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It's time to disobedy...
It's time to disobedy...
It's time to disobedy...
Ebook111 pages47 minutes

It's time to disobedy...

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The poet Manuela Di Dalmazi with her collection "It's time to disobey" gives us a scent of paintings representative of reality as her personal reading manages to capture.
The disobedience that is invoked is necessarily that of the death of the soul.
The difficult time we are living is characterized by a strong and incisive precariousness that reverberates on the way of life and therefore on all spheres of feelings that are involved in a decisive way. Freedom is constantly confronting the unpredictable.
From this introspection comes the concept of pain as the foundation of life that we must learn to recognize and welcome so as to manage it in the daily difficulties to make it fruitful: "... after all, there is no beautiful thing that does not have a cut-off sign ... "
This search in the soul and subsequent opening to the world makes love, friendship and even pain more real, making them pure.
One is fascinated by the dreamlike dance of her verses where the transpositions become a flowing and caressing "song" for the reader.
Faith and love emerge from every work, becoming its driving forces and points to be observed as goals to be pursued and achieved.
"Love is the choice to go on a journey ..."
The weaving of the collection consists of three distinct parts connected by the same thread but made extremely pleasant for the intellect.
Disobey with love because love always wins.
Enjoy the reading.
Release dateJul 8, 2021
It's time to disobedy...

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    Book preview

    It's time to disobedy... - Manuela Di Dalmazi




    (Taled poems, virulent poems and other verses)

    Manuela di Dalmazi

    It’s time to disobey...

    (Taled poems, virulent poems and other verses)
    First Edition December 2020
    Isbn 978-88-3343-283-0
    Front cover and interior photos by Maurizio D’Amato
    LFA Publisher
    Lello Lucignano Editore
    Via A. Diaz, 17 -80023-
    Caivano -Napoli, Italy
    Partita Iva 06298711216 ---
    Distribution by Libro Co. Italia -Firenze -
    I dedicate this book to all the people who with courage
    have decided to pass from death to life.
    Love is a decision
    Manuela Di Dalmazi
    The mystery of love is greater than the mystery of death
    Oscar Wilde
    «Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear».
    His disciples asked him what this parable meant.
    And he said, «To you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but to others it is spoken of in parables,
    so that seeing they may not see
    and hearing they may not understand.»
    Luca 8,8 - 10

    The poetic syllable It’s time to disobey of the poet Manuela Di Dalmazi, that we have already known through her first Sprooglia l’anima deserta, more than ever assumes in herself the meaning of poetic collection. It would seem at all simple to explain in a few words, not so much the structure of the book and therefore a simple chronological collection of an intellectual production, rather than anything that has driven the poet’s soul to feel and write and give us its animistic transposition of its own reading of reality.

    The title of the book comes from the central poetry and forms the fulcrum around which all the others revolve: It is time to disobey death. The latter is understood as disobedience to the death of the soul that for a long time is subtly fed by common feeling. The time that we’re living, and the book is born in this exact time frame, as a result of this pandemic, forces us to stop and reflect on where we’re going. A difficult historical period, characterized more than ever by the sense of precariousness that overwhelms everyone:

    A frantic beating of wings precariousness

    to the slime of a line of freedom

    The author emphasizes, also through the use of various compositional formulas, free verses and metrics, the acrostic and haiku, as freedom is constantly confronted with the unpredictable that arises from precariousness. All spheres of feelings, such as love, hatred, friendship and so on, are invested by the unpredictable. Life and death, like feelings, are issues that the author treats with mastery, delicacy and sensitivity.

    The poet stands out along the work’s development for the aulic relevance of the terms, guiding the reader through an enigmatic and enigmatic path with a pathos that is tattooed in the memory fixing the sincerity. A reverberation of frankness that comes from the first syllable brings with it the concept of pain that we must learn to welcome because only in this way can it become fruitful:

    Vaulting horrors

    between the rumor of fears

    so that he may add Truth,

    an embrace of values

    and in the desert humanity falls in love.

    Love understood as universal is placed as a beacon within the expression of the author’s thought contrasting in a poetic game, almost a musical dance, the pain most suffered in the light of the beauty of the same. That love that comes from the truth of the heart, goes through this cruel period and submits it to a kind of inner battle, of the soul, which for the writer always wins:

    Frozen in a warm embrace

    to reclaim old embraces

    healing eternally

    the agony of abandonment.

    We never broke up again.

    Finally, the poet can be defined as passionately ethereal with a rare additional ability to be able to transport the passionate reader

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