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Jess in Action: Rule-Based Systems in Java
Jess in Action: Rule-Based Systems in Java
Jess in Action: Rule-Based Systems in Java
Ebook793 pages7 hours

Jess in Action: Rule-Based Systems in Java

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About this ebook

Jess in Action first introduces rule programming concepts and teaches you the Jess language. Armed with this knowledge, you then progress through a series of fully-developed applications chosen to expose you to practical rule-based development. The book shows you how you can add power and intelligence to your Java software.
Release dateJun 1, 2003
Jess in Action: Rule-Based Systems in Java

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    Jess in Action - Ernest Friedman-Hill


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    To my family

    Brief Table of Contents


    Brief Table of Contents

    Table of Contents



    About this Book

    Author Online

    About the Title

    About the Cover Illustration

    1. Introducing rule-based systems

    Chapter 1. Rules to the rescue

    Chapter 2. What are rule-based systems?

    2. Jess: A rule-based programming environment

    Chapter 3. Introducing Jess

    Chapter 4. Getting started with the Jess language

    Chapter 5. Scripting Java with Jess

    Chapter 6. Representing facts in Jess

    Chapter 7. Writing rules in Jess

    Chapter 8. Under the hood: how Jess works

    3. Creating your first rule-based application: the Tax Forms Advisor

    Chapter 9. Collecting the knowledge

    Chapter 10. Designing the application

    Chapter 11. Writing the application

    4. Writing a diagnostic application: the PC Repair Assistant

    Chapter 12. Writing the PC Repair Assistant

    Chapter 13. Adding a graphical interface

    5. Reasoning about reality: the HVAC Controller

    Chapter 14. The reality connection

    Chapter 15. Extending the Jess language

    Chapter 16. Writing the rules

    6. rule-based applications for the Web

    Chapter 17. Jess on the Web

    Chapter 18. Embedding Jess in Java applications

    Chapter 19. Deploying web-based applications

    7. Enterprise systems

    Chapter 20. Jess, XML, and the enterprise

    Chapter 21. Jess in the J2EE environment

    Appendix A. Jess functions

    Appendix B. Abridged Java API for Jess

    Appendix C. An automated testing framework


    List of Figures

    List of Tables

    List of Listings

    Table of Contents


    Brief Table of Contents

    Table of Contents



    About this Book

    Author Online

    About the Title

    About the Cover Illustration

    1. Introducing rule-based systems

    Chapter 1. Rules to the rescue

    1.1. Math class melee

    1.1.1. Beyond logic puzzles

    1.2. Some real-world examples

    1.2.1. Mail filtering

    1.2.2. Product configuration

    1.2.3. Implementing business rules

    1.3. Summary

    Chapter 2. What are rule-based systems?

    2.1. The cooking/driving robot

    2.1.1. Declarative programming: a different approach

    2.2. Rules and rule engines

    2.2.1. Expert systems

    2.3. Architecture of a rule-based system

    2.3.1. The inference engine

    2.3.2. The rule base

    2.3.3. The working memory

    2.3.4. The pattern matcher

    2.3.5. The agenda

    2.3.6. The execution engine

    2.4. Developing rule-based systems

    2.4.1. Knowledge engineering

    2.4.2. Structuring data

    2.4.3. Testing

    2.4.4. Interface building

    2.4.5. Writing the rules

    2.4.6. Iterative development

    2.5. Rule engine standards

    2.6. Summary

    2. Jess: A rule-based programming environment

    Chapter 3. Introducing Jess

    3.1. The Jess rule engine

    3.1.1. Obtaining Jess

    3.1.2. Installing Jess

    3.1.3. Running Jess

    3.1.4. Hello, World

    3.2. Jess applications

    3.2.1. Command line, GUI, or embedded?

    3.2.2. Jess performance

    3.3. Summary

    Chapter 4. Getting started with the Jess language

    4.1. The basics

    4.1.1. Whitespace

    4.1.2. Symbols

    4.1.3. The jess.Value class

    4.1.4. Numbers

    4.1.5. Strings


    4.2. Adding some structure

    4.2.1. Lists

    4.2.2. Calling functions

    4.2.3. Variables

    4.2.4. More about lists

    4.3. Control flow

    4.3.1. foreach

    4.3.2. while

    4.3.3. if/then/else

    4.3.4. progn

    4.3.5. apply

    4.3.6. eval and build

    4.4. Defining functions with deffunction

    4.4.1. Late binding

    4.5. Fine-tuning a function’s behavior

    4.5.1. Take my advice, please

    4.6. Summary

    Chapter 5. Scripting Java with Jess

    5.1. Creating Java objects

    5.2. Calling Java methods

    5.2.1. Nesting function calls, and a shortcut

    5.2.2. Calling static methods

    5.2.3. Calling set and get methods

    5.2.4. Working with arrays

    5.2.5. How Jess chooses among overloaded methods

    5.3. Accessing Java member data

    5.4. Working with exceptions

    5.5. Summary

    Chapter 6. Representing facts in Jess

    6.1. Jess’s working memory

    6.1.1. Manipulating the working memory

    6.2. Just the facts, ma’am

    6.3. Unordered facts

    6.3.1. The deftemplate construct

    6.3.2. Default slot values

    6.3.3. Multislots

    6.3.4. Changing slot values with modify

    6.3.5. Copying facts with duplicate

    6.4. Ordered facts

    6.5. Shadow facts

    6.5.1. Jess and JavaBeans

    6.5.2. JavaBeans have slots

    6.5.3. An example JavaBean

    6.5.4. Creating a deftemplate for DimmerSwitch

    6.5.5. Putting a DimmerSwitch into working memory

    6.5.6. Static vs. dynamic shadow facts

    6.5.7. Adding PropertyChangeListener support to DimmerSwitch

    6.5.8. Shadow facts and working memory functions

    6.6. Summary

    Chapter 7. Writing rules in Jess

    7.1. Forward-chaining rules

    7.1.1. Patterns and shadow facts

    7.2. Constraining slot data

    7.2.1. Literal constraints

    7.2.2. Variables as constraints

    7.2.3. Connective constraints

    7.2.4. Constraining matches with predicate functions

    7.2.5. Return value constraints

    7.2.6. Pattern bindings

    7.3. Qualifying patterns with conditional elements

    7.3.1. The and conditional element

    7.3.2. The or conditional element

    7.3.3. The not conditional element

    7.3.4. The test conditional element

    7.3.5. The logical conditional element

    7.4. Backward-chaining rules

    7.5. Managing the agenda

    7.5.1. Conflict resolution

    7.5.2. Changing rule priority with salience

    7.6. Partitioning the rule base with defmodule

    7.6.1. Defining constructs in modules

    7.6.2. Modules, scope, and name resolution

    7.6.3. Module focus and execution control

    7.7. Searching working memory with defquery

    7.7.1. The variable declaration

    7.7.2. Query trigger facts

    7.7.3. The count-query-results function

    7.7.4. Backward chaining and queries

    7.8. Summary

    Chapter 8. Under the hood: how Jess works

    8.1. Review of the problem

    8.2. An inefficient solution

    8.3. The Rete algorithm

    8.3.1. How Rete works

    8.3.2. Handling retract

    8.4. Easy optimizations for Rete

    8.5. Performance of the Rete algorithm

    8.5.1. Node index hash value

    8.6. More complexity and initial-fact

    8.6.1. Implementing the not conditional element

    8.6.2. Implementing the test conditional element

    8.6.3. Implementing backward chaining

    8.7. Exploring the Rete network in Jess

    8.7.1. The (watch compilations) command

    8.7.2. The view function

    8.7.3. The matches function

    8.8. Summary

    3. Creating your first rule-based application: the Tax Forms Advisor

    Chapter 9. Collecting the knowledge

    9.1. The Tax Forms Advisor

    9.2. Introduction to knowledge engineering

    9.2.1. Where do you start?

    9.2.2. Interviews

    9.2.3. Desk research

    9.3. Collecting knowledge about tax forms

    9.3.1. An interview

    9.3.2. Reviewing the forms

    9.3.3. Next steps

    9.4. Summary

    Chapter 10. Designing the application

    10.1. Organizing the data

    10.2. Filling in details

    10.2.1. Default slot values

    10.3. More templates

    10.4. Templates you don’t need

    10.5. Organizing the rules

    10.6. Building the infrastructure

    10.6.1. Simple text-based I/O

    10.6.2. Fetching the question text

    10.7. Summary

    Chapter 11. Writing the application

    11.1. Welcoming the user

    11.1.1. Testing the startup module

    11.2. Asking the user questions

    11.2.1. Income and dependents

    11.2.2. Dealing with special circumstances

    11.2.3. Testing the interview module

    11.3. Recommending forms

    11.4. Explaining the results

    11.4.1. Testing the report module

    11.5. Finishing touches

    11.6. Testing the full application

    11.7. Summary

    4. Writing a diagnostic application: the PC Repair Assistant

    Chapter 12. Writing the PC Repair Assistant

    12.1. Using flowcharts in knowledge engineering

    12.1.1. From flowcharts to rules

    12.2. The problem domain

    12.2.1. Writing the first rules

    12.3. Asking questions with backward chaining

    12.4. Checking the answers

    12.4.1. Modifying the ask module

    12.5. The rest of the rules

    12.5.1. Rules about sound

    12.5.2. Degrading gracefully

    12.5.3. To boot, or not to boot

    12.5.4. RAM problems

    12.5.5. Questioning authority

    12.6. Testing

    12.7. Summary

    Chapter 13. Adding a graphical interface

    13.1. Getting started

    13.2. Displaying a window

    13.3. Displaying questions

    13.4. Getting answers

    13.4.1. The main thread vs. the event thread

    13.5. Better input components

    13.6. Finishing touches

    13.7. Testing the interface

    13.8. Summary

    5. Reasoning about reality: the HVAC Controller

    Chapter 14. The reality connection

    14.1. The system

    14.2. Defining the hardware interface

    14.2.1. Native methods

    14.2.2. Writing a simulator

    14.2.3. Simulating getTemperature

    14.2.4. Adding a graphical interface

    14.3. Writing the JavaBeans

    14.3.1. Rules about Thermometers

    14.3.2. Writing the other Beans

    14.4. JavaBeans and serialization

    14.5. Summary

    Chapter 15. Extending the Jess language

    15.1. The Userfunction interface

    15.1.1. The getName method

    15.1.2. The call method

    15.1.3. Loading a Userfunction into Jess

    15.2. Handling arguments

    15.2.1. How many arguments?

    15.2.2. Using arguments

    15.2.3. Resolving variable arguments

    15.2.4. Resolving function call arguments

    15.3. Returning a value

    15.3.1. Constructing Value objects

    15.4. Beyond simple examples

    15.4.1. Holding state

    15.4.2. Multiple personalities

    15.4.3. Userfunctions and serialization

    15.4.4. Grouping functions with Userpackage

    15.5. The HVAC functions

    15.5.1. Creating a simulator

    15.5.2. Counting devices

    15.5.3. Matching heat pumps and floors

    15.5.4. Operating the hardware

    15.5.5. Implementing a Userpackage

    15.6. Testing

    15.7. Summary

    Chapter 16. Writing the rules

    16.1. The control algorithm

    16.1.1. Knowledge engineering with truth tables

    16.1.2. How heat pumps work

    16.1.3. Using guard lines

    16.1.4. Saving energy

    16.2. Setting up

    16.3. Controlling the heat pumps

    16.3.1. Enough is enough

    16.3.2. The moment of truth

    16.4. Controlling the vents

    16.4.1. The vent rules

    16.5. Testing the whole system

    16.6. Controlling with fuzzy rules

    16.6.1. Fuzzy logic, briefly

    16.6.2. The Fuzzy HVAC Controller

    16.6.3. Exploring the fuzzy controller

    16.7. What’s next?

    16.8. Summary

    6. rule-based applications for the Web

    Chapter 17. Jess on the Web

    17.1. Java architectures for the Web

    17.1.1. Fat-client applications

    17.1.2. Thin-client applications

    17.2. A Jess application for the Web

    17.3. Knowledge engineering

    17.4. Designing data structures

    17.5. Writing the rules

    17.5.1. About testing

    17.5.2. The recommend-requirements rule

    17.5.3. Recommending videos and DVDs

    17.5.4. Conspicuous consumption

    17.5.5. More media rules

    17.6. Refining the recommendations

    17.7. Some useful queries

    17.7.1. Maintaining the order number

    17.8. Cleaning up

    17.9. Summary

    Chapter 18. Embedding Jess in Java applications

    18.1. Getting started with the Jess library

    18.1.1. The executeCommand method

    18.1.2. Exchanging Java objects

    18.1.3. Beyond executeCommand

    18.2. Working with Fact objects in Java

    18.2.1. Multislots

    18.2.2. Ordered facts

    18.2.3. Removing facts

    18.3. Working with JavaBeans

    18.4. Calling Jess functions from Java

    18.5. Working with JessException

    18.5.1. Nested exceptions

    18.5.2. Rolling your own

    18.6. Input and output

    18.6.1. Using custom routers

    18.7. Summary

    Chapter 19. Deploying web-based applications

    19.1. The Java Servlet API

    19.2. J2EE and the Tomcat engine

    19.2.1. Deploying the Hello servlet

    19.3. Your first Jess servlet

    19.3.1. Deploying the Jess servlet

    19.3.2. Cleaning up the URL

    19.4. Application architecture: take one

    19.5. Starting the Catalog servlet

    19.5.1. JavaServer Pages

    19.5.2. Forwarding to a JSP

    19.6. Application architecture, take two

    19.7. The login screen

    19.8. The Catalog servlet

    19.8.1. Initializing Jess

    19.8.2. Getting the login name

    19.8.3. Starting a user session

    19.8.4. Querying the product list

    19.8.5. Invoking the JSP

    19.8.6. The catalog JSP

    19.9. Testing

    19.10. The Recommend servlet

    19.10.1. Getting started

    19.10.2. Creating the order

    19.10.3. Getting the recommendations

    19.10.4. Forwarding to JSPs

    19.11. The recommend JSP

    19.12. The Purchase servlet

    19.13. Persistence

    19.14. Deploying the application

    19.15. What’s next?

    19.16. Summary

    7. Enterprise systems

    Chapter 20. Jess, XML, and the enterprise

    20.1. Enterprise applications

    20.1.1. What is the J2EE?

    20.1.2. What does that stand for?

    20.2. Rules and XML

    20.2.1. Interoperability

    20.2.2. Editing and other processing

    20.2.3. Storage and retrieval

    20.3. XML-based rule representations

    20.3.1. RuleML

    20.3.2. DAML

    20.3.3. Homegrown representations

    20.3.4. Strategies for representing rules in XML

    20.4. Representing Jess rules in XML

    20.4.1. An example rule

    20.4.2. Transforming the XML rules into Jess rules

    20.5. Rule editors

    20.6. Summary

    Chapter 21. Jess in the J2EE environment

    21.1. A quick tour of EJB concepts

    21.1.1. Kinds of EJBs

    21.1.2. EJB restrictions

    21.1.3. Do you need to use EJBs?

    21.1.4. Accessing external resources from EJBs

    21.2. An RMI-based rule server

    21.2.1. The remote interfaces

    21.2.2. Implementing the interfaces

    21.2.3. Implementing a main method

    21.2.4. Generating the stubs

    21.2.5. A sample client

    21.2.6. Final polishing

    21.3. JSR 94: the javax.rules API

    21.3.1. Working with javax.rules

    21.3.2. The reference implementation

    21.4. Summary

    Appendix A. Jess functions

    (- +)

    (/ +)

    (* +)

    (** )

    (+ +)

    (< +)

    (<= +)

    (<> +)

    (= +)

    (> +)

    (>= +)

    (abs )

    (agenda [])

    (and +)

    (apply +)

    (asc )

    (assert +)

    (assert-string )

    (bag +)

    (batch )

    (bind )

    (bit-and +)

    (bit-not )

    (bit-or +)

    (bload )

    (bsave )

    (build )

    (call ( | ) +)

    (call-on-engine )




    (close [+])

    (complement$ )


    (count-query-results +)

    (create$ *)

    (defadvice (before | after) ( | ) +)

    (defclass [extends ])

    (definstance [static | dynamic] )

    (delete$ )

    (div +)

    (do-backward-chaining )

    (duplicate ( )+)



    (eq +)

    (eq* +)

    (eval )

    (evenp )


    (exp )

    (explode$ )

    (external-addressp )

    (fact-id )

    (facts [symbol | *])

    (fact-slot-value )

    (fetch )

    (first$ )

    (float )

    (floatp )

    (focus +)

    (foreach *)

    (format *)


    (get )




    (get-member ( | ) )





    (if then + [else +])

    (implode$ )

    (import )

    (insert$ +)

    (instanceof )

    (integer )

    (integerp )

    (intersection$ )



    (length$ )

    (lexemep )

    (list-deftemplates [* | module-name])



    (load-facts )

    (load-function )

    (load-package )

    (log )

    (log10 )

    (long )

    (longp )

    (lowcase )

    (matches )

    (max +)

    (member$ )

    (min +)

    (mod )

    (modify ( )+)

    (listp )

    (neq +)

    (new *)

    (not )

    (nth$ )

    (numberp )

    (oddp )

    (open [r | w | a])

    (or +)



    (ppdeffacts )

    (ppdeffunction )

    (ppdefglobal )

    (ppdefquery )

    (ppdefrule )

    (ppdeftemplate )

    (printout +)

    (progn +)


    (read [])

    (readline [])

    (replace$ +)


    (rest$ )

    (retract +)

    (retract-string )

    (return [])

    (round )

    (rules [ | *])

    (run [])

    (run-query +)


    (save-facts [])

    (set )

    (set-current-module )

    (set-factory )

    (setgen )

    (set-member ( | ) )

    (set-multithreaded-io (TRUE | FALSE))

    (set-node-index-hash )

    (set-reset-globals (TRUE | FALSE | nil))

    (set-salience-evaluation (when-defined | when-activated | every-cycle))

    (set-strategy (depth | breadth | ))




    (socket )

    (sqrt )

    (store )

    (str-cat *)

    (str-compare )

    (str-index )

    (stringp )

    (str-length )

    (subseq$ )

    (subsetp )

    (sub-string )

    (symbolp )

    (sym-cat +)

    (system + [&])

    (throw )


    (try * [catch *] [finally *])

    (undefadvice ( | ALL | ))

    (undefinstance ( | * ))

    (undefrule )

    (union$ []+)

    (unwatch [all | rules | compilations | activations | facts | focus])

    (upcase )


    (watch [all | rules | compilations | activations | facts | focus])

    (while [do] *)

    Appendix B. Abridged Java API for Jess

    B.1. jess.Context

    public Rete getEngine()

    public Value getVariable(String name)

    public void setVariable(String name, Value value)

    B.2. jess.Fact

    public Fact(String name, Rete engine)

    public Deftemplate getDeftemplate()

    public int getFactId()

    public int getShadowMode()

    public Value getSlotValue(String name)

    public void setSlotValue(String name, Value value)

    B.3. jess.Funcall

    public Funcall(String name, Rete engine)

    public Funcall arg(Value v)

    public Value execute(Context context)

    B.4. jess.Jesp

    public Jesp( reader, Rete engine)

    public Value parse(boolean prompt)

    B.5. jess.JessEvent

    public int getType()

    public Object getObject()

    public Object getSource()

    B.6. jess.JessListener

    public void eventHappened(JessEvent je) throws JessException

    B.7. jess.PrettyPrinter

    public PrettyPrinter(Visitable v)

    public String toString()

    B.8. jess.Rete

    public Rete(Object appObject)

    public Rete()

    B.8.1. Working with events

    B.8.2. Exchanging Java values with Jess language code

    B.8.3. The import table

    B.8.4. Finding things

    B.8.5. Waiting for rules to fire

    B.9. jess.RU

    B.9.1 public static String gensym(String prefix)

    B.10. jess.Token

    public Fact getFact(int index)

    public int size()

    public Fact topFact()

    B.11. jess.Value

    public Value(boolean b)

    public Value(double d, int type)

    public Value(int value, int type)

    public Value(java.lang.Object o)

    public Value(java.lang.String s, int type)

    public Value(Value v)

    public Value(ValueVector f, int type)

    public int type()

    public Value resolveValue(Context c)

    public String atomValue(Context c)

    public Object externalAddressValue(Context c)

    public Fact factValue(Context c)

    public double floatValue(Context c)

    public Funcall funcallValue(Context c)

    public int intValue(Context c)

    public ValueVector listValue(Context c)

    public long longValue(Context c)

    public double numericValue(Context c)

    public String stringValue(Context c)

    public String variableValue(Context c)

    B.12. jess.ValueVector

    public ValueVector()

    public ValueVector(int size)

    public ValueVector add(Value val)

    public Value get(int i)

    public ValueVector remove(int i)

    public ValueVector set(Value val, int i)

    public ValueVector setLength(int i)

    public int size()

    Appendix C. An automated testing framework

    C.1 Architecture

    C.2 The Jess template

    C.3 The Java template


    List of Figures

    List of Tables

    List of Listings


    In 1994, I was working in the Scientific Computing department at Sandia National Laboratories in Livermore, California. We had an impressive (for the time) array of heterogeneous computing equipment: workstations from Silicon Graphics and Sun Microsystems, Intel PCs running Linux, Macintoshes galore. I was writing software agents that managed dynamically distributed computations across this network. Agents were running on each machine, and they used a sort of post and bid method to decide which machines would run which piece of a computation, based on machine capabilities and load balancing. The agents were fairly intelligent in their decision-making capabilities, and the plans they developed were sometimes surprising. Their brains were rule engines—software systems that used rules to derive conclusions from premises.

    That project led to others, and soon I developed an interest in mobile agents—software entities that can travel from node to node in a computer network, maintaining their state as they go. Thus was born the idea for a rule engine whose state could be packaged up, sent across a wire, and reconstituted. The newly released Java language seemed to be a perfect vehicle for this rule engine—and such was the origin of Jess™, the rule engine for the Java Platform.[¹]

    ¹ Jess is a registered trademark of the Sandia Corporation.

    Jess is a general-purpose rule engine, developed at Sandia National Laboratories. Written in the Java programming language, Jess offers easy integration with other Java-based software. Jess is free for academic and government use, and it can be licensed for commercial use. You can download a fully functional Home Edition of Jess free of charge if you own a copy of this book (see chapter 3 for download instructions). You can use the Jess Home Edition for noncommercial purposes.

    Jess has evolved quite a bit since its original introduction in 1997, largely in response to feedback from a global user community. I’ve enjoyed working on Jess the whole time, and look forward to its continuing evolution in the future.


    Writing a book is a huge project. This is my second book, and somehow I thought it would be easier this time around. It wasn’t. The original four-month estimate to write the manuscript has stretched out into much more than a year. I’m very happy with the results, though. Writing a book about a subject so near and dear as Jess is to me is a dodgy business: I think I’ve steered clear of the minefields of self-indulgence and created something that will be useful to everyone interested in rule-based software.

    Writing a book is such a huge project, in any event, that no one does it alone—least of all me. I’ve had help from many kind, generous, and talented people during the whole time this book was being developed.

    One standout has been Bob Orchard of Canada’s National Research Council. Bob is the author of the FuzzyJ toolkit and the FuzzyJess extension that adds fuzzy logic to Jess. He’s been an active member of the Jess community for years. He generously contributed the essay in chapter 16 showing how to apply the principles of fuzzy logic to the HVAC Controller example. He also served as both a technical reviewer and a technical proofreader for this book and provided an exhaustive list of my (embarrassingly many) typos in the first draft of the manuscript. Thanks, Bob, for everything!

    Next I must mention the denizens of the Jess mailing list, a friendly community of smart and generous people who have come together over the years that Jess has existed. The following people have helped find bugs, helped develop new features, or contributed their own projects to the Jess community: Abel Martinez, Al Davis, Alan Moore, Alex Jacobson, Alex Karasulu, Andreas Rasmusson, Andrew Marshall, Ashraf Afifi, Benjamin Good, Blaine Bell, Bob Orchard, Bob Trelease, Bruce Douglas, Chad Loder, Charles May, Cheruku Srini, Dan Larner, Dave Barnett, Dave Carlson, Dave Kirby, David Bruce, David Li, David Young, Drew van Duren, Duane Steward, Ed Katz, Emmanuel Pierre, Eric Eslinger, Fang Liu, George Rudolph, Glen Tarbox, Glenn Williams, Henrik Eriksson, Ian de Beer, J.P. van Werkhoven, Jacek Gwizdka, Jack Fitch, Jack Kerkhof, James Gallogly, James Owen, Jason Smith, Javier Torres, John Callahan, John Collins, Joszef Toth, Juraj Frivolt, Karl Mueller, Ken Bertapelle, Kenny Macleod, Lakshmi Vempati, Lars Rasmusson, Laurence Leff, Mariusz Nowostawski, Matt Bishop, Matthew Johnson, Michael Coen, Michael Friedrich, Michael Futtersack, Michal Fadljevic, Michelle Dunn, Mikael Rundqvist, Mike Finnegan, Mike Isenberg, Mike Lucero, Miroslav Madecki, Nancy Flaherty, Ning Zhong, Norman Ghyra, Oliver Hoffman, Osvaldo Pinali Doederlein, Pau Ortega, Peter Hanson, Peter Klotz, Ralph Grove, Richard Long, Rob Jefson, Robert Gaimari, Russ Milliken, S. S. Ozsariyildiz, Sander Faas, Scott Kaplan, Scott Trackman, Sebastian Varges, Seung Lee, Sidney Bailin, Simon Blackwell, Simon Hamilton, Steve Bucuvalas, Thomas Barnekow, Thomas Gentsch, Travis Nelson, William E. Wheeler, Win Carus, and Yang Xiao. I’m sure I’ve forgotten someone important; please forgive the oversight.

    The staff at Manning Publications, both past and present, are talented people and real professionals. I thank Marjan Bace for his guidance and eye for the big picture; Lianna Wlasiuk for her useful and practical advice in the first stages of writing; Ann Navarro for her expertise in editing; Tiffany Taylor for the tremendous skill and effort she applied to meticulously copy-editing and formatting my ill-formed manuscript; Syd Brown, who produced the beautiful example of the typographer’s art you see before you; Maggie Mitchell, for proofreading; Mary Piergies, for overseeing the production of this book; Ted Kennedy for gathering a team of excellent reviewers and organizing the results; Dan Barthel, who got me started on this book in the first place; and, undoubtedly, many others who worked behind the scenes.

    Quite a few technical reviewers and friends read the manuscript and provided detailed and useful comments. This book is vastly improved by their input; any remaining problems are, of course, my fault. I thank Andrew Grothe, Bob Tre-lease, David Young, Jeff Wang, John Crabtree, John Mitchell, Mark Watson, Michael J. Smith, Roedy Green, Said Tabet, Ted Neward, and Daniel Selman (and of course Bob Orchard) for reading and commenting on the manuscript.

    I deeply appreciate the support I’ve received from my management at Sandia, both for encouraging Jess’s development over the years and for permission to write this book in my copious free time. Thanks to Paul Nielan, Ken Washington, Jim Costa, Len Napolitano, and Mim John. I’m also deeply indebted to my innovative business partner Craig Smith, who handles Jess licensing with aplomb.

    Finally, I want to thank my family for their encouragement and support. Every year with a preschooler is an adventure, and this last one has been no exception. My wife Stacia deserves special thanks for picking up the slack when I was busy writing. And to my daughter Danielle: by the time this sentence is printed, I bet you will be able to read it. I love you both; this book is for you.

    About this Book

    This book was originally conceived in August 2001. As I write these words now in May 2003, I feel like I’ve stayed quite close to the original concept for the book. Then, as now, despite the still-growing prominence of rule-based systems in nearly every field of software development, the few available books on the topic were heavily theoretical and lacking in real-world examples. With this book, I set out to change that pattern. The book you’re holding is structured around a series of large, fully developed, and eminently practical examples of rule-based programming in Java.

    This book can be used in several ways. First, it is a general introduction to rule-based systems. If you’ve never encountered rule-based systems before, you’ll want to read part 1 closely. This first section of the book introduces the concepts behind rule-based systems, discusses their applications, and shows some first examples of rule-based programs written with Jess. Part 1 also discusses what’s involved in adopting a rule-based solution at your company. Although the programming examples in later chapters use Jess as a vehicle, the concepts presented will transfer to other rule engines easily.

    Second, this book is a programmer’s manual for the Jess rule language. Part 2 is part Jess language reference and part tutorial. It first introduces you to the language, and how the language is integrated with Java. Later chapters in this part discuss rules and working memory elements—the data that rules operate on. There’s also a chapter describing some of the theory behind Jess and what makes it run fast.

    Finally, this is a cookbook for real rule-based systems. Parts 3 through 6 describe substantial, realistic software systems in enough detail to teach you how to develop similar systems on your own. Each part presents a rule-based system of increasing complexity, and also introduces new programming techniques:

    Part 3 presents an information kiosk, the Tax Forms Advisor, that helps customers choose which income tax forms to bring home. You’ll learn how to collect expert knowledge and condense it into rules. The kiosk as presented has a simple text-based interface.

    Part 4 is concerned with the development of the PC Repair Assistant, a help-desk application with a Swing-based graphical interface. This example builds on and extends some of the software infrastructure developed for the Tax Forms Advisor.

    In Part 5, I’ll guide you through the development of the HVAC Controller, an intelligent climate-control system for a hypothetical office building. This part shows how rule-based systems can be interfaced to hardware. A special section written by Bob Orchard, developer of the FuzzyJ toolkit and the FuzzyJess extension for Jess, shows how the HVAC Controller can be enhanced by the use of fuzzy logic.

    Part 6 is about web-based e-commerce solutions. This part presents a Recommendations Agent that analyzes a customer’s past and present purchases to recommend additional items of interest. The Recommendations Agent is embedded in a set of servlets and JavaServer Pages in the Tomcat servlet engine.

    Part 7 is a little different. The two chapters in this last part cover various topics relevant to using rule-based systems in enterprise applications, including using XML as a rule language, and working with application servers, Enterprise Java Beans, and the J2EE environment.

    The main text does not try to be an exhaustive guide to all of Jess; instead it concentrates on those features relevant to the example applications. The first two appendices provide some additional detail. Appendix A includes a description of each of the functions built into the Jess language, and appendix B presents the highlights of Jess’s Java APIs.

    The development methodology used in this book emphasizes testing. Appendix C presents a simple automated testing framework that can be used to test Jess applications. The code for this framework is available from this book’s web site.

    Who should read this book?

    Because this book can be used in several different ways, it has several distinct possible audiences. Part 1 is an introduction to rule-based systems for any student of information technology, practitioners and management alike. The later parts of the book are aimed squarely at programmers. I’ve assumed an intermediate knowledge of the Java programming language throughout. Occasionally I explain a Java concept, but most of the time, I just imagine that you understand.

    The audience I thought of most as I wrote are intermediate Java programmers with little or no exposure to rule-based systems, who are interested in getting that exposure.

    This book is also suitable as a text for a university course on practical rule-based systems development. The course prerequisites should include a course on Java programming. The course content would include parts 1, 2, and 3 of the book, followed by either part 5 or part 6. Additional material could be used as time permits, of course.

    Source code downloads

    The code for all the major examples and applications in this book is available from the book’s web site, You can also download a special version of Jess from this web site.

    Typographical conventions

    This book includes listings of code in both the Jess and Java languages. It also contains transcripts of interactive sessions at the Jess prompt. All of these are set in monospace type. Keywords, function names, variable names, and symbols in any language are also set in monospace when they occur in the main text. It is generally clear from context whether I’m talking about Jess code or Java code, because the two don’t look much alike.

    In the interactive session transcripts, the Jess prompt and things that you enter are all shown in normal monospace type, while responses printed by Jess are shown in italic.

    In step-by-step examples, text that you are to type appears in bold.

    Author Online

    Purchase of Jess in Action includes free access to a private web forum run by Manning Publications where you can make comments about the book, ask technical questions, and receive help from the author and from other users. To access the forum and subscribe to it, point your web browser to This page provides information on how to get on the forum once you are registered, what kind of help is available, and the rules of conduct on the forum.

    Manning’s commitment to our readers is to provide a venue where a meaningful dialog between individual readers and between readers and the author can take place. It is not a commitment to any specific amount of participation on the part of the author, whose contribution to the AO remains voluntary (and unpaid). We suggest you try asking the author some challenging questions lest his interest stray!

    The Author Online forum and the archives of previous discussions will be accessible from the publisher’s web site as long as the book is in print.

    About the Title

    By combining introductions, overviews, and how-to examples, the In Action books are designed to help learning and remembering. According to research in cognitive science, the things people remember are things they discover during self-motivated exploration.

    Although no one at Manning is a cognitive scientist, we are convinced that for learning to become permanent it must pass through stages of exploration, play, and, interestingly, retelling of what is being learned. People understand and remember new things, which is to say they master them, only after actively exploring them. Humans learn in action. An essential part of an In Action guide is that it is example-driven. It encourages the reader to try things out, to play with new code, and explore new ideas.

    There is another, more mundane, reason for the title of this book: our readers are busy. They use books to do a job or to solve a problem. They need books that allow them to jump in and jump out easily and learn just what they want just when they want it. They need books that aid them in action. The books in this series are designed for such readers.

    About the Cover Illustration

    The figure on the cover of Jess in Action is a Muger del Xeque, a sheik’s wife. The illustration is taken from a Spanish compendium of regional dress customs first published in Madrid in 1799. A sheik was the head of an Arab clan or tribe and the richness of his wife’s robes and jewelry would be considered a testament to his authority and wealth.

    The book’s title page states:

    Coleccion general de los Trages que usan actualmente todas las Nacionas del Mundo desubierto, dibujados y grabados con la mayor exactitud por R.M.V.A.R. Obra muy util y en special para los que tienen la del viajero universal

    which we translate, as literally as possible, thus:

    General collection of costumes currently used in the nations of the known world, designed and printed with great exactitude by R.M.V.A.R. This work is very useful especially for those who hold themselves to be universal travelers

    Although nothing is known of the designers, engravers, and workers who colored this illustration by hand, the exactitude of their execution is evident in this drawing. The Muger del Xeque is just one of many figures in this colorful collection. Their diversity speaks vividly of the uniqueness and individuality of the world’s towns and regions just 200 years ago. This was a time when the dress codes of two regions separated by a few dozen miles identified people uniquely as belonging to one or the other. The collection brings to life a sense of isolation and distance of that period—and of every other historic period except our own hyperkinetic present.

    Dress codes have changed since then and the diversity by region, so rich at the time, has faded away. It is now often hard to tell the inhabitant of one continent from another. Perhaps, trying to view it optimistically, we have traded a cultural and visual diversity for a more varied personal life. Or a more varied and interesting intellectual and technical life.

    In spite of the current downturn, we at Manning celebrate the inventiveness, the initiative, and, yes, the fun of the computer business with book covers based on the rich diversity of regional life of two centuries ago, brought back to life by the pictures from this collection.

    Part 1. Introducing rule-based systems

    What are rule-based systems? What are they good for? Where did they come from? Are they right for you? What should you do if you want to build one? These are the questions we’ll begin to address in part 1. You’ll learn what rule-based systems are, about their history, and about their many uses. We’ll also look at how to decide when a rule-based solution is appropriate for your application. Finally, you’ll learn about how rule-based systems are implemented, and some strategies for developing them.

    Chapter 1. Rules to the rescue

    In this chapter you’ll...

    Be introduced to the Jess programming language

    Analyze a rule-based program

    See familiar examples of rule-based systems

    Rule-based software is in regular use in practically every business, school, and home. In this chapter, we’ll look at some examples of how rules are used to solve common problems. Because most programmers learn best by doing, you’ll start by writing a rule-based program of your own.

    1.1. Math class melee

    The answer, please?

    The stern voice startles you. You were dozing in Mrs. Rosencrantz’s high school math class again. You realize at once that she’s been talking to you.


    You look at the blackboard. It’s one of those word puzzles, the logic kind. Mrs. Rosencrantz is waiting for you to solve it. You quickly scan what she’s scrawled on the board with her crone’s hand:

    A foursome of golfers is standing at a tee, in a line from left to right. Each golfer wears different colored pants; one is wearing red pants. The golfer to Fred’s immediate right is wearing blue pants.

    Joe is second in line.

    Bob is wearing plaid pants.

    Tom isn’t in position one or four, and he isn’t wearing the hideous orange pants.

    In what order will the four golfers tee off, and what color are each golfer’s pants?"

    You get the gist of it right away, but how on earth are you supposed to figure it out? There’s no formula to use, no analytic procedure for deriving a solution. Algebra was one thing, but this? Why weren’t you paying attention in class?

    Rules to the rescue! A rule-based program can satisfy Mrs. Rosencrantz by efficiently finding the one combination of names, positions, and colors that fits all the constraints. You can directly translate the problem statement into rules, and the rules will find the solution.

    Let’s write that program to see how a rule-based system would solve this problem. You’ll write the program in the Jess language. Don’t be concerned that you don’t know the Jess language yet—right now, I’d just like you to understand the approach. You’re going to:

    1.  Choose a way to represent the possible combinations of men’s names, positions, and pants colors.

    2.  Write one rule that describes the problem.

    The Jess rule engine will find the solution automatically. Let’s get started.

    The first step is to define data structures to represent the smallest useful pieces of a possible solution to the problem: a link between a name and either a position or a color:

    (deftemplate pants-color (slot of) (slot is))

    (deftemplate position (slot of) (slot is))

    A deftemplate is a bit like a class declaration in Java. While class objects have member variables, deftemplates have slots. Each slot is a placeholder for a specific piece of information. For example, the pants-color template has a slot named of for a person’s name and a slot named is to hold a color. Whereas a Java class is a definition of a type of object, a template is a definition for a type of fact (a fact is basically what it sounds like: a piece of possibly useful information.) A pants-color fact represents the idea that one specific golfer (named in the of slot) has a certain color pants (named in the is slot.)

    You’ll use these templates to create facts representing each of the possible combinations. There are 32 of them altogether—for example:

    (pants-color (of Bob) (is red))

    (position (of Joe) (is 3))

    You can write a rule to create all 32 of these facts and put them into working memory, a kind of scratch space Jess uses to store the facts it knows:

    (defrule generate-possibilities


        (foreach ?name (create$ Fred Joe Bob Tom)

            (foreach ?color (create$ red blue plaid orange)

                (assert (pants-color (of ?name)

                                    (is ?color))))


            (foreach ?position (create$ 1 2 3 4)

                (assert (position (of ?name)

                                (is ?position))))))

    This code loops (using foreach) over the four names given in the problem and creates (using assert) a pants-color fact for each of the possible name/color pairs and a position fact for each name/position pair, for a total of 32 facts. The function create$ returns a list of its arguments.

    Now that you’ve written a rule to create all the possible combinations, you’ll write a second rule to search through them to find the subset of facts that represent the solution. This is the fun part. You’ll translate each sentence in the problem statement directly into code. First, note that you use a symbol starting with a question mark, like ?c, to write a variable in Jess. You’ll use the variable ?c to represent some color; ?p to represent some position; ?n to mean some name; and ?c1...?c4 and ?p1...?p4 to represent Fred, Joe, Bob, and Tom’s pants color and position, respectively.

    Here’s the first useful sentence, The golfer to Fred’s immediate right is wearing blue pants:

    (defrule find-solution

        ;; There is a golfer named Fred, whose position is ?p1

        ;; and pants color is ?c1

        (position (of Fred) (is ?p1))

        (pants-color (of Fred) (is ?c1))


        ;; The golfer to Fred's immediate right

        ;; is wearing blue pants.

        (position (of ?n&~Fred)

                  (is ?p&:(eq ?p (+ ?p1 1))))

        (pants-color (of ?n&~Fred)

                    (is blue&~?c1))

    In this code snippet, the variable ?n represents the unknown name of the person to Fred’s right, ?p1 is Fred’s unknown position, ?c1 is the unknown color of Fred’s pants, and ?p is the unknown golfer’s position. In these patterns, & means and and ~ means not, so (name ?n&~Fred) means that this person’s name, call it ?n, is not Fred. Here’s the next line (Joe is second in line):

    ;; Joe is in position #2

    (position (of Joe) (is ?p2&2&~?p1))

    (pants-color (of Joe) (is ?c2&~?c1))

    Note that you must be careful to read between the lines of the problem as you write this rule. You know every golfer is in a different position, so you can say with confidence that ?p2&2&~?p1—Joe’s position, call it ?p2, the value of which is 2, is not the same as Bob’s position ?p1. It’s possible that ?p2 and ?p are the same, though: Joe might be to Fred’s immediate right, so you don’t mention ?p here.

    Now the next line of the problem, Bob is wearing plaid pants:

        ;; Bob is wearing the plaid pants

        (position (of Bob)

                  (is ?p3&~?p1&~?p&~?p2))

        (pants-color (of Bob&~?n)

                    (is plaid&?c3&~?c1&~?c2))

    By now you know a lot about Bob’s position ?p3 and pants color ?c3. You know ?p3 is not the same as ?p1 or ?p2, and you also know it’s not the same as ?p. Why? Because the golfer in position ?p wears blue pants, and Bob’s pants are plaid, and

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