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Physical Laws of the Mathematical Universe: Who Are We?
Physical Laws of the Mathematical Universe: Who Are We?
Physical Laws of the Mathematical Universe: Who Are We?
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Physical Laws of the Mathematical Universe: Who Are We?

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Physical Laws of the Mathematical Universe: Who Are We? sets off from the first page on an arduous and ambitious journey to define and describe a comprehensive depiction of reality that embraces the rigors of physics, the elegance of mathematics, and the intricacies of human perception. Neeti Sinha brings to bear her extensive education and research as she pursues an explanation that unites these often disparate disciplines in service of a nuanced description of the wonders of the whole universe.

In the course of its exploration of this topic, Physical Laws of the Mathematical Universe: Who Are We? unites insights from the fields of mathematics and physics in light of human perception to explain the contours of the universe and the origins of its parallel forms. The work also demonstrates how major scientific conundrums find their resolution when one adopts a holistic perspective. Finally, the author uncovers the profound foundations of human appreciation for truth and beauty in the aesthetics that bind together physics and mathematics.

If you look at your life and the world and wonder about their true nature, then Physical Laws of the Mathematical Universe: Who Are We? will accompany you on a journey that may test the limits of your understandings of the universe while opening to your gaze vistas you previously had not imagined.

Release dateOct 13, 2015
Physical Laws of the Mathematical Universe: Who Are We?

Neeti Sinha

Neeti Sinha has received D.Phil. from Oxford University, and postdoctoral training from the National Institutes of Health. Subsequently, she has worked as a scientist at Johns Hopkins University. Her current focus of study involves rationalizing scientific messages in order to perceive the most detailed textures of space-time. She runs a blog to cover a variety of topics with a central theme of grasping the nature of reality. Find out the basic components of this subject on

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    Physical Laws of the Mathematical Universe - Neeti Sinha

    Copyright © 2015 Neeti Sinha.

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    1.jpg Contents



    1 Reflections of the Universe

    Reverberations from the Domains of Physics, Mathematics, and Perception: A Prelude

    2 Mathematical Reality of the Universe under the Canopy of Physical Principles

    Physical Truth in Numerical Order

    3 The Voice of Transcendental Numbers

    The Numerical Expression Hinting toward the Boundless Cast of Matter

    4 The Esoteric Pi ( 112200.png ): The Appearance of Curve

    The Convergence of the Peerless Contour in the Dynamic Forces of Space-Time

    5 Boundaries of the Unfettered Universe

    A Cosmological Quest for the Misplaced Ingredients: The Secrecy of Antimatter

    6 Witnessing the Boundaryless Structure of the Space-Time Landscape The Compact and Diffused Fields Collectively Resonating with Quantum Flexibilities, alongside the Vigil of the Observer

    7 Are We Dreaming or Awake?

    Cues from the Set Theory: Constructing the Universal List of All Lists Using the Voice of Empty Space

    8 The Arrival of Higher Dimension

    The Universe Needing a Higher-Dimensional Field of Continuum

    9 The Culmination of Multitudinous Universes

    by the Sovereignty of Duality The Empty Set { 112202.png } of Parallel Universes: The Nature of Quantum History

    10 The Fractional Universe: The Blanket of the Subconscious

    The Behaviors of Particle and Wave Espied through Two Separate Windows

    11 Perpetually Expediting Cosmos

    Metaphorical Journey in the Field of Gravity

    12 Peppered Space-Time: The Dabs of Units

    The Tearing of the Continuum

    13 The Conception of God by the Twist of the Human

    Paraphrasing the Mass-Energy Conservancy across the Breadth of Time

    Brief Notes:

    Discontinuous Continua

    a.   Aesthetics or Mathematics

    b.   Chaos Is a Misnomer

    c.   Science and The Rest

    d.   They Are Not Two Things

    e.   Entity: Discrete or Abstract?

    f.   In Words



    Notes, Bibliography, and Reference Titles



    T he conversation presented here is an offshoot of a stubborn yet pleasurable pursuit. The maneuvering through which this communication has materialized at the most fundamental level has served me with one of the most yearned-for occupations—connecting the hidden of the subliminal plane to the obvious of the observed universe; delineating the structure of an all-encompassing space-time, in which the cosmic arena, the quantum world, and the aware elements all reside agreeably.

    The course of my scientific interests first led me to the scopes of biochemical and bio-molecular disciplines, and then deep into the theoretical fields of biophysics. In between, interspersed, were quite a few mini transitions that involved handling projects in which the two successive scientific curiosities didn’t seem to even remotely connect. And after some such abrupt switches, I stumbled on a subject that is not only exceedingly methodical but also the most revelatory of the nature of reality that many of us crave to realize. From the position of this subject, the colors of different academic areas that I have glanced seem to converge to cast an unbroken spectrum of a learning order. The expositions from this revelatory field apparently authenticate the nature of an all-inclusive reality most deftly and with sharpest accuracy; they are the insights that emanate from the school of physical sciences.

    The judgments of physical sciences, which I am trying to grasp, can lead seekers to an enlightening intersection, the interpretation of which can potentially unlock the utmost truth of the universe. This intersection, which melds the voices of physics and mathematics with the tone of perceptivity, by and of itself composes an entire subject, utilizing verdicts and abstractions that radiate from physics and mathematics to discern the nature of an all-embracing reality.

    The interest in systematically translating the nature of an ultimate order has in part to do with the scientific inclination of my bio chart, and in some measure has to do with what was instinctive—a sort of knotty uneasiness that spurred me to grope for clarity concerning the schematic of the outmost continuum. Many of us zestfully ponder meaning and purpose, and the quest can cast its shadow in the arena of science or under the umbrella of any other scholastic domes. My avocation to align the scientifically observed with that which is cognitively grasped transpired following my own realization of the latitude that sweeps as watcher, extended beside the texture of space and time—the instance commonly referred to as self-realization.

    The move to channel musings into a manuscript came with the reflection that there isn’t a better way to throw light on the diagram that has drawn my interest for so many years than to sculpt it into a methodical write-up. So when I shipped out my elapsing affection for protein science and embarked on an unknown journey into the realms of the mysterious, assaying the perspectives toward piecing the floating bits into a meaningful tonality, it was only to help and enliven my own self. Channeling those assays into the form of a book was yet another ball game. The cycles of rumination, scribbling, and composing eventually led to a draft that perhaps could fit standards of a revelatory communication. The current form emerged after rounds of construction, demolition, and restructuring, and involved major overhauls, with a great deal of chiseling, honing, tuning, and accentuating. Most of the insights that became fundamental in systematizing this communication, however, surfaced during the process of revisions, apparently providing a sharper and deeper understanding into the preliminary topic. The theme is not just juicy but also holds the key to unlock the greatest mysteries of the reality. The subject matter isn’t just about how the universe is structured; it is also about how the elements of perceptivity sweep through the décor of the fully adorned space-time, where the consciousness too is pieced onto the design.

    As I stepped along with the intent of peering into the utmost nature by the postures of the scientific purviews, my focus inadvertently fell on the kinesics of the subject of mathematics. At first I was purely amazed at how parallel mathematics is to the architecture of the universe that we see. Then, the more I probed into this numerical field, the sharper the image of the universe it printed. My attempts to converge the mathematical tone with averments of physics and elements of mind sprung open from then on. It is in the transparency of the suggestive force that mathematics carries that I bumped into a graphic by which the immersion of aware elements into the unified field of space-time can be shown.

    In delicate ways we are all aware that, whereas the statements in physics broadcast the thoroughgoing view of the universe, there is no easy way to infuse consciousness within the same elaborative scheme. So, although the novel inspections do act as magnifying glasses to peek into the highly resolved what’s what, to eyeball the absolute landscape, we need a rather suggestive window casement—one that hammers out when traces of mathematics, physics, and sentience are merged into a coordinated, well-ordered singleton.

    Here I have tried to present a graphic of a full-length space-time that precipitates with the studs of the subliminal elements evenly peppered over the contour of the reality—the reality that we grasp from scientific observations. As I move forward into the subject matter, I shall try to furnish the script with apropos scientific findings and inklings, and with my own inferences about them, toward advocating the schematic of the absolute makeup.

    Thus, the texture of the rendering presented in this book mushrooms from the pouring forth of three different springs: the mathematical tonalities that throw light on the fabrication of the reality, the appearance of space-time the way ratiocinations in physics portend, and the interjection of the preceding into an outline that accounts for the way we sense the universe. The resulting sketch must not just explain the scientific observations; it should also match the absolute complexion that is perceived cognitively.

    I am hoping that the description that I present here not only exposes the gazing window into the ultimate but also shows how the inflection of the absolute space-time can be upheld by the frequencies of physics and the modulations of mathematics.


    T he review presented here attempts to tailor interpretations from widespread meadows of cosmological and quantum physics into a concerted tapestry. While venturing into the intermediary peripheries of the experimentally seen and the inwardly witnessed, I stumbled—many times, actually—onto the scientific peculiarities that, although fairly indicatory, just by the window of empirical logic appear gravely enigmatic.

    Following are a few of these peculiarities:

    • Why doesn’t the image that the surveillance of the cosmic arena brings forth fully overlap with the drawing that the inspection of the quantum realm releases? After all, both the planes expose the temper of the very same universe. And so why do the peculiarities that turn up in quantum probing, such as the show of antimatter and the plaster of symmetry that arrive by the play of matter–antimatter camaraderie, stay ensconced in the spread of the celestial plane?

    • How do we paraphrase the idea of gravitational singularity that appears in studious arguments as a mark in space-time where the forces of gravitation are infinitely sharp and the flow of time stays suspended?

    • Why does the rhythm that is captured at the infinitesimal extent of the quantum realm tend to transmit the reality of the universe with further accuracy compared to what the macrocosm directly parades?

    In this communication, along with attempting to delineate the ultimate trueness that encompasses space-time, the way R and D uncovers, the roots of the subconscious and the engaged consciousness, I shall also attempt unweaving a few apparent puzzlements, including those listed above, which loom in empirical judgments, by the practice of the very same proposition—reconciling mathematics, physics, and the way we perceive.

    Chapter 1


    Reflections of the Universe

    Reverberations from the Domains of Physics, Mathematics, and Perception: A Prelude

    Perplexing Queries

    The longing to venture into the concatenated frontiers of a rather circumferential topic hails from my quest to clarify the same set of perplexities that imprints virtually every human mind.

    What is the essence behind the wondrous opulence that presents itself as the amaranthine scope of the endless universe? How did the physical laws that bring about the totality of this universe originate? In what manner do we hang about as a part of the universe’s all-inclusive structural coordination? How do we explain the subtle mysteries and patterns we identify in our own lives? From what sources do our inner longings and volitions emanate?

    The principles of physics by which the universe operates are the same ones through which we, too, live and function; we are the part of the same framework. Even more so, the paraphernalia of mind, an indispensible part of the conscious abode, also in certain inconspicuous ways circuits the same fabric. Hence, how do we decipher the mechanics of communion between the design of the universal structure and the spread of the intellective miscellany, within the range of an all-exclusive circuitry?

    Scientific certifications and the theorems that revolve around them proffer rich chunks of well-defined illuminations, but only in an assortment of disconnected answers, each of which belongs to its respective specialized field of research—where two genres of messages often do not sprucely converge. And thus, the facts from different experimental setups do not congruously join in offering a tuneful rationale behind the show of the full-blown ball game—an operation that clasps all the elements into a single unified field of concordance. There exist bafflements that plague scientific discernments as much as they do the bounds of philosophical appetites toward inferring life and universe. These bafflements may begin to disentangle only if a proper diagram can be summarized in which the conscious and the tagging subliminal habitants prevail within the order of the macrocosmic totality, in a methodic fashion the way physical sciences broadcast.

    In the braid of the space-time continuum, each quantitative entity—including the singletons that wander in the latitude of the cognizance—rolls about both as space and as time. Accompanying the course of a conscious jaunt swings the faculty to perceive. By the endowment of discernibility we get the hang of the fact that we as embodiments also turn up, in some implied way and to a certain degree, beside the definitiveness of space-time; that is, beyond the fringes of the physical extent. Apart from just throbbing as elements of space-time, a conscious life at a fine-spun level also simultaneously senses the passage of time. (One should, more properly, refer here to space-time. This will become clear shortly, after we assimilate Einstein’s space-time theories.) We sense space; we sense time. We might at some level exist beyond both. The traces of elapsed space-time, in the field of life, project in forms of vivid memories and nostalgic imprints. Thus, at a very basic level, the pack of conscious force is channeled by the confluence of three ingredients: space, time, and the sweep of the perceiver. One might also say that pure witnessing occurs seemingly independently of the other two ingredients: the space and the time.

    In this presentation we strive to see a methodic order in which the space-time continuum soaks up the role of our senses as well. In doing so, we may arrive at a picture in which the role of consciousness axiomatically emerges from the scientific landscape of reality, further offering a means for reconciling certain discrepancies that we currently encounter in interpreting reality.

    One of the topmost essential elements of reality is relentless change. Constant change is the most common principle regardless of where and at what scale we look—cosmic, quantum, subliminal, and within each of us. All is constantly flowing and reconfiguring. Let’s start our journey with a little glance at the aspect of this indispensible transition.

    The Enigmatic Permanence of Transitions in the Scope of Reality

    Whether picturing the imprint of a living thing or the dint of sheer matter, the judder of reality tags along behind the drumming of imperishable changes and limitless shifts. The 1990 launching of the Hubble Space Telescope led to the confirmation that not only is the sphere of the cosmos ballooning with prodigious velocities, but also that the expansion itself is accompanied with the allotments of quickening. The rate of hastening is determined to be about fifty to one hundred kilometers per second per megaparsec. (One megaparsec is equivalent to the distance of approximately 3.2 million light-years). This is known as the Hubble constant. It connotes that a celestial object that is one megaparsec distant travels away from the observers with the speed of fifty to one hundred kilometers per second, while a cosmic body ten megaparsecs away would recede ten times more rapidly. Likewise, quantum-scale examinations firmly declare that the substratum of materiality shifts and remodels against every scintilla of realism. The permanent state of transitions also is uniformly mirrored in the fields of the supraliminal and the subliminal. From stellar objects to quantum particles to day-by-day settings to a smorgasbord of phrenic and emotive verities, every little thing abides in a constant state of flux and transfiguration. The only never-failing homogeneity in the theatricals of existence is the permanency in the propagation of change itself.

    One might probe the programming behind the state of constant flux in the arena of pure physicality, or relentless shifts in the sphere of consciousness, after subsuming the attributes of the subconscious into the same expanse of realism—the one that strikes the eye. Including the subconscious is essential, for we know that the structure of physicality is determined by the manifestation of the living receptivity, with which comes the blobs of subconscious, sweeping the circuitry of the same space-time continuum.

    The display of the concrete that meets the eye must accompany the spray of the dispersed. The well-known interpretation in systematic studies, phrased as the wave–particle duality, suggests that the clank of particle and the smear of wave are the two separate quirks of the very same delivery. Having dawned in the seventeenth century, this quantum mechanical view, secured over the works of Christiaan Huygens and Isaac Newton, asserts that along with every concrete embodiment lugs the shadow of the dispersed. The continuum of definite and abstract is an inevitability evoked behind the occupancy of every entity—including those that coat the arena of awareness. This continuum also is manifest in the mold of the methodic coliseum that the macrocosm displays, in its entirety. An overarching definite–abstract twoness must be contrived to picture an all-encompassing universal dynamic.

    The Foundational Queries

    The idea of apprehending the precipitation of intelligent life by the description that research and inquiries present is not altogether a novel one. Investigators at the vanguard of methodical understanding heedfully aim to understand the structure of ultimate reality—that which soaks the truth of consciousness as well. In most of such undertakings, however, the functionalities of the cerebral, which is utilized to discern factuality, are not accounted at any level, let alone at the most fundamental one. Aside from the framework of scientific insights, the philosophical windows employed to make out the utmost reality, conversely, do not tend to absorb the regard of realism in a most stringent manner, the way exact sciences advertise. Fusing the two can show how our own placements, too, pop into reality fixed within the forces of electromagnetism and gravity. The segregation of the two—experimental observations and cognizance—leads to distinctive scientific dubieties and mazy mathematical puzzlements, not to mention the blockage of the route that could extend into an ultimate view. Such an ultimate view not only would aid in ironing out the blunt scientific conundrums, but would also administer a full-blown sketch of the all-encompassing landscape that we all ardently long to fathom.

    Following are some of the dilemmas that plague current methodical deductions, along with a few commonplace ponderings:

    • the extension of infinite steps toward cracking Zeno’s paradox, the quandary of classification in Russell’s paradox, and the conceptualization of infinity

    • the monumental mystification that mathematical assertions meticulously parallel the exactitude of the physical world

    • the superfluous dimensions, instead of the regular three, that ooze in a current rationalization toward discerning reality

    • the show of antimatter in quantum mechanical makeup, while in the vastness of the cosmos the shadows of antimatter are nowhere to be found

    • the appearance of the gravitational singularity—an infinitely wrapped spatial event—where the throb of time lay abeyant

    • the unequivocal inhabitance of variegated parallel universes in quantum demarcations, when cosmic landscape appears to be steadfastly singular

    • the spelling out of the duality of the particle and its comrade wave

    Here are some of the most basic questions one may ask:

    • How do we come to be?

    • Why is the universe the way it is?

    • Why, in the twirls of solidity, does the conception of God diffuse?

    • How can the progression in the biological belt be sewn into the inflation of the voluminous universe?

    Finally, we may ponder this:

    • How can we piece the constituents of mind into the continuum of the universe that we notice and learn?

    Some of these plights at this point may appear to readers as slightly specialized. The reason for citing them here is to highlight the delicate and obvious bewilderments that we come across, not just toward limning the current of the consciousness in the inferable flexions of space-time but also in coming up with the ultimate design by way of experimental scrutiny. All of the nubs listed above join in different ways to disentangle some of the nethermost secrets— subjects upon which we will come, subsequently, in specific contexts.

    Only by taking account of the skirts of sentient presence enlaced along the adages of the fundamental principles can science transparently enter into pageants in which we can optimistically embark upon the task of untangling the bedazzlements that cloud scientific eruditions—whether over the nature of quantum mechanics and cosmological physics, toward contriving the decoding of mathematical conundrums, in locating our own placement in the massive latitude of the universe, or against decrypting the apperception of God.

    I myself have been part of specific research enquiries that serviced varied areas of biophysical research. Each of these fulfilling projects in a particular way has furnished a rung in the learning ladder that gravitates toward gauging the fibers of the truth. Envisioning the absolute workings of the universe in totality, however, would involve blending the research inputs with the portraitures of perceptivity and meaning.

    The lusty thirst for the conclusive knowledge may begin to gratify if we can think up an equation that embraces the receptivity within the same macrocosmic framework that the exact disciplines endorse.

    In the rest of this chapter, I try to throw in some of the most critical bits and pieces that are essential in constructing a holistic picture—which we will endeavor to build from the next chapter on. Thus you may find that the subjects of the successive subheadings lack contiguity. The point here is to bring together the most crucial features from three different sectors: physics, mathematics, and the perceptive nature.

    Procuring a Panoptic Window: The Picture from Physics

    The physical principles of the natural world that we pick up from scientific research, radiating from the branches of classical and contemporary physics, occupy every nook and corner of the universe squarely—be it a speck of a sub atomic cast, the shadow of the entire universe, the playing of the parallel universes, or the nature of space-time that permeates the umbrella of consciousness. It is because the coming about of the physical forces is synchronous to the launching of matter, and the principles that describe the streaming of matter in a corner of the quantum realm are the same as those that impart the pondering of matter in remote nooks of gigantic galaxies, or in the mode by which our own frames are positioned in the curvature of space-time—all orchestrating in concordance in a unanimous systematic makeup. An audible example to point up the homogeneity in universal behavior is the manner of dynamism that is showcased by the behavior of matter; the mass entities persist by the means of constant duress along a center, both at the atomic and the cosmic levels (figure 1.1).

    From stark illuminations by the studies of classical mechanics—that describe the ordinance of dynamism at the macroscopic scales, including the astronomical bodies, instituted by Isaac Newton—ascended the magnum opus of relativity, drawing in the most effortless as well as one of the most revelatory idioms, E = mc², conveyed by the celebrated physicist Albert Einstein in the beginning of the twentieth century. Beside the most worthy in-depth insights that this equation emits—some of which we will see later—at the most modest level it utters that mass and energy are two names for the very same game. And although the idea of relativity was debuted in the formulation E = mc², establishing that the beat of time and promptitude of movement exist in relativity, the phenomenon of relativity evidently permeates the absoluteness in myriad divergent ways, including when

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