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Revelation!: Reveal Your Destiny with Essential Oils
Revelation!: Reveal Your Destiny with Essential Oils
Revelation!: Reveal Your Destiny with Essential Oils
Ebook161 pages1 hour

Revelation!: Reveal Your Destiny with Essential Oils

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About this ebook

Yes you can reveal your purpose in life by using essential oils! Information is coded within the scent of these beautiful gifts from nature, and by incorporating them into your life you will expand your consciousness, and in turn find your true purpose.

Learn about the metaphysical properties of essential oils

Uncover 10 bold formulas to allow you to arrive at the perfect combination of oils just for you

Read about how essential oils can improve your happiness, spirituality, abundance, love, dharma and work, stress levels, self-talk, energetic cleansing and protection, youthfulness and your health

Understand the blending ratios of essential oils for all uses, and discover the easy ways to use essential oils in your life

Release dateAug 4, 2014
Revelation!: Reveal Your Destiny with Essential Oils

Suzanne R Banks

Suzanne has been a practising Aromatherapist for almost 20 years and during that time has had a wide variety of scented experiences. Suzanne’s successful bodywork practice is now expanding into natural perfumery, with the focus on refining our sense of smell and minimizing toxicity in our lives.

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    Revelation! - Suzanne R Banks

    Copyright © 2014 Suzanne R Banks.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Balboa Press

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    The information shared in this book is not intended to be used in place of medical advice from a professional. All information shared is general and not specific to individuals. The articles represent my personal experience with aromatherapy and how I use it in my life. Do not attempt to treat serious medical conditions with essential oils without consulting a qualified practitioner, either traditional or conventional. I disclaim all responsibility for any adverse reactions caused by inappropriate or uneducated use of essential oils, or poor quality essential oils.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-2461-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-2462-7 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 11/22/2016


    Chapter 1


    What Is Aromatherapy?

    Why Is The Sense Of Smell So Important?

    It’s All About The Vibe

    Do Essential Oils Work On Our Bodies?

    Do Essential Oils Work On Our Minds?

    Do Essential Oils Work On Our Souls?

    Chapter 2

    How To Use This Book To Create Your Life With Essential Oils

    The Roles Of Acceptance & Intention In Revealing Your Destiny With Essential Oils

    An Ancient Story Of Scent And Intention

    From Desires To Destiny

    Chapter 3

    Aromatherapy Basics

    How To Choose An Essential Oil

    Tips For Blending

    Chapter 4


    Chapter 5


    Chapter 6


    Chapter 7


    Chapter 8

    Dharma & Work

    Chapter 9


    Chapter 10

    Affirmations And Positive Self-Talk

    Chapter 11

    Space Cleansing And Protection

    Chapter 12

    Fountain Of Youth

    Chapter 13


    Chapter 14

    So Anyway …

    Reference Charts & How To’s

    More About Making A Mist

    More About Moisturising

    Further Interesting Reading On Essential Oils And Aromatherapy

    Thanks to all my friends, family, and clients for making my life interesting and giving me the stories to write.

    Special thanks and love to Wilson Wong for your kindness and support.

    Chapter 1


    Essential oils – who made them essential? They are not essential to us, but they are essential to the plant they came from. These volatile aromatic compounds exist in various plants and trees to help the organism survive against enemies like fungus, mould, bacteria and even animals. They help the plant form a barrier of protection to their environment. Essential oils come from a natural living source but they must undergo some form of process to make extraction possible.

    So can the extracted oils be called natural? Essential oils are certainly more natural than any synthetic compound and their invisible magic power lies in the spaces between their molecular structure, and the energetic ripples they emit. Groups of molecular compounds act like building blocks and give each essential oil its own character; how it interacts and effects us, and most noticeably in each oil’s unique scent. It all sounds quite technical when we look at their chemical structure, and there is plenty of information out there in the world that presents essential oils from a scientific point of view.

    I would like to offer you my understanding and feeling about how to use the beauty of oils to enhance your life from an energetic, experiential and anecdotal perspective. Essential oils reinforce my life and they can work for you too, on a very simple holistic level. I offer you the meta-physical indications of the oils, from my own experience over the past 20 years. My advice is not to get too hung up on the specifics of what you think an essential oil should do, or what you are supposed to use it for, just allow yourself to be led by your intuition and personal fragrance preferences. This book is intended to help you use essential oils to expand your life by providing connection to your spirit, beauty and nourishment, and a naturally fun way to discover your true self.

    By delving into the practice of Aromatherapy you will be connecting with the original remedies documented by the founders of modern medicine, Hippocrates and Dioscordes, from ancient Greece. We seem to have lost this connection with the earth and the healing plants it has given us. While medical science gets better and more precise, it is beneficial to remember the simpler remedies in life, and that medicines originated from Mother Nature.

    What is Aromatherapy?

    Consider Aromatherapy, and the use of essential oils as an art, a creative expression of who you are and what you aspire to.

    The term aromatherapy encompasses many meanings – so which one is correct? In Europe, particularly France where modern aromatherapie is said to have been born, essential oils (or aromatic oils) are primarily used internally as medicines by doctors. They are taken orally and are also used for treatments via the skin for a range of physical ailments. In many western countries essential oils are more commonly used via massage and inhalation but are not used as medicines, and are not prescribed for ingestion.

    Aromatherapy is a loose term meaning different things to different people. If you have a bunch of beautifully scented roses in your home does that constitute Aromatherapy? In a therapeutic sense it does not, but for the purpose of this book, when you are learning to create your life with the help of essential oils, and unlock your true potential with scent, I say YES!

    I recently walked into a friend’s house while she was cooking and the sweet scent of oranges was all around me. She was making a fruit compote, using lots of orange juice and rind, and in that instant that my nose recognised the scent, the information quickly travelled to my brain, and all in a few seconds the feelings rushed to me and I felt the need to deeply inhale and automatically relax. Ah, oranges. That’s so beautiful, lovely and fresh. It was the essential oil in the rind that carried through the air and completely transformed the environment. And what about cooking an orange cake? The recipe where you boil the entire fruit – yeah – that smells fabulous. Pesto! Have an aromatherapy treatment to relieve mental fatigue while you are cooking dinner, by making a pesto with fresh basil. Hey, I think we are on to something here. Bake pumpkin with cinnamon to help you connect to your spirit, as well as making something delicious to eat.

    Creating your life with essential oils is easy when you can appreciate aromatic compounds that don’t necessarily come in a bottle. My intention is to introduce you to the world of essential oils, however I also encourage you to look at your surroundings, use what you have and enjoy the process. If you don’t have time to make an aromatherapy potion, and you feel like you need a bit of an energy boost, open your cupboard, take a teaspoon of ground cinnamon, gently warm it in a pan and inhale the fragrance. It won’t be as concentrated as the essential oil but you will be setting a mood and combined with your intention, you have designed a beautiful aromatic moment. It may not change the world at large but it will directly affect your world, and your view of where you are in your life. And it will make your house smell fantastic for ages!

    That’s what we will be working on with this book – creating your reality with essential oils, and revealing your true essence - or in other words working on a unified theory of yourself so the energetic projection of your life correlates with your true desires.

    Why is the Sense of Smell So Important?

    Out of all the senses, the sense of smell seems to stand out. In animals it’s their strongest sense and helps them find a mate, sniff out food, detect danger and generally survive. Thousands of years ago I would expect that our sense of smell was used and valued more as a survival technique like that of animals. Now the human sense of smell isn’t used in the same way. Some research claims that our sense of smell is 10,000 times stronger than any of our other senses, and the recognition

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