive processes of figuring out what to do amid the complexities of democratic governance and urban development. In the Mahomet Corridor case, however, there was a plan, albeit a little plan among many other plans by the same and other parties about the same and related areas, functions, and time horizons. It was a big plan, however, relative to the particular set of interdependent decisions of concern because it fulfilled the circumstances for which it was made. We cannot focus only on process to the exclusion of plans because a plan is what relates decisions to other decisions. Interactive processes incorporate plans of scopes that include two decisions by one actor or hundreds of decisions by hundreds of actors and plans that consider actions over which one actor has complete control or over which many actors have only partial control. The ideal that interactive processes do not include embedded plans is no more useful for explaining what we observe than is the ideal of a comprehensive plan. Again, we need a more explicit logic that can make sense of all the plans of widely varying scopes that are and should be made in the everyday practice of planning. Explanations of plans ought to make sense of a mayor who strategizes—refines plans as decisions are made—so rapidly that plans do not stand still long enough to be captured in fancy documents. These explanations also ought to make sense of the Chicago Plan of 1909, which was published as an elegant book and affected decisions for many years.

    When I am asked what I do and respond that I am a planner, people say, Well, we can certainly use you around here. There is no planning here. Or, Planning is not working here. I have heard this kind of response in many places including Kathmandu, Nepal, and Seattle, Washington, for both of which there are and have been many plans. Citizens have very high expectations of what plans can accomplish and very vague notions of what a plan is or how it actually works. If they can imagine a better living environment in their locality, there must not have been a plan. If they think that government or private developers ought to have behaved differently, there must not have been a plan. To infer that the lack of planning is the explanation of all problems of human settlements, implies that plans could solve all problems of urban development. Plans, however, can do only certain things and they work imperfectly even in these situations.

    Successful human settlements require much more than planning. Some of the outcomes that people often expect of plans are more likely to be achieved by democratic governance or regulation, each of which also can accomplish only certain things and works imperfectly. In simplest terms, plans provide information about interdependent decisions, governance makes collective choices, and regulations set rights. Understanding these distinctions will give people reasonable expectations with which to use all three to improve human settlements.

    Questions About Plans

    What is a plan? A plan identifies a decision that should be made in light of other concurrent or future decisions. Plans are useful if these decisions are (1) interdependent, (2) indivisible, (3) irreversible, and (4) face imperfect foresight. In other words, we can gain by making a plan if (1) the value of the results of a decision now depends on other decisions, (2) the decision cannot be made in infinitesimally small steps, (3) the decision cannot be reversed later without cost, and (4) we lack complete knowledge of the future. This narrow definition identifies what is most fundamental about a plan and is elaborated in chapter 2.

    Note that this definition makes no reference to government, the public sector, regulations, or breadth of authority or control. Actors make plans in the private sector, voluntary sector, and public sector as individuals or organizations with partial authority over one decision or complete authority over many decisions. Plans are not inherently about government, collective choice, or centralized control. These other phenomena are part of the complex system within which plans for urban development are made and thus affect what plans accomplish and how they are made.

    What is the relationship between a plan and a complex system? Complex systems do not defeat the potential of plans. They enable it. The effects of plans and the situations in which plans can be made depend on the nature of these systems. Two interpretations of natural systems—evolution and market economies—are frequently analyzed as contrasts to plans. Complex systems characterized by interdependence, indivisibility, irreversibility, and imperfect foresight create opportunities for plans to improve on outcomes from natural systems. The crucial argument is that when these four conditions are present, the dynamics of change through time defeat the claims that natural and market systems are likely to achieve predictable and good outcomes. The potential for improvement, however, rests on the assumption that intentions are at least partially predictable. Beliefs, attitudes, values, or preferences must be predictable or it makes no sense to consider current decisions in light of future decisions and future outcomes. Making useful plans requires thinking carefully about the dynamic behavior of systems, available actions, predictable intentions, and the potential effects of plans. Chapter 2 considers how plans work in natural systems.

    What can plans do? Plans can work as agendas, policies, visions, designs, and strategies. Each of these modes affects systems in different ways and thus fits different specific circumstances. Any one plan may work in all these ways, but distinguishing among them analytically is useful in explaining the circumstances in which plans can work. Strategies are the most fundamental aspect of plans for urban development because strategies directly account for actions, outcomes, intentions, and uncertainty. Strategies address most completely the difficulties created by interdependence, indivisibility, irreversibility, and imperfect foresight. Designs focus primarily on outcomes. Visions, agendas, and policies are often joint effects of plans that also work as strategies or designs. Visions, agendas, and policies also occur in situations that do not meet the strict definition of plans. That is, visions, agendas, and policies are aspects of how plans work, but they are also phenomena that can exist separately from plans.

    Expansion of a sewage treatment plant, for example, is a question of strategy. The expansion decision is interdependent with decisions about locations and capacities of roads. Capacity will be added in a large increment to take advantage of economies of scale in construction and operation. The decision is not reversible once built because the plant is a large physical facility with fixed location and an associated network of pipes. The decision faces imperfect foresight because it must be built long before demand for much of its capacity will be realized. A plan for a treatment plant should thus consider other interdependent actions in order to increase the likelihood that the treatment plant and these other actions will in combination yield desirable outcomes from the perspective of the people making the plan.

    Such a plan is most completely interpreted as strategy but also has other aspects. It may have contingent timing rules to construct links in the sewer network just in time to serve realized demand in particular areas. These rules are a policy aspect of the plan. The expected final network can be interpreted as a design aspect of the plan. The capital costs of constructing the plant may appear on a Capital Improvements Program as an agenda aspect of the plan. The capacity chosen for the plant may serve as a vision that affects expectations for rapid growth or slow growth of the community, a vision aspect of the plan. Plans for urban development usually focus on investments in physical capital and on regulations because these types of actions are likely to have the attributes of interdependence, indivisibility, irreversibility, and imperfect foresight. Chapter 3 explains how plans work.

    Do plans work? These explanations of how plans work frame criteria for assessing the effectiveness of plans. Did the plan for the Mahomet Corridor have any effect on urban development in the corridor? Did this plan yield a better outcome than would have occurred without the plan? From whose perspective was it better?

    In Urbana, Illinois, the sewer collection network was built in 1970 so that it would eventually send wastewater from southeast Urbana to an additional treatment plant to be built east of town. Sewage could be pumped uphill through the same network to the existing plant in the meantime. The additional plant was never built and now probably never will be. This plan, however, was arguably still a success as strategy because it protected future options then believed to be good ones, and it still works with the different expansion pattern that has occurred. If understood as strategy in the face of uncertainty, the internal logic of the plan makes sense even if the most obvious possible outcome did not occur.

    Will the Mahomet Corridor plan increase the relative housing and employment opportunities for African Americans or current low-income residents of Champaign? This question may not have been explicitly asked, and was not a primary focus of the planning discussion. Plans should also be assessed on whether they meet criteria of ethical acceptability and moral commitment.

    It is more persuasive to evaluate a plan with respect to a particular model of how it could have worked than to ask simply whether good outcomes occurred that might or might not be attributable to a plan. The final section of chapter 3 builds on the ways in which plans can work to frame criteria for judging whether plans do work.

    How can plans address uncertainties? Plans face uncertainty about demand or need for housing, commercial, and industrial facilities. These uncertainties derive from uncertainties about population increase, migration, household size, retail and manufacturing technologies, comparative advantage in labor costs, beliefs and attitudes about how the world works, and tastes or preferences. In the Mahomet Corridor Plan, there were uncertainties about who would develop what land when for what purpose under the regulations of what municipality. There were uncertainties about what residential patterns people living in the corridor now or in the future might want. The annexation agreement, which was a regulation based on the plan, reduced uncertainty about annexation and modified other expectations. Much uncertainty remained, however, and both the annexation agreement and other actions must still account for that remaining uncertainty. Plans address uncertainty. They do not eliminate it.

    People often think of a plan as choosing one future and trying to implement it. Plans can, however, incorporate uncertainty by including a set (or distribution) of desirable futures, a set of possible outcomes of actions, and a set of possible actions. Forecasts can be developed as distributions of possible outcomes rather than as forecasts of one outcome. The relationships among actions can be organized in sequence and in space so as to consider results from early decisions before making later decisions. A plan then is a contingent path through a sequence of decisions, taking account along the way of uncertainties of many kinds and feedback from early decisions. This explanation also yields a specific criterion for the net benefit of making plans: the expected value of the contingent sequence of decisions that would be made with the plan minus the expected value of the decisions that would be made without the plan. Chapter 4 elaborates strategies, forecasts, and the value of plans as strategy in the face of uncertainties.

    Why do voluntary groups, governments, and other organizations make plans? Plans are not inherently about government, but governments do make plans. We need explanations of why governments make plans in particular circumstances. Individuals, firms, voluntary organizations, special purpose public agencies, and general purpose governments take actions and thus face the option of making plans for these actions. They face decisions about whether or not to plan. In some situations, making a plan as an individual (or unitary organization) may not be as efficient or effective, even from the perspective of the individual, as making a plan jointly. Often a plan is most useful to the person who makes it if the information in the plan is shared with others, which makes the plan a collective good. As with other collective goods (such as lighthouses, national defense, or arterial streets), if one person’s use of the information in a plan does not reduce its value to others and there is no way to prevent others from using the plan, then special organizational responses are needed to achieve appropriate levels of investment in making the plan. These concepts provide explanations of the institutional forms in which plans are likely to be made. A government may make a plan because the plan is focused on that government’s own investments and regulations or because the plan, although focused on decisions under the authority of others, is a collective good. The Mahomet Corridor Plan fits both of these explanations. Chapter 5 explains collective goods, particular circumstances in which plans are likely to be collective goods, and the organizational implications for plan making by governments.

    How do regulations differ from and depend on plans? Regulations include zoning, subdivision ordinances, property taxes, impact fees, and any other enforceable assignment or reassignment of rights among individuals, among individuals and governments, or among governments. Regulations affect the scope of permissible actions. Plans, such as the Mahomet Corridor Plan or the Portland 2040 Plan (Metro 2000), provide information about interdependent decisions in relation to expected outcomes, but these plans do not determine directly the scope of permissible actions. Regulations are thus different from plans, so the logic of plans should explain how regulations set the context for making plans and how regulations depend on plans.

    The distribution of rights (authority) to make decisions affects what choices are made and whether these choices are likely to lead to desirable and just outcomes. Plans also affect what choices are made, but plans affect choices through information, not through enforcement. Enforcement of regulations relies on social norms, sometimes called social regulation, as well as on government’s legitimate monopoly on the use of force. Thus regulations constrain individual actions even if an actor wishes to do something else when faced with a specific instance. Regulations, such as zoning, that are intended to affect the spatial and temporal patterns of urban development are likely to depend on plans. Figuring out what zoning category to apply where depends on a plan, but the zoning regulation, not the plan, changes owner’s rights. Regulations can also affect who makes plans and how. Chapter 6 explains the logic of rights and regulations, the implications for who makes plans, and the characteristics needed in plans intended to support specific types of

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