God's Green Book: Seven Bible studies about the environment
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Book preview
God's Green Book - Charlotte Sleigh
‘I can’t be bothered with all this environmental stuff. Don’t drive that car, don’t take that plane, don’t turn on that central heating, don’t buy that tomato from abroad. It just takes all the pleasure out of life.’
‘I can’t be bothered with all this Christian stuff. Don’t swear, don’t take drugs, don’t sleep with him, don’t fiddle your expenses. It just takes all the pleasure out of life.’
Do any of these comments seem familiar? If you are a Christian, the second set of comments probably doesn’t ring so true. You’re on a journey of discovery to find that what Jesus offers is not a set of prohibitions but positives: forgiveness, freedom and a sense of worth. Most likely you will have stopped doing a few things, but these ‘thou shalt nots’ are not the core of your faith. Instead, they flow from your love for God and from the recognition that they won’t bring you the same contentment as he can.
When Christians understand more about God, themselves and the environment, a similar thing happens to the list of green ‘thou shalt nots’. They get replaced with a deeper appreciation of how God is revealed in creation, and of how God’s plans for humans are inseparable from the fate of creation. Once we truly understand this, our desire to respect God’s creation grows naturally, and so our lives change.
It’s a subtle and powerful shift from secular environmentalism to a Christian approach. The responsibility to change is no less serious, but Jesus does not condemn us with damaging judgement when we fall short. This is good, because judgement is all around! If someone professes to be green, people often want to know how they have changed their lives. ‘She says she’s green, but I’ve just seen her drive her kids five minutes down the road to school,’ they might comment. ‘Why should I listen to her?’ It’s like when non-believers focus on the failings of prominent Christians. It’s true, these failings do not reflect how God wants us to live, but focusing on them deflects people from the truth of the gospel. We know we’re not perfect when it comes to living green lives, but knowing this is not a reason to stop changing. We change because we love God, not because we think we can actually be perfect. The analogy between environmental ‘sin’ and conventional sin is really very close.
A green lifestyle is completely in tune with the gospel; indeed many of the changes that secular environmentalists recommend are actually very good spiritual disciplines. For example, they promote reducing consumption, having our share of what we need and not more. In this they echo Jesus, who was really clear that material possessions and love of wealth are not the route to happiness. By lightening up on these things we reduce our impact on the planet and also grow more contented. We are liberated to focus on the things that really matter.
This book aims to get to the core of how green issues fit into the gospel, and to encourage you to embrace a greener lifestyle without fear or guilt. It aims not just to change your actions but to change your whole understanding of the gospel in relation to the environment. Then, we hope, the changed actions will flow naturally.
How to use this book
Each of the following seven chapters includes a Bible study and is based on a particular theme:
• Study 1 tells how God created people as part of his abundant creation. We see how humans are made creative in his image, and start to look at our responses to what he made.
• Study 2 considers God the provider. We see that he has given us everything we need to live, including a right balance and rhythm to our days.
• Study 3 examines the principles that God put in place to keep all of creation in the right balance. These give us responsibility in choosing how much we take, both from the natural world and from each other.
• Study 4 is a meditation on God’s wonderfully interconnected world, and considers how it is that we can affect so significantly what he has created.
• Study 5 considers how ungodly living in our daily lives can profoundly affect other people, the land and its creatures. It takes a look at the effects we have on God’s creation when we start to serve other gods.
• Study 6 explores how God yearns to redeem us, and to redeem his whole creation – and shows us that creation’s redemption, as well as our own, is referred to throughout the Bible.
• Study 7 presents the effects of responding to God’s call, which transforms us, our actions and the world around us. God offers us a life of freedom and abundance; our journey towards this promise cannot be separated from our response to environmental issues.
Each chapter opens with an Overview which is intended to help the group leader get an idea of where the study is going. The leader will need to read the study ahead of time, to be clear about the questions and to make sure any of the simple resources needed are to hand.
Each Bible study starts with an activity, called Getting started. This should be a relatively short introduction to the theme, around five to ten minutes, to get people turning their thoughts to the discussion ahead. It is generally suitable to use during the coffee time that starts many small group meetings.
The subsequent Bible study questions should be simple to follow, and the leader will be able to read out the questions as they are written. Occasionally, there is some direction or explanation to the leader in brackets which is not designed to be read aloud along with the question, but to help lead the discussion.
The Bible study ends with Pointers for prayer, which are intended to give you some prayer ideas; of course you will probably also want to pray about any particular issues that were raised in the group discussion. If you are going to do one of the four follow-on activities (see below) immediately after the Bible study you might prefer to save the prayer until the end of your session together.
The Taking it further section lists teasers for four possible follow-on activities that the leader can choose to use after the main discussion. The four activities fall into the following categories:
Practical activity: ways to experience God’s world a little differently.
Creative reflection: stories and resources to help you appreciate God’s creation and explore your own creativity.
Facts and figures: accessible ways to look at the world, global resources and energy use.
Further Bible study: considers a different but related biblical passage and includes questions to think about.
These activities give alternative ways for people to consider the theme of the Bible study. Some will be easy to do in the same evening as the Bible study; some need time outside of the small group’s usual meeting time. You may find that some are particularly good to use with youth groups while others are better suited to adults. As you plan the way you use this book, you may want to have one week to a theme, or you may wish to spread